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SXR URANIUM ONE INC. is engaged in the exploration and development of uranium and gold resource properties in South Africa, Australia and Canada. The Corporation's principal assets are the Dominion Uranium Project in South Africa, the Honeymoon Uranium Project in Australia and, through its majority-owned subsidiary Aflease Gold Limited, the Modder East Gold Project in South Africa.

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Symbol: SXR
Exchange(s): Toronto Stock Exchange
Industry: Mining (Non-Base Metal Mining)
  Dec 31, 2005
12 Months
Dec 31, 2004
12 Months
Dec 31, 2003
12 Months
% Change
Total Revenue ($000): 4,830 2,752 1,716 210.81
Earnings before Interest & Tax ($000): -37,118 -11,150 -259 N/A
Profit/Loss ($000): -41,740 -14,763 -259 N/A
Earnings per Share: -0.59 -0.34 -0.05 N/A
Total Assets ($000): 178,925 59,746 41,372 85.01
Dividends Per Share 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Return on Com. Equity: -49.78 -46.05 -0.85  
Employees: 534 11 8  
Trailing 12 Month Results
  12 Months ended
Sep 30, 2006, us$
12 Months ended
Sep 30, 2005, us$
Total Revenue ($000): 8,408 331 2,776.79
Profit/Loss ($000): -29,239 -8,879 -272.84
Earnings per Share: -0.31 -0.42 14.49
Dividends Per Share 0.00 0.00
Number of Shares: 112,092,566 15,344,834
Top Companies in Non-Base Metal Mining (Selected by Assets)
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Mega Uranium Blue Pearl Mining  

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