The whereabouts of the K2m or to be more precise - who-hem-tekim-na-iusim displa moni - is not a mystery. There is only one path to follow for the Treasure hunt. They lead to and from the Haus Tambaran at Waigani to one of our MP's in Bougainville. Such is the certainty of the trail and the find that you do not need a super sleuth to go nosing and hunting. Even if the loot is done, the stingy smell of money and the faces of suspicion are unmistakably omnipresent. With money, because we cannot eat it, we either find it stashed in Banks or because money is a medium of exchange, other usable goods and properties are purchased. The unmistakable physical evidence of the kind of purchases are usually an expensive vehicle to match a synthetically expensive leadership lifestyle; Or if you are maritime nerd, you usually buy a boat - I don't mean a bloomin' banana boat but a half cabin cruiser that costs a cool hundred thousand kina plus++ or more. Those flushed in cash often find a new lease of life and become witty and 'wil-of-the-wisps overnight and where this leads to is usually an extra pair of companions of the opposite sex than (or in addition to) the one you convinced and led to the alter and promised to be enjoined and intertwined "till death do us apart". The hardest and most irritating, even obnoxious part of this kind of any search is this. When other people know or are more than highly suspicious that you have taken the loot, the response of the culprit ranges from unflinching denial to exasperating anger to act of violence. In common thievery parlance they call this kind of behaviour a farrking cover-up. The actions of an innocent man cornered in a spot and pleading innocence is understandable. A crook that is cornered is far worse than a raging bull in china shop. Not only does he become violent but he becomes temporarily insane and can be injurious to those questioning him. So, is it really a mystery where the K2m is gone? Surely we do not need further edification or too many further leads to go to the source or to the benefactor or the culprit (or whatever you call him) of this money. Meanwhile our first environmental refugees will wait and wait. WHAT kind of Bougainville and what kind of leaders are building and nurturing? |