Ich möchte mich für eure "Kritik" an meiner Kompetenz bedanken und wie folgt darauf eingehen:
Also zuerst plant Ameluz die nächsten Jahre auch noch für weitere Anwendungen, was ihr sicher wisst. (siehe SEC) Unter anderem Genitalwarzen und die kommen "oh Schreck" auch in anderen Ländern vor.
"da idR nur Menschen mit heller Haut betroffen sind, ist Afrika und Südamerika eine Spitzenidee. Schön, wenn so viel Expertise im Forum ist..."
Ich habe keine Länder explizit genannt, aber hier Beispiel Brasilien: "In a Brazilian case series from 2006, AK was the fourth most frequent diagnosis amongst 57.343 consultations, taking place in 5,1% of the visits, varying from 7,4% in the southern region to 2,9% on the north region. 10Another cross-sectional study conducted in France in 2008 also had 4,7% of the lesions diagnosed as AK, from 78.300 dermatological visits. "
"AKs are more frequent in peoples who live in areas closer to the Equator line. 12 The influence of seasonality in the diagnosis of AK was also noted, and this characteristic was more prominent than in dermatoses like acne, dyschromia and psoriasis, which indicates that monthly changes in the temperature, the solar radiation or the level of exposure could affect the clinical presentation of these lesions. 72 The altitude affects the intensity of the UVB radiation, and there is an 8-10% increase in the incidence of AK every 300 meters of elevation.73"
Quelle: http://www.scielo.br/...t=sci_arttext&pid=S0365-05962012000300012
Link für Süd-Afrika, leider kein AK erfasst aber BCC http://www.cansa.org.za/files/2017/11/...tinic-Keratosis-Nov-2017.pdf
Info über "Hispanics" "Skin cancer rates among Hispanics are skyrocketing in the US. New research shows that in the past two decades alone, melanoma incidence among Hispanics has risen almost 20 percent." "One reason for this underuse of sun protection strategies may be the widespread misconception that people with darker skin are not at risk of skin cancer, according to a recent survey by L’Oreal Paris." https://www.skincancer.org/publications/...news/winter-2013-30-4/soar
"People with fair skin, freckles, blonde or red hair and blue, green or gray eyes are most vulnerable to sun damage. They have a high likelihood of developing AKs if they spend time in the sun and live long enough. African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and others with darker skin are not as susceptible as Caucasians, but anyone can develop skin cancers." https://www.skincancer.org/...keratosis/what-causes-actinic-keratosis
Und, falls nicht bekannt, es leben auch Menschen mit heller Hautfarbe in Südamerika und Afrika. :)
In diesem Sinne....