aus dem WO board gepastet
-----Original Message----- From: Tom Meredith [] Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:43 PM To: Subject: RE:
The mill was aquired because it became available. Mills are not easy to acquire.
We own the properties, nothing more is required.
We think the company is worth alot more than the current market price. Your estimate is not unreasonable, and with favorable market conditons, I think it can be achieved.
The water has to be pumped out. This is a normal operation that will take a few weeks once the permit is issued.
We have economic grades for both undergound mining, at about 8 grams, and open pit at 3 grams or more. Fuller and Davidson Tidale properties are underground mines. Buffalo Ankerite would start as an open pit operation.
The open pit would probably be about 100 metres deep (we will soon do study to confirm this). Then we would excavate a decline ramp from the bottom of the pit and go deeper by underground methods.
From: Vedron Gold Inc. [] Sent: November 7, 2006 1:31 PM To: Tom Meredith Subject: FW:
-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:] Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:26 PM To: Subject:
Von: " " Gesendet: 07.11.06 19:24:04 An:
Dear Tom,
we would be grateful if you could answer the few following questions from me and other shareholders! 1.) If production in the 1 or 2. Quarter 2007 is planned, why was in 4. Quarter 2005 a Mill bought? Were many repairs necessarily at the Mill?? 2.) How does it look with the prospecting licenses? Is the receipt of them a problem or is it only one formality? 3.) How do you stand to a assumption of vedron, which price is according to your opinion vedron`s worth? (I personally believe that it am more worth than 150 million US-Dollar!) 4.) In which deep is the groundwater?? does it have to be evacuated?? I read that a Gold grade of 1-2 ppm will be economic to produce on a open-pit! The last drillresults show us a grade of 4-10 ppm, is it right when i think that a production on the Fuller propertie will be very economic for us? 5.) Could you say us how deep you will get at the open pit ? I cannot imagine that you will dig a hole of more than 100m or do I think in this thing wrongly? thank you for answer the questions, i hope you will find some time to answer it and that you understood my school english! yours sincerely
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