Also die Citi zu verstaatlichen macht keinen Sinn, und ist auch nicht nötig. Ich sehe hier nicht das kleinste Anzeichen dafür und für den "Staat" ist es wesentlich bequemer wenn Citi Finanzmittel zurück zahlen bevor sie sich nach der Verstaatlichung selber darum kümmern müssten dass der Laden läuft.
Bereits die 5$ z.B. könnten schon bald in greifbare Nähe rücken:
02.04.2009 17:17 STOCKS NEWS US-Citi May $5 calls get hot with investors Stocks on the move Real-Time Equity news
U.S. stock market report
1055 ET-02April2009 Players flock to Citi May $5 calls
Citigroup (News/Aktienkurs) May $5 calls were the most actively traded options contract
in the first hour of trading as about 47,700 contracts crossed the tap with 90 percent on the ask-side, said option strategist Frederic Ruffy. The volume includes a block of 29,000 lots bought for 12 cents on the old Philadelphia Stock Exchange, according to an exchange-floor contact, he said. Buyers dominate as shares move up 19 cents to $2.87 'on hopes the worst is over for the battered banking industry,' he added. Volume has built up in the May $5 strike as 49,306 contracts traded against an open interest of 60,384 lots, Reuters data show. Citi is due to report earnings on April 17--an options expiration.
Reuters Messaging: 1046 ET 02April2009-Las Vegas Sands shares rise, may restart Cotai project |