Keep in mind........ -------> POET Technologies (POET at BNN: )the factors which will bring POET Technologies in to the Orbit: - the new 20F says: - POET will produce in BAE Foundry (no invest necessary) - POET will have hunderts of implementing engineers with KNOW HOW - Listing near on OTC with opportunity to switch easily to the Nasdaq - NDA with OEM and license agreement - HP "Machine" could be in cooperation with POET Technology - Pellegrino II will might quadruple or more from 1 Bln - the whole market for the patented POET GaAs is up to 500 bln $ and more - Smartphone users will grow by 25% in 2014 up to 36,5 % worlwide users 3,75 bln in 2018 - and alot of more stuff which GaAs will be integrated like 3D; - US Air Force - Navy - Nasa supported by BAE - and a lot more to come....! - just the 100NM IR and everything will fall into place.... Just Patience this will change "The Matrix" in the entire Chip Technology! |