Obducat ist total überbewertet!

Seite 11 von 29
neuester Beitrag: 29.06.09 11:01
eröffnet am: 08.02.04 16:49 von: Ostarrichi Anzahl Beiträge: 706
neuester Beitrag: 29.06.09 11:01 von: Der Donaldis. Leser gesamt: 116049
davon Heute: 9
bewertet mit 1 Stern

Seite: 1 | ... | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| 12 | 13 | 14 | ... | 29   

27.04.04 14:10

1285 Postings, 9122 Tage Guru BrauniWarum so aggressiv Ostarrichi?

Mir ist klar, daß ihr es nicht mögt, wenn hier einige Kritiker eure Widersprüche aufdecken und zeigen wie unseriös und ungenau ihr arbeitet.
Schade, daß dir da nichts mehr anderes einfällt als abfällig zu werden.
Das wird sicher zahlreiche Leser dieses Forums vomm Kauf überzeugen...

Probiert es doch wirklich mal einfach nur mit Fakten und ohne Dauerwerbung a la Heizdeckenverkaufsshow...

Viele Grüße
Guru Brauni  

27.04.04 14:56

823 Postings, 7637 Tage Mr.DuckGuruBrauni komm mal auf den Boden zurueck!!

Wirst dich noch wundern wie Obducat durchstarten wird!
Kuck mal meine L.A.M.
Die sind auch nicht von Pappe!!
Potential dieses Jahr von gemùtlichen 1000% Kursziel 2,50-3,00 Euro!


27.04.04 16:44

290 Postings, 7718 Tage FrancoLopezwas da los?

keine veränderungen im kurs mehr?

mr duck ist eingeschlafen?  

27.04.04 16:53

763 Postings, 7555 Tage Ostarrichi@"Guru" Brauni! Wer ist agressiv? Du?:))

Ich verstehe ja, daß Du denn ganzen Tag nichts anderes zu tun hast, als Dir irgendeine Floskel auszudenken, während ich beispielsweise meiner Arbeit nachgehe, was ja bei Dir nicht der Fall zu sein schein, da Du ja anscheinend nichts anderes machst als eben dauernd vorm Computer zu sitzen! :))

War das jetzt zuviel für Dich? War das agressiv?

Also, ich bin immer wieder entzückt darüber, mit wieviel Selbstverleugnungswillen Du Dich hier hinstellst und noch nicht mal akzeptieren kannst, daß sich der Kurs so über dieser ominösen 30 Cent-Marke hält, wo er doch schon längst auf 10 Cent sein sollte, wenn es nach Dir ginge! :))

Bis jetzt merke ich bei Dir auch noch gar nichts von Genauigkeit, repektive nichts auch von Recht haben! Jedenfalls hast Du noch immer keine Antwort darauf geben können, warum der Herr Bergström seine 3,350 Millionen Aktien noch immer hält! Habe Dir den Link reingestellt, aber ohne Antwort! Auch die kicky ist nicht da, wenn man sie braucht! Wollte sie fragen, warum der Kurs jetzt über 30 Cent ist und nicht dort, wo sie ihn prognostiziert hatte, nämlich unter 20 Cent!

Na, diese selbsternannten Gurus! Tssss, so so ! Übrigens, die Mitsubishi hast wohl nicht gekauft? Du Armer! :))

MR. Duck, habe aufgestockt! Die 100,000 Stückk gestern war die West-LB! Hat noch mehr gekauft und kauft weiter! :))

Ich habe jetzt ... Geheimnis! Ratet mal! :)) Aber es ist (noch) unter der Sechstelligkeit! :))



27.04.04 16:56

444 Postings, 7526 Tage gue100Antwort per E-Mail von Herrn Johan Boman Chief !

Habe von Herrn Johan Boman Chief Financial Officer Obducat AB (publ), P.O.Box 580, SE-201 25 Malmö  eine E-Mail bekommen wo ich Ihn gefragt habe wie es mit der Struktur von
Obdukat aussehe und was es mit den Verkäufen von Herr  Henri Bergstrand und Herr Lennart Olsson auf sich hat. Hier seine Antwort darauf.

Dear Sir,

Please study our first quarter report (Jan - March) to be released on Wednesday Apr 28.

Mr Bergstrand and Mr Olsson did sell part of their shares during last year but still hold their A-shares giving them each some 12-13 % of the votes in Obducat.

Johan Boman
Johan Boman
Chief Financial Officer
Obducat AB (publ), P.O.Box 580, SE-201 25 Malmö
Direct phone: +46 (0)40 36 21 30;
Cell phone: +46 (0)703 27 37 30
Fax: +46 (0)40 36 21 60
Cu gue100

27.04.04 17:10

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiHi Gue100! Ja, genau!


genau so ist es, die beiden haben schon im Vorjahr einige Aktien verkauft, halten aber eine ordentliche Anzahl an Stimmrechten. Soweit mir bekann ist, haben sie die Shares aus technischen Gründen verkauft, weil es Stimmrechtsunterschiede gibt zwischen A+B und der Fond H&A wollte erst rein, wenn sie daran etwas ändern.

Dies haben sie getan, aber wie gesagt, 12-13 Prozent finde ich beachtlich!

Zum Kurs: Da er sich heute hält können wir davon ausgehen, daß er nächste Woche etwas höher sein wird, weil die Zahlen nicht schlecht sind! Es gibt keine schlechten News. Und das Herr Bohmann Dir gleich geantwortet hat heißt auch für mich, die Kommunikation klappt! Und das ist immer ein gutes Zeichen! :)) Immer!

Sollte der Kurs morgen etwas zurückkommen (man weiß ja nie), dann höchsten morgen, und dann auch nur für in bis zwei Cent. Danach geht wahrscheinlich up! Mal sehen! Der Ausblick wird spannend!



27.04.04 17:22

1285 Postings, 9122 Tage Guru BrauniTja, lieber Ostarrichi, wenn das die Leute hier

überzeugen soll, dann wünsche ich dir/euch viel Glück.
Und nochmals hast du nicht gut recherchiert und dichtest mir ein Gerücht an. Ich habe nie von dieser 30Cent-Grenze gesprochen.
Amüsant finde ich, daß ich hier mehr posten soll als du. Hmmm also ich bin bei eurer Dauerwerbung noch nicht beteiligt... Soll das nun ein Angebot sein?
Vielleicht solltet ihr euch mal darauf konzentrieren was auch die anderen so schreiben und nicht nur euer Werbe"konzept" verfolgen - sonst verläuft die Heizdeckenverkaufsshow irgendwie total im leeren Raum.

Und nochmal meine Frage: Soll eure Dauerwerbung mit andauernden Aussagen wie hoch der Kurs "bald" sein wird wirklich wen zum Kaufen anregen? Selbst jetzt wo nach euren Aussagen diese Bank schon kauft tut sich nichts im Kurs. Vor kurzem habt ihr noch geschwärmt wie stark die steigen werden, wenn die Bank kauft. Habt ihr dafür auch eine Erklärung? Habt ihr schon eine Ersatzstrategie mit der ihr nun "baldige" Kurssteigerungen versprechen könnt, kicher...?

Viele Grüße
Guru Brauni  

27.04.04 17:40

79561 Postings, 9118 Tage Kickyab 29.4 werden die Optionen u. Konvertibeln an der

Börse gehandelt und 3 Monate später können sie umgetauscht werden in Aktien,glaubt ihr wirklich,dass sich das nicht auf den Kurs auswirken wird?

27.04.04 18:47

823 Postings, 7637 Tage Mr.DuckKicky du tickst nicht mehr richtig:))

Ich lach mich tot!  

28.04.04 01:34

763 Postings, 7555 Tage Ostarrichi@Kicky, "Guru" Brauni!

Kicky, :)) , was soll sich da denn auf den Kurs auswirken, wenn doch nicht mal 6 Prozent der Market Cap getauscht werden? :))

Brauni: Andere Platte auflegen, Deine Südwindgesänge werden langweilig, steigt der Kurs doch permanent. Schluß in Frankfurt 36 Cent!

Kann ja auch nix dafür, daß Deine Put-Gedanken sich nicht auf den Kurs auswirken! Vorschlag:Versuche es mal mit Voest! Kursziel -...%! :))

Was haßt denn gegen Heizdecken, der Kupferpreis steigt doch!



28.04.04 10:53

29 Postings, 7521 Tage CashQ1-Zahlen sind ok!

Perioden i sammanfattning:

Riktad nyemission i januari 2004 tillförde drygt 13 MSEK

Övertecknad förlagslåneemission har efter perioden tillfört drygt 50 MSEK

Omsättning 4,4 (9,0) MSEK med bibehållen prognos om 25-30 % omsättningstillväxt under 2004

Obducat partner i EU-finansierade nanoprojektet NaPa

Resultat före skatt –9,5 (–7,9) MSEK samt resultat per aktie före latent utspädning –0,05 (-0,05) SEK

Delårsrapporten i sin helhet kan laddas ner via följande länk:

Delårsrapport, Januari – Mars 2004

För ytterligare information kontakta:
Patrik Lundström, VD, 040 – 36 21 00 eller 0703 – 27 37 38
Johan Boman, Finanschef, 040 – 36 21 00 eller 0703 – 27 37 30


28.04.04 12:42

29 Postings, 7521 Tage CashQ1 Details und positiver Ausblick!

Interim Report Obducat AB (publ) January – March 2004
The period in brief:
• Directed new share issue in January 2004 contributed some SEK 13 million
• Over-subscribed debenture issue yielded about SEK 50 million after the report period
• Turnover SEK 4,4 (9,0) million - forecast sales growth of 25-30 per cent in 2004 remains
• Obducat partner in EU sponsored nano project NaPa
• Pre-tax profit was SEK –9,5 million (–7,9) and earnings per share before deferred dilution
was SEK –0,05 (-0,05)
For further information, please contact:
Patrik Lundström, CEO, +46 40 36 21 00 or +46 703 27 37 38
Johan Boman, CFO, +46 40 36 21 00 or +46 703 27 37 30
Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production of advanced micro- and
nano structures. Obducat´s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semicon-
ductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat´s technologies include electron beam, and nano imprint technology. Obducat
has offices in Sweden, and the UK, with the head quarter located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish
NGM exchange. Read more on www.obducat.com.

Interim Report Obducat AB (publ) January – March 2004
• Directed new share issue in January 2004 contributed some SEK 13 million
• Over-subscribed debenture issue yielded about SEK 50 million after the report period
• Turnover SEK 4,4 (9,0) million - forecast sales growth of 25-30 per cent in 2004 remains
• Obducat partner in EU sponsored nano project NaPa
• Pre-tax profit was SEK –9,5 million (–7,9) and earnings per share before deferred dilution
was SEK –0,05 (-0,05)
Sales (All amounts below in SEK 000 unless otherwise stated)
Sales reported for the first quarter amounted to 4,383 (8,970), reflecting a weaker inflow of orders early in
the year compared with the corresponding period the prior year. As previously reported, the number of
quotations – which is regarded as a significant indicator of potential future business volumes – continued
to be large. This mirrors primarily NIL* in which, in addition to EBR*, the key value with respect to quo-
tations lies in larger systems. A recent trend of increasingly longer sales cycles has however been noted,
being one reason for the weakened inflow of orders. Another reason is the fact that orders for the ap-
proximate period of three years that the Company has marketed and sold NIL have been placed at very
irregular intervals, allowing no indication of a specific pattern in the inflow of orders throughout the year.
The 2003 closing backlog was approx. SEK 0,6 million, having today increased to about SEK 4 million.
Gross margin for the first quarter was 54 per cent compared with 53 per cent for the corresponding period
2003 and 48 per cent for the full year 2003.
Ongoing customer projects are carried out together with a number of world-leading players active in a
significant number of trades. As described under “Outlook” there is a prospect of industrial orders arising
from customer projects in an extensive range of applications. These projects are conducted with customers
in areas comprising magnetic storage, bio applications, semiconductors, opto components and optic stor-
*) ”NIL” = Nano imprint lithography; ”Stampers” = Lithography originals type consumer goods; ”SEM” = Scanning Electron Microscope;
”EBR” = Electron beam lithography on rotating discs.

Research and development
Obducat is conducting extensive research and development on a continuous basis, primarily in close co-
operation with existing and potential customers. In this respect the NIL segment is consistently being pri-
oritised based on several system functionalities developed during the past year. The research and devel-
opment efforts are considered to have reinforced and strengthened Obducat’s position and the Company
believes it today still has a technological advantage over its competitors in NIL. During the period, Obdu-
cat has become a partner in the EU sponsored nano project NaPa, with a total budget of some EUR 16 mil-
The result of this work is continuously evaluated from a patent point of view and when commercial grounds
are considered feasible patent applications are filed. At the end of the reporting period the Company held 23
granted patents covering inventions, and patent applications covering a further 12 inventions had been filed.
In this connection NIL has remained both predominant and intentionally prioritised.
The period was charged with research and development expenses totalling 4,045 (3,418), in addition to
which 1,227 (1,547) were activated as capitalised development expenditure and patents.
Sales and result
Group sales for the first quarter of the year amounted to 4,383 (8,970), generating a gross profit of 2,348
(4,751), corresponding to a gross margin of 54 per cent (53).
Operating loss for the period was –9,061 (–6,822) and was charged with depreciation according to plan
amounting to 3,139 (3,068).
Loss for the period after taxes was –9,526 (–7,870).
Financing and liquidity
At the end of the period shareholders’ equity was 53,921 compared with 50,219 at the beginning of the year.
Early in the year a directed new share issue was implemented, yielding 12,803 after issue expenses. Shares
were subscribed for by Nanostart AG / Hauck & Aufhäuser. In January a total amount of 16,270 series B
shares were issued based on the required conversion of outstanding convertible debentures 2001/2004. The
last day to convert the debenture loan was January 1, 2004. Subsequent to this conversion a little more than
SEK 17,7 million of the convertible loan remains.
Based on a resolution at an extraordinary general meeting in February, a share issue of subordinated deben-
tures with detachable warrants was implemented in the latter part of March. This issue was directed at pre-
sent shareholders for cash with preferential rights, and to holders of the outstanding issue of convertible de-
bentures 2001/2004. The last-mentioned holders were offered, on the basis of set-off, to participate in the
offer. The issue was concluded in April and has therefore not impacted the period being reported. The result
is commented on under the heading “Significant events after the reporting period” below.
Liquid assets at the end of the period amounted to 14,153 in comparison with 6,807 at the start.
The Group’s equity/assets ratio at the end of the period was 59 per cent, unchanged in relation to the be-
ginning of the year.

Cash flow for the period prior to investments and financing activities improved to –4,005 (–9,813). Total
cash flow for the period was 7,346 (26,367), primarily reflecting, in addition to the above-reported result,
a positive change in working capital, investments mainly in intangible fixed assets and the previously de-
scribed directed new share issue.
The Group’s net investments for the period amounted to 1,372 (1,720), of which approx. 89 per cent is
pertaining to development expenses – carried forward in compliance with RR15 – and patents.
At the close of the period the Group had a total of 38 staff (of which 4 women), with total hours of duty
corresponding to 35 full time positions.
External factors
The impact of currency and interest rate fluctuations are considered to be of little consequence to the busi-
ness. Yet there is a limited currency risk in connection with business deals based on public procurement in
US dollars. In the event of a weak US dollar there are limited possibilities to compensate for currency ex-
posure by increasing prices. The Company is not especially dependent upon or limited by circumstances
affecting suppliers.
The Company is of the opinion that the competition has been showing signs of change during the period.
A major competitor in NIL has in a short period of time secured substantial financial resources. Tangible
results by the competition in NIL, such as shipments, have to the best of the Company’s knowledge so far
been limited. Prices of certain NIL related products have recently been showing a downward trend.
Parent Company
During the year no sales were generated in the Parent Company. Pre-tax loss amounted to –4,638
(–6,586). The Parent Company’s net investments amounted to 365 (702), comprising primarily patents.
Accounting Principles
Accounting principles adopted by Obducat comply with the Annual Accounts Act and the general guide-
lines, statements and recommendations issued by the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council
and other standard organisations. The accounting principles remain unchanged compared with the previ-
ous interim report and the Annual Report 2003. With regard to accounting by segments – governed by
RR25, the Company has, as previously reported, determined that Obducat’s business is considered to
comprise one business segment only, namely that of system solutions for the production of advance micro
and nano structures. For this reason the Company will give no further information in this report relating to
RR25, referring instead to the profit and loss statement and balance sheet for the primary segment.

Other significant events
Subsequent to the announcement of the new share issue directed at Nanostart AG / Hauck & Aufhäuser at
the beginning of the year, the Company has witnessed a distinctly increased interest by continental play-
ers. Unofficial trading in the Obducat share was in a short time initiated on a number of German stock ex-
changes and the number of traded shares increased significantly. As a result of this, among other things,
the foreign shareholding in Obducat increased from 10 to 35 per cent in the first quarter.
Share Data and Ownership Structure
On March 31, 2004 Obducat had 16,916 shareholders. On the same date the total number shares amounted
to 201,653,886, of which 6,500,000 series A shares (each entitling to ten votes) and the remainder series B
shares (each entitling to one vote). In the first quarter of the year a total of about 104,2 million series B
shares were traded, equivalent to an average number amount of 1,65 million shares per trading day at an
average price of SEK 3:33. Ownership structure on March 31, 2004 was as follows:
Owner A shares B shares % of votes % of capital
Clearstream Banking (Luxembourg) - 35 450 414 13,63 % 17,56 %
Henri Bergstrand (incl. family & co.) 3 350 000 69 568 12,90 % 1,70 %
Lennart Olsson (do.) 3 150 000 13 581 12,11 % 1,57 %
Nanostart AG / Hauck & Aufhäuser (Luxembourg) - 16 655 600 6,40 % 8,26 %
Banco Technology- & Innovation Fund - 3 691 000 1,42 % 1,83 %
Caroline Hamilton - 2 452 812 0,94 % 1,22 %
Hamilton Invest AB - 2 274 976 0,87 % 1,13 %
SIS Segaintersettle (Switzerland) - 2 218 326 0,85 % 1,10 %
Royal Skandia Life Insurance (UK) - 2 039 758 0,78 % 1,01 %
Seaman Invest AB - 2 000 000 0,77 % 0,99 %
Deutsche Bank (Germany) - 1 926 897 0,74 % 0,96 %
SEB Private Bank (Luxembourg) - 1 706 035 0,66 % 0,85 %
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith (US) - 1 590 193 0,61 % 0,79 %
Carnila AB - 1 439 062 0,55 % 0,71 %
Kvibergs Marknad AB - 1 102 962 0,42 % 0,55 %
Other shareholders - 120 522 702 46,35 % 59,77 %
Total 6 500 000 195 153 866 100,00 % 100,00 %
Significant events after the reporting period
An extraordinary shareholders’ meeting on February 9, 2004 resolved that the Company in March would
issue convertible debentures with detachable warrants. The issue was directed at existing shareholders,
who were offered to subscribe for one convertible debenture at SEK 1,0 for each four present shares held,
and at holders of current debentures on the basis of set-off. Each debenture had a detachable warrant. Two
such warrants give entitlement to subscribe for one new share. The conversion price as well as the sub-
scription price for the detachable warrant was set at SEK 2,15. The debenture loan matures on March 31,
2007, offering an annual yield of 5 per cent. The preferential rights issue for cash was oversubscribed.
With regard to the offer to off-set directed at holders of the convertible debentures 2001/2004, approxi-
mately 69 per cent were subscribed, implying that about SEK 5 million only remains of the loan, which
matures in May 2004.

With regard to future results relating to collaboration projects conducted with a number of global players
active worldwide in several application areas, the Company estimates its present situation as follows.
At present several high intensity collaboration projects in a large number of application areas are ongoing,
including magnetic storage, bio applications, semiconductors (both non-volatile memory and HDI), opto
components and OLED displays, with the potential of resulting in significant industrial orders. In this
connection the Company would repeat its opinion that the application in itself is of greater importance
than any individual customer.
Obducat’s internal research and development progress as of 2003, together with the outcome of the total
application development having been pursued by players reaching consumers, is of such importance that
the foundation has been laid for NIL as a future technique for mass production, with Obducat as a highly
likely and suitable technology provider. It is furthermore considered very likely that mass production
based on NIL will gradually commence starting at the end of 2005. This opinion is based on the timetables
that Obducat’s customers and partners have chosen to communicate to the Company.
In these circumstances the Company believes that it will secure at least one industrial NIL order in 2004.
The possibility of securing at least one industrial order in 2004 is not dependent on how sales of the Com-
pany’s core products are developing.
As of last year the technological progress in Obducat’s EBR business has been positive. The market po-
tential is considered to be enormous, not least thanks to the comparative technology status of the Com-
pany. EBR sales are estimated to commence in 2004/2005.
In the light of the significant investments in focus, the semiconductor industry, as previously established,
in 2003 revised its schedule for the implementation of new production technology on a mass production
level. In this context, the Company wishes to emphasise that such revised plans are entirely due to the
semiconductor industry’s internal decisions.
The Company remains positive about the sales growth in spite of soft sales at the start of the year. In com-
bination with opportunities for a gradual increase in SEM sales, the Company has grounds to maintain its
most recently announced forecast. The Board of Directors and Management thus estimate that it will be
possible to achieve an organic growth rate of 25-30 per cent in 2004 and sales of about SEK 100 million
as well as positive cash flow for full-year 2005.
Future financial reports
Annual Report 2003 May 2004
Annual General Meeting June 4, 2004 at 2 p.m. (Kockum Fritid, Malmö)
Interim Report 2 2004 (January – June) August 6, 2004
Interim Report 3 2004 (January – September) October 28, 2004
Interim Report 4 2004 / Year-end Report February 2005

Malmö, April 28, 2004
The Board of Directors of Obducat AB (publ),
Corporate identity number 556378-5632
On behalf of the Board
Patrik Lundström
This interim report has not been subject to review by the Company’s authorised public accountant.


29.04.04 12:59

79561 Postings, 9118 Tage KickyUmsatz um 50% eingebrochen,Verlust um 20% erhöht

das nennst du gut?seit den Höchstständen Anfang des Jahres minus 50%,gestern und heute allein schon minus 10%!
nur die FIP hält den Kurs aufrecht in Schweden und einige wenige Kleinanleger in Berlin kaufen noch,aber hier mehr Verkäufer als Käufer

"Herre gud Bolaget verkar ju gå en kräftgång som bara kan hållas vid liv med ständiga nyemissoner.Allt hänger nu på en stor industriell order.Kommer den så kan läget bli bättre.Obducat är idag en EXTREM HÖGRISKAKTIE som man avråder ifrån om man inte vill riskera hela insatsen" (VCW-Board heute 10 Uhr 39)

"Lieber Gott,die Firma wirkt so als ob sie nur mit Neuimmissionen am Leben gehalten werden kann,alles hängt von einer grösseren industriellen Order ab.Nur dann kann die Lage besser werden.Obducat ist heute eine extreme Hochrisikoaktie,von der man nur abraten kann,will man nicht den ganzen Einsatz verlieren"  

29.04.04 15:59

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiDu redest nur Stuß, Kicky, wie immer!:))

Wahrscheinlich ist Dir immer noch nicht aufgefallen daß:

1) Der Gesamtmarkt schwach ist, weil zum Beispiel China das Wachstum verlangsamen will und Kredite in Zukunft drosseln möchte

2) Daß Obducat über 6 Millionen Euro in der Kasse hat

3) Daß Obducat als Outlook weiterhin von einem beschleunigten Wachstum für 2004 von mindestens 30 Prozent ausgeht

4) Das alles im rahmen der Erwtarungen liegt

5) Das die West-Länderbank Aktien von Obducat im Wert von Euro 5 Millionen kauft und kaufen wird.


Verstehe Deine Aufregung, aber bleib locker, die 30 Cent halten! :)) Schon blöd, wenn man es nicht wahrhaben will! Aber Du wirst es auch noch lernen!


29.04.04 16:27

79561 Postings, 9118 Tage Kickyund die Konkurrrenz schläft nicht

AMSTERDAM, April 20 (Reuters) - Dutch electronic chip manufacturing equipment maker ASML (Amsterdam:ASML.AS - News; NasdaqNM:ASML - News) announced its latest lithography tool on Tuesday, which will produce thinner circuits and smaller chips to give it an edge over Japanese rivals.Lithography machines lie at the heart of the chip making process as they map out circuits on silicon wafers. Machines sell at an average 10 million euros ($12 million) apiece, but the most modern ones are much more expensive. The new ASML machine, dubbed Twinscan XT:1400, can mass produce chips with circuits as thin as 65 nanometres, upping the ante from the XT:1250 which goes down to mass production at the 70 nanometre level -- one nanometre is one millionth of a millimetre. The new tool, due for delivery by December 2004, can be upgraded to "wet" semiconductor manufacturing -- in which a fluid between the lens and the silicon wafer improves depth of focus and resolution.
Dutch litho tool vendor ASML today  unveiled the latest version of its Twinscan platform designed as a bridge tool of sorts between dry and immersion lithography.

But the real news about its latest exposure tool, which will ship at the end of this year, is its numerical aperture. Just as ASML's Japanese rivals have suggested might happen, the chip industry may chose to extend the numerical aperture (NA) available in 193nm lens technology before it turns to immersion or wet lithography.

That would certainly seem to be the consensus now among suppliers.

The Twinscan XT:1400, as ASML has dubbed it, is a 0.93 NA, 193nm scanner capable of resolution at production volumes for the 65nm node, according to the company. Currently the highest-available NA for an exposure tool is 0.85.

Both Nikon Corp. and Canon Inc. said at the SPIE Microlithography Conference in late February that they plan to soon roll out tools with numerical apertures of 0.90 or better. Nikon said it would begin accepting orders this month for its NSR-S308F stepper/scanner, which it says has an NA of 0.92.

NA essentially, in simple terms, refers to the brightness of the lithography lens, and has a direct impact on the resolution of a tool. With tools that feature numerical apertures above 0.90 available for 65nm production, it seems unlikely that immersion technology would be necessary until the 45nm node at the earliest.

"At this moment, we have several orders for the dry version, and we have discussed with customers the need for an (immersion) upgrade package," said Paul van Attekum, VP of marketing and technology at ASML, referring to his company's new tool. But it is too early to tell demand for the immersion upgrade, he added. The XT:1400, the successor to the Twinscan XT:1250, will be available at first as a dry tool; an immersion lithography kit will be available at the end of 2005.
Given the possibility of extending the life of exposure technology through a higher NA, "you start to see immediately more interest in the higher NA tool," van Attekum observed. But then, the market for really advanced tools is still a relatively small one, he added.

To boost the NA requires advances and improvements in lens technology, which in turn raises the cost of the tool. A 10 percent increase in NA causes a dramatic increase in lens cost, van Attekum observed. ASML didn't hang a price tag on the XT:1400, but by way of comparison, Nikon expects its NSR-S308F to sell for a whopping $25 million.

As for the availability of a conversion kit for immersion lithography, ASML has customers in both dry and wet camps, so to speak, van Attekum explained. Immersion involves placing liquid between the final lens of an exposure tool and the wafer being exposed; the technology promises to dramatically improve depth of focus and effectively lower the wavelength of the exposure light, and thereby the resolution capability.

The technology has gained momentum and proponents within the industry very quickly, but the jury is still out for some. Some of ASML's customers believe wholeheartedly in immersion, most notably perhaps foundry giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Others are not so sure the wet technology will ever prove viable for production, van Attekum said.

ASML admittedly is covering itself, too, by rolling out a dry 193nm tool with a higher NA, and following up with an immersion conversion kit. A year ago the industry's thoughts on immersion were still somewhat reticent, compared to the rather bullish outlook for the technology today. Those thoughts could differ considerably yet again a year from now R&D continues, van Attekum noted.

NIKON und Canon sagten beide auf der SPIE Microlithography Conference im Februar,dass sie in Kürze neue Maschinen herausbringen würden mit 0,90 oder besser.Nikon hat bereits Order entgegen genommen für die neue NSR-S308F mit 0,92,diese soll 25 Millionen $ kosten

NPGS is the top selling SEM lithography system at research institutions in North America, and its use is becoming widespread around the world. The objective for NPGS is to provide a powerful, versatile, and easy to use system for doing state-of-the-art electron beam or ion beam lithography using a commercial SEM, STEM, or FIB


29.04.04 16:29

5883 Postings, 7654 Tage tafkarOstarrichi, steh doch dazu, dass du pleitewerte

(siehe CBB) sehr anziehend findest ...

tafkar   Yours sincerly, TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsRalph


29.04.04 16:36

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiZeigt mir einen WEert der heute+ist!

Bevor Du so einen Schwachsinn von Dir gibst mal eine Frage an Dich lieber Tafkar: Kannst mir sagen, was heute im Plus ist an der Börse? Nichts!

Solche Leute hab ich gerne, Du hast wahrscheinlich mit HVB heute minus 10 Prozent gemacht, mit dieser Bluechip-Pleiteaktie! :))

Da ist Obducat Gold dagegen.

Vorschlag: Wenns bis nächsten Monat nicht pleite ist, komme ich zu Dir und haue Di4r eine auf Deine blöde Nuß und Du darfst dafür noch zahlen! Okey? :))

Es gibt diese von Dir erträumte Konkurrenz nicht, Kicky! Die Patente kann man nicht konkurrieren. Ein Patent ist und bleibt ein Patent! Im Herbst darfst Du aber gerne bei mir betteln um einige Obducat , die ich Dir dann evenztuell für 1 Euro geben werde!




29.04.04 16:37

5883 Postings, 7654 Tage tafkarklar, schatz!

tafkar   Yours sincerly, TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsRalph


29.04.04 16:40

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiFine Cockney!

Your cock who is fucking you hard very soon!




29.04.04 16:42

5883 Postings, 7654 Tage tafkarso lang, wie ihr

(die ente und du) obducat (und du auch cbb) schon beim fallen zuschaut, hättet ihr mit jedem blue chip geld machen können ...

tafkar   Yours sincerly, TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsRalph


29.04.04 16:51

763 Postings, 7555 Tage Ostarrichi@Kicky!

Keines dieser Geräte kann den nanoimprintvorgang in einer maschine integrieren!

Keine Konkurrenz für Obdcuat!



Kicky, nicht immer soviel Kaki! :))  

29.04.04 16:53

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiSolange wie Du...

nicht realisiert, daß ich beim Fallen der CBB nicht zuschaue (Hqab mit 0,065 einiges verkauft, bei 0,04 gekauft) und Du mit Nebenwerten wie WCM bei 0,90 gekauft, mit 1,35 verkauft, nicht mitmachst, schade für Dich!



29.04.04 16:59

763 Postings, 7555 Tage OstarrichiMit welchen BlueChip?HVB? :))

Hast ja Recht, heute minus 10 Prozent!



29.04.04 17:28

923 Postings, 7719 Tage js111...und die 0,19 kommen wieder näher...

...wann hier 0.40 kommen sollen, das steht in den Sternen.  

29.04.04 17:55

763 Postings, 7555 Tage Ostarrichi@JS111! Und Tschingins Khan reitet auch wieder!:))

Träume weiter!

Am 04.03.2003 gehts rauf! Wetten?



Hab Deine tollen Analysen schon vermißt, man hört sie nur, wenn der markt gerade schwach ist! :))


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