Universal Express (920232) STRONG BUY!

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neuester Beitrag: 14.03.05 17:37
eröffnet am: 13.10.03 14:44 von: HiGhLiFE Anzahl Beiträge: 1995
neuester Beitrag: 14.03.05 17:37 von: gindants Leser gesamt: 114122
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04.11.03 15:37

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammieVollprofi Kauderwelsch *g*

nee ich kann damit auch nix anfangen.. sollte mal wirklich jemand erklären  

04.11.03 15:39

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammievielleicht so ?

DAY = intraday
75 = heutiger kurs
+ 134 = vorraussichtlicher Zuwachs an Punkten

das könnte doch hinhauen  

04.11.03 15:41

2676 Postings, 7869 Tage sam76@Highlife

caly läuft wieder Richtung Norden und hier geht es auch bald ab !! Bin gespannt drauf in welchen threads wir uns noch so treffen :)
gruss sam  

04.11.03 15:43

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammie 0,075 + 0,134 = 0,209 das wär doch mal was o.T.

04.11.03 16:01

3096 Postings, 7861 Tage HiGhLiFE@sam76

Glaub mir, das is kein schlechtes Zeichen, dass wir uns überall
Mit den 75 Tagen is glaub ich die geplante Aquisition von Bags2Go gemeint, diese
Frist läuft bald ab.
Schaut mal in die alten Press Releases auf www.usxp.com
Das war ne News von September +75 Tage macht irgendwann im November.
Am 25 November läuft ja auch die Frist für die Aquisition von North
America Airlines ab, hoffen wir das es klappt und das wir dann von den hohen
Kursen nach unten schauen *g*  

04.11.03 16:06

2676 Postings, 7869 Tage sam76Dein Wort in .. Ohr

Bei neom sehe ich dich auch rum turnen war mir ein wenig zu heiss oder zu spät aber viel glück weiterhin! Hätte nichts gegen eine Aquisition das würde den Kurs im wahrsten sinne des Wortes explodieren lassen. Abwarten ist halt ein OTC Wert so ich muss jetzt mal was tun bis später gruss

04.11.03 16:09

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovihab mir

auch schon gedacht das es mit irgeneiner Frist zusammenhängt aber die Zahl nach dem + geht ständig rauf...also jeden Tag und der postet immer kurz vor Eröffnung...????...  

04.11.03 21:22

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-MenIn den USA geht`s los o. T.

05.11.03 16:35

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammieich glaub es geht schoon wieda los

schaut eich mal die Brocken an die da reinkommen!  

05.11.03 16:37

10583 Postings, 8099 Tage big lebowskyAnd Up

Universal Express Profiled as Featured Stock of the Month in Konlin Letter
Wednesday November 5, 9:58 am ET

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 5, 2003--Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB:USXP - News) will be profiled in an in-depth double feature report in this month's Konlin Letter. The Konlin Letter is an authority on developing stocks, which has constantly been one of the leading publications on Wall Street and has been rated one of the best performing market letters in the nation.

The Konlin report on Universal Express will be delivered to subscribers immediately, and will be available on the web at www.konlin.com on Friday, November 7th for public viewing.

"This month's Konlin Letter is featuring Universal Express, Inc. with an in-depth view of Universal Express, and its recent activities. We're excited to have this report made public this Friday as it gives details and a full view of Universal Express, its subsidiaries, and its recent activities in Washington consisting of Air Travel Safety and "Naked Short Selling", and both of their effects on our company, and the general public", stated Richard Altomare, President & CEO of Universal Express.

The Konlin Letter is a unique service that each month recommends 5 selections including a Featured Stock of the Month and reviews 30-35 different stocks while monitoring a broad range of technical indicators for the best possible Market Timing Advice. They specialize in Stocks under $10 with emphasis on emerging growth and special situations poised for explosive price appreciation. Specific BUY and SELL recommendations are provided with technical and fundamental analysis on all stocks reviewed until positions are closed. Their opinions and conclusions have always been stated clearly -- there has never been a need to "translate" their market calls. They are frequently quoted by the media and many publications and are noted for their Technical Analysis and their Featured Stock of the Month. They can be found at www.konlin.com.

Universal Express, Inc. owns and operates several subsidiaries including Universal Express Capital Corp. (USXP Cash Express division), Universal Express Logistics, Inc. (Luggage Express and The Virtual Bellhop, LLC) and the WorldPost(TM) Private Postal Network, Inc. These subsidiaries and divisions provide the private postal industry and customers with value-added services and products, logistical services, equipment leasing, and cost-effective delivery of goods worldwide.

More information and web site locations are available at www.usxp.com.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein, which are not historical, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission


05.11.03 16:37

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammieNEWS

Universal Express Profiled as Featured Stock of the Month in Konlin Letter


NEW YORK, Nov 5, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB:USXP) will be profiled in an in-depth double feature report in this month's Konlin Letter. The Konlin Letter is an authority on developing stocks, which has constantly been one of the leading publications on Wall Street and has been rated one of the best performing market letters in the nation.

The Konlin report on Universal Express will be delivered to subscribers immediately, and will be available on the web at www.konlin.com on Friday, November 7th for public viewing.

"This month's Konlin Letter is featuring Universal Express, Inc. with an in-depth view of Universal Express, and its recent activities. We're excited to have this report made public this Friday as it gives details and a full view of Universal Express, its subsidiaries, and its recent activities in Washington consisting of Air Travel Safety and "Naked Short Selling", and both of their effects on our company, and the general public", stated Richard Altomare, President & CEO of Universal Express.

The Konlin Letter is a unique service that each month recommends 5 selections including a Featured Stock of the Month and reviews 30-35 different stocks while monitoring a broad range of technical indicators for the best possible Market Timing Advice. They specialize in Stocks under $10 with emphasis on emerging growth and special situations poised for explosive price appreciation. Specific BUY and SELL recommendations are provided with technical and fundamental analysis on all stocks reviewed until positions are closed. Their opinions and conclusions have always been stated clearly -- there has never been a need to "translate" their market calls. They are frequently quoted by the media and many publications and are noted for their Technical Analysis and their Featured Stock of the Month. They can be found at www.konlin.com.

Universal Express, Inc. owns and operates several subsidiaries including Universal Express Capital Corp. (USXP Cash Express division), Universal Express Logistics, Inc. (Luggage Express and The Virtual Bellhop, LLC) and the WorldPost(TM) Private Postal Network, Inc. These subsidiaries and divisions provide the private postal industry and customers with value-added services and products, logistical services, equipment leasing, and cost-effective delivery of goods worldwide.

More information and web site locations are available at www.usxp.com.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein, which are not historical, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

wir kommen der Sache Stück für Stück näher  

05.11.03 16:39

8970 Postings, 7831 Tage bammiehoppla hehe super timing *g* o.T.

05.11.03 17:21

3096 Postings, 7861 Tage HiGhLiFEWer hier nich dabei is,

wird was verpassen. KonLin hat in seinem letzten Auszug über USXP Kurse
von 30-40$ auf 18 Monats-sicht in den Raum gestellt und KonLIN wird
an der Wallstreet als seriös angesehen, deshalb auch der heutige
USXP kann ein Globalplayer im privaten Post/Transport/Flugwesen werden.

05.11.03 17:29

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-MenWhow,

schöner Kurs bei schönen Umsätzen.
So muss das sein.
Weiter so, Universal  

05.11.03 17:34

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-MenWo bekomme ich denn Realtime Kurse

für die USA?  

05.11.03 17:36

314 Postings, 8677 Tage der pateHallo macht bitte schnell halt ich will aufspringe o. T.

05.11.03 17:37

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-MenHeute noch mindestens über die

0,1 und dann gehts weiter  

05.11.03 17:39

21 Postings, 7800 Tage RaklRente !

Sollte Konlins Einschätzung eintreffen , können wohl einige von uns in Rente gehen !

Ein schöner Traum !

Gruß Rakl .  

05.11.03 17:42

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwhallo H-Men

realtime - 1 Woche kostenlos - downloaden - jetzt testen anklicken - ab geht`s

Super Teil !!     http://www.realtimekurse.com/index.asp

bei US Kursen im ersten Feld kürzel eingeben !!

Viel Spaß !  

05.11.03 17:50

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-MenWo finde ich denn auf der

Seite den Download für die Testversion?  

05.11.03 17:52

608 Postings, 7801 Tage coltyseavers

Na was bei diesem Bericht wohl rauskommen soll? Strong buy oder doch nur buy, weil zunaechst noch nicht ALLES ganz sicher ist. Lassen wir uns ueberraschen. Vergesst trotzdem nicht die SLs, falls es nicht extrem- super ausfallen sollte.

05.11.03 17:52

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwgeh auf download oben im Reiter ! o. T.

05.11.03 18:24

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwund H-Men - alles klar ? o. T.

05.11.03 18:34

2605 Postings, 8815 Tage H-Men@ leo

Habe das runtergeladen und installiert und werde beim ersten Start direkt nach Zugangsdaten gefragt  

05.11.03 18:39

4719 Postings, 7895 Tage leobmwdu mußt dich auch für den Testzugang anmelden

über die Webseite - jetzt testen - ausfüllen - dann bekommst du eine Mail mit deinen Zugangsdaten .- alles für 1 Woche kostenlos ohne automatische Verlängerung !!

- Also völlig ohne Risiko !! -  

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