The poor and the working class in the United States know what it is to be Greek. They know underemployment and unemployment. They know life without a pension. They know existence on a few dollars a day. They know gas and electricity being turned off because of unpaid bills. They know the crippling weight of debt. They know being sick and unable to afford medical care. They know the state seizing their meager assets, a process known in the United States as “civil asset forfeiture,” which has permitted American police agencies to confiscate more than $3 billion in cash and property. They know the profound despair and abandonment that come when schools, libraries, neighborhood health clinics, day care services, roads, bridges, public buildings and assistance programs are neglected or closed. They know the financial elites’ hijacking of democratic institutions to impose widespread misery in the name of austerity. They, like the Greeks, know what it is to be abandoned.
Quelle: We Are All Greeks Now
Um den Text zu verstehen reichen Grundkenntnisse der englischen Sprachen aus. Erschreckender ist die Tatsache, wie dringend der Vampir USA ein neues, noch blutreiches Europa zum Aussaugen braucht. Der Letzte löscht dann das Licht - und der Planet Erde kann sich wieder von der Krankheit "Mensch" erholen.