Logica Completes Integration of Customer Care & Billing Solution for Globalstar in Brazil
LEXINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 22, 2000--
Customized System Offers Advanced Billing Capabilities for Globalstar
Subscribers Throughout Brazil
Logica's integrated customer care and billing solution has gone live for Globalstar do Brasil, the local provider of Globalstar satellite telephony services in Brazil. With the system in place, Globalstar can activate and bill its Brazilian customers for mobile and fixed telecommunications services that connect them with subscribers around the world via Globalstar's satellite and gateway infrastructure.
Logica's customer care and billing solution interfaces with several external vendors in Brazil including a bill print bureau, a bank providing payment by cash and direct debit, a hand-set distributor, as well as a global clearing house for the exchange of roaming call data. The solution is comprised of BSCS (Business Support & Control System), a billing product provided by its partner LHS Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:LHSG); Comptel's (Comptel plc) MDS/SAS and MDS/AMD mediation device products; and Logica-developed custom interfaces.
As master integrator, Logica provided analysis and technical architectural consulting services to design the overall solution. Logica developed, tested, and deployed the core component systems of the customer care and billing solution from the Logica Solutions Center in San Francisco, California. The Solutions Center provides clients with state-of-the-art information technology solutions, offers a showcase for best-of-breed products and partners, and allows for rapid development, deployment, and support of new applications. Logica also managed all partners and products involved in the project, leveraging off the implementation of three other Globalstar systems in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
The integrated solution continues Logica's long-standing relationship with Globalstar. Logica has implemented similar customer care and billing services for Globalstar consortium members in North America and Saudi Arabia.
The company now supplies applications management services for Globalstar providers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Brazil, including overall maintenance, system release management, problem resolution and version migration management.
Globalstar's constellation of 48 low-earth-orbiting (LEO) satellites transmit calls from a wireless phone or a fixed phone station to a terrestrial gateway, where they are passed on to existing fixed and cellular telephone networks in more than 100 countries on 6 continents.
"For a successful solution, we realized we needed a company with in-depth knowledge of Globalstar and extensive experience in telco systems integration to help us design and implement our customer care and billing system. We couldn't have done it without Logica." remarked Pedro Maisonnave, President & CEO of Globalstar do Brasil.
"This project exemplified the benefit of Logica's Solution Center concept," said Michael Trocki, Executive Vice President of Telecoms for Logica in North America. "GdB benefited from an infrastructure with trained resources, existing critical CC&B interfaces, third party applications and a network environment - all centralized within Logica's Solution Center. The Solution Center allowed us to design and implement GdB's system in record time and at a very affordable price."
About Globalstar L.P.
Globalstar L.P., led by founding partner Loral Space & Communications, is a partnership of the world's leading telecommunications service providers and equipment manufacturers, including Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel, Alenia, China Telecom (HK), DACOM, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, Elsacom (a Finmeccanica Company), France Telecom, Hyundai, Space Systems/Loral and Vodafone AirTouch Plc. Globalstar service is already available in 34 countries, and is planning to introduce service in over 80 countries by mid-year. For more information, visit Globalstar's web site at http://www.globalstar.com.
About Logica
Founded in 1969 in London, Logica is a leading international computer consultancy, systems integration and software company. Logica's clients operate across diverse markets including finance, telecommunications, energy and utilities, industry, government, defense, transport and space. Logica has over 8,500 staff in 23 countries worldwide and is listed on the London Stock Exchange where it is part of the FSTE100 index of the largest UK listed companies. More about Logica can be found at http://www.logica.com.
CONTACT: Logica Bridgeman Communications Sue Wilson Chana Pettigrew 713-954-7308 617-742-7270 wilsons@logica.com chana@bridgeman.com
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