Ist das alles Schwindel oder machr Asiapac wirklich was vor Ort? Wenn ja, dann müsste der Wert der Aktio wenigstens bei 5 cent stehen Bio-Mass Digester Construction Complete The Company is pleased to advise that its biomass project has reached another important business milestone. The biogas digester is now complete and ready to begin using farm waste from the 300 sows and 200 cows on its client’s farm to capture methane gas. This project is being developed by its wholly owned subsidiary AsiaPac Green Renewable Energy Corp. At this point, the Company is concentrating its resources on building the methane powered electrical generator to complete the project. The methane gas generated will be used as fuel to run an electrical generator on site to meet the electrical needs of the farm. Any excess electricity will be fed back into the electrical grid. Under the Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) agreement, the farm will pay AsiaPac approximately Php 200,000 per month (€3,300) for a period of 8 years, after which the farm will take ownership of the facility. This is based on the farm’s current monthly electricity costs. The power generator will be rated for 500KW, with an estimated construction cost of approximately €150,000 contrasted to roughly €300,000 in revenue during the corresponding period. |