Panoro Minerals genauso gut wie Mindoro!
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Wie alle sicherlioch wissen gibt es ein Nickelprojekt zwischen Panaro und Mindoro! Und genau dieses wird im Nachfolgende Unternehmensanalyse auch sehr positiv erwähnt! Das Panaro immer noch für eine Apfel und einem Ei zu haben ist wissen nur ein paar wenige. Es braucht wirklich nicht erst die Pusherrei von Bullverstor um das herauszufinden und zweitens kommt man auch mit einem wissenvorsprung um einiges biller in die Aktie hinein!
24.10.2005 - Smallcap-Investor - Der Börsenbrief
Smallcap-Investor - Depot-Alert: Mindoro Res. (WKN 906.167) - Kursziel 1,75 Euro - das wird nicht reichen!
Liebe Abonnenten,
gerade zur richtigen Zeit kam unser Update zu Mindoro. Nur 6 Stunden nachdem wir unseren ''Vorortbericht von den Philippinen'' an unsere Premiumabonnenten versendet haben, wurden am Freitag die ersten Bohrergebnisse von Pica 2 bekannt gegeben. Dabei wurde zwar noch nicht im Porphyrkern (sondern in der äußeren Zone) gebohrt, aber die Vererzung der ersten 122 Meter kann trotzdem schon als durchaus abbauwürdig bezeichnet werden. So wurden bis zu 8,53 g/T Gold und bis zu 0,36 Prozent Kupfer vorgefunden. Das lässt für den Kern nur das Beste erhoffen.
(PDF Datei laden)Im Vorfeld der Asienkonferenz in Manila haben wir die Chance genutzt, unserem Musterdepotwert Mindoro Res. näher auf den Zahn zu fühlen. Wir haben daher eine Einladung des Unternehmens angenommen und uns seine Gebiete angesehen. Um Sie nicht länger auf die Folter zu spannen, das Wichtigste gleich vorab: das Unternehmen besitzt so ein riesiges Potential, dass unser Kursziel von 1,75 Euro (rund 500 Prozent des Kurspotentials derzeit) viel zu konservativ ist. Warum das so ist, lesen Sie auf den folgenden Seiten
Wir kauften daher für unser Resources & Energy Musterdepot 20.000 Stück Mindoro (WKN 906.167) mit Limit 0,45 in Frankfurt.
Wed Nov 2, 2005
New Porphyry Mineralization at Tapian San Francisco - Canaga Panoro Elects to Include Critical Land Position at Surigao JV
Vancouver, B.C., November 2, 2005 - Panoro Minerals Ltd. (the "Company") is pleased to announce that, the Operator and Partner of its Surigao Joint Venture Mindoro Resources Ltd. (Mindoro) has reported additional results of recent follow up work on the Tapian San Franciso --Canaga prospect. Following mineralized float boulders to its source, an outcrop was located surrounded by strong IP responses and anomalies reported on earlier. The outcrop lies south of the strong phyllic alteration zone described in earlier releases. Hand trenching exposed about 25 meters of highly oxidized, crumbly, clay-chlorite+silica altered quartz monzonite (by microscopic determination) with chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite disseminations and veinlets. The Mindoro geologist also reported: "Channel sampling on this outcrop has shown an average grade of 1.012% copper, 0.556 grams gold per tonne and 19.02 grams silver per tonne over a width of 25 meters. This includes values of 2.90% copper, 1.546 grams gold per tonne and 61.2 grams silver per tonne over a width of 5 meters. An adjacent channel was cut 10 meters northeast of the 25-m channel from the same outcrop. This channel cut assayed 0.14% Cu, 0.4 Au g/t, and 1.1 Ag g/t over 2 meters. Another outcrop 75 m southeast of the first one assayed 0.103% Cu and 0.032Au g/t over 5 meters."
About 600 meters to the south another float train was followed to its source of an outcrop in a similar configuration relative to geophysical features and structural intersections. The Mindoro geologist reported as follows: "Petrographic analysis conducted on a sample from this outcrop indicates an intensely quartz-sericite-chlorite-pyrite-altered (phyllic) porphyritic rock. Deformation is also intense, which together with the pervasive alteration, obliterated most rock features. Vein calcite, chlorite and sericite are also present. Opaque grains are associated with these hydrothermal minerals. These consist of pyrite and chalcopyrite. This outcrop has been sampled and assay results are awaited. About 50 meters upslope, east from the first outcrop is another outcrop of weathered silica-clay--chlorite altered diorite with occasional malachite staining. This outcrop assayed 1.09% Cu, 0.08Au and 13.03Ag g/t over a width of 15 meters including values of 2.838% Cu, 0.207Au g/t and 35.0Ag g/t over a width of 5 meters".
The discovery of these showings featuring this type of mineralization and alteration is extremely encouraging for the planned drill program on the related targets.
The Company is also pleased to inform that following the acquisition by its joint venture partner Mindoro of additional tenements in the area of the Surigao Option and Joint Venture, the Company has elected, subject to regulatory approval, to include the tenements covered by Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) Application number (XIII) 016, also referred to as the Tibur prospect, in the Joint Venture land package. Panoro has the right to initially earn a 40% interest in this property that may be increased to 42.5% in the production stage.
The MPSA -- Application (to be converted to an Exploration Permit Application) consists of four discrete blocks in the area of the Tapian San Francisco and Tapian Main prospects and in combination with an earlier acquisition of the Joint Venture (the Bautista-Canaga property) completely covers the former gap between the Tapian San Francisco and Tapian Main prospects.
The Company will fund 100% of the acquisition costs until it has earned and become vested in its 40% interest in the Joint Venture. The costs of the acquisition are applied to the earn-in requirements of the Company. The terms of the acquisition include a cash payment of 1,060,000 Philippine Pesos (approximately CDN$ 22,000) and 62,500 shares of Mindoro plus quarterly advance royalties of 76,000 Philippine Pesos (approximately CDN$ 1,600). The Company already owns 250,000 shares and 125,000 warrants of Mindoro that it acquired by participating in an earlier Private Placement financing for such purposes. One year after the registration of the Exploration Permit the vendor is to receive 87,500 Mindoro shares and, upon commencement of a feasibility study, 100,000 shares of Panoro and upon the decision to commence production 250,000 shares of Mindoro. During production the vendor will receive a 1.5% Net Smelter Royalty. As soon as Panoro has earned its interest in the Joint Venture, all costs, including acquisition costs are shared proportionally.
The Company is extremely pleased with this acquisition in an area of highly encouraging results on the Joint Venture's Tapian San Francisco prospects and the adjoining Bautista-Canaga land block. Work carried out by the Joint Venture on the Tapian San Francisco and Canaga blocks, including geophysical surveys (Induced Polarization/resistivity and magnetometer surveys), geological mapping, prospecting and rock as well as soil geochemical surveys in combination with numerous workings by small scale miners and a mill, that was in operation until the outbreak of World War II yielded strong indications of several porphyry systems at significant structural intersections.
Panoro Minerals Ltd. is a Canadian mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V: PML) and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (PZM). Panoro's strategic focus is on exploring for large-potential gold and copper/gold deposits in countries with the corresponding geological potential and where acceptable political and economic conditions are present.
For investor inquiries please call 604-684 4246, or
e-mail or visit the company's website at
On behalf of the board of
Panoro Minerals Ltd.
Helmut H. Wober, P.Eng.,
President and Director
This release was prepared by management of the Company who takes full responsibility for its contents. The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
hier die letzten Trades...
Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
13:27 0.265 98,500 +0.025 Ntl. Bank Fin. Union
13:27 0.260 1,500 +0.020 Ntl. Bank Fin. Pacific
13:19 0.260 12,500 +0.020 BMO Nesbitt Pacific
13:19 0.255 7,500 +0.015 BMO Nesbitt Union
13:15 0.255 50,000 +0.015 BMO Nesbitt Union
13:15 0.255 20,000 +0.015 BMO Nesbitt Union
13:15 0.255 18,500 +0.015 BMO Nesbitt Union
13:15 0.250 1,500 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt RBC
13:13 0.250 18,500 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt RBC
13:13 0.250 1,500 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt Raymond James
Smallcap-Investor: Unaxis (CH0000816824) neu im Musterdepot + News - Alert Panoro (WKN 914.959) & Mindoro (WKN 906.167)
- Musterdepot Aufnahme Unaxis (ISIN CH0000816824) + Optionsschein
- Panoro (WKN 914.959) & Mindoro (WKN 906.167): Auf dem Weg in eine neue Dimension!
- Kursziel bei Panoro wird auf 1 Euro erhöht
Liebe Abonnenten,
wir kaufen für unser Smallcap-Investor Musterdepot 50 Stück Unaxis (ISIN CH0000816824) mit einem Limit von 180 CHF in Zürich. Des weiteren ordern wir 12.000 Stück Unaxis Optionsscheine (ISIN CH0021261463) mit Limit von 0,38 CHF auch in Zürich. !!Achtung Optionsscheine sind hochspekulativ!!
Unaxis ist ein Schweizer Technologiekonzern, der heuer von einer österreichischen Gruppe rund um die Investoren Mirko Kovats und Ronny Pecik übernommen wurde. Wir gehen davon aus, dass diese Gruppe eine vollständige Übernahme plant, um Unaxis mit dem österreichischen Konzern A-Tec (auch in Besitz von Kovats & Pecik) zu verschmelzen.
Des weiteren haben wir aus gut unterrichteten Kreisen gehört, dass es auch im operativen Bereich Fortschritte gibt.
(PDF Datei laden)News-Alert: Panoro (914.959) & Mindoro (906.167): Auf dem Weg in eine neue Dimension!
Gestern wurden von beiden Unternehmen Pressemeldungen bezüglich neuer Erkenntnisse im gemeinsamen JV Surigao bekanntgegeben. Dabei handelt es sich vor allem um Ergebnisse aus Schürfgräben. Die Konzentrationen, die dabei festgestellt wurden, liegen dabei großteils bei über 1 Prozent Kupfer. Vereinzelt wurden auch Gesteinsbrocken mit einem Anteil von über 22 Prozent Kupfer entdeckt. Dies zeigt, dass man sich in einem Gebiet mit einer sehr hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit auf einen hochgradigen Kupfer-Gold Porphyr befindet.
Wir sehen das Kurspotential beider Aktien noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft und warten auf neue Bohrdaten von Pica (nur Mindoro) und Agata (Panoro & Mindoro). Unser Kursziel für Panoro erhöhen wir einstweilen auf 1 Euro.
Auf weitere gute Investments
Joachim Brunner MBA
Verpassen Sie keine Ausgabe mehr, registrieren Sie sich noch heute unter
Den vollständigen Panoro & Mindoro News Alert finden Sie hier! (359 KB)
BMO Nesbitt Burns is one of North America’s leading full-service investment banks serving the financial needs of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients.
Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
13:19 0.330 5,000 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt Desjardins
13:19 0.330 10,000 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt Canaccord
13:19 0.330 6,500 +0.010 BMO Nesbitt E*TRADE Sec.
13:14 0.320 15,000 +0.000 Ntl. Bank Fin. Scotia
13:14 0.320 5,000 +0.000 BMO Nesbitt Scotia
13:03 0.325 5,500 +0.005 BMO Nesbitt Canaccord
11:21 0.320 15,000 +0.000 BMO Nesbitt Ntl. Bank Fin.
11:19 0.320 20,000 +0.000 BMO Nesbitt Ntl. Bank Fin.
10:44 0.330 500 +0.010 UBS Securities E*TRADE Sec.
09:30 0.320 20,000 +0.000 BMO Nesbitt Scotia
Wie sehen eure Prognosen aus? mal abgesehen von warten bis die Kurse oben sind, denn steigen werden die Kurse auf lange sicht auf jeden Fall, fragt sich nur wann sie die 1€ marke durchbrechen?
aber auf ca. 0,20 weil dort die 38er Linie für Charties liegt.
Nach oben hin kenne ich die Grenze nicht, weil ich mich
i. M. noch nicht genug mit dem Tätigkeitsfeld der
Gesellschaft beschäftigt habe.
Sollte PANORO aber Mindoro folgen können, so ist das
Potentzial natürlich wesentlich höher einzuschätzen.
(Alles oben gesagte entspringt natürlich nur meiner persönlichen Meinung!)
Es liegt einfach zu viel Spannung in der Luft, als dass groß etwas passiert, jedoch wenn sich die Spannung löst, dann geht es schnell nach oben, aber genau so schnell kann es nach unten gehen(und das sollte man bei allen guten Aussichten nicht vergessen!!!).
Ich persönlich würde jedem raten, bei Kursrücksetztern einzukaufen, und auf die kommenden guten news zu warten, aber dennoch einen SL zu setzten(aber etwas tiefer), fals die Bohrmaschiene explodiert und alle umkommen, oder fals sich alle irren, oder fals das alles nur ein Ausgekochter Schwindel ist(man kann ja nie wissen).
Ich lehne mich jetzt in sachen Panoro und Mindoro etwas zurück und lasse die Zeit für mich Arbeiten.
hoffe auf gute Konsi für alle die mit ins Boot wollen. und auf gute schnelle news für alle investierten (-:
Dieses war der 2. Streich, doch der 3. folgt sogleich(wer wilhem buschs Max und Moritz kennt weiss: 4. 5. 6. und letzer Streich folgen auch noch(-;).
Bin mal gespannt wie die News werden die jetzt solangsam zum Jahreswechsel immer näher rücken.
Hoffe das Panoro nun endlich mehr an Bekanntheit gewinnt, denn da is noch viel zu holen.
an alle die an Panoro glauben(Mindoro natürlich auch), wünsch ich weiter fette Gewinne im Portfolio.
Press Release | Source: Mindoro Resources Ltd.Panoro Minerals Ltd. |
Mindoro Resources Ltd. and Panoro Minerals Ltd.: Drilling to be Undertaken on Agata Nickel Laterite
Monday December 12, 9:01 am ET
EDMONTON, ALBERTA and VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 12, 2005) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO - News; FWB:OLM) and Panoro Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PML - News; FWB:PZM) are pleased to report that the Surigao Joint Venture has selected BHP Billiton, from among several interested parties, to drill the Agata nickel laterite prospect in the Philippines. The Agata Project is part of the Surigao Joint Venture, comprised of Mindoro, Panoro and a private Philippine company, Minimax Mineral Exploration Corp. Work will commence immediately.
BHP Billiton has an international nickel business and is involved in the exploration, mining, processing and marketing of nickel and cobalt.
As reported in a news release dated January 10, 2005, surface rock and laterite samples were previously collected from an area of nickel laterite covering about 300 hectares, located within a much more extensive area of nickel laterite mineralization. Nickel contents ranged from very low to a high of 2.09%, with most of the values exceeding 0.5%. Test pit laterite samples ranged from 0.8% to 2.21% nickel. The area is mantled by a chocolate brown to brownish yellow colored laterite that appears to extend several kilometers to the south and north from the area investigated. Samples collected show typical values for nickel and iron that normally cap secondary nickel enriched zones.
Agata is an extensively mineralized project with epithermal gold prospects and at least three porphyry copper-gold prospects (see Mindoro releases dated August 5 and September 29, 2005). Drilling is currently in progress on the Agata North porphyry copper-gold prospect. With the discovery of several major porphyry copper-gold deposits, the Surigao Gold District has become an exciting and extremely active exploration area, attracting international attention. There has been a recent upsurge in nickel exploration in the Surigao District, and the Philippines generally, in response to high nickel and cobalt prices.
Exploration on the Agata Property is carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and President of Mindoro.
A map of the Surigao Gold District showing the Surigao Joint Venture projects and other significant prospects and discoveries is available on Mindoro's website at and Panoro's website at
Mindoro is a well-financed Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (OLM). Mindoro has identified 19 porphyry copper-gold prospects and a nickel laterite prospect in the Philippines and is dedicated to pursuing an aggressive strategy of drilling multiple targets in 2005-2006. Recent drilling confirmed the Pica porphyry copper-gold discovery on the Lobo Project, where drilling continues, and drilling is underway on a second porphyry prospect on the Agata Project.
Panoro Minerals Ltd. is a Canadian mineral exploration company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (PML) and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (PZM). Panoro's strategic focus is on exploring for large-potential gold and copper/gold deposits in countries with the corresponding geological potential and where acceptable political and economic conditions are present.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Contact:Penny GouldMindoro Resources Ltd.Executive Vice President(780) 413-8187(780) 426-2716 (FAX)penny@mindoro.comwww.mindoro.comMarshall FarrisAscenta Capital Partners Inc.Mindoro Investor Relations(604) 628-5800 or Toll Free: 1-866-684-4209info@ascentacaptial.comHelmut WoberPanoro Minerals Ltd.President(604) 684-4246(604) 684-4200 (FAX)
Source: Mindoro Resources Ltd.Panoro Minerals Ltd.
Wir erhöhen unser Kursziel für Mindoro auf 2,5 Euro und Panoro auf 2 Euro.
Liebe Abonnenten!
Gestern gegen 15 Uhr überraschten uns Mindoro & Panoro mit einer äußerst positiven Nachricht. Man konnte sich auf einen Partner für ihr Nickellateritfeld einigen - und mit BHP Billiton hat man einen der potentesten Minengesellschaften als Partner " ans Land" gezogen. Dies ist auch im Hinblick auf das gesamte Agataprojekt sehr wichtig, denn BHP wäre auch ein idealer Partner für die darunterliegenden Kupfer-Gold-Porphyrprojekte.
Wir sehen diese Unternehmensmeldung als ausgesprochen wichtig an. Mit BHP konnte einer der größten Minenkonzerne der Welt als Partner gewonnen werden.
Somit sollten wir in Kürze erfahren, wie potent wirklich dieses Gebiet ist und damit würde auch eine wichtige Richtungsentscheidung über die künftige Vorgehensweise bei den Kupfer-Gold-Porphyr-Projekten im Agatagebiet getroffen. Wenn die Ergebnisse dem entsprechen, was wir erwarten, dann wird innerhalb eines überschaubaren Zeitraumes (12 bis 18 Monate) eine Nickelproduktion aufgezogen werden. Die Einnahmen dürften sich für Mindoro und Panoro jeweils im geringen einstelligen Millionenbereich bewegen. Damit würde man sich vom Explorationsstatus entgültig verabschieden. Das Risiko ist gleich " null" , denn die Explorationkosten trägt BHP. Da wir vom Potential überzeugt sind, erhöhen wir unsere Kursziel für Mindoro auf 2,5 Euro und für Panoro auf 2 Euro. Warum wir Panoro stärker anheben als Mindoro, liegt im Beteiligungsverhältniss und an der geringeren Anzahl von ausgegebenen Aktien.
Den vollständigen Bericht finden Sie unter
noch lange kein Grund für panik, sieht doch noch normal aus, ein gesunder rücksetzter, der nochmal zum rück oder nachkauf anregt. schenkt euren verwandten doch einfach ein paar aktien zu weihnachten. ich bin sicher, das dieses geschenk niemand mehr umtauschen will(-:
und ich glaube das der Kurs nach weihnachten und im neuen Jahr wieder bergauf geht.
Fazit: ein geschenk das für mehr as ein Jahr 2006 freude bringt
HoHoHO frohe weihnachten!
Finde dass das wieder tolle Einstiegskurse sind, und dass in 4 monaten alles Vergessen ist(ausser für die die sich ärgern nicht mehr dabei zu sein.
mein Kontingent lässt noch ein paar nachkäufe zu und die werde ich tätigen, wenn Panoro wieder sicheren Boden unter den Füßen hat, sprich, wenn alle sich beruhigt haben.
Für alle die bei 0.40 verkauft haben und jetzt nachkaufen wollen:"Ned schlecht, hätt ich auch gern gemacht"
meine Meinung
Welche Goldminenaktien ist noch unterbewertet und zu empfehlen?
Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche KGV bei den Goldminenaktien?
Antwort einfügen |
Boardmail an "Keule" |
Panoro Minerals Ltd
Mindoro Reviews Prospects and Plans Aggressive 2006 Drill Programs
Wednesday January 4, 11:55 am ET
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 4, 2006) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO - News; FWB:OLM) today released an overview of its 2006 drill programs and summary of its 28 prospects in the Philippines. Mindoro's significant land position in the Philippines encompasses 21 porphyry copper-gold prospects, five epithermal gold prospects, one nickel laterite prospect and one massive sulphide prospect. Much of Mindoro's ground remains unexplored, so the potential to find additional prospects is high.
This depth of potential has allowed Mindoro to develop its 2006 objectives on a discovery-driven exploration strategy. The company believes that it can achieve the greatest value for its shareholders in 2006 by confirming several new discoveries through drilling. The company's plans include drilling eight porphyry copper-gold prospects in the first half of 2006. Three of these prospects are located within the company's Batangas Projects and five are within the Surigao Projects. Additionally, BHP Billiton will fund drilling of Mindoro's Agata nickel laterite prospect in the first quarter of 2006.
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An overview of the Batangas and Surigao Projects is provided below and all 28 Mindoro prospects are summarized in the accompanying table (also available on Mindoro's website at Locations of the prospects are also shown on the Batangas and Surigao Prospects location maps, which accompany this release on Mindoro's website. Additional information is also available in the company's press releases and technical reports posted on Mindoro's website.
The Batangas Projects is a 24,500 hectare land package located in southern Luzon and is comprised of the Lobo and Archangel projects and the surrounding regional ground. To date, Mindoro has identified 11 porphyry copper-gold prospects and two epithermal prospects in the Batangas Projects. The 2006 field program includes drilling the Pica, Kay Tanda and El Paso porphyry copper-gold prospects as well as the Kay Tanda epithermal prospect.
Drilling began in the spring of 2005 on the Pica porphyry prospect, located on the Lobo Project. The porphyry copper-gold system was confirmed with the second drill hole, which intersected 213 meters of 0.82 grams per tonne (g/t) gold equivalent (0.18 percent copper, 0.3 g/t gold, and 1.19 g/t silver; see accompanying table). A third hole is currently being drilled.
Kay Tanda
A few kilometers away, on the Archangel Project, plans are underway to mobilize a rig to the Kay Tanda prospect in anticipation of drilling in January or February. Kay Tanda hosts both epithermal gold and porphyry copper-gold targets. Recent metallurgical tests on the epithermal gold prospect were positive and indicate the potential for low-cost heap-leach processing. Mindoro plans to drill the epithermal prospect with the objective of defining an NI 43-101-compliant gold resource and to continue drilling through the epithermal layer into the underlying porphyry copper-gold prospect.
El Paso
Of the remaining nine porphyry copper-gold prospects on the Batangas Projects, one of the highest priorities is the El Paso prospect. Trenching samples over wide intervals at El Paso contained more than one percent copper and multiple drill targets have been identified. Drilling is planned for the first half of 2006, subject to receipt of an exploration permit, which is currently in the advanced stages of the approval process with the Philippines Mines Department.
Mindoro may earn up to a 75 percent interest in the Batangas Projects from Egerton Gold Philippines Inc., a private Philippine company.
Mindoro's 26,000-hectare land package in the Surigao Gold District of northern Mindanao is second in size only to Anglo American. The Surigao Projects are comprised of the Agata, Tapian San Francisco, Tapian Main, and Mat-I projects. To date, Mindoro has identified 10 porphyry copper-gold prospects and three epithermal gold prospects here. The proposed 2006 Surigao field program includes drilling five of these porphyry prospects: the Agata North, Agata South, Canaga, Cantikoy and Gold Hill prospects, as well as the Agata nickel laterite prospect.
Agata North and Agata South
Drilling is currently underway on the Agata North porphyry copper-gold prospect. Difficult ground conditions slowed initial progress but early complications are normal when drilling a new project. New drilling strategies are being implemented and Mindoro is confident the difficulties will be overcome. Agata South, the second prospect at Agata, is scheduled for drilling in the second quarter of 2006.
Agata Nickel Laterite
An agreement was recently signed with BHP Billiton, who drill test, at their own expense, Mindoro's nickel laterite prospect on the Agata Project. This is a significant achievement for Mindoro, who, upon completion of the drilling and if results warrant development, is under no further obligation to BHP other than to enter into good faith negotiations for the sale of the ore to BHP.
Canaga, Cantikoy and Gold Hill
These prospects on the Taipan San Francisco Project are in an extremely favourable structural location near where the Philippine Fault is cross-cut by the same faults that extend from Anglo American's Boyongan and Boyugo porphyry copper-gold deposits. At Canaga, a trench sample returned 15 meters of one percent copper and a trench at Cantikoy returned 25 meters of one percent copper and 0.5 g/t gold. These are extremely encouraging results and drilling early in 2006 is proposed on both prospects. Extensive historic artisanal gold mining occurred at Gold Hill and drilling is proposed there for the first half of 2006.
Panoro Minerals Ltd. is currently earning a 40 percent interest in the Surigao Projects by funding all exploration. At production, if all options are exercised, Mindoro would hold a 57.5 percent interest and Panoro would hold the remaining 42.5 percent.
Programs are carried out under the supervision of Mindoro's President, Mr. J. A. Climie, P. Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
A. Batangas Projects
1 Pica A 2 km by 1.5 km high chargeability Drilling will
anomaly with coincident resistivity continue with
and magnetic anomalies. Intensely objective of finding
altered andesitic volcanics and high-grade core
diorite intrusions. Drill hole Pica within large target
2 confirmed porphyry copper-gold area. Hole Pica 3
system, intersecting significant in progress.
mineralization in phyllic zone (213
m @ 0.18% Cu. 0.3 g/t Au and 1.19
g/t Ag: or 213 m of 0.82 g/t Gold
Equivalent (3)).
2 Calum- Calumpang forms the northern High priority drill
pang extension of Pica. Strong, high target. Drilling not
chargeability anomaly over 700 m yet scheduled.
by 600 m, with coincident
resistivity and magnetic anomalies.
Intensely altered andesitic volcanics.
3 Camo Moderate chargeability anomaly, not Additional geophysics
yet closed off. Structurally required; planned for
controlled phyllic alteration in second quarter 2006.
andestic volcanics associated with Moderate priority
greater than 0.1% Cu mineralization drill target
in narrow zones of several m wide. emerging.
Proximal high-sulphidation
epithermal vein breccia
mineralization and intrusive diorite
dykes suggest a porphyry target
at depth.
4 Bali- An 800 m by 600 m high High priority drill
bago chargeability anomaly with target. Drilling not
coincident resistivity anomaly. yet scheduled.
Strongly altered andestic volcanics
with multi-phase intrusive stocks.
High-sulphidation mineralization
telescoped into phyllic alteration
with Cu and Au showings which are
interpreted as porphyry-related.
5 Kay Dual targets. Extensive near-surface Initial metallurgical
Tanda epithermal Au-Ag mineralization testing of Au
intersected by past drilling over recoveries positive.
500 m by 400 m; open in several In-fill drilling
directions. Chargeability and planned for Jan.-Feb.
resistivity anomalies. Intensely 2006 with objective
silicified volcanics (silica cap?) of defining an
with intrusives at depth. Past exploration target of
drilling intersected porphyry- 18M to 22M tonnes
related phyllic alteration at depth in grade range of
with Cu grading to 0.65% over 3 m. 0.75 to 1 g/t Au.
Drilling will
continue to depth to
test porphyry
6 Lumb- 500 m by 300 m moderate to high High priority drill
angan chargeability anomaly with target. Drilling not
coincident resistivity anomaly. yet scheduled.
Strong phyllic overprinted by
argillic alteration with
significant Cu, Au and Ag values
in trenches. Alteration and
mineralization suggest porphyry
Cu-Au target at shallow depth.
7 Marita- Marita-Agas is a 1 km by 0.7 km High priority drill
Agas chargeability and resistivity target. Drilling not
anomaly with intense phyllic yet scheduled.
overprinted by argillic alteration.
Strongly oxidized quartz-sulphides
stockworks with significant Cu
values from channel samples.
Intense alteration and quartz
veining, with coincident Cu
showings within the IP anomaly,
suggest a porphyry system at
shallow depths.
8 Kalabasa-
Bootin High chargeability anomaly High priority drill
coincident with strong phyllic, target. Drilling not
argillic to advanced argillic yet scheduled.
alteration. Channel samples from
argillic zone give significant Cu
and Au values. Near-surface
epithermal Au target with porphyry
target interpreted at shallow depth
9 El Paso Very favourable structural setting, Geophysics and
12 km from Phelps Dodge Taysan geology ongoing. Very
Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit. Cu soil high priority,
anomalies with coincident multiple drill
geophysical anomalies defined over targets. Drilling
3 km by 1.2 km to date. Especially planned for first
strong charge-ability anomaly at half of 2006.
Calantas Zone. Extensive porphyry-
related alteration with associated
Cu-Au showings (trenches give wide
intervals of plus 1% Cu).
10 Calo High sulphidation Cu-Au showings Geology and
in an area of extensive argillic geochemistry surveys
to advanced argillic alteration, ongoing. Geophysics
interpreted as porphyry-related. to commence in first
Assays of up to 3.8% Cu and 3.0 quarter of 2006.
g/t Au obtained from grab samples.
Coincident Cu soil anomalies.
Target area at least 2 km by 1 km.
11 Palac- Potassic-altered intrusives Geological evaluation
pac (diorite) with abundant Cu-Au of erosion level and
showings. Interpreted as deeply remaining potential
eroded poprhyry Cu-Au system. planned for late
B. Surigao Projects
12 Agata Intense (to 31 msec), chargeability Very high priority
North anomaly over 1.3 km by 0.6 km in drill target.
Target very favorable structural setting Drilling in progress.
near Philippine Fault cut by cross
faults; coincident Cu-Au-Zn soil
anomalies and altered ultra-mafics
cut by intrusive dykes with Cu-Au
13 Agata Intense (to 40 msec) chargeability Very high prioirty
South anomaly over 1.8 km by 0.6 km, drill target.
Target flanked by strong, broad resistivity Drilling planned in
anomalies, at least part of which second quarter 2006.
correspond to structurally-
controlled phyllic alteration.
Proximal anomalous magnetic
features. In very favorable
structural setting on Philippine
Fault splay cut by cross-faults.
Multi-phase intrusive dykes/stocks.
Coincident Cu-Au-Zn soil anomalies.
Abundant artisanal Au workings.
14 Assmi- Drilling of epithermal gold targets Geophysics proposed
cor by Mindoro in 1999 intersected in late 2006 followed
Porph- porphyry A-type veining within by drilling.
yry multi-phase intrusive dykes and
Prosp- stocks; associated phyllic
ect alteration with retrograde
overprint. Short drill intervals
of up to 0.3% Cu and 0.51 g/t Au.
Resitivity anomaly partially
defined, but prospect not yet
covered by geophysics. In very
favorable structural setting within
Philippine Fault cut by cross-
faults. Extensive flanking
epithermal Au prospects in
intrusives and limestones, and
major Cu-Au soil anomalies.
15 Ameri- A major area of artisanal Au Drill-ready. Drilling
can mining. Au and minor Cu planned in 2007.
Tun- mineralization associated with
nels multi-phase intrusives and phyllic
alteration with retrograde
overprint. Moderate-strong
chargeability anomaly over 800 m
by 300 m. Within structurally
favorable setting on Philippine
Fault and cross-faults. Coincident
Cu and Au soil anomalies. Probable
poprhyry Cu-Au target.
16 Gold Strong chargeability anomaly Extremely high-
Hill covering 600 m by 500 m, probably priority porphyry Cu-
(C5) part of a much more extensive Au drill target.
chargeability anomaly (sulphides) Drilling proposed for
at depth. Capped by resitivity first half of 2006.
anomaly. In andesitic volcanics
with limestone and intrusive dykes;
proximal to a large intrusive
complex. Pervasive high temp
propylitic alteration with areas of
strong argillic alteration (and
phyllic?). Historic artisanal Au
mining. Abundant epithermal Au-Cu
showings and high-grade, massive
sulphide/precious metal prospect.
Excellent structural setting near
Philippine Fault and cross-faults
extending from Boyongan and Boyugo
porphyry Cu-Au deposits 8 km to NE.
Coincident strong Cu-Au-As-Pb-Zn
soil anomalies.
17 Canti- Strong chargeability anomaly over Extremely high-
koy 600 m by 500 m, probably part of priority porphyry
(C6) a much more extensive chargeability Cu-Au drill target.
anomaly (sulphides) at depth. Ongoing geological
Capped by resistivity anomaly. and geochemical work.
Andestic volcanics with multi-phase Drilling proposed for
intrusive stocks and dykes. High first quarter 2006.
temperature propylitic alteration
with structurally-controlled zones
of intense phyllic alteration and
localised potassic alteration. In
extremely favorable structural
location near Philippine Fault cut
by cross-faults extending from
Boyongan and Boyugo porphyry Cu-Au
deposits 8 km to NE. Overprinting
epithermal mineralization.
Porphyry-related Cu-Au minerali-
zation located in several areas
including a trench of 25 m at 1% Cu
and 0.5 g/t Au. Extensive strong
coincident soil Cu-Au-Zn soil
18 Canaga Strong chargeability anomaly over Extremely high-
(C9) 400 m by 300 m, probably part of a priority porphyry
much more extensive chargeability Cu-Au drill target.
anomaly (sulphides) at depth. Ongoing geological
Flanked by resistivity anomalies. and geochemical
Dominantly recrystallised limestone work. Drilling
and andesitic volcanics with high- proposed for first
temperature propyliic alteration. quarter 2006.
Multi-phase intrusive stocks and
dykes nearby exhibit phyllic and
potassic alteration. In extremely
favorable structural location near
Philippine Fault cut by cross-faults
extending from Boyongan and Boyugo
porphyry Cu-Au deposits 8 km to NE.
Porphyry-related Cu-Au
mineralization is associated with
volcanics and intrusives, including
a trench of 15 m at 1% Cu.
Coincident soil Cu-Au soil
19 Water- Coincident strong chargeability Further geophysical,
falls (to 20 msec) and resistivity geologic and
(C1) anomaly over 800 m by 600 m. geochemical surveys
Coincident stream sediment Au- prior to drilling.
Cu-As-Zn anomalies. Dominantly
recrystallized and silicified
limestone and ultramafics and
strongly propylitized andesite
with localized argillic and phyllic
areas. In extremely favorable
structural location near Philippine
fault cut by cross fault extending
from Boyungan and Bayogo porphyry
Cu-Au deposits 8 km to NE. Old
adits following Au and base metal
20 Tapian Partially-defined chargeability Additional geophyics
Main anomaly covering 1 km by 1 km. and geological work
Flanking resitivity anomaly. planned prior to
Dominantly andesitic volcanics selecting drill
with limestone, ultra-mafics and targets.
multi-phase intrusives. Extensive
propylitic alteration with
scattered narrow argillic zones.
In favorable structural setting
near Philippine Fault and cross-
faults. Extensive historic mining
of epithermal Au. Porphyry Cu-Au
target interpreted at depth.
21 Bolo- Recconnaisance work located Geophysical and
bolo extensive porphyry-related geological
alteration (phyllic) in andesitic investigations
volcanics, as well as widely recommended in 2006.
distributed calc-silicate boulders
grading in the 1% Cu range.
C. Iloilo Project
22 Pan de Intensely altered dacitic volcanics Partner sought to
Azucar- in volcanic caldera. A short (45m); finance drilling.
Aspar- reconnaissance drill hole in 2002
in intersected potassic alteration
Hill with disseminated; and veinlet
Cu mineralization grading 0.24%
Cu over 10 m.
Multiple epithermal Au-(Ag) Prospects at Surigao, Batangas and
Iloilo. Most advanced are:
A. Batangas Projects
1 SWB 25 drill holes completed by Mindoro Economic evaluation
from 2003-2004 defined an NI 43-101 of development
compliant indicated reource of 270K potential will be
tonnes at 6.49 g/t Au containing carried out when
56,380 ozs Au and additional additional resources
inferred resource of 61K tonnes at have been defined on
5.35 g/t Au containing 10,540 ozs Batangas projects.
2 Kay Extensive near-surface epithermal In-fill drilling
Tanda Au-Ag mineralization intersected planned for Jan.-Feb.
by past drilling over 500 m by 2006 with objective
400 m; open in several directions. of defining an
Initial metallurgical testing of exploration target
Au recoveries positive. from 18M to 22M
tonnes at a grade
of 0.75 to 1 g/t Au.
Drilling will
continue to depth to
test porphyry targets
B. Surigao Projects
3 Lime- Silty limestone with 600 m by Additional drilling
stone 500 m Au soil anomaly. Two Mindoro planned as
drill holes in 1999 on east edge priorities allow.
intersected 2.7 g/t Au over 7 m and
2.2 g/t Au over 8 m. Carlin deposit
4 Assmi- 7 of 8 Mindoro drill holes in 1999 Additional drilling
cor intersected better than 0.5 g/t Au planned as priorities
in oxidised intrusives, including allow.
1.1 g/t over 19 m and 1.4 g/t over
24 m.
5 Tapian Pre-WW2 Au mine with extensive Will be drill-tested
Main underground workings. Grade in conjunction with
recorded as 8.3 g/t Au. Extensive drilling of porphyry
Au soil anomalies defined. Cu-Au targets nearby.
C. Iloilo Project
6 Pan de Massive pyritic sulphide deposit Additional drilling
Azucar- near Asparin porphyry Cu-Au planned in
Valder- prospect, Pan de Azucar. Scout conjunction with
ama drilling in 2001 & 2002 intersected drilling Asparin
mineralization grading to 37 m of porphyry target.
0.8% Cu, 1.87 g/t Au.
A. Surigao Projects
1 Agata Surface samples from an area of Agreement concluded
300 ha in a much larger area of with BHP Billiton
nickel laterite mineralization who will fund test
graded from low values to 2.09% drilling commencing
Ni, with most values above 0.5% Ni. first quarter 2006.
Test pits ranged from 0.8% to
2.21% Ni.
(1) Programs are carried out under the supervision of Mindoro's
President, Mr. J. A. Climie, P. Geol., and a qualified person as
defined by National Instrument 43-101
(2) Proposed work programs are subject to financing and receipt of
necessary government approvals
(3) Gold equivalents are calculated based on prices of US $2.03/lb
for copper, US $505/oz for gold, and US $7/oz for silver. Gold
equivalents do not infer that metal processing economics for
copper, gold and silver are the same, but are intended to convey
only the approximate relative values of the various metal
intercepts assuming a 100 percent recovery for all metals.
Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (OLM). The company has identified 21 porphyry copper-gold prospects and a nickel laterite prospect in the Philippines and has an aggressive strategy of drilling multiple targets in 2006.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Penny Gould
Mindoro Resources Ltd. - Head Office
Executive Vice President
(780) 413-8187
(780) 426-2716 (FAX)
Marshall Farris
Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
Investor Relations
(604) 628-5800 or Toll Free: 1-866-684-4209
Source: Mindoro Resources Ltd.