Es gibt Neuigkeiten - AFC gibt neue Aktien aus, um sich mit frischem Kapital zu versorgen (siehe Investor- News auf der AFC Homepage). Klingt erstmal nicht so positiv, was den heutigen Rückgang erklärt. Das Geld fließt allerdings in das Anlagen- Setup zur Herstellung, d.h. man kann bald erste Aufträge entgegen nehmen. Hier wird es dann 2021 richtig spannend. Ich wiederhole mich also, die Aktie ist nichts für schnelle Gewinne - hier gewinnt der langfristige Anleger. Baue meine Position weiter sukzessiv aus, geerntet wird in 5 Jahren ;)
Zitat: The Company is entering into a new phase of its business as it plans to deploy its products commercially. As it does so, an increasing emphasis will be placed on the manufacturing scale up and commercial deployment of its fuel cell systems and the resources necessary to implement this.
The Company believes that with systems built and available for deployment, the ability to meet customer demand will be accelerated.
To this end, the Company is looking to raise gross proceeds of up to £30 million by means of the Fundraising.
Use of proceeds
The proceeds of the Fundraising will be used to support the continued development of the Company as it moves from the development phase of its products and technology into the manufacture and commercialisation of them.
In particular, the proceeds of the Fundraising will facilitate:
· the multiple manufacture of new H-PowerTM fuel cell systems capable of deployment in the next 12-24 months to meet projected customer demand - combined 20kW and 160kW units are expected to be built, including the 160kW H-PowerTM system for trialling by ACCIONA in 2021; · the employment of new manufacturing, product engineers and commercial staff in support of the deployment of H-PowerTM systems into the Company's key target markets (electric vehicles and construction); · the development and implementation of its strategy for scale up of manufacturing and system assembly; · an acceleration in the development of the Company's AlkaMemTM anion exchange membrane with scale up of manufacture and validation testing pre commercial deployment; and · the delivery of solid-state membrane fuel cell system (HydroX-Cell(S)TM) for published target release date in 2022 which the Directors expect will open new markets.
In addition, the Fundraising will also support and finance the warranties required in connection with systems deployed into commercial applications. |