► Day-Trading: Freitag, den 20.10.2006

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eröffnet am: 20.10.06 06:36 von: moya Anzahl Beiträge: 341
neuester Beitrag: 23.10.06 10:11 von: Frakus Mick Leser gesamt: 27692
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20.10.06 06:36

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moya► Day-Trading: Freitag, den 20.10.2006

Zeitpunkt: 13.08.14 14:00
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Threadtitel trotzdem anzeigen
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



20.10.06 06:38

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaNaa Happa damit haste wohl nicht gerechnet

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 06:39

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaZwischenstand NIKKEI

Kurs Zeit:06:19
Veränderung:Up 71,57 (0,43%)
Letzt. Schlußk:16.551,36
Tagesspanne:16.552,36 - 16.637,45
52W Spanne:12.996,30 - 17.563,40
Gruß Moya


20.10.06 07:03

6858 Postings, 7150 Tage nuessaMoin zusammen!

Schön moya, dass Du weiter machst!!

Google hat gestern sehr gut gemeldet, nachbörsl. die Aktie fast 7% im Plus das sollte dem NDX heute helfen können!

Ich wünsche einen schönen, erfolgreichen Tag und schonmal einen guten Rutsch ins Wochenende!

greetz nuessa


20.10.06 07:06

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaMoin Nüssa

ich gehe heute auch von einer positiven Marktentwicklung aus. Werden sicherlich wieder in den Bereich 6210 Punkten kommen, dann sollten aber wieder Gewinnmitnahmen einsetzen.

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 07:13

6858 Postings, 7150 Tage nuessaMoin Moya!

Schau mer mal wo wir vorbörsl. stehen wäre eigentl. mal wieder Zeit für mehr vola ob rauf oder runter keinen Plan, habe heute keine Meinung, weil ich gestern keine Charts angesehen habe!

Hast Du Deine shorts bereits gegeben??

greetz nuessa


20.10.06 07:45

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaHabe meine Short bereits ausgezogen

und warte auf einen Wiederstieg ob Long od. Short.

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 07:46

9963 Postings, 9116 Tage bauwiMoin Moya und geschätzten Dank "for the opening"

Google hilft sicherlich!  Und so sollte es möglich sein , das Unglaubliche wahr zu machen >  Eine weiteren bullishen Verlauf insbesondere des Nasdaq!


$Take the money and fly

Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, daß er tun kann, was er will, sondern das er nicht tun muß, was er nicht will.


20.10.06 07:49

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaBörsentag auf einen Blick:

Börsentag auf einen Blick:
            Gut behauptet  
Gestützt auf positive Vorgaben werden deutsche Aktien am Freitag voraussichtlich freundlich in den Handel starten. IG Index berechnete den DAX DAX.ETR am Morgen bei 6.188 Punkten. Am Donnerstag hatte der deutsche Leitindex 0,09 Prozent auf 6.177,42 Punkte eingebüßt. Der US-Leitindex Dow Jones INDU.IND legte nach Xetra-Schluss gut 9 Punkte zu. Er schloss damit erstmals über 12.000 Punkten. Auch der Nikkei-225-Index N225.FX1 verzeichnete am Morgen in Tokio Kursgewinne.

Der US-Leitindex Dow Jones hat am Donnerstag erstmals über 12.000 Punkten geschlossen. Er schloss mit plus 0,16 Prozent bei 12.011,73 Punkten auf einem neuen Rekordhoch. Mit der Flut an Unternehmensbilanzen im Fokus habe seien die Aktienindizes um ihr Vortagesniveau gependelt - der Dow habe aber dank der Kursgewinne bei den Schwergewichten wie Exxon Mobil und Altria den Sprung auf einen neuen Schlussrekord geschafft, sagten Händler. Neben den Bilanzen seien die Konjunkturdaten oder der etwas höhere Ölpreis sowie der schwächere US-Dollar eher in den Hintergrund gerückt.

Der Nikkei-225-Index N225.FX1 gewann am Morgen in Tokio rund 0,6 Prozent.

DAX          6.177,42 -0,09%
XDAX         6,137,83 -0,05%
EuroSTOXX 50 3.986,82 -0,11%
Stoxx50      3.676,46 -0,09%
DJIA        12.011,73 +0,16%
S&P 500      1.366,96 +0,07%
NASDAQ 100   1.706,37 +0,33%
Nikkei 225  16.649,17 +0,59% (7:15 Uhr)

Der für den Anleihemarkt richtungsweisende Euro-Bund-Future FGBL122006F.DTB dürfte nach Einschätzung von Experten kaum Impulse erhalten. Nachdem der Bund-Future von schwächeren Konjunkturdaten am Donnerstag nicht profitiert habe, ist laut Commerzbank an einem eher ereignislosen Handelstag das Potenzial für Kursgewinne eher beschränkt. Auf der anderen Seite hat der Abwärtsdruck aber auch nicht zugenommen. Nach Einschätzung der HSH Nordbank könnte jedoch die Entspannung im Nord-Korea-Konflikt den Bund-Future unter Druck bringen.

Bund-Future     116,97  -0,19%
T-Note-Future   107,03  +/-0%
T-Bond-Future   110,63  +0,03%

Der Euro hat sich im späten Handel am Donnerstag klar über 1,26 Dollar gehalten. Neuer Konjunkturoptimismus für die Eurozone habe die Gemeinschaftswährung nach Tagen der Lethargie oben getrieben, sagten Händler. Devisenexperte Jens Eisenschmidt von HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt verwies dabei unter anderem auf die günstige Wachstumsprognose im Herbstgutachten.

(Alle Kurse 7:15 Uhr)
Euro/USD  1,2636 +0,09%
USD/Yen   118,33 +0,14%
Euro/Yen  149,18 +/-0%

Der US-Ölpreis ist am Freitag nach der Entscheidung der Organisation der Erdöl produzierenden Länder (OPEC) für eine Kürzung der Fördermenge gestiegen. WTI (NYMEX) 58,90 -0,40 USD (7:15 Uhr) /sc

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 07:56

50950 Postings, 7631 Tage SAKUMochschend

moya (thx), nuessa, bauwi und der Rest der Rassler.

Sodele - Blut ist abgezapft, Frühstück kann endlich eingeschmissen werden ;o)))

Wünsche allen good trades!

20.10.06 07:56

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaTechnischer Morgenkommentar


Uneinheitlich aufgenommene Quartalsberichte wichtiger US-Unternehmen und dennoch ein Rekordschluss des Dow Jones (Schlussstand bei 12011 Indexpunkten). Damit setzt sich bisher die Serie steigender Kurse innerhalb intakter Aufwärtstrends fort, das mehrfach diskutierte Reaktionsrisiko besteht dennoch weiterhin fort (hier haben sich die markttechnischen Bedingungen noch nicht geändert). Andererseits zeigt sich aber auch, dass ein undifferenziertes „Wetten“ auf eine Reaktion keinen Sinn machen würde und wir mit entsprechenden Positionsaufbauten durchaus warten müssen, bis sich entsprechend konkrete Indikationen herleiten lassen.

In der Konsequenz bedeutet dies, dass wir uns des erhöhten Reaktionsrisikos der Aktienmärkte bewusst sein müssen und uns nicht dem ungebremsten Anstieg der Märkte auf Dauer sicher sein können. Andererseits sind stabile Aufwärtstrends bisher ein Fakt, der das Gesamtbild der Märkte dominiert. Ein Marktteilnehmer brachte es gestern auf den Punkt: „Die Leute werden die Zeitung aufschlagen und sagen `okay, wir hatten einen weiteren Rekord´, aber wir hatten auch ein paar ganz schön enttäuschende Zahlenvorlagen. Das zeigt, dass es nicht überall gut aussieht.“

Doch bis sich dies tatsächlich in den Kursen widerspiegelt, bleiben die Märkte bullish. Beurteilen wir die Kursverläufe der Aktien-Indizes ausschließlich technisch, gibt es aktuell keine Indizien, die ein wirkliches, baldiges Ende des Aufschwungs erwarten lassen. Bisher werden in den meisten der von uns beurteilten Märkte diese Trendverläufe sowohl chart- wie markttechnisch in nahezu jeder Beurteilungsweise bestätigt, weiterhin im Tages-, wie im Wochenchart. Leicht abweichend von dieser „Geradlinigkeit“ sehen wir die Kursentwicklung im japanischen Nikkei 225, der bereits im Vorfeld als einer der stärksten Indizes weltweit galt und nun, nach einer anhaltenden Verschnaufpause, etwas hinterherhinkt.

Als Fazit gilt demnach auch weiterhin: einen strategischen Long-Aufbau können wir mangels einer ausgeprägten, aber im Rahmen einer minimalen Reaktion verbleibenden Korrektur noch nicht regelkonform durchführen. Die Argumentation hierfür haben wir an dieser Stelle bereits im Vorfeld mehrmals diskutiert und das Für und Wider abgewogen. Das heißt: selbst auf die Gefahr, dass uns der Markt davon läuft, konzentrieren wir uns auf intraday-Aktivitäten und Eck-Trades, da ein Sprung in den laufenden Trend bei einer vorliegenden, allgemein leichten Überhitzung auch große Positionsrisiken bereithält. Wichtig ist für uns, dass der Markt korrigiert oder konsolidiert, um strategisch aktiv werden zu können. Taktisch gesehen, rechnen wir weiterhin mit einem erhöhten Reaktionsrisiko.


Auf der Rentenseite muss man sich nun fragen, ob eine Erholung kurzfristig noch wahrscheinlich ist, oder ob wir uns doch auf weiter fallende Kurse einrichten müssen. Fakt ist, dass bisher weder der FGBL, noch die beiden von uns beurteilten US-T-Bond-Futures (10 und 30 Jahre) ernsthafte Reaktionsansätze im Bezug auf den jüngsten, übergeordneten Abwärtsimpuls ausführten. Vielmehr konnten wir in den letzten Tagen eher eine Konsolidierung in vergleichsweise enger Handelsspanne unterstellen, welche sich in erster Linie in den beiden T-Bond-Futures durch die Ausbildung von Doji-Mustern auszeichnete. Damit wird der neutrale „Trading“ Charakter der Staubereiche sogar eher unterstrichen.

Im Bund-Future skizzierten wir im Tageschart eine ähnliche Struktur, auch hier schloss sich in den letzten Tagen dem jüngsten Abwärtstrend eine seitwärts ausgerichtete Konsolidierung an, deren Reaktionsausmaß unterhalb der „erlaubten“ Minimumkorrektur blieb. Konsequenterweise müssten wir jetzt unterstellen, dass das Risiko einer Weiterführung des Abschwungs, bei etwa 70 Prozent Wahrscheinlichkeit liegt. Einzig statistischer Schönheitsfehler dieser Auswertung ist der Fakt, dass diese Regel bereits bei einem neuen Bewegungsextrem als erfüllt gilt – und dies sahen wir schon gestern Nachmittag, als der FGBL zumindest temporär für einige wenige Stunden unter das Bewegungstief vom 16. Oktober (bei 116.95) rutschte und damit praktisch den Trend fortsetzte.

Die Einschränkung im Nachhinein ist jedoch, dass der Future am Ende des Tages wider innerhalb der Handelsspanne schloss (Schlusskurs 117.00) und damit die Konsolidierung nicht wirklich als abgeschlossen angesehen werden kann. Aus praktischer Sicht hatte dieser Sachverhalt jedoch zur Folge, dass der im Vorfeld bereits definierte Trigger bei 116.95 für den Aufbau einer Short-Position, zwar ausgelöst, jedoch per Handelsschluss nicht bestätigt wurde. Damit musste hier auch auf Schlusskurs reagiert und eine Positionsschließung durchgeführt werden, da mit einem Schlusskurs innerhalb der Konsolidierungszone die Bedingung für einen Abschwung nicht mehr gegeben war.

Wie verfahren wir jetzt weiter? Wir halten angesichts der jüngsten Entwicklung das Risiko einer Fortsetzung des Abschwungs unverändert für gegeben, besonders mit Verweis auf die Tatsache, dass der FGBL in den letzten Tagen dass errechnete minimale Reaktionspotential nicht ausschöpfte, geschweige denn überstieg. Somit gilt unverändert: innerhalb der Konsolidierungszone betrachten wir den FGBL als neutral, hier bietet es sich lediglich an, mit kleinen Positionen intraday zu spekulieren oder sich ganz an die Seitenlinie zu stellen. Interessant wird es erst, wenn eine der Begrenzungslinien gebrochen wird. Auf der Oberseite wäre dies der Bereich um 117.47, auf der Unterseite hatten wir bisher die 116.95 definiert. Angesichts des gestrigen Durchstichs, passen wir den Trigger auf der Unterseite auf das gestrige Tagestief bei 116.86 an.

Hinweisen möchten wir jedoch auch auf die Tatsache, dass der Bereich um 116.81 bis etwa 116.69 ohnehin als potentielles Unterstützungsniveau zu interpretieren ist (hier verlief die Untergrenze der Konsolidierung Anfang September). Das heißt, wir werten dem Trigger bei jetzt 116.86 durchaus eine hohe Bedeutung zu, ein Scheitern des Ausbruchs (so ja auch gestern) muss jedoch hier als wahrscheinlicher angenommen werden, als in anderen Chart-Konstellationen. Mehr dazu gegebenenfalls im heutigen Handelstagebuch.

Wir wünschen Ihnen einen erfolgreichen Handelstag !!

Uwe Wagner

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 07:58

289 Postings, 6585 Tage crash35Guten morgen, thanks moya und auf einen

Streitlosen, informativen erfolgreichen Tag :-)

Voll der Psycho!

Strategie erzeugt Macht und Reichtum aber oftmals geistige Armut!


20.10.06 08:01

50950 Postings, 7631 Tage SAKUMoin auch bayr ;o)


20.10.06 08:03

6858 Postings, 7150 Tage nuessaMoin an die Spätaufsteher!!

greetz nuessa


20.10.06 08:03

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaGeht nicht Crash sonst bleibt die Klickrate

auf der Strecke.

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 08:05

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaMein lieber Man die taxen ja jetzt schon bei 6.191

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 08:16

50950 Postings, 7631 Tage SAKUNur mal zum Brent

Ölpreis Brent - Key-Level zeigt Wirkung...
00:33 20.10.06

Rohölpreis der Nordseesorte Brent: 60,93 $ (Endloskontraktdarstellung)

Kurz-Kommentierung: Der Ölpreis Brent fiel in den vergangenen Wochen stark zurück und hat die bei 57,57 $ benannte Unterstützung erreicht. Darüber kommt es jetzt zu einer Stabilisierung. Eine kurzfristige Bodenbildung ist hier wahrscheinlich, die zunächst eine Gegenbewegung bis in den Bereich 67,40 $ einleiten sollte. In diesem Bereich muss dann aber mit einem weiteren Rückfall gerechnet werden. Erst darüber hellt sich das charttechnische Setup auch mittelfristig wieder deutlich auf. Steigende Notierungen bis 78,66 $ werden dann möglich. Kippt Brent hingegen direkt unter 57,57 $ auf Wochenschlussbasis zurück, sind weitere Kursverluste bis in den Bereich 47,35 $ in den kommenden Monaten zu erwarten

20.10.06 08:22

289 Postings, 6585 Tage crash35Heute nicht moya, mal nen schönen ruhigen

Threat, sollte für einen Tag möglich sein.

Die Futures ziehen ganz schön an, da juckt ein short in den Fingern. Ein Blick auf die KO Map hält mich aber noch zurück, da die 6240-6250 noch zu gut besetzt sind.

Voll der Psycho!

Strategie erzeugt Macht und Reichtum aber oftmals geistige Armut!


20.10.06 08:24

289 Postings, 6585 Tage crash35Google auf dem Weg zur 600$?

Google's Soaring Profits Stoke Stock
Friday October 20, 12:22 am ET
By Michael Liedtke, AP Business Writer  
Google's 3Q Profit Nearly Doubles, Topping Analyst Estimates by 20 Cents Per Share

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Still mindful of the dot-com bubble, plenty of skeptics scoffed earlier this year when several Wall Street analysts rated Google Inc.'s stock price as a bargain at $400. Those bullish appraisals don't look so outrageous after Google dazzled investors with a third-quarter profit that nearly doubled, topping analyst estimates by a breathtaking 20 cents per share.

"I am pretty amazed," Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt said during an interview Thursday after the results were released. "I did not expect us to do as well as we did."

The surprise had investors scrambling to buy Google's stock, lifting the shares by more than 7 percent in an after-hours move that signaled the company's market value may rise by another $10 billion Friday. That's enough wealth to finance another six deals similar to Google's recently announced plans to buy the Web's hottest video service, YouTube Inc.

The stock price now appears poised to reach its highest levels since January when it peaked at $475.11.

Besides reminding investors of Google's moneymaking prowess, the third-quarter performance underscored the Mountain View-based company's widening advantage over its main Internet rivals.

Yahoo Inc., which runs the Internet's second-largest advertising network behind Google, has been hurt by slowing revenue growth most of this year -- a problem that contributed to a 38 percent drop in its third-quarter profit.

"The difference between Google and the second and third place players has become enormous," Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry said. "This definitely shows that Google is going to own the next generation of the computing environment."

Chowdhry believes it won't be long before Google shares hit $600 -- a target first established at the beginning of the year by Piper & Jaffray Safa Rashtchy.

No matter the industry, few companies have ever matched Google's remarkable run of growth in the eight years since co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched their quirky business in a Silicon Valley garage -- part of a house that Google recently bought as a keepsake.

Most companies find it increasingly difficult to sustain their growth pace as they grow larger, but Google so far has been able to defy conventional thinking.

The third quarter, for instance, is supposed to be the most sluggish season for Internet companies because the summer tends to lure more people away from their computers. That tendency means Google should have fewer opportunities for its search engine to display the short text-based ads that account for most of its profits.

Google instead fared even better in the summer than in the winter, both in total profit and growth rates.

The company earned $733.4 million, or $2.36 per share, for the three months ended in September. That represented a 92 percent increase from net income of $381.2 million, or $1.32 per share, at the same time last year.

Back in the first quarter, Google's profit rose by a more pedestrian 60 percent from last year.

If not for expenses to cover employee stock compensation, Google said it would have earned $2.62 per share in the third quarter-- well above the average estimate of $2.42 per share among analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial.

Revenue for the period totaled $2.69 billion, a 70 percent increase from $1.58 billion last year.

After subtracting the commissions paid to Google's ad partners, revenue fell to $1.86 billion. That figure also topped analyst estimates by about $50 million.

Surpassing Wall Street's lofty expectations is nothing new for Google, which now has blown past analysts' projections in all but one of the nine quarters since its much-ballyhooed initial public offering of stock in August 2004.

The routine delights investors. Google shares gained $6.75 to close Thursday at $426.06 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, then climbed by $31.94, or 7.5 percent, in after-hours trading.

Google's success so far has hinged on its search engine, a piece of revolutionary technology that continues to attract new users.

In September, Google's held a 45 percent share of the U.S. search market, up from 44 percent in August, according to comScore Media Metrix. Yahoo's search share dipped to 28 percent in September, down from 29 percent the previous month while Microsoft Corp.'s share continued to hover around 12 percent, Media Metrix said.

That comfortable lead apparently hasn't made the company lackadaisical. Brin told analysts that Google recently introduced several improvements that increased the breadth and freshness of the search engine's index.

Meanwhile, Google continues to find new ways to pick out the ads most likely to pique enough interest to be clicked on, as Google makes money based on the number of clicks, Brin said.

"There are always new ways to monetize," Brin said during a Thursday conference call with analysts. "I don't see an obvious ceiling."

Toward that end, Google already is eyeing new opportunities for online video ads with its planned acquisition of YouTube Inc., which has become one of the Internet's hottest entertainment hubs. Google hopes to complete the $1.65 billion deal in the next month or so.

Although Google is buying San Bruno-based YouTube with its prized stock, the company also has plenty of money to finance its grand ambitions. Google ended September with $10.4 billion in cash.

As it grows, Google is hiring more workers at a furious pace. More than 1,400 more workers joined Google in the third quarter, expanding its payroll to just under 9,400 employees. For the past year, Google has been hiring an average of a dozen new employees per day.

Voll der Psycho!

Strategie erzeugt Macht und Reichtum aber oftmals geistige Armut!


20.10.06 08:26

289 Postings, 6585 Tage crash35Apropos Öl, heute Produktion runtergefahren, da

sollte erst mal Uppotenzial bestehen.

OPEC Cuts Oil Production by 1.2M Barrels
Friday October 20, 2:08 am ET
By Tarek Al-Issawi, Associated Press Writer  
OPEC Decides to Cut Oil Production by a Greater-Than-Expected 1.2 Million Barrels a Day

DOHA, Qatar (AP) -- Oil cartel OPEC decided to cut production by a greater-than-expected 1.2 million barrels a day on Friday, and some members indicated it was open to further cuts.
United Arab Emirates oil minister Mohammed bin Dhaen al-Hamili made the announcement at a news conference after OPEC's oil ministers held an emergency meeting in the capital of Qatar.


"This was a surprise, and gave the market an impression they are serious," said Ken Hasegawa, a broker at Himawari CX in Tokyo.

Crue oil prices have declined more than 25 percent since mid-July. After the announcement, a barrel of light sweet crude rose 47 cents to $58.97 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up from its close Thursday at $58.50.

Support for the move by the de facto leader of the cartel, Saudi Arabia oil minister Ali Naimi, shows the group's unity on the issue of price, another analyst after the announcement.

"If the market doesn't stabilize, they are going to continue to cut production," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Alaron Trading Corp. in Chicago. "Prices from $57 to $60 is an area they are willing to defend."

UAE's Al-Hamili did not specify the amount of production that each member country would cut, but said the reductions will affect all countries except Iraq. It is to take effect Nov. 1.

The cuts will come from actual production levels, he said, and are more than the 1 million barrels a day being called for earlier by cartel members.

OPEC is currently producing about 29.5 million barrels of oil per day.

The cuts are the first time OPEC has trimmed its output since December 2004, when oil traded slightly above $40 a barrel and the cartel lowered its official production quota by 1 million barrels a day.

However, many observers expect further production cuts in the near future.

Michael Fitzpatrick, a New York-based oil broker at Fimat USA, said, "I'm not sure that a million barrels is going to be enough" of a cut to keep oil prices from further declines.

Qatar's Energy Minister Abdullah bin Hamid Al-Attiyah said the cartel's members are not excluding making further cuts.

Asked whether another cut could come in December, he said, "Everything is possible. We are working with the market and it is an open market."

Al-Hamili echoed the possibility, saying "We will monitor the market and review the situation and take a decision accordingly."

OPEC is scheduled to meet again in December in Nigeria and many analysts believe a further cut could be implemented then. "They better act quickly and decisively," Fitzpatrick said.

The organization's president, Edmund Daukoru of Nigeria, said talk of the possible need of a further 500,000-barrel cut was "in line with my own thinking," Dow Jones Newswires reported.

OPEC price hawks such as Nigeria and Venezuela have strongly advocated a cartel-wide production cut since the start of the month.

But without public support from Saudi Arabia, the market took with a grain of salt the likelihood of any cuts.

In Tokyo, Japanese Finance Minister Koji Omi said Friday that higher crude oil prices because of the production cuts wouldn't be desirable.

"Crude oil has been fairly stable around $60 dollars a barrel. It wouldn't be desirable if the effect of (the output cut) was negative from the standpoint of current prices," he told a regular press conference.

Voll der Psycho!

Strategie erzeugt Macht und Reichtum aber oftmals geistige Armut!


20.10.06 08:34

289 Postings, 6585 Tage crash35Gewinner/Verlierer USA gestern.

Thursday's biggest stock gainers and decliners
Thursday October 19, 6:16 pm ET
By MarketWatch

Accentia Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ABPI - News) shares soared 42% Thursday after the Tampa, Fla.-based company said a new study has shown that its BiovaxID drug, when given to patients with relapsed follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma following chemotherapy, with or without Rituxan, can induce complete long-lasting remissions. In the study, the company said 80% of the patients achieved an immune response to the BiovaxID formulation. Shares of Biovest International Inc. also jumped on the news.

Answers Corp. (NASDAQ:ANSW - News) shares rose 21% after the New York-based company said Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT - News) has chosen the company's 1-Click Answers application to appear on its list of recommend add-ons for the newly released Internet Explorer 7 Web browser. The 1-Click Answers application provides information to users about any word or phrase highlighted on a web page.

Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL - News) shares surged 6% after the company reported fourth-quarter profit rose 27% on higher sales of the company's line of iPod digital media players and its signature Macintosh computers. See related story.

Applica Inc. (NYSE:APN - News) shares climbed 5.4% after the company said it has agreed to be acquired by affiliates of Harbinger Capital Partners for $6 a share in cash. Harbinger already owns 40% of the Miramar, Fla.-based home appliance maker's shares. Applica said its board determined that the Harbinger's offer was superior to its previous merger agreement with Nacco Industries Inc. and its HB-PS Holding Co. unit.

Avocent Corp. (NASDAQ:AVCT - News) shares surged 15% after the Huntsville, Ala.-based software company reported third-quarter net earnings of $2.55 million, or 5 cents a share, down from $16.4 million, or 33 cents a share, last year. Excluding items related to the company's acquisition of LANDesk and certain other charges, Avocent reported earnings of $30.4 million, or 64 cents a share, compared with $18 million, or 36 cents a share, last year. Revenue rose to $141.8 million from $96.8 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had forecast a per-share profit of 52 cents on revenue of $140.4 million.

Albemarle Corp. (NYSE:ALB - News) shares add 9.6% after the company posted third-quarter net earnings of $2.3 million, or 5 cents a share, compared with $26.3 million, or 55 cents a share, in the same period last year. Excluding a $1.20-a-share charge related to the divestiture of a facility in Thann, France, per-share earnings were $1.25.

Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE:B - News) shares gained 15% after the company said its third-quarter net income rose 22.7% to $18.9 million, or 35 cents a share, as revenue rose 19% to $322 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had been expecting earnings of 31 cents a share. Barnes said its revenue was supported by double digit organic growth in each of its divisions. The firm also increased its estimate for 2006 earnings per share to a range of $1.33 to $1.35

Boston Scientific Corp. (NYSE:BSX - News) shares climbed 5.8% after the company reported net income of $76 million, or 5 cents a share, on revenue of $2.03 billion for the quarter ended Sept. 30. In the same period last year, the medical device maker lost $269 million, or 33 cents a share, on revenue of $1.51 billion. See related story.

Shares of Consumer Portfolio Services (NASDAQ:CPSS - News) shares rose 7.4% after the company late Wednesday reported third-quarter net earnings of $4.27 million, or 18 cents a share, up from $1.4 million, or 6 cents a share, during the year-ago period. The Irvine, Calif.-based specialty finance company posted revenue of $73.7 million vs. $49.4 million.

Covalent Group Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGR - News) shares rose 10% after the Wayne, Pa.-based company announced the signing of multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 trial contracts with a combined value of $8.2 million, and issued a third-quarter revenue forecast. Covalent said all of the contracts are with the same client and relate to the development of an agent to treat multiple types of influenza. Under the contracts, Covalent will provide consulting services on clinical trial design and protocol development, along with data management and biostatistical support. Covalent also said it expects third-quarter revenue in the range of $3.6 million to $3.7 million and net income of $625,000 to $675,000.

C.R. Bard (NYSE:BCR - News) vaulted 8.3% after the medical products maker reported earnings that beat expectations, topped off with a surprise double-digit jump in sales.

EBay (NASDAQ:EBAY - News) shares gained 7% after the company said third-quarter net profit rose to $280.9 million, or 20 cents a share, from $255 million, or 18 cents, a year earlier, when eBay didn't include option costs on its income statement. Excluding stock option expenses, eBay said net income would have risen 30% to $332 million, or 23 cents a share. See related story.

Horizon Lines Inc. (NYSE:HRZ - News) shares added 10% after the company said it now expects third-quarter per-share earnings of $1.57 to $1.59, up from its previous outlook of 40 cents to 42 cents. The increase is due to the company's decision to adopt the tonnage tax in lieu of the regular federal corporate income tax.

Jakks Pacific Inc. (NASDAQ:JAKK - News) shares surged 21% after the Malibu-based toy maker reported third-quarter net earnings of $40.5 million, or $1.26 a share, up 24% from $32.8 million, or $1.05 a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding items, profit came in at $43.6 million, or $1.35 a share. Revenue rose to $295.8 million from $233.5 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had forecast a per-share profit of $1.18 on revenue of $276 million. Jakks said it still expects 2006 earnings of $2.32 a share on revenue of $775 million.

Landstar Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:LSTR - News) shares climbed 7% after the company said its third-quarter net income fell to $30.6 million, or 53 cents a share, from $34.6 million, or 58 cents a share in the year-earlier period. Revenue at the Jacksonville, Fla., transportation company fell 4% to $649.2 million from $676.1 million in the quarter ended Sept. 30. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call forecast earnings, on average, of 50 cents a share and revenue of $658.1 million.

Shares of Logitech International SA (NASDAQ:LOGI - News) rose 14% after the company late Wednesday reported second-quarter net earnings of $49.2 million, or 26 cents a share, up 36% from $36.2 million, or 18 cents a share, during the year-ago period. The Swiss computer peripherals maker posted revenue of $502 million vs. $422.1 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had forecast second-quarter earnings of 21 cents a share on revenue of $494 million. Additionally, Logitech increased its targets for the current fiscal year, ending March 31, 2007. The company said it now expects revenue to rise 17% compared with a year ago, up from its previous outlook of a 15% rise. Also, gross margin is expected to be above the mid-point of the long-term range of 32% to 34%, Logitech said. The company had previously expected gross margin to be at the low end of the range.

The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. (NYSE:MHP - News) shares surged 6.4% after the company said third-quarter net income rose 0.3% to $382.3 million, or $1.06 a share, from $381.2 million, or $1 a share in the year-ago period. Revenue increased 0.8% to $1.99 billion. The latest period's earnings included charges of 3 cents a share for incremental stock-based compensation and 3 cents a share for restructuring. The company cited record results at its financial services unit and cost management. Analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call forecast earnings of $1 a share and revenue of $2.03 billion, on average. The company forecast 2006 earnings of $2.53-$2.55 a share, higher than its earlier view of $2.44 to $2.49 a share.

Shares of Peabody Energy Corp. (NYSE:BTU - News) rose 6.3% after the giant coal company announced a third-quarter profit that waltzed past Wall Street's expectations.

PLX Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:PLXT - News) shares rose 19% after the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company reported third-quarter net earnings of $1.02 million, or 4 cents a share. In the same quarter last year, the company reported a net loss of $510,000, or 2 cents a share. Excluding the effect of acquisition-related amortization and stock-option expense, the PLX reported a third-quarter 2006 profit of $2.6 million, or 9 cents a share. Revenue in the quarter climbed to $21 million from $12.9 million. PLX expects fourth-quarter revenue of $20.5 million to $21.5 million

Teradyne Inc. (NYSE:TER - News) shares gained 6.1% after the company swung to a third-quarter net profit of $60.6 million, or 31 cents a share, as the company's gross profit almost doubled and expenses fell. In the same period last year, the Boston-based maker of automatic test equipment posted a net loss of $35.4 million, or 18 cents a share.

UnitedHealth Group Inc. (NYSE:UNH - News) shares climbed 5.4% after the company posted third-quarter earnings that came in ahead of consensus expectations and raised its profit forecast for the year.

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NYSE:AMD - News) shares lost 13% Thursday after the company said its quarterly profit rose 76% as it sold more chips used in personal computers and corporate servers. AMD said third-quarter net income was $134 million, or 27 cents a share, versus net income of $76 million, or 18 cents a share, in last year's same period. See related story.
Avici Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:AVCI - News) shares fell 15% after the North Billerica, Mass.-based networking company reported third-quarter net earnings of $2.72 million, or 20 cents a share. In the same quarter last year, the company reported a net loss of $7.77 million, or 60 cents a share. Excluding items, Avici reported earnings for the three months ended Sept. 30 of $5.7 million, or 41 cents a share, compared with a loss of $7.2 million, or 56 cents a share, last year. Revenue more than doubled, surging to $20.2 million from $8.2 million.

Briggs & Stratton Corp. (NYSE:BGG - News) shares sank 10% after the company swung to a fiscal first-quarter loss of $18 million, or 36 cents a share, after sales fell 34% to $338 million. It earned $4.73 million in the year-ago quarter. A lack of landed-hurricane activity hurt sales of generators, as did reduced demand for engines for lawn and garden equipment. It said fiscal year net income will be between $75 million and $85 million, or $1.51 to $1.71 a share, with second-quarter net income between breakeven and a $5 million loss. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had expected a loss of 23 cents a share for the first quarter and a profit of $2.37 a share for the year.

Citrix Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS - News) shares plunged 20% after the company reported third-quarter net earnings of $46.6 million, or 25 cents a share, compared with $41 million, or 23 cents a share, on the back of higher demand for the company's application networking and online products. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call had expected per share earnings of 33 cents. The Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based provider of infrastructure software and services said revenue rose 22% to $277.9 million from $226.9 million. Analysts had forecast revenue of $281 million. Citrix expects fourth-quarter per-share net earnings in the range of 27 cents to 28 cents, on revenue of $307 million to $315 million. For fiscal 2006, the company sees net earnings of $1 to $1.01 a share, on revenue of $1.12 billion to $1.13 billion. End of Story

Cosi Inc. (NASDAQ:COSI - News) shares sank 22% after the company said third-quarter comparable sales fell 4.2% from last year due to lower customer frequency. As a result, the Deerfield, Ill.-based franchise owner and restaurant operator expects a per-share third-quarter loss of 5 cents excluding stock-based compensation.

Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NYSE:CY - News) swung to a third-quarter profit as sales of its chips used in a wide range of electronic devices increased. But, it said it will no longer pursue a sale of the company, sending its shares down 10%.

EarthLink Inc. (NASDAQ:ELNK - News) shares fell 8.2% after the company said it swung to a third-quarter loss Thursday. The Atlanta-based provider of Internet services posted a net loss of $3.18 million, or 2 cents a share. In the same period last year, EarthLink reported net earnings of $36.4 million, or 27 cents a share. Revenue rose 5% to $331.3 million from $317 million. The company expects a fourth-quarter net loss of $15 million to $25 million, or adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of $20 million to $25 million. Earth link sees revenue for the period of $330 million to $335 million, and plans to add 25,000 to 50,000 subscribers.

Fairchild Semiconductor (NYSE:FCS - News) said its third-quarter net income amounted to $25.1 million, or 20 cents a share, compared with a loss of from $20.8 million, or 17 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. Revenue at the South Portland, Maine, semiconductor supplier rose more than 20% in the three months ended Oct. 1 to $417 million from $345.5 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call forecast earnings, on average, of 23 cents a share and revenue of $410.8 million. Fairchild said fourth quarter revenue would be flat to up 2% sequentially.

Hypercom Corp. (NYSE:HYC - News) shares dropped 18% after the company said it expects to post close to breakeven results in the third-quarter. The Phoenix-based company sees revenue for the period of $56 and $58 million, below its prior expectations.

Labor Ready Inc. (NYSE:LRW - News) shares dropped 9.5% after the company reported third-quarter net income of $24.8 million, or 48 cents a share, up from $21.8 million, or 40 cents, earned in the same period last year. Quarterly revenue for the Tacoma, Wash.-based provider of blue-collar temporary workers rose 4%, reaching $374.1 million from $360.4 million. Analysts, on average, had been looking for earnings of 47 cents a share on revenue of $384 million, according to estimates compiled by Thomson First Call. For the fourth quarter, Labor Ready said it sees earnings of 29 cents to 31 cents a share on revenue of $342 million to $345 million; Wall Street's averages stand at 34 cents a share and $357 million, respectively

Radian Group Inc. (NYSE:RDN - News) shares lost 9.5% after the company reported third-quarter net earnings of $112 million, or $1.36 a share, down 31% from $162.6 million, or $1.88 a share, in the year-ago period. Revenue at the credit risk management company fell to $321.8 million from $382.6 million, while net written premiums dropped to $254.8 million from $313.9 million.

Spansion Inc. (NASDAQ:SPSN - News) shares fell 7.1% after the memory-chip maker reported a wider-than-expected third-quarter loss due in part to manufacturing problems that caused its chip-production efficiency to fall. The company, formerly a unit of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. , also said order lead times have decreased to a range of 6 to 8 weeks, down from 12 to 16 weeks, causing some analysts to believe that supplies of flash-memory chips like those made by Spansion are rising faster than demand, which could put downward pressure on prices.

United PanAm Financial Corp. (NASDAQ:UPFC - News) shares tumbled 22% after the Newport Beach, California.-based provider of financial services said third-quarter net income fell to $4.5 million, or 25 cents a share, from $6.97 million, or 37 cents a share, in the same period last year. Net interest income rose 17% to $41.1 million from $35.1 million. The company expects 2006 per-share earnings from continuing operations of $1.13 to $1.18. For 2007, United PanAm sees per-share earnings from continuing operations of $1.30 to $1.40.

Voll der Psycho!

Strategie erzeugt Macht und Reichtum aber oftmals geistige Armut!


20.10.06 08:34

50950 Postings, 7631 Tage SAKU@crash:

Prinzipiell geb ich dir Recht mit dem Öl - aber die Ankündigung war schon seit ein paar Tagen da. Wenn ich tippen sollte, tippe ich auf ne Range zwischen 55 & 65 $. Dazwischen  könnte(!!) man uU spielen.

Unter 55 wollen die Scheiks das Barrel nciht mehr fallen lassen, hab ich (auf Bloomberg?) gehört. "Vorher" wrden sie wohl die Förderung eher nochmal drosseln...

20.10.06 08:35

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaRamadan ist am 23.10. zu Ende

ich glaube man sollte Call optionen eng absichern.

Da könnte nächste Woche was kommen.

Gruß Moya


20.10.06 08:37

1364536 Postings, 7564 Tage moyaSchlußstand NIKKEI

Kurs Zeit:08:00
Veränderung:Up 100,27 (0,61%)
Letzt. Schlußk:16.551,36
Tagesspanne:16.552,36 - 16.663,61
52W Spanne:12.996,30 - 17.563,40
Gruß Moya


20.10.06 08:40

3030 Postings, 7229 Tage ORAetLaborawas hat Ramadan mit Call-optionen zur tun? o. T.

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