"hire a person with an IQ of 130 but who thinks it’s 120, as opposed to someone who thinks he has a 170 IQ, when he actually just has an IQ of 150."
"Munger went on to explain that he prefers to hire people who don’t often overestimate their own abilities, because overestimation can lead to big results, but it often creates more risk than reward."
“Of course, I want the guy who understands his limitations instead of the guy who doesn’t,” Munger said. “On the other hand, I’ve learned something terribly important in life … never underestimate the man who overestimates himself. These weird guys who overestimate themselves occasionally knock it right out of the park.”
“I don’t want my personal life to be [around] a bunch of guys who are living in a state of delusion, who happen occasionally to win big,” Munger told Daily Journal’s shareholders. “I want the prudent person.”
Ich suche dann noch das Original zu meinem Gedächtniszitat "We don't try to do smart things, we just try to avoid doing dumb things
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