Da werden 3 Postings von mir geloescht, weil es an Links fehlt, das hat dem Herr ID payback wohl gestoert, deshalb hat Er sie gemeldet......fast die einzigen , die sich mit der WMIH beschaeftigen, und der ganze Schmonzens drum rum bleibt weiterhin lesbar .
Nun gut, ID..... uffbasse , extra wegen Dir....wieder ohne Link
Wird wenig ueber den Bericht gepostet......seltsam, stehen schon ein paar, zwar nicht weltbewegende, aber interessante Details drin.
Die Chancen fuer Escrow Milliarden werden hier ein wenig , gelinde gesagt , relativiert.
Im jetzigen WMIH Bericht werden die Trust Proceeds erwaehnt.
On December 1, 2014, the Trust filed its Motion for an Order, Pursuant to Sections 105(a) and 362 of the Bankruptcy Code and Rule 9019 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, (A) Approving Settlement Agreement Between WMI Liquidating Trust, Certain Directors and Officer and Insurers and (B) Authorizing and Directing the Consummation Thereof (as amended, modified or supplemented prior to the date hereof, the (“D&O Settlement Motion”). Among other things, the D&O Settlement Motion sought approval of a settlement among the Trust, certain former directors and officers of WMI and certain insurance carriers that underwrote director and officer liability insurance policies for the benefit of WMI and its affiliates (including such former directors and officers). At a hearing held on December 23, 2014, the Bankruptcy Court granted the Trust’s D&O Settlement Motion. On January 5, 2015, certain non-settling officers appealed the Bankruptcy Court’s order granting the D&O Settlement Motion and, as a result, such settlement has not yet been consummated. If the Bankruptcy Court’s order is affirmed on appeal, then such settlement will, among other things, result in a payment by such insurance carriers to the Trust of $37 million. It is expected that such payment will constitute Litigation Proceeds (as described above). In its Quarterly Summary Report for the period ended December 31, 2014, a copy of which was filed by the Trust under Form 8-K on or about January 30, 2015, the Trust estimated that WMIHC would be entitled to receive approximately $9 million out of the $37 million. The foregoing notwithstanding, this litigation is managed and controlled by the Trust and WMIHC is not involved in the D&O Litigation. Unless and until the Bankruptcy Court’s order approving the D&O Settlement Order is affirmed and such settlement is consummated, there can be no assurance that WMIHC will recover any amounts on account of the D&O Litigation.
It should be noted that the Trust’s Litigation Subcommittee disclosed in its Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2013 that it investigated potential claims against various third parties, including breach of contract claims, breach of fiduciary duty claims, professional malpractice claims, and business tort and antitrust claims. Based on such investigation, the Litigation Subcommittee determined not to assert claims against such third parties, other than those which are currently pending and being litigated. As a result of the Trust’s public disclosures on these matters, at this time WMIHC believes it is unlikely that it will realize any value on account of Recovery Claims, other than as described above. Indeed, as of December 31, 2014, WMIHC had not otherwise received any Litigation Proceeds in connection with the foregoing and, there can be no assurance that WMIHC will receive any value or distributions on account of Litigation Proceeds, other than as described herein.
" . Based on such investigation, the Litigation Subcommittee determined not to assert claims against such third parties, other than those which are currently pending and being litigated."
Frueher stand da mal "at the moment"......... jetzt nicht mehr.
As a member of the Litigation Subcommittee of the Trust, Mr. Willingham participates in overseeing the prosecution of Recovery Claims by the Trust.
Das Willingahm das als Trust und Litigation Team Member gut uebersehen kann, erwaehnen Sie zum ersten mal.
Dann lest mal zwischen den Zeilen. Was steht da.....?
Escrow Ertraege die der WMIH zugute kommen gehen, nach der neuen Shareholderstruktur (nach Conversation ) zu 2/3 an die neuen.
Zu den mysterioesen Krediten ..........
Habe bei weitem nicht den ganzen I-Hub Schmarrn gelesen, aber im Zuge der ominoesen Kredite ist auch der Name WMAAC (Wamu Assett Acceptance Corp) aufgetaucht. Und deren Kredite und ausgegebenen Papierchen sind Gegenstand u.a des Marta Claims, und des 13 Mrd Settlements DOJ (Haider) und JPM. Da blecht JPM ca 2,9 Mrd fuer die Verbindlichleiten der Kredite und Papierchen.
Es wird hier gesagt, das die FDIC sich mit JPM um die Assetts streitet. Das ist Unsinn. Sie streiten nicht um die Assetts, die gehoeren JPM, das wird von niemanden bestritten. Sie streiten, wer fuer die Verbindlichkieten der WMB zustaendig ist.
Ansonsten hat JPM noch ein paar Entschaedigungsansprueche gegen die FDIC, die Ihnen , Ihrer Meinung nach, durch den WMB Kauf entstanden sind.
Momentan ist keine Theorie der Escrow Milliarden auch nur Im Ansatz logisch, oder durch irgendwelchen offiziellen Docs untermauert.
Ich will niemandem seine Traeume ausreden, warum auch......
soll ja auch noch ein paar nordamerikanische Indianer geben, die von der Rueckabwicklung der USA traeumen.
Amis raus aus USA....Winnetou ist wieder da