Exitpipeline scheint zu wachsen.. The further exit pipeline is well filled with nine candidates.
The immediate growth drivers result from the already existing project pipeline, which currently comprises about 118 projects with a sales potential of EUR 14.4 billion. In addition, Mutares is tapping new potential by opening new locations
China hat ich auch noch nicht auf dem Schirm.. Denke da braucht man aber auch in der Führung noch jemand der da zu Hause ist.. Übernehmen sollte man sich nicht, wenn gleich ich da keine Sorgen habe, da sie gezeigt haben, daß sie wissen was sie tun
For example, international expansion to China and the USA is planned with offices in Shanghai and Chicago
Vierte Säule..fourth segment Retail & Food
n the current year, we will take the leap across the pond and also enter the Asian market. Our communicated medium-term targets, which foresee consolidated revenues of approximately EUR 7 billion by 2025, are only an intermediate stage in the growth of Mutares. There is still a lot for us to do and to gain."