und so sieht es im skandinavischen BEV/PHEV-Musterland Norwegen aus:
Norway: In April 2020 Car Sales Down 34%, But Plug-Ins Drop Only 7.6% "AUDI e-tron did it again - it's the best selling model for the month and with a big advantage for the year." Car sales in Norway decreased in April 2020, which should not surprise anyone, but the level of decline is actually not that high compared to other countries. . . . (Quelle: insideevs.com/news/420075/norway-april-2020-sales-plugin-cars/ ) !
AUDI e-trons (Oberklasse SUV/CUV) 4'19 ..371 _ 4'20 ..832 = +124,3% __ 1-4'19 1.169 _ 1-4'20 4.586 = +292,3% TESLA M3 (Mittelklasse Limo.) 4'19 ..720 _ 4'20 ...44 = -.93,9,% __ 1-4'19 6.843 _ 1-4'20 1.260 = -.81,6% TESLA MX (Oberklasse CUV) ? TESLA MS (Oberklasse Limo.) ?
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