Würdest du dich denn auf ein Pokerspiel mit jemanden einlassen der keinen Cent hat??
"Those who have tried to collect their money have discovered he owns absolutely nothing." ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))
Kann man von ALF nicht behaupten, die hatten anfang 11 ja noch knappe 2500 cash
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-nsw/...uzi-1111116570289In fact, Byrnes hasn't been to prison since the mid-1980s - when he spent 17 months in Silverwater for heroin supply and malicious wounding - even though he has a solid criminal record, including an assault conviction in 2001.
Last year, magistrate Paul Lyon described him as a "stand-over thug'' and sentenced him to four months in prison for smashing a solicitor's office with a baseball bat.
But lucky Jim escaped with a good-behaviour bond and a fine on appeal.
For years, Byrnes has given his creditors the runaround while defeating countless attempts to make him bankrupt.
Those who have tried to collect their money have discovered he owns absolutely nothing.