Cord Blood America is the parent company of CorCell, which facilitates umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation for expectant parents and their children. Its mission is to be the most respected stem cell preservation company in the industry. Collected through a safe and non-invasive process, cord blood stem cells offer a powerful and potentially life-saving resource for treating a growing number of ailments, including cancer, leukemia, blood, and immune disorders.
There is uniformity in the belief that stem cells will play a key role in fighting disease as we move forward through this century. Some scientists are confident that stem cells will launch a new era in medicine, perhaps even curing some of our most intractable diseases. The umbilical cord which, at birth, traditionally has been thrown away, contains a rich store of stem cells. Cord Blood America, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiaries, CorCell Companies Inc., and Cord Partners, Inc., markets a service to preserve the umbilical cord blood in a patented process for future use exclusively by the donating family. The collection takes less than five minutes, is painless, easy and non-invasive. Cryogenically preserved umbilical cord stem cells have already been used to treat 75 major diseases, including leukemia, severe anemia, metabolic blood disorders and immune deficiencies. This list is guaranteed to grow as medical research learns more about the incredible healing power of stem cells.
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