Soviele Muslime haben weltweit in den letzten Tagen gegen den Antiislamischen Hetzfilm protestiert. In den Nachrichten hat man bisweilen einen anderen Eindruck gewonnen. Updated 9/15/2012
Here's an interactive map for all the riots and/or protests. ( For the news reports it seems that the majority were peaceful. Unfortunately there were some outbreaks of violence, but even with the h ighest reports mentioning "thousands" protesting, with close to 40-some locations around the world, this still doesn't make up 1% of the total population of Muslims world wide.
------------------------------ Updated: 9/14/12 - Here's a few disclaimers:
- Percentage was wrong, is 0007% instead of .01% Thanks to those that caught this. - Some countries were left out, this was not intentional, this chart is only a guesstimate based on last Thursday's new reports. - How did I come up with these numbers? Please read below. - Numbers have now changed. Let's Run the numbers agains, -- but this time multiply by ten due to the many more people came out to protest and riot. Instead of 9000 (which is a guesstimated number based on new reports from Thursday 9/12) lets say instead that the numbers are closer to 90,000 people. Ten times as much. With 90,000 people protesting, that is still a nominal amount .0074% -- Multiply by 100. At 900,000, thats only .07% still less than 1% of the entire Muslim population in the Middle East and South Asia. This does not include most of Africa, East, Asia, the Americas and Europe. - The point here is not the entire Muslim world is not rioting. Offended? Yes. Blood thirsty and enraged? No. Let's push for responsible media coverage. - Let's also push for responsible communities! If Muslims want to honor the Prophet Muhammad, then they should follow his example, not riot, protest and project their failures on others. Want something to get worked up about? Has everyone forgotten abour Syria? ( - These percentages do not in anyway lessen the damage of things people have done, nor make their attacks on innocent lives any less atrocious. What it should be telling the Muslim Community world-wide is that to get respect you have to give, and that the silent majority needs to take a stand.
So far, we hear news of the Muslim world as if it is "on fire" after an idiotic film was released in Arabic, sparking protests in Egypt and Libya on Sept. 11th 2012. With all the news of protests, I thought I would guesstimate the number of the protesters since then, compare that to the populations on the Muslim World (well at least the majority countries), then see what percentage is really out there setting things "on fire" like the wild Islamists they are.
DISCLAIMER: Population stats courtesy of World Bank. Protestors statistics are not accurate. I referenced news reports, on the topic such as ( and such (
The largest crowds were reported around 2000 people (such as those in egypt), and most of the protests having "hundreds". I rounded up those with 2000 to 2500, and those that were reported to have "hundreds" I averaged out to 300. Yes, completely inaccurate, but it"s to illustrate a point.
Will the crowds get bigger? Maybe. But keep in mind, what is being seen as the irrational, idiotic, and over emotional response to this idiotic film is only .01 percent of a population that is almost 4 times larger than the population of the US.
So yes, Muslims need to chill. It"s the antithesis of Islam and the Prophet"s message to act like this. However, it is also the childish actions of people that don"t even equal most small town in the US. Let"s not make a mountain out of a molehill, or as they say in Arabic "a dome out of corn seed."
PS - Yeh I"m bad at math, so if you find any mistakes please comment :) [mistake found, its .0007 not .01%, so even less. Thanks to everyone who found that.]
PPS - I forgot Libya, so add maybe another 300 people?
PPPS- I'm sure a crap storm will hit on Friday, so the numbers will change. |