Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012

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neuester Beitrag: 26.02.25 13:32
eröffnet am: 15.10.10 16:17 von: BioLogic Anzahl Beiträge: 4745
neuester Beitrag: 26.02.25 13:32 von: Teras Leser gesamt: 1148804
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10.10.12 12:51

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1PFS...

Vielleicht kann einmal offiziell Mackey fragen, was es damit auf sich hat? Einige von euch haben ja mit denen persönlich gesprochen...... Die Ausrede das nicht fertig......kann nicht Glauben, dass sie auf die letzen Bohrergebnisse warten...außer es gibt da noch einen versteckt Heavy Kracher, von dem nur die Stans Geologen wissen...dann soll's mir recht sein  

10.10.12 12:52

1841 Postings, 6138 Tage BioLogicIch auch

Und das geht schnell,

Und wenn ich dem MM nicht vertraue , dann in investiere ich nicht.

Und , und und

Böse Börsenwelt.. Auch viel Geld bei mir , na und ich Hold es mir gerade wieder

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10.10.12 13:43

291 Postings, 5203 Tage andechPPP-PFS-JV

das ist die abfolge. alles andere wäre unsinn. also zuerst vertrag mit Regierung, danach PFS und  JV.

PPP können sie noch nicht machen, müssen warten bis die KG Regierung, unter dem neuen mining law sich sortiert hat und Rahmenkonzept entwickelt hat.

Da die 4 JV Aspiranten vollen zugriff auf die stans-datenbank haben geht keine zeit verloren.

zum aktienkurs : 40 % unter dem Hoch von 0,92 CDN. aber, wenn man schon meint intraday ausschläge als massstag nehmen zu müssen , muss dann aber auch gelten, rund 120% zum absoluten intraday tiel, welchen bei 0,22€ war, vor 2 , 3 wochen. weiss ich 100pro, denn an diesem tag habe ich selbst 3 x gehlauft zu 0,24€ und 0,26€. 

sehe das wie bio: lasst die mal machen, das ding ist schon durch.


10.10.12 14:11

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1Hab schon ein paar Maese locker gemacht

Zum nach kaufen...falls es weiter nach unten gehen sollte. Verkauft aber den PS an der Boerse dann nicht.......klein wies die großen machen...  

10.10.12 16:51

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1Aktienkauf am TSX

Langsam wird es mir zu bunt wie man hier " abgehockt wird". Stellt euch vor, wir kommen mal auf 5€ oder so. Wie wollt ihr Eure Aktien überhaupt verkaufen, wenn 2000 Stück den Wert schon um ein paar % Punkte absacken lässt? Dauerauftrag, jeden Tag 1000 Stück üeber ein Jahr, hahaha???
jemand prostete hier dass er Aktien am TSX kauft. Bitte um know how....  

10.10.12 20:35

1023 Postings, 5568 Tage tomek201076jetzt gehts an OTC los

0.0125 / 0.0139  

10.10.12 20:59

1023 Postings, 5568 Tage tomek201076ups.. sorry für #2240

falscher Theard  

11.10.12 10:39

1420 Postings, 5537 Tage madoldTurkish Weekly sieht Regierung fest im Amt

Kyrgyzstan: There will Be No Revolution-3 or The Opposition’s Voluntary Fiasco

An unsuccessful jump over the parliament fence, which did not end up in capturing power, can cost the opposition their entire political future. All the more so since they have no supporters in the other leading parties and movements. As one of Fergana’s sources in the government said, all of Kyrgyzstan’s political power «lies under the president.»

(> devash, SH)  

11.10.12 11:25

79 Postings, 4665 Tage freiheit2010Lesenswert

Warum bin ich keine Zockerin? Selbst früher mochte ich das Schiffschaukeln nicht so gerne.

Aber der Thread hält wirklich manchmal die Laune hoch, wenn man verzagen könnte. Selten so einen kompetenten Thread gehabt bei einem Investment. Super Team - wenn wir uns kenn würden.


11.10.12 12:41

1841 Postings, 6138 Tage BioLogicSuper ,

Bin gespannt , wann sie tolle Nachricht angenommen wird vom Markt ;)
Posts sind keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder Verkauf.
Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar.

11.10.12 14:38

388 Postings, 5536 Tage Traderwatch@freiheit2010

Zustimmung ;-)

Gruß , T,-)  

11.10.12 19:32

1841 Postings, 6138 Tage BioLogicIch hab da

So meine Sharepreis drück Theorie...

Neu definierte Ressource , laut offiziellen News! Verbesserung der Grade und Erhöhung des NPV's ... Die Regierung schmeckt das... Kauft , drückt sich am Markt rein... Wenn genug gesammelt, News offiziell machen... + JV PArtner bekannt geben, alles im November?  
Posts sind keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder Verkauf.
Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar.

11.10.12 20:54

196 Postings, 5537 Tage dihopo@BioLogic

Mir solls recht sein, wenn's so kommt. Dann bitte aber auch einen konstanten, nachhaltigen Anstieg und nicht so eine nervenaufreibende Berg und Talfahrt.
Ich mußte meiner Frau schon das Taschengeld kürzen. :-)  

12.10.12 10:35

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1Informative Website....

12.10.12 10:36

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1Informative Website....

Hatte nicht geklappt, sorry....  

12.10.12 10:55

631 Postings, 4679 Tage new1aroundherestans hat nun

den rückenwind durch kirgistan

die local community steht ebenfalls hinter unserer company

der markt sehnt sich nach unserem produkt u.a. HREEs

ich denke die großinvestoren wollen ende diesen jahres keine minusgeschäfte in ihren statistiken haben. und 2013 schlagen sie dann mit voller wucht zu und wir chillen einfach auf hohen niveau  

12.10.12 15:39

1420 Postings, 5537 Tage madoldREO noch rarer in Zukunft

Diverse Grafiken, verständlich aufgemacht ... ein Ein- und Überblick, warum Stans zu Rakete werden sollte in diesem Marktsegment der (schweren) seltenen Erden.

How The World Uses Rare Earth Metals [Infographic]  

12.10.12 18:12

388 Postings, 5536 Tage TraderwatchMeine frage Fluroit das 18. Element REE ??

Ein schönes WE und DAnke das es euch gibt !!!!!!!!!!!!

mfg , T;-)  

12.10.12 18:27

1841 Postings, 6138 Tage BioLogicDanke T.. ist im Investment bereich

abgedeckt, zumindest in meinem ;)

Hier eine Übersicht über Fluorine Explorer:

Derzeit recht günstig und schon recht weit vorangeschritten:


wie oft zu beobachten, es ist also möglich, dass stans auf 8 $ steigt, siehe US Silver and Gold



Es ist schon gut!

Posts sind keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder Verkauf.
Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar.

13.10.12 01:43

423 Postings, 4715 Tage Kettl_a1China net importer soon...

Analyzing China"s Heavy Rare Earth Element Reserves (Part 1): Ion-absorbed Clays & Illegal Mining
Posted on October 5, 2012 by Karima Shajani
Hongpo* writes: This piece is part one of a two part series. Part I focuses on understanding China"s ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits — that I think is the best and dominant rare earth mineral in the world. In Part II, I will explain further why China will not become a net importer of rare earth elements.

Various experts have said that China will be a net importer of rare earth elements (REEs), especially for heavy rare earth elements (HREEs)

For example:

"By 2014 or 2015, China will probably be in a net import situation for certain rare earths." — Mark Smith, CEO of Molycorp Inc (Source)
"China will become a net importer because its consumption for its own domestic value-added industry is going to drive very high [demand] growth for these resources. They"ve explored every inch of China for what"s available and if they had more rare earths deposits of any size, it would be being developed now." — Nicholas Curtis, CEO of Lynas Corporation Ltd. (Source)
"China can"t just turn on the tap, especially for HREEs. China is already having difficulty finding HREEs. Given time, China will likely become a net importer of the heavy and rare REEs." — Jon Hykawy, Brian Sylvester (Source)
"It is too early to make the assertion that China will be a net importer of all rare earth elements by 2015, but for heavy rare earth elements, it will coming soon." — Chen Zhanheng, PhD, Director of Academic Department, The Chinese Society of Rare Earths (Source)
I am very surprised that these views have not been questioned further or outright refuted. In my view, they could be wrong. I believe that China will not become a net importer of rare earth elements, be it light rare earth elements (LREEs) or HREEs, no matter what the year – be it 2015 or 2020 or beyond. In this piece, I build on my last piece titled, Analyzing China"s Light Rare Earth Element Reserves, by focusing on China"s HREE reserves.

What is an ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposit?

Constantine Karayannopoulos, CEO of Neo Material Technologies Inc. has said: "There is a reason why the rare earths are called rare. They"re not called rare because they"re truly rare. They"re called rare because it"s very difficult to isolate these elements individually and it takes a lot of skill to do that." (Source)

I think the ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits, should in fact be called rare, because they have unparalleled heavy rare earth oxide (HREO) grades that can be derived from a very basic leaching method. Ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits yield each of the 17 rare earth elements and they can be processed using relatively small operations and still be efficient — it"s simple, inexpensive and represents a faster mining process.

The picture to the left shows ion-absorbed-type rare earth minerals found in China – the white, gray, red, yellow loose sand clay, called ion-absorbed-type rare earth raw ore, also called weathering crust of rare earth ore leaching plot. It is rich in rare-earth minerals and soil, granite and volcanic mineral weathering. The formation of clay minerals is caused by the dissociation of hydrated ions of rare-earth ion hydration or hydroxyl ion adsorption in the clay minerals.

In ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits, the rare earth elements are absorbed in the soil in the form of ions and most of these deposits are located in remote, mountainous areas. In China, there are so many of these mines scattered over a large area that are mining ion-absorbed rare earth minerals. These mines cover 17 regions of six Provinces in southern areas of China. All of 17 rare earth elements can be found in each and every ion-absorbed-type mine, according to proportion of total rare earth oxide (REO) content. The following chart shows the several areas and types of ion adsorption clays deposits of southern China:

How to mine the ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits:

In mining ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits, the leaching process is mechanically simple. In China, the utilization of in-situ leach mining creates less environmental damage than other methods used for mining ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits.  In addition, this mining technique is time-efficient and also more cost-effective. In the past, the outdated tank leaching and heap leaching techniques were employed at ion-absorption middle and heavy rare earth mines, creating 2,000 tonnes of tailings for each tonne of rare earth oxide (REO) produced, causing severe damage to surface vegetation, soil erosion, pollution, and acidification, and reduced or even eliminated food crop output.

This in-situ leach mining method is a variation on heap leaching and can offer recovery rates of around 75%, with no blasting or significant land excavations. Once the source has been identified, the rare earths are extracted by drilling thousands of shallow holes, one to two meters in diameter, at the top of the mountain into which ammonium carbonate solution is then distributed via PVC pipes, using taps to control the flow. Thousands of holes, three to four inches in diameter, are then drilled into the side of the incline to leach out the REO-bearing discharge.

It takes around 25-30 days for the leaching process to take effect and the solution to dissolve the REOs. The REO liquid is collected at the bottom of the incline and transferred to a nearby production facility where it will begin the filtering process. Further ammonium sulphate solution is added at this point which begins the precipitation process and enables the removal of natural waste. This process takes around eight hours to take effect.

Stronger ammonium sulphate solution is then added to force the separation of the REO from the liquid. Once the concentrate has settled in the holding pools it is then removed and allowed to dry. The drying process will usually take one to two weeks depending on weather conditions. The concentrate is then pressure dried using a standard pressing machine.

A Chinese ion-absorbed-type rare earth mining enterprise has provided me with the leaching process flow chart that follows:

Why is illegal mining difficult to regulate in China?

"One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs." A simple mining method makes it easy to extract the rare earths but it also makes it difficult to regulate. Also, most of the southern ion-absorption rare earth deposits are located in remote mountainous areas, with many mines scattered over a large area making it difficult and costly to monitor mining operations. As a result, illegal mining has severely depleted local resources, and mines rich in reserves that are easy to exploit are often favored over the others, resulting in a low recovery rate of the rare earth resources.

Illegal mining is very easy because people only need tractors and shovels. Then using the tank leaching and heap leaching method they can extract rare earths with ammonium sulfate. This can be done easily, even by those without extensive training.  Cases of illegal mining have not only been found in Jiangxi, Ganzhou, but also in adjacent Guangdong, Guangxi and and Fujian provinces, where illegal mining is rampant, where officials and local villagers also take a share of the profit. The cost of illegal mining is low, the lowest price is 20,000 Yuan to 30,000 Yuan per tonne, including the money used for bribes that account for a significant portion of total costs. The salary paid to employees is also low, at about 300 Yuan per person per day. Illegal miners hire employees to exploit rare earths at night, and they work from 7pm to 7am.

The resources are taken for free and no heed is paid to the environment. Covert exploitation of rare earths is more rampant than drug dealing because you can make the same profits in this business as smuggling drugs, but the risks are much lower. Drug dealers in China can face a death penalty, but people involved in illegal mining of rare earths are only sentenced to seven years in prison at most, according to the law. In the past few years, industry consolidation has been a major theme within the Chinese rare earth sector. Although China has taken comprehensive measures in the links of mining, production and exporting of rare earth goods and strengthened efforts for the protection of the resource and the environment. Illegal mining remains prominent and is still a major source of production for rare earth materials and is expected to still account for as much as 40-50% (40,000-50,000 tonnes) of total current supply.

Illegal mining and smuggling of the ion-absorbed-type rare earth deposits greatly damages the environment, but it has not been prevented because it will yields super high profits. Unfortunately, illegal mining of rare earths also effects China"s heavy rare earth element reserves because most of the illegally mined REEs are smuggled to the rest of the world. However this is being addressed and consolidation within the Chinese domestic rare earth industry and the continued battle on illegal production will enable China to further tighten its stranglehold on the production of heavy rare earths.

*Disclaimer: While we have a full name for Hongpo, we have never met him in person. We made some minor grammatical changes to the text he submitted and edited some of the content on a best-case effort towards capturing the editor"s intent.

   This entry was posted in Rare Earth Intel and tagged China, Heavy Rare Earth Elements by Karima Shajani. Bookmark the permalink.  

13.10.12 16:36

291 Postings, 5203 Tage andechdie stans community ist im kommen :-)


auf seite 32 findet ihr interview mit siebholz,

schönes woende



14.10.12 22:16

388 Postings, 5536 Tage Traderwatch@Kettl_a1

F. Baumgartner ein NATIONALHELD und der Welt for ever ,dein Landsmann !!!

Happy Gratulation von meiner Wenigkeit !!!

Gruß , T ;-)  

14.10.12 23:28

1420 Postings, 5537 Tage madold#2257 Wenn schon Off-Topic, dann bitte auch zeigen

Andere wollen sich sicherlich auch freuen. Oje, was bin ich für ein Oldie, kenne „the man who fell to earth“ von/mit David Bowie, wusste lediglich, dass es „jetzt“ passieren soll. Doch wie hieß er noch gleich? Ach ja – Felix Baumgartner: Stratos-Sprung ist geglückt. Gratulation. Ob er Zeit hatte, sich ein Bild von unserer schönen Erde zu machen oder nur gehofft hat, dass er es heil übersteht ;-),_der_vom_Himmel_fiel  

15.10.12 00:49

1420 Postings, 5537 Tage madoldOT: Es geht auch anders herum ...

OT on: „The man who fell from earth“ ein Stück von Flanger ... keine einfache Kost, dennoch klasse CD. Musikalisch interpretiert erscheint das Gefühl, von der Erde zu fallen, ungleich schwerer zu verdauen, als sich ihr im Sturzflug und max. Adrenalinschub zu nähern ;-)
Hörbeispiel, keine Kaufempfehlung. OT off.  

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