"Model 3 gross margin turned slightly positive in Q2, expecting roughly 15% in Q3 Expecting to produce 50-55k Model 3s in Q3; deliveries should exceed that" Das entspricht fast meiner Annahme von 60.000 Model 3 Verkäufen. Vielleicht 2-3 Tausend darunter. Die Rechnung für Q3 geht also: 55.000 x 55.000$ = 3,025 Milliarden $ ergibt einen zusätzlichen Deckungsbeitrag von ca. 450 Millionen zusätzlich (in Q2 war die Bruttomarge ja etwa bei 0%.
"It said, significant progress has been made in the last few months, and GA3 is now expected to reach a production rate of 5,000 per week very soon"
"Demand for Model S and Model X vehicles remains high, with Q2 2018 being our highest ever Q2 for Model S and Model X orders."
"Additionally, we recently started taking requests for Model 3 test drives in July and have already received more than 60,000 Model 3 test drive requests in the US alone."
"Overall, we expect our energy business revenue to improve in the second half of this year." "with another GWh of energy storage deployed in just the next 9 to 12 months. Utilities and energy companies are quickly realizing the benefits of battery storage." "During the first half of 2018, our energy storage deployments were 450% higher compared to the same period last year. Our goal is to triple energy storage deployments in 2018 compared to last year."
"Our total 2018 capex is expected to be slightly below $2.5 billion, which is significantly below the total 2017 level of $3.4 billion."
Unterm Strich die erwarteten schlechten Zahle mit einem klaren Blick auf die Trendwende. Und mit 2,7 Milliarden Dollar liquider Mittel am Quartalsende über den Berg zu kommen ist eine prima Ausgangssituation. |