in Texas, Indiana, New Hampshire, Nevada, Maryland, Utah, Wisconsin, Washington, and Colorado mit Gewehren und amerikanischen Flaggen direkt vor den Regierungssitzen Warum so viele Protester der rechten Szene ärgerlich sind ,sind die Auswirkungen , die Depression, die 22 Millionen Arbeitslose, die vielen bakrotten Geschäfte und die beginnende Hungersnot
Attempting to show force, some protesters wielded rifles, handguns, and shotguns, along with American flags, Betsy Ross flags, Trump signs and "Don't Tread On Me" flags right up to the doorsteps of some state capital buildings. The sight is absolutely stunning, but before we continue, we must understand the right-wing groups that organized the rallies are fed up with quarantine orders enforced by state governments to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. While it is open for discussion if the strict lockdowns were worth it, several things are evident, and why many of these protesters are angry, is that the economy has crashed into depression, 22 million jobs lost, businesses bankrupted, and hunger crisis unfolding. Combined this all together, and a perfect storm of unrest could be nearing...."