A short seller published a report towards the end of September triggering a massive decline in the share price. Given the magnitude of the decline and the halting recovery since, the casual observer may infer that the short seller was on to something. Nothing, in my view, could be further from the truth.
The short seller made a wide range of allegations, but in essence claimed that Grenke is a fraud, i.e. its lease receivables are worthless, its dealer network fabricated and its cash non-existent. These allegations are, frankly, absurd.
I am sure that if you were to ask in confidence the armies of analysts, investors, auditors, and regulators, who are now scrutinizing Grenke, they would wholeheartedly concur with my assessment. However, instead of saying as much, they seem to prefer to discuss the intricacies of Grenke’s franchise system, the pros and cons of its governance structure, and other issues. They obviously feel on safer ground debating the minutiae of questions that are entirely incidental to the short seller’s principal allegations. Obviously, it is their prerogative to shift their focus to wherever they see fit, but they should first make their position clear on the main allegations.
I have views on Grenke’s family-orientated governance and the franchise system that powered its international growth. However, I will not be drawn into discussing my views here as now is neither the time nor the place for such a discussion. The company faces massive and false allegations about the reality of its business. In the context of the severity of the allegations levelled against it, criticism of any perceived missteps misses the point. It is the equivalent of accusing someone of murder and then interrogating them on a parking fine.
Grenke was, is and will continue to be a great company run by managers with talent and integrity. I am confident that it will emerge from these events stronger. My only regret is that the company’s directors and employees had to go through the unpleasant experience of having their integrity questioned.