"Plan of distribution
Following the Settlement, the Balance (if any) will be zero and therefore no distribution shall be made to the Shareholders. However, should within two months after the publication referred to in paragraph 3.3 above it become known to the Liquidators that SIHNV holds assets and that no further creditors known to the Liquidators need to be paid, then the Final Balance shall be transferred to the Shareholders, pro rata to the number of shares in the capital of SIHNV held by them as at such date as to be announced as soon as practicable once the Remaining Proceeds are known to the Liquidators, unless within two months after the publication referred to in paragraph 3.3 above any creditor of SIHNV or any beneficiary has raised objections to the Final Accounting in accordance with Section 2:23b, subsection 5, of the Dutch Civil Code."
Final Accounting "Article 2:23b Surplus in case of a winding up 5. Within two months after the written account and the distribution plan have been deposited and the deposit for inspection has been published and announced in accordance with paragraph 4, any creditor or entitled person may file an objection against the account rendered by means of a petition (application) lodged with the District Court. The liquidator gives notice of such objections in the same way as he has done with regard to the written account and distribution plan." http://www.dutchcivillaw.com/civilcodebook022.htm?fbclid=IwAR1uuCsySkbIeoQI318IdurcG01Z9NprKHoNYx6-cm1EJZUX1cDHZFSj8-I
Die Löschung der NV aus dem NL Gesellschaftsregister kann erst erfolgen, wenn alle amtlichen Fristen erfüllt worden. Und erst mit Löschung der NV erliischt auch die Aktie an der Börse. Unechtes Delisting, ohne Entschädigungsanspruch. Der 26.07. war lt. Reorg. Plan der letztmögliche Tag für diese HV. 2 Monate weiter sind 25./26.09.2023. Warum? Man möchte zur Kostenvermeidung diese Maßnahme noch innerhalb der Bilanz 2023 abschließen und die neue Bilanz der Topco am 01.10.2023 beginnen. Steht alles weit erteilt in den Unterlagen. "138 .The reason for an option to convene the Dissolution EGM on the basis of an expedited notice period is to enable the Dissolution EGM to take place ultimately on 26 July 2023, which enables SIHNV to complete the Dissolution and cease to exist before the end of the financial year ending on 30 September 2023 (taking into account a two-month opposition period (verzetstermijn) as part of the Dissolution process pursuant to Section 2:23b(5) DCC). This would significantly reduce reporting and administrative costs of the Transaction that would otherwise be incurred by the Group if SIHNV continued to exist into the new financial year commencing 1 October 2023. If it is not feasible to publish the convocation notice by 11 July 2023 and/or hold the Dissolution EGM for 26 July 2023, SIHNV may convene the Dissolution EGM in accordance with the statutory time periods." Da wird auch auf die 2 Monatsfrist hingewiesen. https://www.steinhoffinternational.com/WHOA-restructuring-plan.php
S.33 des Restrukturierungs Planes