Die Zukunft der Stromgewinnung wird in einem Netzwerk
dezentraler Stromerzeugung liegen, bei der Elektrizität am
Verwendungspunkt erzeugt und verbraucht wird. Ein Netzwerk
dezentraler Stromerzeugung kann die Lösung sein für:
wachsenden Strombedarf, Grenzen konventioneller Kraftwerke,
Leistungsverluste durch Übertragungs- und Verteilungsleitungen
und erhebliche Investitionen in die Infrastruktur.
Sowohl heute als auch in Zukunft ist eine sichere und
hocheffiziente Stromerzeugung mit erheblich geringeren
Treibhausgasemissionen notwendig.
CFCL´s festoxidkeramische Brennstoffzellentechnologie (SOFC)
wird in dieser Zukunft eine bedeutende Rolle spielen durch die
Erzeugung von umweltfreundlichem Strom mit SOFC-Geräten.
Das Gennex™ Brennstoffzellenmodul ist für den Einbau in
zukünftige Geräte vorgesehen. Gennex™ ist bestens geeignet
für Mikro-Blockheizkraftwerk (Mikro-BHKW) wie z. B. gekoppelt
mit einem hochwirksamen Brennwertkessel. Gennex™ kann auch für andere Geräte genutzt werden, die Erdgas
in hocheffiziente Elektrizität umwandeln wie beispielsweise
alleinstehende Stromgeneratoren, Luftzirkulationssysteme und
auch Ladestationen für Elektroautos.
Eigenschaften: Wandelt Erdgas in Elektrizität bei60 % elektrischem Wirkungsgrad um(netto Wechselstromexport, unterer Heizwert (LHV) Interne Dampfreformierung - für hohenUmwandlungswirkungsgrad Anlagenperipheriekomponenten mit klar definiertenSchnittstellen – vereinfachter Einbau Kompaktwärmetauscher – für kleinere Abmessungen
Gennex™ ist ein SOFC-Modul, das für die kommerzielleProduktion ausgelegt ist. Mit Hilfe von CFCL´s Erfahrungund Fachwissen auf den Gebieten Brennstoffzellen,Zellenstapel und kompletten Brennstoffzellensystemenkönnen Gerätehersteller nun einen SOFC-Stromerzeugerin zukünftige Geräte einbauen.
Gennex™ liefert einen hohen elektrischen Wirkungsgradund weniger Wärme – dies ermöglicht einen ganzjährigenBetrieb, 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche.CFCL hat zusätzlich einen zusammengehörigen Satz vonAnlagenperipheriekomponenten für den einfachen Einbau entwickelt.
CFCL Partners ;-)))
Partner in Frankreich
GDF SUEZ is born from the 2008 merger between Gaz de France and, Belgian based, SUEZ creating a world leader in energy with a very strong French presence. The Group operates across the five major continents with more than 196,500 staff. In 2007, the Group reported sales of €74.3 billion and EBITDA of €13.1 billion. Before the merger, Gaz de France was one of Europe's leading distributors of natural gas, with 11 million private clients in France. Additionally, under the merger, the Group is now the second ranked electricity supplier in France - selling nearly 30 billion kWh.
The Group's target is to position itself in France as the main challenger to the French legacy electricity producer. This involves increasing the generation capacity of GDF SUEZ to
10 GW by 2013.
Already, GDF SUEZ is the leading player in the maintenance of individual boilers in France and aims to grow in the field of environmentally sound domestic energy services incorporating high-efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
In 2007, GDF SUEZ invested €188 million in Research & Innovation programmes. In line with the Group's strategy, one area of focus is the electricity-generating boiler: designed for residential users, the electricity-generating boiler produces both heat and electricity more efficiently than traditional boilers. GDF SUEZ has an active interest in distributed generation and is leading the EU-DEEP program, a €30M program to evaluate decentralised energy systems.
Visit: www.gdfsuez.com
De Dietrich Thermique is the largest provider of gas heating systems in France, with origins stretching back to 1778. De Dietrich Thermique has over 200 employees based across four manufacturing sites. The Company has a strong commitment to training and installation, with 10 training centres in Europe offering 29 technical courses on the installation and maintenance of De Dietrich Thermique products and a dedicated service division known as Serv' élite.
Domestic CHP is a new strategic market for De Dietrich Thermique which has been assessing fuel cell and other generator technologies for several years. Supported by a leading R&D department with more than 100 staff, the Company is well positioned to integrate CFCL's technology in their future appliances.
Visit: www.dedietrich-thermique.fr
Partner In Deutschland ;-)
In March 2007 CFCL signed a product development agreement with EWE and Bruns Heiztechnik GmbH (Bruns), a specialist German boiler manufacturer.EWE has been working with CFCL since July 2005. EWE ranks among Germany's largest energy services companies and is headquartered in Oldenburg in the state of Lower Saxony. The group's business activities comprise electricity, natural gas and water supply, environmental technology as well as gas transmission and trade, telecommunication and information technology.In 2006, the EWE Group employed around 5,800 people and recorded sales of €9.0 billion. EWE has extensive experience in distributed generation, m-CHP and fuel cells. Visit: www.ewe.de Bruns has been making boiler systems for over 40 years and in 2006 employed over 200 staff. The company develops and constructs tailor made boilers and storage systems under various brand names and also makes products for the solar thermal market. The strength of Bruns lies with the company's flexibility and ability to engineer and manufacture innovating heating products for the European market.
Visit: www.bruns-heiztechnik.de
Partner In England ;-)
In July 2007 the Company signed an agreement with E.ON UK Ltd, the company that runs Powergen, to develop a unit for the UK market.E.ON UK is the UK's largest integrated power and gas company, generating and distributing electricity, and retailing electricity and gas for around 8.5 million customer accounts. E.ON UK employs around 16,000 people in the UK and is a leader in the implementation of microgeneration technologies. E.ON UK is part of the E.ON group, the world's largest investor-owned power and gas company. In 2006, the E.ON group sold 949 billion kWh of natural gas and 400 billion kWh of electricity to customers in more than 20 countries. Visit: www.powergen.co.ukGledhill Water Storage Ltd joined CFCL and E.ON UK on 30 August 2007 as the projects' UK appliance partner. Gledhill produces an advanced range of appliances for the delivery of domestic mains pressure hot water and heating. The Gledhill group of companies include the largest boiler and storage vessel expertise in the UK and the longest established under the same family ownership. Gledhill's manufacturing headquarters in Blackpool operates to world class standards - Gledhill has become the first within the industry to achieve ‘World Class Manufacturer' status under the CBI PROBE scheme for promoting business excellence. Visit: www.gledhill.net
Partner In Japan ;-)
Paloma Industries Ltd, a company of The Paloma Group, is a privately held manufacturing company that began operation in 1911 as a pioneer in the Japanese gas appliance industry. Today, the Paloma Group is a leading world producer of gas appliances. Paloma's products for residential as well as commercial applications operate in a broad variety of installations around the world.Paloma Group is headquartered in Nagoya, Japan, and has main manufacturing facilities or sales offices in Japan, the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, China, Vietnam, and Singapore. The Paloma Group's residential brands include Paloma, Rheem, Solahard and Everhot. Group annual revenue is approximately US$2.5 billion, with 15,000 people working for the Group around the world.Under the agreement, CFCL and Paloma will work together to evaluate and develop a commercial m-CHP product by integrating CFCL's advanced fuel cell module with a Paloma home heating appliance. Visit: www.palomaglobal.com