AUGUST: Vorstandschef Richard Häusler kann bestätigen, dass der Kauf zur Übernahme von 99,5% der an der Nasdaq -OTCBB- gelisteten Aviation Upgrade Technologies (AUT) Inc., USA, abgeschlossen wurde und die SEC darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt wird. (Ein Firmenzukauf war schon vorher angekündigt worden -STIMMT!)
Stimmt ?
so, so
Aviation Upgrade Technologies Inc. AVUG
SEC Form 8k
On August 7, 2006, Aviation Upgrade Technologies, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the "Registrant"), and its president and principal shareholder, Torbjorn Lundqvist, entered into a non-binding and confidential Letter of Intent ("LOI") with Charles Ries. Should the conditions to closing occur as described in the LOI, Mr. Ries would purchase a controlling interest in the Registrant's common stock. The final terms of the definitive agreements are being negotiated, and any such transaction would be subject to customary due diligence by all parties, and certain conditions which must be fulfilled prior to closing. The parties to the LOI are currently conducting due diligence. There is no assurance that this transaction will be concluded, or any similar such transaction, or that in the event that such a transaction is concluded, that it would increase the value of the Registrant's common stock.
On August 9, 2006, Aviation Upgrade Technologies, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the “Registrant”), reported that it and Torbjorn Lundqvist, the Registrant’s majority shareholder and president, had entered into a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) dated August 7, 2006, with Charles Ries. By its own terms, the LOI has now expired as the proposed closing date passed without the terms of the LOI being completed. The Registrant intends to continue with its current business activities.
Dies ist m.E. ein Hardcore Zocker Wert, nichts dagegen zu sagen ihn auch als solchen zu nutzen. Der Versuch dies als werthaltiges Unternehmen darzustellen erscheint mir, freundlich ausgedrückt, eher unpassend. |