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Capital Reveals Plans for Siffu River Mini Hydro Project Toronto, Canada – (For immediate release) AsiaPac Capital Services Ltd.: Deutsche Börse symbol: 5AP. (www .asiapaccapital.ca), wholly owned subsidiary; Asiapac Green Renewable Energy Corp.; announced today the results of the technical findings and plans for its Siffu River mini-hydro project located in the municipality of Natonin, Mountain Province in the Phillippines. With the completion of the feasibility studies, the Company now plans to install a 2.75 MW mini-hydro station. Plans call for the installation of two 1,200KW and one 350 KW reaction type turbines with a gross head of 51.23 m., 42 m. net head, and design flow of 8.35 cms for the three units. The weir height will be 10 meters high. The gravity flow headrace line will be 2,760 m. long and is envisioned as a rectangular type reinforced concrete barrel style with inside dimension of 2.40 m x 1.70 m. and exterior dimension of 2.80 m x 2.10 m. The surge tank is planned as a circular steel tank having inside diameter of 6.50 m with a height of 14 m. with a reinforced concrete ring foundation. A steel penstock having an inside diameter of 1.30 m. will feed in to the powerhouse. An outdoor substation adjacent to the powerhouse will house a step-up generator to increase voltage from 6.9 KV to 69 KV. Plans also call for a 5.5 km. all-weather access road to the plant site. Total project cost is estimated at USD $9.3 million, at an average cost of USD $3.4 million per MW capacity. Annual energy production is estimated at 9.63 Gw-hrs at a plant factor of 40.00%. |