Das Update liesst sich eigentlich ganz gut. Vor allem wird man hoffentlich dieses Jahr eine einigermaßen reibungslose komplette Jahresproduktion sehen. Vor allem im Goldbereich könnte bei den aktuellen hohen Preisen noch einiges produktionsmässig nach oben gehen. Aktuell kommen die ja zusammen mit DRD Gold auf fast eine 1 Millionen Unzen Gold Gesamtproduktion. Das ist schon ordentlich, aber ich denke Sibayne könnte unter den o.g. Voraussetzungen deutlich mehr Gold produzieren. Operating update
The Group operational performance for the year ended 31 December 2019 was solid, with the operational issues which affected H1 2019, largely having been addressed by the end of the year. The consistent operational performance from the SA PGM continued, despite the integration and restructuring of the Marikana operations and the impact of load-shedding towards the end of the year. 4E PGM production of 1,100,734 4Eoz (excluding the Marikana operation) was above the upper end of annual guidance. 4E PGM production of 1,608,332 4Eoz including the Marikana operations (for seven months since acquisition), was 37% higher year-on-year.
The SA gold operations achieved normalised production run rates for the reduced operating footprint during Q4 2019, delivering annual gold production of 753,194oz (excluding DRDGOLD) and 932,659oz (Including DRDGOLD). The US PGM operations reported 2E PGM production of 593,974 2Eoz which was in line with revised annual guidance, following the operational issues which were experienced at Blitz during H2 2019.