Öl-Projekt 88 Energy Project in der heißen Phase

Seite 77 von 235
neuester Beitrag: 06.01.25 04:37
eröffnet am: 19.11.15 20:29 von: Pd205 Anzahl Beiträge: 5866
neuester Beitrag: 06.01.25 04:37 von: Panell Leser gesamt: 2154034
davon Heute: 21
bewertet mit 12 Sternen

Seite: 1 | ... | 74 | 75 | 76 |
| 78 | 79 | 80 | ... | 235   

27.03.20 20:10

4568 Postings, 7351 Tage bradettiJa, sie arbeiten mit Volldampf

Auf Hotcopper lese ich mit und da wird das recht genau verfolgt!  

28.03.20 16:03

4978 Postings, 3656 Tage Panellimmerhin

geht uns dadurch nicht wieder Zeit verloren....

Der Ölpreis sollte ja weiter tief bleiben, weil ja deutlich weniger Öl verbraucht wird...Flugzeuge sind gegroundet, Leute fahren so gut wie nimmer zur Arbeit...Öffentliche Verkehrsmitttel deutlich eingeschränkt mit den Fahrzeiten usw.

Es gibt so viele Faktoren die man einfließen lassen muss, was COVID-19 für uns bzgl. 88E bedeutet. Solange die nur bohren ist es ja okay...aber wenn es sprudelt, dann muss der Markt auch dafür bereit sein ( preislich )  

30.03.20 21:35

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneDer Kurs

hat sich in den letzten Tagen im Rahmen der Umstände ganz gut geschlagen!

Kann jemand einschätzen was wir im April zu erwarten haben?  

30.03.20 22:24

1083 Postings, 4881 Tage lewwerworscht@ TKone

Was erwartest du, das dir jemand sagt investiere jetzt und kaufe da derzeit ein niedriger Stand ist und wir bald 20 Cent sehen werden ??

Glaube an die Story, warte an der Seitenlinie und  dann, wenn die Soße sprudelt oder lass es und bleibe bei deiner derzeitigen Share Anzahl/denke an einen Verkauf ...!

Auf sprudelnde Kurse, damit sich das  Warten gelohnt hat :-) !  

31.03.20 06:33

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneOperations Update


www. 88energy.com
Level 2, 5 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1674, West Perth WA 6872 Australia Phone +61 8 9485 0990
ABN 80 072 964 179
31st March 2020
88 Energy Limited
Operations Update
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the “Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) is pleased to provide the
following update related to operations for the Charlie-1 appraisal well, which is currently being drilled
on the North Slope of Alaska.
• Total Depth of 11,112’ reached in the Kuparuk Formation
• Logging While Drilling results largely consistent with Malguk-1
• Wireline logging underway
The Charlie-1 well reached its Total Depth of 11,112’ (TVD) on 30th March 2020 at 0659 (AEST),
having drilled through and logged all of the targets in the well, including the HRZ. Results from the
Logging While Drilling program are largely consistent with those seen in the nearby Malguk-1 well,
drilled by BP in 1991, with shows and elevated log response recorded over several horizons. The
significance of the similarities, and differences, to Malguk-1 will not be known until after the more
detailed wireline logging program has been executed and analysis completed. Wireline logging has
commenced and is expected to take approximately 7 days, including initial analysis.
The Company can confirm that COVID-19 continues to have no impact on the program to date and
appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure that any potential impacts are being
proactively addressed.
About the Charlie-1 Appraisal Well
The Charlie-1 appraisal well has been designed as a step out appraisal of a well drilled in 1991 by BP
Exploration (Alaska) Inc called Malguk-1. Malguk-1 encountered oil shows with elevated resistivity
and mud gas readings over multiple horizons during drilling but was not tested due to complications
towards the end of operations, which resulted in lack of time before the close of the winter drilling
season. It was also drilled using vintage 2D seismic, which was insufficient to adequately determine
the extent of any of the prospective targets encountered.
88 Energy subsequently undertook revised petrophysical analysis, which identified what is interpreted
as bypassed pay in the Malguk-1 well. 88E also completed acquisition of modern 3D seismic in 2018,
in order to determine the extent of the discovered oil accumulations. Charlie-1 will intersect seven
stacked prospects, four of which are interpreted as oil bearing in Malguk-1 and are therefore
considered appraisal targets. 88 Energy will operate Charlie-1, via its 100% owned subsidiary
Accumulate Energy Alaska, Inc, with cost of the well to be funded by Premier Oil Plc up to US$23m
under a recent farm-out agreement. Drilling commenced on 2nd March 2020 and flow testing is
anticipated to conclude in April 2020. The total Gross Mean Prospective Resource across the seven
stacked targets to be intersected by Charlie-1 is 1.6 billion barrels of oil (480 million barrels net to
88E). Refer announcement dated 23rd August 2019.  

31.03.20 13:57

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneReuters vom 31.03.2020


BRIEF-88 Energy Says Covid-19 Continues To Have No Impact On Charlie-1 Appraisal Well

(Reuters) - 88 Energy Ltd:

* COVID-19 CONTINUES TO HAVE NO IMPACT ON OPERATIONS FOR CHARLIE-1 APPRAISAL WELL Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: (Reuters.Briefs@thomsonreuters.com)

Übersetzung ohne Gewähr

KURZE-88-Energie sagt, dass Covid-19 weiterhin keinen Einfluss auf die Charlie-1-Bewertungsbohrung hat
(Reuters) - 88 Energy Ltd:

* COVID-19 HAT KEINE AUSWIRKUNGEN AUF DEN BETRIEB FÜR CHARLIE-1-BEWERTUNG GUT Quelltext für Eikon: Weitere Unternehmensberichterstattung: (Reuters.Briefs@thomsonreuters.com)  

31.03.20 14:01

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneproactive news vom 31.03.2020


88 Energy’s Charlie drilling completes, ‘shows’ seen in multiple horizons
2020-03-31 07:20:00
It is designed as a follow-up to BP's Malguk discovery well, and, initial data is so far “largely consistent” with the historic results

88 Energy Ltd (LON:88E) has told investors that the Charlie-1 well has reached target depth and it encountered ‘shows’ and ‘elevated log responses’ over several horizons.

The company, in a statement, said that the logging data to date is “largely consistent” with what was recorded at the Malguk-1 well.

Malguk-1 was drilled in 1991 by BP and is the discovery well that the Charlie-1 appraisal is designed to follow-up.

READ: 88 Energy raises A$5mln for Charlie well “The significance of the similarities, and differences, to Malguk-1 will not be known until after the more detailed wireline logging program has been executed and analysis completed,” 88 Energy said.
The company added that wireline logging is now taking place and that is expected to take seven days to complete.

It meanwhile noted that its operations in Alaska have so far experienced no impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The well programme is partnered with Premier Oil PLC (LON:PMO) which is largely funding the venture that aims to test a potentially significant discovery previously unearthed by BP back in the 1990's.

Malguk-1 was the original discovery well, with oil shows over multiple horizons, though it was not tested at the time due to complications at the end of the programme.

The Charlie well aims to intersect up to seven stacked prospects, which are together estimated to host some 1.6bn barrels of prospective resources.

Premier is covering the well costs up to US$23mln, via a farm-out agreement.

Übersetzung ohne Gewähr

Die Charlie-Bohrungen von 88 Energy sind abgeschlossen und werden in mehreren Horizonten gezeigt
2020-03-31 07:20:00
Es ist als Folge der Entdeckung von Malguk durch BP konzipiert, und die ersten Daten stimmen bislang „weitgehend mit den historischen Ergebnissen überein“

88 Energy Ltd (LON: 88E) hat den Anlegern mitgeteilt, dass die Bohrung Charlie-1 die Zieltiefe erreicht hat und über mehrere Horizonte hinweg auf „Shows“ und „erhöhte Protokollantworten“ gestoßen ist.

In einer Erklärung des Unternehmens heißt es, dass die bisherigen Protokolldaten „weitgehend konsistent“ mit den am Malguk-1-Bohrloch aufgezeichneten Daten sind.

Malguk-1 wurde 1991 von BP gebohrt und ist die Entdeckung, dass die Charlie-1-Bewertung für die Nachverfolgung ausgelegt ist.

LESEN: 88 Energy bringt Charlie 5 Mio. USD ein „Die Bedeutung der Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zu Malguk-1 wird erst bekannt, nachdem das detailliertere Programm zur drahtgebundenen Protokollierung ausgeführt und die Analyse abgeschlossen wurde“, sagte 88 Energy.
Das Unternehmen fügte hinzu, dass die drahtgebundene Protokollierung jetzt stattfindet und dass die Fertigstellung voraussichtlich sieben Tage dauern wird.

In der Zwischenzeit wurde festgestellt, dass das Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Alaska bisher keine Auswirkungen hatte.

Das Bohrlochprogramm ist eine Partnerschaft mit Premier Oil PLC (LON: PMO) eingegangen, die das Projekt weitgehend finanziert, mit dem eine potenziell bedeutende Entdeckung getestet werden soll, die BP bereits in den 90er Jahren entdeckt hatte.

Malguk-1 war die ursprüngliche Entdeckungsbohrung mit Ölvorkommen über mehrere Horizonte hinweg, obwohl es zu diesem Zeitpunkt aufgrund von Komplikationen am Ende des Programms nicht getestet wurde.

Das Charlie-Bohrloch zielt darauf ab, bis zu sieben gestapelte potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen, die zusammen schätzungsweise 1,6 Mrd. Barrel potenzieller Ressourcen enthalten.

Premier deckt die Bohrlochkosten bis zu 23 Mio. USD über eine Farm-out-Vereinbarung.  

31.03.20 14:03

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneDen Kurs

freut durchaus die aktuelle News!  
Angehängte Grafik:
screenshot_20200331_140245.jpg (verkleinert auf 47%) vergrößern

31.03.20 14:12

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKone88 Energy bei Facebook

Angehängte Grafik:
screenshot_20200331_141145.jpg (verkleinert auf 47%) vergrößern

31.03.20 17:56

4978 Postings, 3656 Tage PanellIch sehe

da schon eher derzeit den niedrigen Ölpreis als Kursdrücker...wenn.


31.03.20 19:32

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneVox Markets vom 31.03.2020


88 Energy meldet positive Protokolldaten von Charlie-1

88 Energy Limited
("88 Energy" oder das "Unternehmen", ASX: 88E, AIM 88E
) hat den Markt für seine Operationen für die Charlie-1-Bewertungsbohrung aktualisiert, die derzeit am Nordhang von Alaska gebohrt wird. Dies entspricht den von BP 1991 gebohrten

Bohrungen .  Das Unternehmen hat am 19. März mit den Bohrungen begonnen und hat bereits eine Bohrung erreicht Gesamttiefe von 11.112 '(TVD) am 30. März, nachdem alle Ziele im Bohrloch, einschließlich der HRZ, durchbohrt und protokolliert wurden.  

Die Ergebnisse des Protokollierungsprogramms während des Bohrens stimmen weitgehend mit denen des nahe gelegenen Malguk-1-Bohrlochs überein, das 1991 von BP gebohrt wurde, und zeigen über mehrere Horizonte hinweg eine erhöhte Protokollreaktion.

Die Aktien von 88 Energy sind im Handel am frühen Morgen um 12% gestiegen

Die Bedeutung der Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zu Malguk-1 wird erst bekannt, nachdem das detailliertere drahtgebundene Protokollierungsprogramm und die Analyse ausgeführt wurden, die einschließlich der ersten Analyse voraussichtlich etwa 7 Tage dauern wird.

Übersetzung ohne Gewähr!

02.04.20 07:05

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneHauptversammlung


www. 88energy.com
Level 2, 5 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1674, West Perth WA 6872 Australia Phone +61 8 9485 0990
ABN 80 072 964 179
2 April 2020
88 Energy Limited
Annual General Meeting – COVID-19 Precautions including Voting by Proxy
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the “Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) announces that due to continuing
developments in relation to COVID-19, and in light of the Australian Governments ban on public gatherings
as well as social distancing rules, 88 Energy will not be hosting a physical Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).
This means shareholders will not be able attend the AGM this year, in person.
88 Energy understands the importance of the AGM to its shareholders, however the health and safety of
shareholders, employees and the broader community is paramount.
The AGM will still proceed as announced in the 6th of March 2020 Notice of Meeting, on Thursday 9th April
2020 at 10:00am Perth time. The AGM will be made accessible to shareholders via a live webcast which
will include a facility for shareholders to ask questions in relation to the business of the meeting.
Instructions to join the webcast will be announced no less than 2 days prior to the meeting.
Due to the changes regarding this year’s AGM, all resolutions related to the meeting will be decided
based on proxy votes. Proxy votes must be received by no later than 10:00am on the 7th of April 2020.
Lodgement instructions (which includes the ability to lodge proxies electronically) are set out in the Notice
of Meeting.
Shareholders are encouraged to monitor announcements made by 88 Energy for further updates in relation
to arrangements for the AGM. 88 Energy appreciates the understanding of shareholders as it navigates
this rapidly evolving situation in relation to the COVID-19 virus.
This announcement has been authorised by the Board.
Yours faithfully
Dave Wall
Managing Director
88 Energy Ltd
Media and Investor Relations:
88 Energy Ltd
Dave Wall, Managing Director Tel: +61 8 9485 0990
Email: admin@88energy.com
Finlay Thomson, Investor Relations Tel: +44 7976 248471
Hartleys Ltd
Dale Bryan Tel: + 61 8 9268 2829
Cenkos Securities Tel: + 44 131 220 6939
Neil McDonald/Derrick Lee  

07.04.20 05:51
minus 52,5% !  

07.04.20 06:57

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneCharlie 1 vom 07.04.2020


www. 88energy.com
Level 2, 5 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1674, West Perth WA 6872 Australia Phone +61 8 9485 0990
ABN 80 072 964 179
7th April 2020
This announcement contains inside information
88 Energy Limited
Charlie-1 Confirms Large Condensate Discovery in Torok Formation
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the “Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) provides the following update
related to operations for the Charlie-1 appraisal well, on the North Slope of Alaska.
• Condensate discovery confirmed in Torok Formation
• Economic review underway to assess commerciality
88 Energy confirms that the Charlie-1 appraisal well has proved the presence of mobile hydrocarbons,
in the form of condensate gas, in the Torok Formation in both the Middle Stellar and Lower Stellar
targets. Hydrocarbons were successfully recovered to surface from both targets using a state-of-the-
art downhole sampling tool (Ora). Further analysis to confirm the composition and gas to liquid ratio
will now be undertaken. Upper Stellar was not tested due to the sub optimal location that it was
intersected by the well.
Sampling was also successfully completed in the Schrader Bluffs Formation from the Indigo target,
which was found to be water bearing. The Charlie target was found to be poorly developed and was
not sampled. Oil shows in this interval are deemed to be related to residual oil that is not trapped in
the system.
In the Seabee Formation, an attempt was made to take a sample from the Lower Lima target, being
the better of the two Lima targets. This attempt was unsuccessful due to insufficient reservoir quality;
however, given that these targets were not intersected optimally, there still may be potential for higher
quality reservoir at a different location. Excellent Vertical Seismic Profile (“VSP”) data was obtained in
the well, which will now be used in conjunction with other log data and the existing 3D seismic, to
remap these targets. Sidewall core analysis will also assist with determining where improved reservoir
is likely to exist. Mud gas, observed while drilling, in the Seabee indicated that the hydrocarbons at
this horizon are heavier than those in the Torok and this is the horizon where “live oil” was observed
across the shakers in the nearby Malguk-1 well.
Detailed logs and sidewall cores were also acquired in the HRZ formation, which will now be analysed
over the coming months. The HRZ remains a viable target and options to commercialise this
potentially large resource continue to be pursued.
Premier has informed the Joint Venture that it intends to withdraw from the project, as the well did not
meet its pre-drill expectations.
The cost of the well remains within the expected budget and 88E does not expect to incur any costs
in relation to the drilling.
The well will now be plugged and abandoned (”P&A”) in line with standard industry practice. The
decision to P&A the well instead of moving to suspension or testing was made for a number of reasons:
• Further analysis is required to determine whether a discovery of this nature can be
commercialised on the North Slope, given the likely high gas content
• An optimum stimulation and test at this juncture is not possible in the timeframe required due
to the different phase of the hydrocarbons encountered and the length of season remaining

www. 88energy.com
Level 2, 5 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1674, West Perth WA 6872 Australia Phone +61 8 9485 0990
ABN 80 072 964 179
• Uncertain access to various personnel that may be required in the event of unforeseen
circumstances/emergency situations, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
• The lateness of the season and exposure to potential early break-up, which could result in the
rig being stranded on the wrong side of the Kuparuk River at significant cost
• Reluctance to create a potential future liability if analysis determines that the well should be
P&A’d in a subsequent season, at substantially higher cost
Managing Director of 88 Energy, Dave Wall, stated: "Charlie-1 has delivered a mixed result. On the
one hand, we have confirmed the presence of mobile hydrocarbons in the primary targets of the well
but, at the same time, there are challenges that need to be more fully understood related to whether
these can be commercialised on the North Slope. Samples of the hydrocarbons have been recovered
to surface and will now be the subject of further analysis in the coming months.
The risks related to the shallower targets have unfortunately been borne out, with one found to be
water bearing and the other to have no sand development.
The Lima targets both remain valid and, using the VSP, logs and cores from Charlie-1, we hope to be
able to enhance the prospectivity of the Seabee Formation on our acreage.
We also hope to glean valuable information in regard to the HRZ potential in this area of Project
Icewine and analysis will take place over the next few months.
Further details will be released as the required analyses from Charlie-1 are completed.”
Reporting requirements under LR 5.30
The Charlie-1 well is located on the North Slope of Alaska, ADL 393380, where 88 Energy has a 30%
working interest. The well penetrated sandstones in seven stacked targets and shale in one target.
No flow tests were undertaken; however, gas condensate samples were retrieved to surface from the
Torok formation at 10,506’ and 10,656’ using a downhole sampling tool (Ora) run during the wireline
This announcement has been authorised by the Board.
Yours faithfully
Dave Wall
Managing Director
88 Energy Ltd
Media and Investor Relations:
88 Energy Ltd
Dave Wall, Managing Director Tel: +61 8 9485 0990
Email: admin@88energy.com
Finlay Thomson, Investor Relations Tel: +44 7976 248471
Hartleys Ltd
Dale Bryan Tel: + 61 8 9268 2829
Cenkos Securities Tel: + 44 131 220 6939  

07.04.20 07:11

903 Postings, 4543 Tage Nasenkalli:-(

07.04.20 08:02

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneUnd jetzt?

Und was machen wir jetzt?  

07.04.20 08:22

162 Postings, 2356 Tage ITSME51Was machen wir?

Ich für meinen Teil bin ausgestiegen. Auch wenn der Verlust schmerzt. Aber ich hab langsam die Nase voll... ich hoffe den Verlust anderweitig wieder reinzuholen...war nicht ganz so riesig investiert.  

07.04.20 08:42

4568 Postings, 7351 Tage bradettiHeute verkaufe ich nicht.

Ich warte bis sich der Nebel gelichtet hat und dass die Gasresource einen ordentlichen Wert hat (hoffentlich) und dann gehe ich raus....  

07.04.20 09:27

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKone@Bradetti: Sehe ich auch so!

Die heutige News war nicht schön, aber Schadensbegrenzung ist möglich!  

07.04.20 09:30

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneHauptversammlung News vom 07.04.2020


7 April 2020
88 Energy Limited
Annual General Meeting – Updated Arrangements and Participation
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the “Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) further announces details
regarding updated arrangements for the Company’s Annual General Meeting to be held on 9th April 2020
at 10.00am Perth time.
As announced on 2nd April 2020, due to continuing developments in relation to COVID-19, and in light of
the Australian Governments ban on public gatherings as well as social distancing rules, 88 Energy will not
be hosting a physical Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). This means shareholders will not be able
attend the AGM this year, in person.
Specific arrangements in relation to the AGM and how members can participate are noted below;
1. Notice is hereby given that the Meeting will now be held at 88 Energy’s offices in Perth at Level 2,
5 Ord Street, West Perth, Western Australia;
2. Shareholders will not be able attend the AGM in person this year;
3. The Meeting will only consist of items of business set out in the Notice of Meeting;
4. There will be no presentation by the Company’s Chairman or Managing Director; and
5. Due to travel and other Government restrictions and in the interests of the health and safety of
shareholders, employees and the broader community only the Managing Director and the
Company Secretary will attend the meeting in person, with the other Directors, Auditors and
Computershare representatives attending virtually.
1. Members are strongly urged to appoint the Chair of the meeting as their proxy;
2. A live webcast will be streamed using the ‘Lumi’ mobile application. Members are urged to read
the attached instructions and download the Lumi application well in advance of the meeting;
3. Members will be able to observe the meeting and have a reasonable opportunity to submit
questions in relation to the business of the meeting in real time using the Lumi application.
Shareholders are reminded, that due to the changes regarding this year’s AGM, all resolutions
related to the meeting will be decided based on proxy votes. Proxy votes must be received by no later
than 10:00am on the 7th of April 2020. Lodgement instructions (which includes the ability to lodge proxies
electronically) are set out in the Notice of Meeting.
88 Energy appreciates the understanding of shareholders as it navigates this rapidly evolving situation in
relation to the COVID-19 virus.
This announcement has been authorised by the Board.
Yours faithfully
Dave Wall
Managing Director
88 Energy Ltd  

07.04.20 09:32

549 Postings, 2657 Tage TKoneKondensatentdeckung


7th March 2020
This announcement contains inside information
88 Energy Limited
Charlie-1 Confirms Large Condensate Discovery in Torok Formation
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the “Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) provides the following update
related to operations for the Charlie-1 appraisal well, on the North Slope of Alaska.
• Condensate discovery confirmed in Torok Formation
• Economic review underway to assess commerciality
88 Energy confirms that the Charlie-1 appraisal well has proved the presence of mobile hydrocarbons,
in the form of condensate gas, in the Torok Formation in both the Middle Stellar and Lower Stellar
targets. Hydrocarbons were successfully recovered to surface from both targets using a state-of-theart downhole sampling tool (Ora). Further analysis to confirm the composition and gas to liquid ratio
will now be undertaken. Upper Stellar was not tested due to the sub optimal location that it was
intersected by the well.
Sampling was also successfully completed in the Schrader Bluffs Formation from the Indigo target,
which was found to be water bearing. The Charlie target was found to be poorly developed and was
not sampled. Oil shows in this interval are deemed to be related to residual oil that is not trapped in
the system.
In the Seabee Formation, an attempt was made to take a sample from the Lower Lima target, being
the better of the two Lima targets. This attempt was unsuccessful due to insufficient reservoir quality;
however, given that these targets were not intersected optimally, there still may be potential for higher
quality reservoir at a different location. Excellent Vertical Seismic Profile (“VSP”) data was obtained in
the well, which will now be used in conjunction with other log data and the existing 3D seismic, to
remap these targets. Sidewall core analysis will also assist with determining where improved reservoir
is likely to exist. Mud gas, observed while drilling, in the Seabee indicated that the hydrocarbons at
this horizon are heavier than those in the Torok and this is the horizon where “live oil” was observed
across the shakers in the nearby Malguk-1 well.
Detailed logs and sidewall cores were also acquired in the HRZ formation, which will now be analysed
over the coming months. The HRZ remains a viable target and options to commercialise this
potentially large resource continue to be pursued.
Premier has informed the Joint Venture that it intends to withdraw from the project, as the well did not
meet its pre-drill expectations.
The cost of the well remains within the expected budget and 88E does not expect to incur any costs
in relation to the drilling.
The well will now be plugged and abandoned (”P&A”) in line with standard industry practice. The
decision to P&A the well instead of moving to suspension or testing was made for a number of reasons:
• Further analysis is required to determine whether a discovery of this nature can be
commercialised on the North Slope, given the likely high gas content
• An optimum stimulation and test at this juncture is not possible in the timeframe required due
to the different phase of the hydrocarbons encountered and the length of season remaining
www. 88energy.com
Level 2, 5 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1674, West Perth WA 6872 Australia Phone +61 8 9485 0990
ABN 80 072 964 179
• Uncertain access to various personnel that may be required in the event of unforeseen
circumstances/emergency situations, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
• The lateness of the season and exposure to potential early break-up, which could result in the
rig being stranded on the wrong side of the Kuparuk River at significant cost
• Reluctance to create a potential future liability if analysis determines that the well should be
P&A’d in a subsequent season, at substantially higher cost
Managing Director of 88 Energy, Dave Wall, stated: "Charlie-1 has delivered a mixed result. On the
one hand, we have confirmed the presence of mobile hydrocarbons in the primary targets of the well
but, at the same time, there are challenges that need to be more fully understood related to whether
these can be commercialised on the North Slope. Samples of the hydrocarbons have been recovered
to surface and will now be the subject of further analysis in the coming months.
The risks related to the shallower targets have unfortunately been borne out, with one found to be
water bearing and the other to have no sand development.
The Lima targets both remain valid and, using the VSP, logs and cores from Charlie-1, we hope to be
able to enhance the prospectivity of the Seabee Formation on our acreage.
We also hope to glean valuable information in regard to the HRZ potential in this area of Project
Icewine and analysis will take place over the next few months.
Further details will be released as the required analyses from Charlie-1 are completed.”
Reporting requirements under LR 5.30
The Charlie-1 well is located on the North Slope of Alaska, ADL 393380, where 88 Energy has a 30%
working interest. The well penetrated sandstones in seven stacked targets and shale in one target.
No flow tests were undertaken; however, gas condensate samples were retrieved to surface from the
Torok formation at 10,506’ and 10,656’ using a downhole sampling tool (Ora) run during the wireline
This announcement has been authorised by the Board.
Yours faithfully
Dave Wall
Managing Director
88 Energy Ltd  

07.04.20 09:37

4568 Postings, 7351 Tage bradettiIch versuche das mal auf Deutsch zusammenzufassen

- In Middle und Lower Stellar hohes Gasvorkommen --> Nun Untersuchung zum Verhältnis Gas / Flüssig
- Indigo hat leider Wasser --> ist nicht erfolgreich
- Charlie ist nicht erfolgreich
- Lower Lima zu schlechte Reservoirqualität (schlechte Bohrposition) --> ist nicht erfolgreich
- Upper Lime schlechter als Lower Lima --> ist nicht erfolgreich
- HRZ wurden Kerne entnommen --> Nun Untersuchung

Auf Basis der Ergebnisse hat sich Premier Oil vom JV zurückgezogen. Die sind an Gas nicht interessiert.
Bohrloch wird nun geschlossen ohne weitere Tests - dafür reicht Zeit nicht mehr aus wegen nahendem Frühling.

Also bleiben als Potentiale die beiden Lima-Targets und das HRZ.

07.04.20 09:39

4568 Postings, 7351 Tage bradettiEntschuldigt

es bleiben die Middle und lower Stellar für Gas und das HRZ.
Die beiden Lima Targets hätten über weitere Untersuchungen auch noch Potential!

In Bezug auf Gas ist Premier definitiv der falsche Partner.

Exxon betreibt bereits eine Riesen-Gasresource  (Port Thompson) in Alaska.
Bleibt dann noch Yukon Farm in. Hier ist wohl Jade Energy als Partner im Gespräch.  

07.04.20 10:06

4978 Postings, 3656 Tage PanellNun

jetzt könnt ihr evtl. meine Skepsis verstehen, die ich immer bei aller Euphorie hatte, infolge der immer gleichen Story bisher im Endergebnis.

Diese Nachricht ist nat. für uns alle erstmal ein Tiefschlag wieder und die Kanonen donnern. Jetzt verkaufen werde ich jedoch nicht blind und aus einem "Schock" heraus.

Wie @bradetti schreibt,- der Nebel muss sich erst verziehen und sich alles relativieren, was es wirklich bedeutet in Summe für 88E.

Insofern,- das machen was wir gut gelernt haben bei 88E = Abwarten und dann Entscheidungen gut überlegt treffen...mache ich zumindest.

Ich möchte wissen was es mit diesem Gas auf sich hat und inwiefern es eine monetäre Auswirkung hat.

Dennoch bin ich mal wieder sehr enttäuscht über die wohl " schlechte Vorab-Messtechnik " über die man im Jahr 2020 ( nur ) verfügt, dass sie nie das finden, was sie laut Messungen denken ( sich erhoffen ).  

07.04.20 10:21

4978 Postings, 3656 Tage PanellDie große Frage

ist doch jetzt wo die Kanonen donnern, was für eine Nutzen kann man als 88E dennoch aus der Sache ziehen ( außer um eine Erfahrung reicher zu sein bzgl. "Messungen" ) ?

Dieses Gas,- was bringt das ? ...und ist denn da alles sonst 100% in die Hose gegangen  oder wird man ( 88E ) daraus was relativieren können, auch wenn Premier Oil raus ist, weil nicht deren Primär-Gebiet / Ziel.

Das Premier Öl raus ist, weil Ziel nicht erreicht ist logisch. Findet sich ein neuer Partner der auf das spezialisiert ist, was das Bohrloch sonst gebracht hat und bringen wird ?!

Ich weiß,- alles zu früh für die Fragen ( Antworten ). Der Nebel muss sich halt lichten die nächsten Tage und man darf nicht überreagieren !!!  

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