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mtn (wkn: 897024)
gut analysiert
„Annual Results 2008
* Group subscribers Up 48% to 90.7 million
* Revenue Up 40% to ZAR 102,5 billion
* EBITDA Up 36% to ZAR 43,2 billion
* PAT Up 44% to 17,1 billion
* Adjusted headline EPS Up by 33% to 904.4 cents
* Capex execution Up by 84% to ZAR 28,3 billion
* Strong balance sheet Net debt / EBITDA 0.3X
* Dividends declared of 181 cents
Investor Calendar
Event Date
Year-End Results March 2010“
quarterly results vom 30.09.2009
MTN Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1994/009584/06)
Share code: MTN
ISIN: ZAE000042164
(“MTN Group” or “MTN” or “the Group”)
MTN Group recorded 108,466,000 subscribers at 30 September 2009. This
is a 5% increase for the quarter from 103,187,000 subscribers
recorded at 30 June 2009 and a 19.6% increase for the year to date.
The attached analysis is presented on a regional basis. The
proportional subscriber contribution between the regions remains
relatively unchanged to that as at 30 June 2009. South and East
Africa (SEA) region contributed 23% (June 2009: 25%) of the Group’s
total subscribers while West and Central Africa (WECA) and Middle
East and North Africa (MENA) contributed 46% (June 2009: 46%) and 31%
(June 2009: 30%), respectively.
The SEA region increased its subscriber base by a very modest 0,5%
for the quarter. This was primarily due to the disappointing negative
movement of the South Africa subscriber base which contributes 64% to
the region. South Africa’s subscriber base declined from 17,231,000
at the end of June 2009 to 16,419,000 at 30 September 2009. The main
reason for the movement is the significantly lower number of gross
connections following the implementation of RICA (Regulation of Interception of
Communications and Provision of Communication-Related information Act) on 1 August 2009.
Given the current market uncertainty following the RICA
implementation there are challenges with South Africa achieving its
revised target of zero net additions for the full year. Uganda
increased its subscriber base by 11% in the quarter following the
continued success of MTN Zone which now constitutes 95% of the total
prepaid base.
The WECA region increased its subscriber base by 5% for the quarter
driven mainly by Nigeria which accounts for 58% of the region’s
subscribers. Nigeria recorded a 5% increase in its subscriber base to
28,751,000 mainly due to continued network rollout, innovative
product offerings and the effectiveness of the distribution channels
implemented earlier in 2009. Ghana maintained its market share and
increased its subscriber base by 2,6% despite aggressive competitor
activity. Both Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire increased their subscriber
bases by 4% and 5% to 4,186,000 and 4,210,000, respectively.
The MENA region recorded a 9% increase in subscribers for the
quarter. This was largely due to continued growth from the Iran
operation, which contributes 62% to the region’s subscribers and
increased its base by 8% to 20,702,000. Iran’s growth was attributable mainly to expanded network coverage and continued
promotional activity. Syria increased its subscriber base by 13% to
4,000,000, well above expectations. Afghanistan, although a
relatively smaller operation, has been steadily contributing
positively to the region’s growth and has gained No. 1 position in
the market from No. 3 at the beginning of 2009.
MTN has revised its subscriber net addition guidance for the year for
South Africa to zero and for Syria to 550,000 while other
individually disclosed country guidance remains the same. MTN expects
to achieve the total group subscriber net addition guidance for 2009
of 22,600,000.
MTN South Africa’s blended average revenue per user (“ARPU”)
increased by 1% to R138. This was mainly due to the negative net
connections of 750,000. US$ reported ARPU is now more in line with
local currency trends, indicating relativel currency stability in
larger operations including Nigeria, Ghana, Iran and Syria. ARPU’s in
Nigeria, Ghana, Iran and Syria have remained relatively stable for
the quarter.
Subscriber Numbers
Jun-09 Sep-09 % change* Contribution %
Subs ‘000 Subs ‘000
South Africa 17,231 16,419 -4.7% 65%
Post-paid 2,868 2,953 3.0% 12%
Pre-paid 14,363 13,466 -6.2% 53%
Uganda 4,382 4,843 10.5% 19%
Mascom - Botswana 1,053 1,121 6.4% 4%
Rwanda 1,381 1,655 19.8% 6%
Zambia 857 949 10.8% 4%
Swaziland 556 604 8.7% 2%
Sub total 25,460 25,591 0.5% 23%
Nigeria 27,338 28,751 5.2% 58%
Ghana 7,219 7,408 2.6% 15%
Cameroon 4,013 4,186 4.3% 8%
Cote d‘Ivoire 4,013 4,210 4.9% 9%
Benin 1,291 1,383 7.2% 3%
Conakry 1,132 1,181 4.3% 2%
Congo - Brazzaville 1084 1193 10.1% 2%
Liberia 567 673 18.6% 2%
Bissau 395 409 3.5% 1%
Sub total 47,052 49,394 5.0% 46%
Iran 19,187 20,702 7.9% 62%
Syria 3,550 4,000 12.7% 12%
Sudan 3,025 3,395 12.2% 10%
Afghanistan 2,598 2,901 11.7% 9%
Yemen 2,131 2,289 7.4% 6%
Cyprus 184 195 6.0% 1%
Sub total 30,675 33,481 9.1% 31%
Total Subscribers 103,187 108,466 5.1% 100%
Jun-09 Sep-09 % change*
currency %
South Africa R 136 R 138 1% 1%
Post-paid R 362 R 357 -1% -1%
Pre-paid R 92 R 95 3% 3%
Uganda $7 $6 -9% -1%
Mascom - Botswana $10 $11 9% 3%
Rwanda $7 $7 -3% -3%
Zambia $6 $6 0% -3%
Swaziland $11 $12 9% 3%
Nigeria $12 $12 -6% -5%
Ghana $8 $8 -2% 3%
Cameroon $9 $9 3% 0%
Cote d‘Ivoire $9 $9 3% -6%
Benin $12 $12 0% -3%
Conakry $8 $8 -5% -5%
Congo - Brazzaville $12 $12 4% 2%
Liberia $11 $11 -3% -3%
Bissau $10 $9 -6% -7%
Iran $8 $8 0% 1%
Syria $18 $18 2% 2%
Sudan $6 $5 -5% -2%
Afghanistan $5 $5 1% 1%
Yemen $7 $7 0% 1%
Cyprus $39 $39 1% -4%
* %’s are based on actual and not rounded figures
Subscribers are customers who have participated in a revenue
generating activity in the last 90 days. ARPU is the monthly weighted
average revenue per subscriber. Revenue includes interconnect fees
and excludes connection fees and visitor roaming revenue, and this is
divided by the weighted average subscriber base over the period.
** South Africa subscribers and ARPU’s include community service
payphones into pre-paid and application providers into post-paid.
29 October 2009
Deutsche Securities (SA) (Proprietary) Limited
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MTN Group Ltd
19.12.2009 Kolumne -
2010 richtig positioniert: 10 weitere Unternehmen für Ihr Depot (Teil 2)
Die südafrikanische MTN Group ist der führende Mobilfunkanbieter auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Aktivitäten in 21 Ländern in Afrika und im Nahen Osten und über mehr als 90 Millionen Vertragskunden. Afrika ist eine der wenigen Regionen weltweit, welche für Mobilfunkkonzerne noch hohe Wachstumsraten versprechen, denn die Durchdringungsraten sind in diesen Ländern bisher sehr niedrig. MTN hat erhebliche Investitionen in den Aufbau von Mobilfunknetzen geleistet, was dem Unternehmen ein anhaltendes Neukundenwachstum sichert.
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MTN Group Ltd
Football is a common global language. MTN is about delivering communication services, and our sponsorship of football on the continent is a natural extension of this commitment. In addition to sponsoring Africa’s biggest football website,, MTN was the title sponsor of the Confederation of African Football’s (CAF) 2006 and 2008 African Cup of Nations finals. MTN also established strong |
links with the greatest achievers in African football through the annual MTN CAF Awards. The MTN commitment to football on the African continent is evident in various other soccer sponsorships in countries where MTN operates. These include the African Soccer Show, which is televised in five African countries, the sponsorship of the football associations in Cameroon and Swaziland and three club sponsorships in South Africa.
And finally, MTN has taken its soccer sponsorship international by becoming Africa’s first ever global sponsor of a FIFA World Cup™ event. The 2010 FIFA World Cup™ held in South Africa is the first FIFA™ event of its kind to be hosted on African soil and MTN’s US$65 million-sponsorship affords it the exclusive mobile content rights for Africa and the Middle East as well as global marketing rights.
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MTN Group Ltd
MTN Group reports sound operational performance for the year ended 31 December 2009
Highlights- Group subscribers up 28% to 116,0 million
- Revenue up 9,2% to R111,9 billion
- EBITDA up 6,7% to R46,1 billion
- Adjusted Headline EPS down 16.6% to 754,3 cents
- Adjusted Headline EPS, excluding the impact of functional currency losses, up 8,5% to 878,9 cents
- Dividend per share of 192 cents
MTN Group revenues increased by 9,2% to R111,9 billion and earnings before interest, tax and depreciation ("EBITDA") by 6,7% to R46,1 billion based on a sound operational performance for the year ended 31 December 2009. Movements in exchange rates in the year, mainly in the South African Rand ("ZAR") and Nigerian Naira ("NGN"), had a substantially negative impact on the Group's financial results. To illustrate this, had there been no change in currency rates during the year, reported revenues at year end would have been 11 percentage points higher, and EBITDA 12 percentage points above that reported. Adjusted headline earnings per share ("EPS") decreased by 16,6% to 754.3 cents and, excluding the impact of the functional currency losses, increased by 8,5% to 878.9 cents.
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MTN Group Ltd
World-Class Football brought onto the doorsteps of SA fans
There are a number of questions around what will happen to the South African football arena after the 2010 FIFA World Cup. To keep the momentum going and continue the excitement of the World Cup – MTN has entered into a strategic alliance that will take its football involvement to the next level.
Manchester United Football Club and MTN have concluded a three-and-a-half year business partnership which sees the African operator become the exclusive South African telecommunications partner of the world’s best-supported football club.
David Gill, Chief Executive of Manchester United said “The partnership with MTN is a very important step in the Club’s plan to get closer to its family of fans based all over the world. MTN’s strength, particularly in the pre-paid market will provide the club with the perfect platform to achieve that.”
“This strategic alliance answers our South African fan’s questions and provides us with the best business fit that will help us further improve our customer experience,” says Veli Mabena, GM: Brand & Communications at MTN South Africa.
With an estimated global fan base of 333 million people, the Manchester United agreement is designed to set MTN even further apart from its competitors.
“With one of the most diverse support bases in world football, South Africans football fans from all walks of life can identify with Manchester United. By partnering with the Old Trafford-based club, MTN is providing customers and fans alike with a front-row seat to world club football,” continues Mabena.
This sees MTN becoming the South African extension of the club with exclusive mobile content and online inventory such as match highlights, player profiles, ringtones available to customers for download through the MTN Play entertainment portal.
Additionally, MTN also has the rights to produce co-branded premiums and will receive signed memorabilia to use as competitions to reward its customers. It will also offer exclusive Manchester United-branded MTN products such as airtime vouchers, to name a few.
“South Africa is the centre of the footballing world in 2012. Manchester United has 10.3 Million fans in the country and enjoyed two recent visits there in 2006 and 2008. This deal with the region’s leading mobile company will help us to deepen our relationship with our fans and bring them close to the club on a regular basis” commented Richard Arnold, Director of Commercial at Manchester United.
It does not end there though, MTN will running competitions for its customer base where a few staunch fans of the club will get an opportunity to have an Ayoba experience by having one-on-one interactions with Manchester United players in the local and international football arena.
While the alliance provides MTN with the leverage it needs to enter the global football arena, the two organisations will work closely together on community initiatives.
Mabena explains: “the Manchester United Foundation will tie into what we are doing through the MTN SA Foundation in focusing on community upliftment. This is core to our overriding mission of giving back to the communities in which we operate. Both organisations are committed to enhancing the lives of those less privileged and this partnership will extend strongly into clearly aligned community initiatives.”
From a community perspective, there will be joint investment into community or sports development in the form of coaching clinics where skills will be transferred from world renowned football players to youngsters who come from communities with a dire need for upliftment opportunities.
“Given the longevity of the contract and the powerful brand that is Manchester United, in many ways from a revenue point of view, we see this partnership to be as big as our involvement with the FIFA World Cup, as they both have international appeal and massive global audiences.
“Through this partnership, we want to - in future - build on what we have achieved through our local football sponsorships as well as the World Cup,” concludes Mabena.
link: (ohne datum, eingespeist 03.2010)
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MTN Group Ltd
JOHANNESBURG/CAIRO (Reuters) - South Africa's MTN
confirmed it is in talks to buy Egypt's Orascom Telecom, a $9 billion deal that would make MTN the world's fourth-largest mobile phone operator.
But a crucial component of the deal, Orascom Telecom's lucrative Algerian unit, was thrown in doubt on Wednesday when the Algerian government said it was opposed to the sale of the unit and would block it from going ahead.
Purchasing all of Orascom, which has a market capitalisation of $7.2 billion and almost 93 million subscribers, would give Africa's biggest mobile operator access to fast-growing markets in Algeria, Pakistan and untapped North Korea.
Egyptian investment bank EFG-Hermes has valued Orascom, which relies on South Africa, Nigeria and Iran for the bulk of its revenue, at about $9 billion. MTN at the moment ranks as the world's No.11, with 116 million subscribers.
MTN said talks with Weather Investments, which owns 51 percent of Orascom Telecom and is majority-owned by Egyptian billionaire and Orascom executive Naguib Sawiris, may or may not lead to a transaction. MTN said it could take control of the Egyptian telecoms firm or some of its businesses.
Analysts have said that Orascom's Algerian unit is the most attractive of the assets, and the likely focus of the deal.
However, Algeria's Telecommunications Ministry issued a statement saying it was exercising its prerogative, under a law adopted last year, to have the right of first refusal if Orascom Telecom wants to sell the unit.
"The government is opposed to the planned deal between MTN and Orascom with regard to the company OTA (Orascom Telecom Algerie)," Algeria's state-run APS news agency quoted the ministry as saying in a statement.
"Therefore any transaction concerning OTA will be null ... and could lead to the withdrawal of the telephone license granted to the company," the statement said.
"In the event that Orascom intends to divest itself of OTA, it is incumbent upon it to discuss the conditions ... with the Algerian state, which has decided to exercise its right of pre-emption to the entire capital of this company," it said.
David Lerche, telecoms analyst at Johannesburg-based Avior Research, said the Algerian unit "is a jewel in the crown at Orascom, because of its size and margins ... and market share."
Djezzy is Algeria's largest mobile phone operator and Orascom's biggest source of revenue. But the unit has been troubled by a tax dispute and Algerian sources have said the government wants Orascom out of the company.
Avior's Lerche said Orascom's North Korean unit would also offer MTN strong growth potential, because the isolated nation is one of the world's least developed telecom markets.
The acquisition of the whole of Orascom would propel MTN past its former suitor and current rival, India's Bharti Airtel . Like MTN, Bharti has been keep to capitalise on African growth and recently sealed a $9 billion for the African assets of Kuwait's Zain."
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MTN Group Ltd
Algerien behauptet Vorkaufsrecht zu haben
Die ägyptische Orascom Telecom Holding verhandelt mit der südafrikanischen MTN über den Verkauf mehrerer afrikanischer Tochterunternehmen. Darunter fällt auch die die Orascom Telecom Algerie (OTA), die über die Marke Djezzy die Nummer Eins im Mobilfunkbereich ist. Die Mobilfunklizenz wurde von OTA 2001 om USD 737 Mio. gekauft.
Der aktuelle Firmenwert von OTA wird auf USD 5-7 Mrd. geschätzt. Vor den Affären um das WM-Qualifikationsspiel zwischen Ägypten und Algerien und den Steuernachzahlungen in der Höhe von USD 600 Mio. lag der Wert noch bei rund USD 10 Mrd. (Siehe Link: Orascom gibt im Steuerstreit nach).
Die algerische Regulierungsbehörde für Post und Telekommunikation (ARPT) ließ verlauten, dass ihr einerseits keine Informationen über den Verkauf von Djezzy vorlägen und andererseits ein solcher Schritt von ihr zuerst genehmigt werden müsste.
Das algerische Finanzministerium teilte zusätzlich mit, dass der algerische Staat ein Vorkaufsrecht bei einem Verkauf ausländischer Unternehmensanteile besitze.
auflösung (?):
Zuständige Minister bestätigte das Interesse Djezzy von der ägyptischen Orascom zu erwerben
Der algerische Minister für die Post und Telekommunikation bestätigte, dass der algerische Staat Interesse an einem Kauf des privaten Telekomanbieters OTA (Orascom Telecom Algérie) hat. OTA ist eine Tochter der ägyptischen Orascom Telecom Holding (OTH).
OTH hat zuletzt, aufgrund von diversen Problemen auf dem algerischen Markt (nähere Informationen enthalten untenstehende Links), mit der südafrikanischen MTN über einen Verkauf seiner algerischen Tochter verhandelt. Algerien hatte im Falle eines Verkaufs behauptet, ein Vorkaufsrecht zu besitzen und dieses auch ausüben zu wollen.
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MTN Group Ltd
Telecom giants, MTN Nigeria got a boost yesterday when it received fresh loan facilities from a consortium of banks to enable the company further expand its network across the country.
The medium term loan which is expected to take a five year repayment period was formally signed yesterday in Lagos by the MTN board of directors and chief Executives of the 15 lending banks including two foreign banks.
MTN Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ahmad Farroukh, described the development as "another historical milestone in the development of telecommunications in Nigeria."
The banks in the loan deal which is naira dominated include; Access Bank, Afribank, Bank PHB, Citibank Nigeria Limited, Diamond Bank, Ecobank Nigeria, First City Monument Bank Plc, Fidelity Bank and First Bank of Nigeria. Others are Guaranty Trust Bank, Stanbic IBTC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited, Union Bank of Nigeria, United Bank of Africa and Zenith Bank.
The 15 banks' loan facility amounts to N250 billion while the rest is lend by the two foreign banks.
The dollar denominated part of the funding consists of two separate facilities: a $250m export credit facility from KfW IPEX-Bank of Germany, and a $200m Buyer's Credit facility from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) to purchase equipment from Huawei.
According to Farouk, "the loans demonstrate immense confidence by these global financial players in the managerial competence of MTN and its commitment to its mission of providing peerless telecom services across Nigeria. The loans will go a long way in fast-tracking our network enhancement efforts.
The sheer magnitude of these funds five times the budget of Yobe State and nine times the 2010 budget of The Gambia- signifies the confidence local and international investors have come to repose in Nigeria, he said.
He said as at 31 March 2010, MTN Nigeria had recorded over 33 million subscribers. MTN arranged the facilities itself and it was done within six months, Daily Trust learnt.
In 2007, MTN had borrowed a whopping $2bn facility which won African Telecoms Deal of the Year by Euromoney. At the time, it was the largest facility granted to a single country telecommunications operator in Africa."
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MTN Group Ltd
MTN announces an R8.1 billion BEE transaction
As part of its on-going empowerment drive, the MTN Group today unveiled a proposed Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) transaction to be executed through its South African local listing.
“BEE is integral to the ethos of MTN, and MTN believes that broad-based BEE participation is important to its future success as a Group,” said Phuthuma Nhleko, MTN President and CEO.
The transaction will further broaden MTN South Africa’s effective BEE ownership through a public offer to Black individuals and groups, and will reasonably take MTN’s effective indirect BEE ownership level in South Africa beyond 30% when combined with MTN’s previous BEE initiatives.
The new MTN BEE Transaction - to be called MTN Zakhele, invites Black South African investors to participate in the acquisition of up to 4% equity ownership in the listed holding company. The 4% equity, worth approximately R8.1 billion, will give MTN South Africa an additional effective black ownership of up to 29.1%, thus making the new MTN BEE transaction the largest empowerment deal in South Africa’s telecommunications sector to date.
Though the MTN Zakhele scheme will be executed through MTN’s South African listing, it will give these investors exposure to MTN’s diversified operations and growth markets.
“Since its incorporation in South Africa in 1994, MTN has been at the forefront of BEE in South Afrca and remains fully committed to the principles of BBBEE to provide long-term and sustainable benefits to its participants. It is for this reason that we have structured the new MTN BEE Transaction through an offer to the Black public, acting as far as possible within the letter and the spirit of the BBBEE codes and empowerment requirements for South African businesses,” said Nhleko.
The new MTN BEE offer is expected to open to the public on 30 August 2010. A prospectus with details of the offer will be available from this date at MTN retail stores and Post Office outlets around the country.
The transaction is envisaged to run for a period lasting six years, the first three of which will be a lock-in period after wich participants will be free to trade with other BEE investors.
To participate in the MTN Zakhele empowerment scheme, qualifying investors will be invited to subscribe for ordinary shares at a price of R20 per share. The minimum subscription required for participation in the public offer is R2,000 (i.e. 100 ordinary shares). There will be no cap per individual investing in the MTN Zakhele empowerment scheme. All valid share applications will be considered, and a bottom-up allocation process will be followed should the scheme be over-subscribed.
In addition to the Zakhele scheme, MTN will issue approximately 0.1% of its issued share capital on a fully diluted basis to an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP). Eligible employees will not be required to contribute equity in order to participate in the ESOP. MTN management and directors will not participate in the ESOP.
Nhleko says black equity ownership is a key pillar of BEE, and the MTN Zakhele scheme will augment many empowerment initiatives undertaken by MTN to date. These include the Asonge scheme facilitated by the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) three years ago.
Until December 2008, MTN South Africa obtained the majority of its equity ownership points in terms of the BEE codes through a 13% shareholding held by the Alpine Trust (through Newshelf 664) in MTN. When the Newshelf structure was unwound last year, MTN acquired Newshelf from the Alpine Trust and made known its intention to use a portion of MTN shares previously owned by Newshelf (Newshelf Unwind) to faciliate a new MTN BEE Transaction.
The implementation of this MTN BEE transaction was delayed due to severe constraints in financial markets at the time of the Newshelf Unwind.
Karel Pienaar, MTN South Africa MD, said the MTN Zakhele empowerment transaction, facilitated by the Group, will enhance MTN SA’s BEE credentials and supplement other areas of the BEE scorecard such as preferential procurement, skills development, employment equity and enterprise development.
BEE? - vertiefung:
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MTN Group Ltd
2010 Highlights
- 141,6 million Group subscribers up 22,0%
- 44% EBITDA** margin up 2,9 percentage points
- R31,0 billion Approximate Free Cash Flow* up 108%
- 349 cents Final dividend per share
- 909,1 cents Adjusted HEPS** up 20,5%
*EBITDA** – Capex (approximately free cash flow)
**Excluding the impact of the MTN Zakhele transaction
und am 27.05.2011 gibt es den ergebnisbericht für 2010 ...
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MTN Group Ltd
MTN surpasses 150 million mobile subscribers, and pledges to plant 150 000 trees to thank its customers
The MTN Group has passed 150 million mobile subscribers, showing strong subscriber growth despite increased competition.
Speaking at the MTN Group Annual General Meeting (AGM) today, MTN Group President and CEO Sifiso Dabengwa announced that MTN increased its subscriber base by 7.4 million subscribers or 5% to 149 million customers for the four months to 30 April 2011, and has subsequently passed 150 million mobile subscribers across its 21 operations.
Margins in the majority of MTN’s key markets in Africa and the Middle East remained robust, although margin pressure in markets with high levels of price competition was experienced.
Robust margins were primarily due to the benefit of on-going cost control and efficiency initiatives, despite the negative impact of inflationary pressures and higher fuel costs.
“MTN believes its current initiatives place it in good stead to take advantage of value creating opportunities, while mitigating the various risks. MTN will continue to leverage its scale, operational capability and intellectual capacity in an industry which has become more competitive as it matures and evolves,” said Dabengwa.
The MTN Group Board has decided that the formation of a formalized subsidiary company board for the international operations will not be progressed at this point in time. This follows a review of the work completed by the sub-committee of the board appointed to investigate the matter.
The MTN Group wishes to share its 150 million mobile subscriber milestone with communities by linking it to a worthy social cause. Accordingly, MTN has pledged to plant 150 000 (one hundred and fifty thousand) trees across its markets during the next six months.
MTN is cognisant of the serious implications of climate change in its markets and the world, and is therefore making a contribution to preserve the environment by mobilising its staff of approximately 30 000 to plant trees in their communities.
“At MTN, employees regard themselves as an integral part of their communities. It is this sense of community that enables us as the Group to respond meaningfully to the needs of our customers beyond just providing them with telecommunication services,” said Dabengwa.
He explained that MTN operates in a business ecosystem in which triple bottom line (people, planet and profit) issues are increasingly becoming vital for future survival.
“Our customers are important to us, and so are we to them in terms of offering them services that improve their lifestyle. Unless we take good care of the surroundings in which people live and in which we as business operate, there will be no markets and growth prospects to talk of in future”.
“The idea of planting trees has the potential to trigger the kind of public consciousness that can turn each of the 150 million MTN subscribers into active agents for positive social change,” adds Dabengwa.
MTN’s 150 000 trees pledge builds on the commitment the Group made at the onset of the MTN 21 Days of Y’ello Care corporate social responsibility (CSR) annual initiative, which kicked off on 1 June 2011, to plant 21 000 trees across its markets.
The 21 Days Y’ello Care campaign ended on a high yesterday, with more than 50 000 trees planted by MTN staff across MTN’s global footprint in support of the UN’s declaration of 2011 as the International Year of Forests.
-Issued by MTN Group Corporate Affairs
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MTN Group Ltd
Doch! :-)
Ich suche gute afrikanische Investments. Afrika ist das neue Asien. Ich rechne mir Chancen im Bereich Konsum und Telekomm. aus.
Werde mich jetzt mal über MTN informieren. Ich glaube, Econet und Vodacom spielen in Afrika noch eine große Rolle.
Des Weiteren suche ich Infos zu Taste Holdings (Fast Food und Juwelier). Die Aktie findet man hier bei Ariva aber leider nicht.
Viele Grüße
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MTN Group Ltd
Kannst ja mal schreiben was für Schlüsse du aus deinen Recherchen ziehst. Da viele Werte nicht über deutsche Börsen handelbar sind, bietet sich auch ein ETF oder Fonds als Beimischung zu den Einzelwerten an...
Ein Blick hier lohnt sich auch:
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MTN Group Ltd
Baugewerbe: Mota-Engil Africa (
Getränke: SABMiller (
Banken: Standard Chartered (
ETF: MSCI Africa ETF (
Fonds: Templeton Africa (
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MTN Group Ltd
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MTN Group Ltd
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MTN Group Ltd