December 15th 2004 The Transport sector opens- in the facilities of the Brasilia Metro - a multimedia area for employees working in the maintenance activities of Brasilia train system.
On December 15th, ALSTOM Transport is launching a Cyber Café at the facilities of Distrito Federal subway, where the company is based. The multimedia area is equipped with PCs connected to the Internet, cable TV, magazines and newspapers. It is aimed specially at the employees working in the maintenance services, both from ALSTOM and the several companies of the AIT (ALSTOM, IESA e TCBR) consortium, and Metro employees. The implementation process lasted approximately six months, with the participation of the companies from the AIT consortium, responsible for the subway maintenance activities. The Cyber Café - also defined as a leisure area for the mind - will be open during lunch time. ALSTOM believes that everybody should contribute for the progress of a society which offers more development opportunities. Since 2001, ALSTOM is playing a role in the digital inclusion process of its collaborators and the corresponding community.
Press information: Mônica Tremonti Belini - Gabrisa Comunicação e Informação Phone: (0xx11) 9970-0697-e-mail: