hier ein kleiner Auszug aus dem sehr ausführlichen Report:
The average unit price obtained for sales during the nine months was $29 per pound of U3O8, which resulted from a blend of older lower priced contracts, and higher recent spot related contracts. During the year, which included the first nine months of operations, production costs were $9,548,000 or approximately $11.76 per pound of U3O8 sold. Depreciation for the year, including depletion of mineral property based on established values of purchase price paid for mineable reserves, amounted to $6.29/ lb U3O8 compared to $2.44 for the period ended April 30, 2006. The difference in the unit non-cash cost arises as a result of the value of the depletable asset being increased on finalization of the allocation of the purchase price paid for mineral properties. Sales to nuclear facilities do not occur evenly throughout the year as they are dependant upon the delivery schedule requested by the utility companies. Sales in the last quarter (see News Release dated, June 29, 2006) were nominal, which resulted in a build-up of inventory at year end. UrAsia's attributable share of inventory (625,000 pounds of U3O8 or 240,000 Kg U) is expected to be applied in filling deliveries before the end of the calendar year, 2006. This is expected to lower reported unit production costs for the period, as the year end inventory is not carrying its full share of period costs incurred to the year end.
-niedrige Produktionskosten von 11,76 § pro verkauftem Pfund -alte Lieferverträge mit einem Uranpreis von 29$ durchschnittlich laufen in diesem Jahr aus, neue basieren auf derzeitigem Uranpreis von ca. 60$, was das bilanzmäßig bedeutet, kann sich jeder selbst vorstellen -ausführlich nachzulesen unter urasiaenergy.com Auf eine gute Zukunft! |