PowerCell quo vadis??

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03.11.17 21:17

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983PowerCell quo vadis??

Wird sich PowerCell Sweden in den nächsten Monaten und Jahren in der Gruppe der führenden Stack - Produzenten etablieren können???
Hier einige aktuelle Informationen zur Firma:

Powercell Sweden


aus dem Pressrelease vom 01.11.2017

The German AutoStack-Industrie (ASI) project has started with BMW, Daimler, Ford and Volkswagen and key suppliers. PowerCell is leading two sub-projects: stack construction and stack production technology for mass volume production. The goal is to develop a cost-effective fuel cell platform for the automotive industry in Germany.

Hyon AS
During the reporting period, Hyon AS has been launched. Hyon is a joint venture between PowerCell, NEL ASA and Hexagon Composites ASA, and is a one-stop shop that combines knowledge of renewable production, storage and distribution of hydrogen to electricity generation via fuel cell technology. Hyon initially focuses on the marine segment, as the business segment has high demand in Norway

Ich bin gespannt, wie sich diese beiden Projekte (Hyon AS: Zusammenarbeit mit NEL ASA) in den nächsten Monaten entwickeln werden.


10.11.17 18:09

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983PowerCell und Nikola Motor Company


PowerCell appointed as fuel cell stack supplier to Nikola Motor Company
November 9, 2017
The leading Nordic fuel cell company PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) has been chosen as the primary fuel cell stack supplier to Nikola Motor Company.
The English version is an in house-translation. In case of any discrepancy, the Swedish text will prevail.
Nikola Motor, the Utah-based company that is developing heavy-duty transport trucks using fuel cell powertrains, has announced that they have chosen PowerCell Sweden AB as their primary supplier of fuel cell stacks for their pre-production testing vehicles. “If all goes well during road testing, we plan on integrating PowerCell S3 fuel cell stacks into our production line-up”, said Nikola Founder and CEO Trevor Milton.
PowerCell S3 (100 kW) is a fuel cell stack with best-in-class power density and is primarily designed for automotive application. The compact design makes it easy to integrate in vehicles of different types. The stack is based on industrial components which makes it suitable for volume production.
By 2021, Nikola Motor Company will bring to market the Nikola Two, a class 8 hydrogen-electric truck line-up that will deliver more than 1,000 horsepower and 2,000 ft. lbs. of torque – nearly double the horsepower of any semi-truck on the road – all with “zero local emissions,” as previously announced by Nikola.
The unique high power density of PowerCell S3 makes the fuel cell stack attractive to customers like Nikola Motor that aspire to deliver top performance and zero-emissions.
“We are excited and feel honoured by the Nikola appointment and are looking forward to the first order and to deliver cutting edge zero emission power for the Nikola trucks.”, said Per Wassén, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB.


26.11.17 17:23

3051 Postings, 4318 Tage Kasa.dammwieviele LKW

will Nikola in 2018/19 ausliefern?  

27.11.17 21:19

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Zusammenarbeit von ..

....PowerCell und Nikola:


Nikola to Start Fuel Cell Truck Field Tests

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...

Zeitpunkt: 28.11.17 12:27
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen



07.12.17 22:28

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Power to Gas to Power

PowerCell contributes to the sustainable development of Mariestad
December 6, 2017
Today, the municipality of Mariestad presented its plans to build the world’s first solar-powered gas station for hydrogen. It will be the fuel cell system from PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) that will generate the power to run the station.
In January 2017, Mariestad opened a hydrogen station and today an agreement was signed to build an innovative system for local solar production of hydrogen. It will be the fuel cell system from PowerCell that will generate electricity from hydrogen to make the station self-sufficient on energy.
“It is urgent to phase out fossil fuels and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. The solution is to use new technology and renewable energy as much as possible. The Mariestad municipality’s investment is an important step for this development”, said Andreas Bodén, Sales Manager at PowerCell.
Mariestad is establishing a complete system where electricity from solar energy is used to produce hydrogen. The hydrogen is stored and can thereafter power two PowerCell PS-5 fuel cell systems of 5 kW each to generate electricity and heat to drive the gas station.
The project is carried out together with Nilsson Energy AB, which installs the fuel cell system. Hans-Olof Nilsson, founder of the company, has for long been using PowerCell’s fuel cell technology and has very good experience of the PowerCell PS-5 from his own hous

12.12.17 20:47

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983PowerCell und Nikola Motor Company

PowerCell has received a test order from Nikola Motor Company
December 8, 2017
Nikola Motor Company has previously appointed PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) as primary supplier of fuel cell stacks. PowerCell has now received a test order for the PowerCell S3.
Nikola Motor Company is a US based company that will build emission free trucks powered by fuel cells. The first trucks are scheduled for full production in 2021 and in November, PowerCell announced that the company was designated as the primary supplier of fuel cell stacks. PowerCell has now received its first test order of PowerCell S3, which will be installed in Nikola Motors test vehicles. Deliveries from PowerCell starting during the second quarter of 2018.
“With 1,000 horsepower and a torque of 2,700 Nm, these trucks will be stronger than any other semitrailer on the market today. Since they are run on PowerCell’s fuel cells, the trucks will not emit anything but water”, said Per Wassén, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB.

14.12.17 22:24

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Null Emission Haus

Skellefteå Kraft selects PowerCell PS-5 to generate electricity on days when the sun does not shine
December 13, 2017
Skellefteå Kraft has initiated the Zero Sun Project, a standard villa that is disconnected from the power grid and is self-sufficient by solar power. PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) will deliver the fuel cell system that provides electricity during the dark hours of the year.
The 140 m2 villa has a self-sufficient energy system based on solar cells, batteries, hydrogen and fuel cells. PowerCell will supply the PowerCell PS-5 fuel cell system, which will generate electricity for the house’s needs during the dark hours of the year.

17.12.17 15:50

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983AutoStack - Industrie ....

... und PowerCell ist dabei.


AutoStack-Industrie: Der Deutschland-Stack
Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) fördert die Initiative „AutoStack-Industrie“ im Rahmen des Nationalen Innovationsprogramms Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen (NIP) mit 21,3 Mio Euro. Insgesamt hat das auf drei Jahre angelegte Gemeinschaftsprojekt ein Volumen von knapp 60 Millionen Euro. Erklärtes Ziel ist die Entwicklung und gemeinsame Nutzung einer Stack-Technologie für die automobile Anwendung. Oder mit anderen Worten: Die Autoindustrie arbeitet am Deutschland-Stack.
In dem Konsortium unter Leitung von BMW arbeiten führende Player der Brennstoffzellen-Technologie zusammen: Aus den Reihen der Autohersteller sind auch Daimler, Ford und Volkswagen dabei. Hinzu kommen Reinz-Dichtungs GmbH (DANA), Freudenberg Performance Materials, Greenerity, NuCellSys, Powercell Sweden, Umicore und als wissenschaftliche Instanz das Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW). Die Initiative knüpft übrigens nahtlos an das Vorgänger-Projekt „AutoStack“ an.



18.12.17 20:47

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983PowerCell und AutoStack - Industrie


Germany has decided to invest in a fuel cell project in which PowerCell participates
December 15, 2017

PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) has received a final decision from the German authorities about the AutoStack-Industrie (ASI) project. In the project, Germany is aiming to develop a fuel cell platform for the German automotive industry.
The German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has decided to finance the AutoStack-Industrie cutting edge project. As previously communicated, PowerCell is one of the project’s partners, together with BMW, Daimler, Ford and Volkswagen, as well as subcontractors. For PowerCell, the decision entails an additional EUR 3.1 million for the first phase of the project.
- The announcement was expected and pleasing. The decision means that we, together with German vehicle manufacturers and subcontractors, can develop a platform for fuel cell technology that provides the basis for a large-scale production of hydrogen powered cars, says Per Ekdunge, CTO for PowerCell Sweden and CEO of PowerCell’s German subsidiary.
PowerCell manages two of ASI’s subprojects. One includes the construction of the fuel cell stack and the other develops the technology that enables mass production of fuel cell stacks.

27.12.17 20:25

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Aktionärsstruktur von PowerCell ..

aktuell sind 51.500.810 Aktien vorhanden
knapp 47 % sind im Freefloat;
Die größten Anteilseigner sind: Midroc New Technology AB (20,48 %), Fouriertransform AB (20,48 %) und Finindus NV (14,49 %);
Quelle: https://www.finanzen.net/unternehmensprofil/PowerCell_Sweden_AB
Die Volvo Group ist noch mit 6,56 % beteiligt.
Fouriertransform is a state-owned venture capital company tasked with supporting innovative companies and entrepreneurs able to contribute to vitalizing the Swedish manufacturing industry on a commercial basis. The company has an investment framework totaling SEK 3 billion and, in addition to capital, provides expertise through its qualified staff and a network of experts. Since January 1, 2017, Fouriertransform is an administrative organization and a subsidiary of recently established state-owned company Saminvest, resulting from a parliamentary decision to realign Sweden’s government-sponsored venture capital.
Somit sind über 20 % in Besitz des Schwedischen Staates.

09.01.18 20:45

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983neuer Auftrag für PowerCell ...

.... aus China
An established and innovative vehicle company from China has placed an order for PowerCell S2 fuel cell stacks, worth approximately SEK 1 million. The customer, who develops passenger cars powered by fuel cells, will test the fuel cell stacks in the company’s electric cars.


17.02.18 11:45

3051 Postings, 4318 Tage Kasa.dammWo bleiben die Nutzer des Forums?

Sind hier einige frustriert ausgestiegen nach den deutlichen Verlusten?
Habe diesen Wert schon längere Zeit auf der Agenda und habe die Kursschwäche zum Einstieg genutzt. Die letzten Tage haben Unternehmen wie BP und Nel Zahlen vorgelegt und es kam wieder etwas Leben in mein BZ-Depot.
Vielleicht kommt auch wieder etwas Leben in dieses Forum oder toben sich alle Schreiberlinge in den Foren bei BP und Nel aus?  

17.02.18 18:18

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983die Zahlen für 2017 ....

werden am 28.02.2018 veröffentlicht.

Der Ausblick auf 2018 (z.B. Nikola Motors) wird interessant werden.  

26.02.18 17:40

3051 Postings, 4318 Tage Kasa.dammKurs steigt etwas

möglich, dass sich einige hier vor den Zahlen noch positionieren wollen.  

28.02.18 21:18

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Zahlen für 2017.....

...und der Ausblick auf zukünftige Geschäfte:

PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) has presented the Full year report. During the quarter, sales were tripled compared to the same period last year, and the company has delivered fuel cell stacks and systems to customers in Asia and Sweden.


28.02.18 21:45

3051 Postings, 4318 Tage Kasa.dammSchön, Umsatz verdreifacht

nur Gewinne sind noch nichtvorhanden. Derzeit viele Projekte, die sich evtl als Folgeaufträge für Serienfertigung entwickeln. H2 steht am Anfang einer großartigen Bewegung. Es wird aber noch einige Jahre dauern, bis ernsthafte Umsätze geschrieben werden.  

02.03.18 08:31

1504 Postings, 5544 Tage kaktus7Auch ich bin jetzt dabei

aber nur mit einer kleinen Position, die ioch für 2,5€ bekommen habe.
Wenn PC der bevorzugte Zellenhersteller für die deutsche Autoindustrie wird, .....

Klar, das kann dauern.  

05.03.18 15:58

1504 Postings, 5544 Tage kaktus7Wrightbus steht doch in Geschäftsverbindung mit Po

08.03.18 20:45

3274 Postings, 5346 Tage macumbaEU Projekt Einsatz mobiler Bz ersetzt DGeneratoren

03.04.18 09:51

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Geschäfte mit Nikola Motor

Nel ASA: Receives additional purchase order from Nikola

Die Stacks für die LKWs werden von PowerCell geliefert werden.
Gute Aussichten.  

04.04.18 10:24

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983Jahresbericht 2017 ....

... vom 19.03.2018:
Interessante Lektüre;
Die weiteren Geschäftsaussichten scheinen gut zu sein.  

11.04.18 22:39

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983es geht langsam voran

PowerCell Sweden AB has received a prototype order from an international Tier 1 supplier for PowerCell S3 fuel cell stacks worth MSEK 6. Deliveries of the PowerCell S3 stacks are scheduled to start in May 2018.

16.04.18 20:45

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983BZ - Stacks für Schiffe

Meldung vom heutigen Tag:
In Norway, the Tröndelag county council has signed contracts with five consortia, which have been commissioned to develop emission-free vessels. Hyon, the joint venture established by PowerCell together with the Norwegian companies Nel and Hexagon Composites, participates in one of the five consortia that have been selected.

17.04.18 21:32

370 Postings, 4595 Tage hurry_plotter.1983neuer Auftrag ....

PowerCell has received a repeat order from a Chinese customer for PowerCell S2 fuel cell stacks. The customer will test the stacks in commercial vehicles. The order value amounts to MSEK 2.3 and the stacks will be delivered during Q2 2018.

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