As of September 30, 2004, the Company has a working capital deficit of approximately $978,000, recurring losses from operations, an accumulated deficit of approximately $6,635,000, and has generated an operating cash flow deficit of approximately $1,811,000 for the nine-month period then ended. The Company intends to fund operations through increased sales and debt and equity financing arrangements, ...Management intends to raise additional funds through future private placement offerings.
- Management expects its increased marketing efforts to result in future sales increases. There can be no assurances, however, that management's expectations of future sales will be realized. ...We may borrow up to $350,000
- The interest rate is ten percent (10%) per annum,!!! die haben doch auch nur Schulden und eine Menge Warrants ausgegeben,die dann irgendwann eingelöst werden müssen,sie sind die reinsten Umschuldungskünstler,erstaunlich wie eine Firma davon so lange überleben kann |