Poet Technologies - die Revolution in der Halbleiterbranche ?!?

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neuester Beitrag: 26.01.24 14:18
eröffnet am: 23.04.09 23:10 von: Horusfalke Anzahl Beiträge: 4078
neuester Beitrag: 26.01.24 14:18 von: bebe2 Leser gesamt: 1173024
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14.04.10 15:41

7487 Postings, 5868 Tage Horusfalke@Hummer bitte unterlassen !

MFG Horus

16.04.10 21:19

2717 Postings, 8851 Tage BengaliLichtblick

Kann Opel etwa Vulkanenergie nutzen? ;)
Richtig guter Umsatz heute.  

17.04.10 15:46

470 Postings, 5774 Tage evilknifelVielleicht gehts

hier ja auch mal ab, wie bei ARISE!!!  

20.04.10 15:06

155 Postings, 5751 Tage hummer83Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 20.04.10 16:57
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Pushversuch - Diese Aktie gehört nicht in diesen thread.



20.04.10 22:32

4 Postings, 5437 Tage Lex XWas hält ihr davon?

OPEL Solar, Inc. and Tecneira, S.A. Launch Partnership with One Megawatt Solar Plant
Portugal Celebrates Solar Energy Project Award for Concentrating Photovoltaic Technology  

SHELTON, CONNECTICUT AND TORONTO, ONTARIO, Apr 20, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- OPEL International Inc. /quotes/comstock/11v!e:opl (CA:OPL 0.25, 0.00, 0.00%) and OPEL Solar, Inc.

OPEL Solar, Inc., a leading global developer and supplier of high concentration photovoltaic ("HCPV") solar panels and other solar products, including ground-based and rooftop tracker systems, today announced it has signed an agreement with Tecneira, S.A., the Portugal renewable energy company of the ProCME Group. The companies also announced their first HCPV solar project win.

In mid-March the Portuguese Government had a public ceremony announcing the Country's commitment to renewable energy goals by 2020. As part of the ceremony, headed by the Portuguese Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, it was announced that OPEL Solar and Tecneira were awarded in the preliminary phase of projects, a one Megawatt solar concentrating photovoltaic ("CPV") power plant installation. This solar project will be a one megawatt HCPV installation eligible for the Portuguese feed-in tariff ("FIT") that will provide a guaranteed investment rate of return.

"OPEL Solar is delighted to have the partnership with Tecneira as Portugal aggressively moves into CPV solar energy," said Robert Pico CEO of OPEL Solar, Inc. "We understand that for the project award OPEL Solar's technology was viewed as one of the most innovative and utility scalable to achieve Portugal's solar energy goals for CPV."

"Tecneira believes in the competitive advantages that OPEL Solar's HCPV technology offers our Company. Putting the HCPV panels on solar trackers will optimize the electrical production for this solar power plant," said Alda Delgado, CEO of Tecneira, S.A. "We look forward to working with OPEL Solar on this first installation and other projects in the future."

The one megawatt solar plant will be located in Alqueva in the Moura Region of Southern Portugal, a prime location for solar development.

OPEL Solar will build the installation with its Mk-I HCPV solar panels mounted on dual axis trackers. The combination of OPEL's HCPV panels and precision dual axis trackers results in a higher power production per unit of land (acre/hectare) than silicon or thin film flat panels with a potential to increase photovoltaic yields by up to 40 percent.

About Tecneira, S.A. and ProCME Group

Tecneira, S.A. has its headquarters in Porto Salvo, Portugal. Established in 2001, Tecneira is the renewable company within the ProCME Group. Its core business is the production of electricity from renewable power sources and its commercialization and supply to the public electrical grid. Tecneira focuses on the development of solar photovoltaic, wind farms, biomass, and wave energy projects. The Company has the main goal of the promotion, development, turnkey construction, managements of renewable power systems, as well as the operation and maintenance of renewable power plants. Tecneira considers the use of innovative solar technologies like HCPV vital to solar energy having a major impact on the future competitive market and rate of return on investments in solar power. Tecneira develops opportunities in HCPV from microgeneration to large scale utility solar systems.

ProCME Group is comprised of companies developing within the scope of high tech engineering. It is an organization that is part of the Spanish ACS Group. Presently, it is one of the largest companies in the world with global business in the service and construction areas. ProCME has the ability to perform the installation of every kind of energy power plant, either conventional or renewable energy.

About OPEL Solar, Inc. and OPEL International Inc.

With operations headquartered in Shelton, CT and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, OPEL designs, manufactures and markets high performance concentrating photovoltaic ("HCPV") panels to transform solar energy into electricity for worldwide application. OPEL's high performance photovoltaic concentrating panels generate up to 40 percent more kilowatt-hours than conventional flat plate silicon or thin film solar panels, resulting in more cost-effective electricity generated from the sun. OPEL also markets a complete line of precision dual and single axis solar trackers to mount solar panels for optimum power output. OPEL also designs infrared sensor type products for military and industrial applications.

A leader in gallium arsenide and solar photovoltaic technology, the Company has been awarded 39 patents and has 12 more patents pending. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information about OPEL Solar, Inc., please visit the Company's website at www.opelinc.com. OPEL Solar, Inc. is a subsidiary of OPEL International Inc. /quotes/comstock/11v!e:opl (CA:OPL 0.25, 0.00, 0.00%) .

Dated: April 20, 2010


Michel Lafrance, Secretary

Investors are cautioned that except for statements of historical facts, certain statements contained in this news release may include forward-looking information with respect to the Company. Such forward-looking statements or information are based on current expectations, estimates and projections formulated using assumptions currently believed to be reasonable and involving a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.

The TSXV has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

OPEL Solar, Inc.
Pat V. Agudow
Vice President, Public Relations
(203) 612-2366 Ext 2612

WT Blase & Associates, Inc.
Bill Blase or Stephanie Kuffner
Media Relations
(212) 221-1079

20.04.10 23:16

2717 Postings, 8851 Tage BengaliJede positive News ist willkommen

In USA hat der Kurs positiv reagiert, das ist doch einmal ein Anfang.  

02.05.10 23:45

470 Postings, 5774 Tage evilknifelGeht

hier eigentlich noch was???  

05.05.10 12:22

10 Postings, 5800 Tage arbeitsbienelangweilig

bin schon fast ein Jahr drinn aber da passiert nichts  kommen vieleicht hier die q-zahlen irgentwann  

07.05.10 16:29

470 Postings, 5774 Tage evilknifelDas is eine

richtige DRECKSAKTIE!!!  

14.05.10 01:36

2717 Postings, 8851 Tage BengaliLustig

217 Stück in Usa für 0,194$ verkauft. Also ich geb meine nicht mehr her. Ich warte hier mindestens auf den Zock, zur Not leg ich nochmal günstig nach.  

21.05.10 22:17

246 Postings, 5794 Tage saddysmutterecht übel

Die Zeiten wo noch viele eingestiegen sind weil sie dachten es handelt sich um Adam Opel sind auch voebei.#was bin ich froh das ich bei 0,28 raus bin. Ich hätte nicht gedacht das die Aktie so runterrauscht ist zwar immer wieder einen Blick wert, da ich mal groß dabei war.... Aber ich sende auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich und sonnige Grüße aus Mallorca an Horusfalke der mich hoffentlich noch kennt.  

23.05.10 22:59

7487 Postings, 5868 Tage HorusfalkeDanke @Saddysmutter :-)

Naja, so langsam wird das Wetter ja auch bei uns auch schöner, vielleicht demnächst auch Mal Kursrosiger für Opel Int., zu wünschen wäre es ja all Investierten, liebe Grüsse zurück auf die Insel und ein schönen Pfingstsonntag Abend noch @all...
MFG Horus

26.05.10 19:19

1 Posting, 5401 Tage Opelinekeine News

Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und wollte mal fragen wer dafür verantwortlich ist, dass hier keine News zu der Aktie gibt. Es gibt ja immer wieder mal Neuigkeiten. An wen kann man sich da wenden. Opel?  wer pflegt die News ein? Wäre bestimmt gut für die Aktie wenn auf Deutsch ein paar Informationen angezeigt würden. Bin seit ca. 1 Jahr mit Aktien dabei und kräftig im Minus. Aber ich glaube für Opel wird sicher bald die Sonne scheinen ;-) nur Geduld!


27.05.10 12:50

500 Postings, 5789 Tage kleinstanlegerKeine Sorge

Wenn es denn News gäbe, dann würde Opel Int. sie schon veröffentlichen. Es scheint einfach nichts neues zu geben.

Was diese Aktie hier bräuchte, wäre eine ausufernde Berichterstattung über den Fahrzeugbauer Opel, denn dann würden sich sicher wieder viele in diesen Solarwert verirren, nach dem Motto "in den Nachrichten hieß es, Opel sei endgültig gerettet, ich muss schnell Aktien von denen kaufen".
Das es solche Leute tatsächlich gibt, konnte man im letzten Jahr hier um Forum und auch am Kursverlauf erkennen.
Ob diese Leute noch einmal so blöd sind bzw. welche kommen, die ihnen gleich tun, ist fraglich.

Ich frage mich auch, ob und wann es hier zur nachhaltigen Trendwende kommt.
Jetzt ist die Aktie auf dem Niveau, wo sie vor der großen Berichterstattung über den Fahrzeughersteller Opel war.
Ich weiß nicht, ob der Kursverdoppler im letzten Jahr wirklich nur auf Opel (GM) zurückzuführen ist. Aber es würde irgendwie naheliegen...


27.05.10 17:55

6 Postings, 5458 Tage AkatieNEWS

Folgende News habe ich auf der HPvon Opel solarenergie gefunden:


OPEL International – Upcoming Shareholders Meeting and Proposed Name Change
Shelton, CT and Toronto, ON, May 25, 2010 – OPEL International Inc. (TSX-V: OPL) (“OPEL”
or “the Company”), a leading global supplier of high concentration photovoltaic (“HCPV”) solar
products, today announced that proxy materials were mailed to shareholders with respect to the
Annual and Special Meeting of shareholders to be held in Toronto on June 18, 2010 (the
Meeting”). In addition to the usual matters to be determined at the Meeting, including the
appointment of auditors and election of directors, shareholders will be asked to consider a special
resolution authorizing, subject to regulatory approval, the change in the name of the Company to
OPEL Solar International Inc. As the Company gains market share in the solar energy arena with
its advanced solar technologies, the name change reflects better the primary business of the
Company and it heightens investor and customer awareness of OPEL’s purpose.
Shareholders will also be asked to approve the continuance of the Company from New
Brunswick, Canada to Ontario, Canada and ancillary by-law amendments to simplify its
administrative and regulatory requirements.
The Directors have approved these proposed changes as they believe they are in the best interests
of the shareholders. The proposed name change is also consistent with Management’s focus on
its efforts to grow the Company to its next level of success, to build on the strong foundation
already in place, to provide increased brand recognition and to increase investor awareness,
which should eventually yield added shareholder value. The Company’s business outlook
continues to be extremely positive, and shareholders will be presented with an update on the
Company at the Meeting.



Es findet also am 18. Juni ein Treffen in Kanada mit den Aktionären statt auf dem unter anderem ein Namenswechsel besprochen werden soll, um besser auf dem bestehenden Markt der Solarenergie anzukommen und besser  dazustehen.


Ich denke dass es dann auch wieder aufwärts gehen könnte...ich will damit aber niemandem zum Kauf überreden oder die Aktie empfehlen. Das sind alles meine persönlichen Eindrücke und keine Kaufempfehlungen!!!


Ich bin natürlich auch immer froh über neue news 




27.05.10 19:43

2278 Postings, 5577 Tage FernandeZdas ist doch bestimmt...

lediglich die Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre. Die wird wohl keine Kursänderung herbeirufen. Normalerweise sollte jeder Aktionär eine Einladung bekommen... Und die kommt bestimmt uach noch kurz vorher...

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn. In solch einer Versammlung wird eigentlich nicht viel mehr besprochen als das man selber über lange Recherchen rausfiinden könnte. Lediglich der Frage Antwort Teil ist wirklich interessant bei solch einer Versammlung. Allerdings werden unfaire oder richtige Insider Fragen nur so weit beantwortet wie die Vorsitzenden es müssen. Anwälte und Notare stehen den Geschäftsfüherern direkt zur Seite...

Deshalb denke ich das auf dieser Versammlung nicht viel besprochen wird als das man auf der Opel Seite lesen kann... Und deshalb steigt der Kurs hier auch nicht, sondern fällt...

Das derzeitige desinteresse an Opel GM und die Griechenland Krise ist meiner Meinung wirklich ein Faktor warum die Aktie fällt. Die Auftragslage für dieses Jahr scheint nicht soooo wirklich überragend zu sein. Wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab, steht nur ein Project an... das bringt bestimmt gerade mal Geld zum Überleben. Also kein Wachstum in Sicht. Zumal ich gehört hab dass Fotovoltaik Anlagen nicht mehr die aktuellsten sind und die werden halt von Opel verbaut und Patente dazu hält Opel glaub ich auch... Vielleicht ist auch das ein Grund warum die Aktie fällt. Nix neues anzubieten, halt ne?!

Naja mal abwarten. Die Firma besitzt auf jeden Fall genügend "hochrangig" besetzte Stellen. Die werden definitv ne Menge Geld im Jahr verschlingen... Andere haben sich in solchen Zeiten zu drastischen Massnahmen entschieden... Wozu 6 Vorsitzende? 2 oder 3 reichen doch bestimmt auch? Wi sagt man so schön... Viele Köche verderben den Brei...


02.06.10 16:36

12 Postings, 5394 Tage sepmpress release June 1, 2010


press release

June 1, 2010, 10:01 a.m. EDT ·   Recommend       · Post:

OPEL Solar Inc. CEO Says Future Remains Bright for Solar Power

Company Reports Global Uptick in Requests for Quotes on Industrial Scale Power Systems




SHELTON, CONNECTICUT AND TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jun 01, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- OPEL International Inc.   /quotes/comstock/11v!opl (CA:OPL 0.23, 0.00, 0.00%) and OPEL Solar, Inc.    

Despite an uneven economic recovery and the lingering effects of the global recession on virtually every industry around the world, Leon (Lee) M. Pierhal, Chief Executive Officer of OPEL Solar, Inc., a leading global supplier of high concentration photovoltaic ("HCPV") solar panels and other solar products, including utility scale ground-based tracker systems and unique light weight rooftop tracker systems, is reporting a sharp uptick in requests for quotes on industrial scale solar power systems in North America and abroad.    

"With the worst hopefully behind us," Pierhal said, "there is no question that both governments and investors alike are reaffirming their interest and commitment to solar power in a big way. Since late 2008 when the credit markets first crashed, we have seen a significant increase in requests for quotes on both our HCPV solar panels and our ground-based and rooftop tracker systems. Clearly, this bodes well for both OPEL Solar, as a leading supplier of solar products and systems, and the solar power industry at large."    

OPEL Solar, a leader in gallium arsenide and solar concentrating photovoltaic technology, produces high performance solar panels that can generate up to 40 percent more kilowatt-hours than conventional flat plate silicon solar panels. OPEL Solar also recently announced that it will manufacture its utility scale TF-800 tracker line, which it developed with FEiNA, in the United States. The TF-800, a ground mounted single axis tracker has proved to be very attractive commercially because of its ease of installation and its reverse tracking ability to avoid shadowing from adjacent trackers.    

Pierhal attributed the increase in quote activity to OPEL Solar's reputation for technological innovation, the completion of a 330-kilowatt HCPV utility grade power plant in Spain with its Spanish partner BETASOL last October, and its plans to participate in a 1 megawatt (MW) HCPV installation in Portugal with Tecneira S.A., the Portugal renewable energy company. Both installations, which are eligible for Feed-in-Tariffs (FIT), will provide investors with a guaranteed rate of return.    

In commenting on the dramatic growth in quoting on utility scale solar installations, Pierhal also noted an especially sharp and recent focus in the marketplace on solar power installations of at least 1 MW in size. In fact, Pierhal said, "OPEL Solar has been selected to install an initial 1 MW solar power plant in France using OPEL Solar's advanced HCPV panels. Closer to home, we are also partnering with one of the largest engineering and construction companies in the world to build utility scale solar power farms in North America," he said.    

"Neither the private sector, nor forward-looking countries want to mortgage their future or straitjacket their ability to compete globally by relying exclusively on more traditional fossil fuel sources," Pierhal said. "Solar is not only here and now, it's a very viable and cost-effective alternative."    

About OPEL Solar, Inc. and OPEL International Inc.    

With operations headquartered in Shelton, CT and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, OPEL designs, manufactures and markets high performance concentrating photovoltaic ("HCPV") panels to transform solar energy into electricity for worldwide application. OPEL's high performance photovoltaic concentrating panels generate up to 40 percent more kilowatt-hours than conventional flat plate silicon or thin film solar panels, resulting in more cost-effective electricity generated from the sun. OPEL also markets a complete line of precision dual and single axis solar trackers to mount solar panels for optimum power output. OPEL also designs infrared sensor type products for military and industrial applications.    

A leader in gallium arsenide and solar photovoltaic technology, the Company has been awarded 38 patents and has 12 more patents pending. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information about OPEL Solar, Inc., please visit the Company's website at www.opelinc.com. OPEL Solar, Inc. is a subsidiary of OPEL International Inc.   /quotes/comstock/11v!opl (CA:OPL 0.23, 0.00, 0.00%) .    

Dated: June 1, 2010    


Michel Lafrance, Secretary    

Investors are cautioned that except for statements of historical facts, certain statements contained in this news release may include forward-looking information with respect to the Company. Such forward-looking statements or information are based on current expectations, estimates and projections formulated using assumptions currently believed to be reasonable and involving a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.    

The TSXV has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.    

OPEL Solar, Inc.
Pat V. Agudow
Vice President, Public Relations
(203) 612-2366 Ext 2612

WT Blase & Associates, Inc.
Bill Blase or Stephanie Kuffner
Media Relations
(212) 221-1079

SOURCE: OPEL International Inc. and OPEL Solar, Inc.    



Copyright 2010  Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved.




02.06.10 16:44

12 Postings, 5394 Tage sepmOPEL reports rise in quoting activity

1 June 2010



OPEL reports rise in quoting activity for industrial-scale CPV systems

Despite an uneven economic recovery and the lingering effects of the global recession on virtually every industry worldwide, OPEL Solar Inc of Shelton, CT, USA (a subsidiary of OPEL International Inc of Toronto, Canada) is reporting a sharp increase in requests for quotes on industrial-scale solar power systems in both North America and abroad, according to CEO Leon (Lee) M. Pierhal.

“With the worst hopefully behind us, there is no question that both governments and investors alike are reaffirming their interest and commitment to solar power in a big way,” says Pierhal. “Since late 2008 when the credit markets first crashed, we have seen a significant increase in requests for quotes on both our HCPV [high-concentration photovoltaic] solar panels and our ground-based and rooftop tracker systems,” he adds.

OPEL Solar claims that its gallium arsenide-based HCPV panels can generate up to 40% more kilowatt-hours than conventional flat-plate silicon solar panels. On 28 April, the firm also announced plans for US-based manufacturing of its utility-scale TF-800, a ground-mounted single-axis tracker (developed with FEiNA) that allows ease of installation and avoids shadowing from adjacent trackers (due to its reverse tracking ability).

Pierhal attributes the increase in quote activity to OPEL Solar’s completion (with Spanish partner BETASOL) of a 330kW HCPV utility-grade power plant in Spain last October, as well as the firm’s agreement in April to participate in a 1MW Portuguese HCPV installation with Tecneira S.A of Porto Salvo, Portugal, the renewable energy firm of power plant developer ProCME Group (and one of the largest renewable energy construction firms in Portugal). The latter is Portugal’s first use of CPV technology, and will also use a dual-axis tracking system. Both installations, which are eligible for feed-in-tariffs (FIT), will provide investors with a guaranteed rate of return, OPEL assures.

Pierhal also notes an especially sharp and recent focus in the marketplace on solar power installations of at least 1MW in size. Also in first-quarter 2010, OPEL Solar was selected (via a partnership with French tracker firm Exosun) for an initial 1MW HCPV power plant in the South of France, with installation starting mid-year. Again, the plant will be grid connected, selling electricity to the country’s utility. Deliveries on both the Portuguese and French 1MW projects will begin in second-half 2010.

“We are also partnering with one of the largest engineering and construction companies in the world to build utility-scale solar power farms in North America,” Pierhal says.

“Neither the private sector nor forward-looking countries want to mortgage their future or straitjacket their ability to compete globally by relying exclusively on more traditional fossil fuel sources.”

On 20 May, OPEL International Inc reported revenue for first-quarter 2010 up on both last quarter and a year ago. In addition, the firm says that the increased quoting activity on large-scale, utility-grade projects during first-quarter 2010 is due to its continued focus on forging relationships with large engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) companies and power producers. “With our new relationships and increased backlog, we are poised to significantly increase our revenue and shareholder value in 2010,” asserts chief financial officer Michael McCoy.

*On 25 May, OPEL International said that it had mailed proxy materials to shareholders prior to their Annual Meeting in Toronto on 18 June at which they will be asked to consider a special resolution authorizing (subject to regulatory approval) a change of the firm’s name to OPEL Solar International Inc. The firm says that, as it gains market share in solar energy, the name change better reflects its primary business and heightens awareness of OPEL’s purpose.




03.06.10 16:11

2717 Postings, 8851 Tage BengaliJa gibst denn das?

Der Kurs geht ja gen Noden :)  

03.06.10 16:53

470 Postings, 5774 Tage evilknifelBoah ...

was passiert hier, schon bei 0,20!?!  

03.06.10 16:56

27135 Postings, 6276 Tage brunnetaOPEL International Hauptversammlung


Keine Kauf Empfehlung!!
Wer nicht fähig ist, selber eine Meinung zu bilden und eine Entscheidung zu treffen, darf nicht zur Börse.

03.06.10 22:49

12 Postings, 5394 Tage sepmOPEL Defense Integrated Systems

22. April 2010
    ODIS Receives Two Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Contracts    
"Breakthrough Technologies for Air, Space and Commercial Use"
Shelton, Ct. April 22, 2010

Shelton, Ct. April 22, 2010 – Following closely to the previous $750,000 Award in January 2010, ODIS Inc. announced today that it has received two additional AFRL Awards for $850,000, totaling $1.6M so far this year.

"In my opinion, the receipt of these Awards so closely to the last one indicates that ODIS, through the use of the patented POET process, is being viewed as having the potential to produce tremendous cost savings with enhanced capability to the U.S. Air Force and Space Missile Command in future missions," said Leon (Lee) Pierhal, President of ODIS Inc. "Quite significant is the opportunity to address the high density memory market for next generation data processors which is identified to be a huge market as the chip industry pushes Moore's law beyond the limits of Si CMOS into the optoelectronic world. The Phase II technology effort embraces low cost switch architecture and component capability to address the distribution of fiber optic signals for LAN, MAN and WAN applications and for the exploding "Fiber to the Home" commercial market," Pierhal added.

The first is a $100,000 Award to develop an using the ODIS’s optoelectronic thyristor within its III-V Planar OptoElectric Technology(“POET”). Very high density and low storage power may be achieved with the cell represented as the cross-point of an array. The memory design will enable it to be fully compatible with integrated optoelectronic CHFET/thyristor logic and optical I/O. Fabricated in radiation hard gallium arsenide (“GaAs”), the structure enables both static and dynamic operation.

ODIS also announced the receipt of a $750,000 Award to develop “ Optoelectronic Directional Couplers for Switching Fabric”, switching fabric on a single chip is a device technology that is required to enable the coordination and routing of multiple optical input signals to arbitrar multiple output ports without optoelectronic conversation which is essential technology for optical communication switching hubs and routers. Targeted for future military satellite missions, just like the Phase I, it will greatly reduce power requirements and be designed radiation hard.

Relating to the Phase I Award, Dr. Geoff Taylor, Chief Scientist of ODIS Inc., stated, “The digital signal processing and static memory, currently implemented exclusively in CMOS technology have now reached scaling limits in chip size and power. The new memory cell uses the thyristor latching function in the vertical direction to achieve super high density and a power down mode within an inversion channel to achieve ultra-low storage dissipation.” Dr. Taylor added, “The commercial opportunity is for memory embedded within processors in next generation floating point gate arrays.” Regardingthe Phase II Award, Dr. Taylor goes on to say, “ODIS’s development of POET as an integrated optoelectronic platform with the capability to realize arrays of in-plane optical switches and the associated optoelectronic routing circuitry, will enable it to meet AFRL’s satellite communications technology requirements on a single chip or chipset. Here as well, the OE integration reduces the weight and power of the craft and indicates a pathway to realize the high speed satellite OE systems of the future.”

“In my opinion, the receipt of these Awards so closely to the last one indicates that ODIS, through the use of the patented POET process, is being viewed as having the potential to produce tremendous cost savings with enhanced capability to the U.S. Air Force and Space Missile Command in future missions,” said Leon (Lee) Pierhal, President of ODIS Inc. “Quite significant is the opportunity to address the high density memory market for next generation data processors which is identified to be a huge market as the chip industry pushes Moore’s law beyond the limits of Si CMOS into the optoelectronic world. The Phase II technology effort embraces low cost switch architecture and component capability to address the distribution of fiber optic signals for LAN, MAN and WAN applications and for the exploding “Fiber to the Home” commercial market,” Pierhal added.


At the heart of this technology is ODIS’s new and patented semiconductor fabrication process called POET, which is based on a novel Group III-V materials structure. POET is a patented Group III-V materials system that supports monolithic fabrication of ICs containing active and passive optical elements, together with high-performance analog and digital elements, allowing the economical integration of many optical devices together with dense, high-speed analog and high-speed, low-power digital elements in monolithic ICs.

About ODIS Inc.

ODIS Inc. (“Opel Defense Integrated Systems”) is a Delaware Corporation headquartered in Shelton, Connecticut with offices in Rhode Island and its Research and Development facilities located on the campus of the University of Connecticut. ODIS designs communications transceivers, optoelectronic integrated platforms and infrared sensor type products for military and industrial applications.

A leader in gallium arsenide III-V compound structures, the Company has been awarded 32 patents and has 18 more patents pending. For more information about ODIS Inc., please visit


DATED APRIL 22, 2010 


Michael McCoy, Secretary


For Further information:

Leon M. Pierhal, President, ODIS Inc., Tel: (401) 338-1212, Email: leepierhal@aol.com


Bill Blase or Stephanie Kuffner, Media Relations, WT Blase & Associates, Inc., Tel: (212) 221-1079, Email: solar@wtblase.com


For Further Information


03.06.10 22:53

12 Postings, 5394 Tage sepmODIS Technology

04.06.10 17:14

470 Postings, 5774 Tage evilknifelSoll

hier wirklich mal etwas passieren ...  

Seite: 1 | ... | 56 | 57 | 58 |
| 60 | 61 | 62 | ... | 164   
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