

Suchergebnisse Index/Tracker-Zertifikate

WKN Underlying Typ Laufzeit Spread rel. Restlaufzeit
VF3MXC MSCI World IMI Select Sustainable Impact Top 20 Index open-end 1,00%
VQ8ZV1 Nasdaq 100 open-end 0,05%
VU9V0L NFS A+E Low Vola STRATEGIE Köln Index open-end -
VD19P5 NFS Allgäu ausgewogen Index open-end -
VU6USL PVV Artificial Intelligence Index open-end -
VD0V7D PVV Security of Europe Index open-end -
VQ8MZT S&P 500 open-end 0,06%
VA8HXD Smart Farming Index open-end -
VQ8ZWR SMI open-end 0,05%
VA9H37 Solactive 5G Technology Perf.-Index open-end 1,50%
VL3SJB Solactive Artificial Intelligence Perf.-Index open-end 1,51%
VL53BE Solactive Battery Energy Storage Perf.-Index open-end 1,51%
VL9NBT Solactive Blockchain Technology Perf.-Index open-end 1,51%
VT0WT8 Solactive China Automobile TR open-end 1,50%
VU9V71 Solactive China Automobile TR open-end 0,99%
VP6CJ5 Solactive China Internet TR open-end 1,10%
VS5ZCS Solactive Cyber Security Perf.-Index open-end 1,52%
VN5FW9 Solactive Demographic Opportunity Perf.-Index open-end 1,50%
VV1HD3 Solactive Digital & Renewable Infrastructure Index open-end 1,01%
VN4AA1 Solactive Euro am Sonntag Qualitätsaktien open-end 1,00%
VL1ZQE Solactive Euro am Sonntag Qualitätsaktien Perf. Index open-end 1,00%
VZ7HDL Solactive European High Dividend Low Volatility Index open-end 1,50%
VP3SFD Solactive Food Delivery Index open-end -
VU2GME Solactive Future Minerals and Mining Index open-end 1,00%
VM0RCF Solactive Germany Small and Mid Cap Growth Index open-end 1,00%
VQ72Y7 Solactive Global Semiconductor Leaders Index open-end 1,50%
VZ2SP0 Solactive Global Spin-Off open-end 1,50%
VL14GS Solactive Global Sustainability Leaders Perf.-Index open-end 1,49%
VD1GRA Solactive Granolas EUR Index NTR open-end 1,01%
VP3NSX Solactive Health Care Technology Index open-end 1,50%
VZ45HC Solactive Healthcare Facilitie open-end 1,50%
VP796R Solactive Home Office Technology Index (NTR) open-end 1,50%
VP2HYD Solactive Hydrogen Top Selection Index (NTR) open-end 1,30%
VD1HMR Solactive Medical Robotics Index open-end 1,00%
VP7WBU Solactive Omaha Alpha Index (NTR) open-end 0,64%
VP4XD4 Solactive Quantum Computing Index (NTR) open-end 1,50%
VX28LK Solactive Skincare and Cosmetics Index open-end 1,50%
VS4NSC Solactive Smart Cars Perf.-Index open-end 1,51%
VQ8SSC Solactive Smart Crypto Economy Index open-end 1,00%
VT0DSG Solactive Smart Grid Index open-end 1,50%
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