Local.com - Hot properties, locally desirable? 7-Jul-11 08:28 pm
The day before Yahoo moved its search to Bing, and thus forced Local.com into Bing's grip, the stock was traded around $7. The next thing we knew, they killed the stock instantly, for the sakes of being with Bing. The reason was that Bing pays much lower for the paid searches that went through Yahoo originally. Nevertheless, Bing has had to retain the services of Local.com. Bing needs Local.com, and the contract between the two parties is automatically renewed annually on June 30th. Now, entering the hot local properties of Local.com is the King, Google, the biggest winner, the BIG daddy in online advertising. Google has to occupy Local.com's hot properties, and Google wants to compete with Bing on local searches, on Local.com's own turf! Local.com has had the hot properties, and now we have the real proofs, as both Bing and Google are now the occupants. The King has arrived.
And we're once again the happy campers here to greet the King, and to make money. What a great day for local.com investors! |