Melder: Fortunatus Zeitpunkt: 25.05.09 19:24 Grund: Es fehlen jegliche Quellenangaben (Ort, Zeit). M.E. wird versucht mit alten News und Interviews den Kurs zu manipulieren.
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Etwas "Alt" ist die Meldung jetzt allerdings schon,nämlich von gestern ;-(((((((
Der Bezug zu BOC liegt darin dass es sich bei dem LNG Projekt auch um eine PNG Company handelt,bei welcher die Landeigner nicht mit dem "benefits sharing" einverstanden waren (genau wie 1989 bei BCL) Jetzt werden ihnen gleich /% zugestanden,wohingegen die Panguna-Landeigner im neuen BCA nur 3 verlangen + eine Partizipation der von PNG ans ABG zu übertragenden BOC Shares.
01 Mrz 2009 Updated Landowners Proposal Updated Landowners Proposal for the new BCA. Written by Anil Bakaya on March 01, 2009.
Ausserdem hat sich LNG bereit erklärt folgende Infrastrukturprojekte zu finanzieren (siehe unten).Das ist etwas was BOC schon Anfang der 70er mit dem Bau von Schulen,Krankenhäusern,Strassen,damalige Hauptstadt Arawa etc getan hat.Details: Bougainville - Establishment of a Copper Mine A complete 390 page book about the establishment of the Bougainville Copper Mine. Published in 1973. Construction and sealing of a massive highway linking the Gulf of Papua
to the north coast of mainland PNG from Kikori, through Kutubu, Moran to Tari and Lake Kopiago and terminating in the Sepik; * Sealing of the Kikori to Ialibu (Gulf-Southern Highlands) highway; * A K100 million commitment to build the first phase of a Hela City Development at Tari and an undertaking to declare the future city as a free trade zone; * Development by the Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC) of an international wharf at Kikori under public private partnership; * Commitment of K90 million for the first phase of the Tari International Airport; * A further commitment of K90 million for a super highway between Tari and Komo; * Relocation of the Mendi Airport; * Building of a township at Kikori; * Expansion of the Mendi and Ialibu townships; and * Development of townships in Kutubu, Komo, Magarima, Koroba, Kagua, Nipa and growth centres at Angore and Nogoli (Hides).
Deal at last *Landowners gain 7% in LNG project*
FIVE weeks of intense negotiations between the State and gas resource landowners and their provincial governments ended on Saturday with the signing of an umbrella benefits sharing agreement for the PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. The agreement will land K20 billion in the hands of provincial governments and landowners over the 30-year life of the project and commits the State to certain important infrastructure and socio-economic developments in the provinces and specific licence areas. Despite strong opposition from certain landowners, the State negotiating team was able to get everyone to sign the BSA in a marathon signing session which ran till midnight on Saturday and then continued yesterday at 1pm. Head of the Southern Highlands negotiating team and the biggest party at the talks, Governor Anderson Agiru, said yesterday: “We have cut a good deal. This deal now sets new parameters and new benchmarks in State/landowner relations.” Mr Agiru’s “good deal” includes: * An additional 5% of State’s equity in the project, bringing provincial government/landowner equity in the PNG LNG project to 7%; * Construction and sealing of a massive highway linking the Gulf of Papua to the north coast of mainland PNG from Kikori, through Kutubu, Moran to Tari and Lake Kopiago and terminating in the Sepik; * Sealing of the Kikori to Ialibu (Gulf-Southern Highlands) highway; * A K100 million commitment to build the first phase of a Hela City Development at Tari and an undertaking to declare the future city as a free trade zone; * Development by the Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC) of an international wharf at Kikori under public private partnership; * Commitment of K90 million for the first phase of the Tari International Airport; * A further commitment of K90 million for a super highway between Tari and Komo; * Relocation of the Mendi Airport; * Building of a township at Kikori; * Expansion of the Mendi and Ialibu townships; and * Development of townships in Kutubu, Komo, Magarima, Koroba, Kagua, Nipa and growth centres at Angore and Nogoli (Hides). The extra 5% equity and the 2% carried interest translates to over K20 billion over the life of the project, Mr Agiru said. This will be shared by all affected provincial governments and landowners from Juha to Portion 152. The State has also committed K1.2 billion over the next 10 years for infrastructure development in each project area. This would be funded from the State’s future earnings in PNG LNG brought forward. Funding arrangements for all of the projects would be by way of a combination of arrangements including bringing State future earnings forward, through tax credit, by way of a development fund, and concessional loans. The Tari International Airport and the Tari to Komo highway sealing would be funded during the construction phase. “The complexity of the project and the negotiations tested everyone involved,” Mr Agiru said, adding “but in the end we persevered. “We have lifted the bar. We have set the benchmark for future negotiations between State, its people and provincial governments on benefits sharing in resource developments.” Such was the intensity of the negotiations that Finance Minister Patrick Pruaitch remarked at midnight on Saturday: “Mipela kisim taim liklik. (We were cornered at times.)You are a tough negotiator, Mr Agiru.” There were so many parties to sign the agreement that the signing ceremony, which began at 5pm on Saturday, continued till midnight before breaking off to continue at 1pm yesterday. Said Mr Agiru: “We finally have a design to build a bridge over river time for PNG and Southern Highlanders to cross over to compete with the league of nations. PNG LNG will provide the platform, the catalyst, the launch pad for PNG accounting and legal firms, insurance brokers, plant and equipment companies, construction industries and all manner of other businesses to take off. “At the same time, con businesses and fly-by-night spivs will also flourish. “I have worked so hard with my members. This has been the mother of all battles, so protect what we have got.” On a personal note, Mr Agiru said his people had come to East New Britain as plantation labourers in the 1960s and 70s left empty-handed. He said after five weeks, he would be flying back across the Bismarck Sea with plenty to be proud of. He thanked the Government of Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, saying without the Prime Minister’s personal blessing, the project would not have got off the ground. |