hat schon einer gefragt und zwar den Scheff persönlich:
Andrew Gardiner: I'm most modelling you to a reach around $400 million in sales this year for that business. And so that's already in touching distance at the bottom of the range, the 30% CAGR, if you will. But that's already this year, not in 2022. And now given what you've described today, it feels like growth can be more consistent over this timeframe.
And with significant upside, it feels like the vast majority of that $250 million you've just described for 2023 is indeed incremental to the 30 to 35% target you met two years ago.
Dr. Jalal Bagherli: I would say that we have modelled some of this. It was part of our plans and when we presented the 2018 plan that we do a lot of, as you said, new IC's. The 30 35% was related to the new IC's for our largest customer, but we also have growth in the non top customer, right. So this encompasses both, and I would say a lot of that was shown in the ... Or modelled.
However, there is opportunity for us to exceed those should we increased content and should we add new customers on top of what we've already secured. So absolutely, we see this as a big growth area. So it kind of partly falls into the new area of custom solution for our largest customer but also in the other solutions which we have penciled for up to 15% growth in the other areas of the number one customer on that chart. Dr. Jalal Bagherli: So it falls in both of those. What it does for us today is with the sockets have already secured, it kind of brings visibility and confidence that those numbers are not definitely achievable. But we have every opportunity over the next 12 months to exceed that for sure.
Das beudeuted nix anderes, als das die 10-15 % wachstum im Non Apple buisness definitv auch konservativ sind, da neben den ganzen IOT Wachstum auch das neue NONApple Battery Management Geschäft dazu kommt.
2 Mrd. 2023 read my lips.