“On a personal level, this has been a really difficult journey. You wake up in the morning, [and] there’s no one that wishes you well. Everyone wants to fight with you and today is no different than the last five-and-a -half years or so,” Du Preez said.
ja, ja....wie jämmerlich... Louis hat nur 3,5 Millionen für seinen Nebenberuf Steinhoff erhalten, aber... es war bestimmt sehr harte Arbeit in diesen 7 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche neben seinen anderen 14 Jobs, oeffff!
'Marc Liebscher, a lawyer at Dr Späth & Partner in Berlin, who has taken German financial regulator BaFin to court and instituted a class action against auditors Ernst & Young in the Wirecard fraud case, said he would fight Steinhoff and fight against using courts to go into bankruptcy protection.
“Are you aware this will be our pet project for the next 10 years? We will fight. We will fight in the Dutch court against the WHOA (bankruptcy) proceedings,” he told the shareholder meeting, which was livestreamed on the web.
“Are you aware that our war chest for lawyers is filled to the brim? I represent around 1,800 shareholders and I’m sure after today it will be even more. Be rest assured. We will prevent this robbery from happening”.
'One shareholder named Nicholas Vosswinkel said to Du Preez he could not believe after he had negotiated so many settlements that eventually hedge funds calling in debt had outplayed Steinhoff.
“You have done an amazing job,” he said to Du Preez.
But when news that lenders would take over the company was revealed in December, he said it was more than a punch to the stomach. “And I lost all the faith I had in you.”
Vosswinkel lambasted the hedge funds that demanded at least 80% of the firm with no discount on the debt, despite buying the debt for less than they were owed.”
“Give them hell. Give them real hell,” he said.