Ist aber (vielleicht absichtlich) nicht wirklich klar formuliert.
"Re-entry with the sampling tool was then executed to move to the lowest zone for testing but good communication was not able to be re-established with the reservoir despite observation of a similar hydrocarbon signature on the optical fingerprint sensor. The time the hole had been open and consequent potential formation damage may have contributed to this issue."
Also: Spülgewicht zu hoch -> Spülung ins Reservoir eingedrungen -> keine info über Porenfüllung im Reservoir mehr zu gewinnen. ???
"A decision was made to move to the next shallowest prospective zone, which had exhibited good oil shows and petrophysical characteristics, but wellbore condition issues prevented a test as the tool became stuck. "
Auch hier: unklar. Bohrlochwand bröselt? Oder Spülgewicht zu hoch? Wodurch ist das tool festgegangen?
Dann kommt eigentlich nur noch Geschwafel, bis
"It is now too late in the season to initiate flow testing operations and the forward program will consist of plugging the well. The well may be re-entered in the future, if warranted, in order to drill a side track and conduct a flow test."
Puh...das ist nicht gut. Außer Spesen nichts gewesen. Weiß jemand, was das ganze Ding gekostet hat?