#39644 von Toth Benutzerinfo Nachricht an Benutzer Beiträge des Benutzers ausblenden 31.01.07 09:42:03 Beitrag Nr.: 27.313.473 Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben GREAT WEST GOLD INC. ChartNewsNews einen Beitrag nach oben einen Beitrag nach unten der neue ceo scheint alles vorzubereiten, um gwgo wieder an die otcbb zu bringen.
ich reche dann mit einenem enormen kursanstieg in sehr kurzer zeit.
1. vertrauen der altaktionäre wird gestärkt.
2. der neue ceo zeigt, dass er nicht wie der alte ceo ist und seine aufgabe, dessen fehler wieder wett zu machen, auch wirklich in die tat umsetzt.
3. durch die notwendigen filings wissen wir was gwgo wirklich wert ist. bis jetzt gibt es nur die aussage das der faire wert 0,0025 liegt.
4. neue investoren werden angelockt
5. gwgo stand kurz bevor sie zu den pink sheets gehen musste bei 0,0013-0,0018
6. (mein lieblings punkt)
die sch**** naked short sellers müssen bei wechsel covern. ich gehe davon aus das viele mm überzeugt waren/sind, dass gwgo tot ist. deshalb sind sie mit sehr hohen summen short gegangen. denn wenn gwgo zu machen würde, müssten sie nicht mehr cover und hätte einen riesen gewinn gemacht. wenn nun die filings kommen werden sie aus dem covern nicht mehr raus kommen, dazu werden viele neue leute einsteigen und es kommt zur short squeeze.
zu punkt 6.
da gestern ein forward split von gwgo bekannt geworden ist. kommen die shorties jetzt schon in zugzwang. denn bis zum record date müssen die nss covern. das sorgte gestern bei gwgo für "aufruhe". volumen betrung ca. 1.700.000.000 und der ask zu 0,0001 wurde leergesaugt. ich gehe davon aus, dass noch ein paar b "shortshares" im umlauf sind. die nss müssen covern bis zum 8.02.2007 egal zu welchem preis.
hier die news zum f/s
reat West Gold, Inc. -- Update On Filings
Great West Gold, Inc. -- Forward Stock Split
Company to Effect a 2 for 1 Forward Split of Its Common Stock
NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Great West Gold, Inc. (Pink Sheets:GWGO) confirms that the Company authorized a 2 for 1 Forward Split of the Company\'s Common Stock.
This Forward Split is effective from February 8, 2007 and that will serve as the "Record Date". The Company has filed Notice of this action with the NASD.
This Stock Dividend will be electronically credited to stockholders brokerage accounts shortly after the "Record Date," being February 13, 2007. Those stockholders who are not holding their stockholding with their Brokers or hold restricted shares of the Company\'s Common Stock, will receive their Stock Dividends in certificated form, to be held by "on book" by the Company\'s Transfer Agent.
The rationale for this Forward Split of the Company\'s Stock is that the stock price could not be trading at a lower price than it is at this time, and this action will effectively result in a 100% increase in stockholder value, as from February 8, 2007.
The new President of the Company, Mr Pete Bezzano commented that after reviewing the numerous stockholder communications in respect of the stock price, it was decided to provide immediate relief to stockholders through this Forward Split of the Company\'s Common Stock.
About Great West Gold, Inc.
Great West Gold, Inc., www.greatwestgold.com, a gold mining exploration stage company, engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mining properties in the United States. The Company has Gold assets through its holdings in "Bouse," "Mockingbird," "Ambassador," "Yaba," "Golden Eagle," "Bonanza," "Storm Cloud," "Starlight," "Venezia," "Federal," "Buffalo Lime Cap," "Red Cloud," "South Copperstone" and "Gladstone Lookout" Gold Mining Projects. The Company\'s Copper assets are "Copper Mountain," "Swansea," "Tip Top" and "Mineral Mountain." The Company holds five of these Mining Assets through its 51% holding in Bouse Mining Holdings plc, Copperstone Mining Holdings plc, Ambassador Gold Holdings plc, Golden Eagle Mining Holdings plc and in Sentinel Resource Holdings plc. The other Mining Exploration Projects are 100% controlled by the Company.
This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe Future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may," "future," "plan" or "planned," "will" or "should," "expected," "anticipates," "draft," "eventually" or "projected." You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies\' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the SEC.
zur zeit steht gwgo bei 0,0001/0,0002 das risiko ist also eher gering, weiter als 0,0001 kann eine aktie nicht fallen. durch denn f/s bekommt man eine 100% dividende. also auch wenn man nun zu 0,0002 kauft kann man danach immer noch ohne verlust zu 0,0001 wieder raus.
natürlich kann die firma dicht machen und man hat einen totalverlust.
daran glaube ich persönlich aber nicht.
es wurde gerade ein neuer ceo eingesetzt, weil der alte nichts auf die reihe bekommen hat und maßgeblich dafür verantwortlich ist, dass gwgo so weit runter gekommen ist.
dazu hat james capital group holdings in gwgo 80.000.000 dollar investiert. die werden schon dafür sorgen das gwgo nicht vor die wand gefahren wird. sie haben ja auch dafür gesorgt, dass der alte ceo gehen musste da er ihre interessen schlecht vertreten hat.
auf der anderen seite ist da enorme potential zu sehen, welches in gwgo steckt.
denn wir haben hier nicht irgend eine otc klitsche. sondern eine gut aufgestellte firma mit vielen beteiligungen.
Each of the Mining Projects held through the below-mentioned companies (as well as the three recently acquired Companies; being Treasure King Gold Limited, Copper Mountain Mining Limited and Monstro Verde Mining Limited) will at some point, establish a Corporate Web Site, which site will detail all of the information in respect of its Mining Projects, its Corporate Structure, Board of Directors, Advisors and Contact Details.
The Companies concerned are as follows :-
* Bouse Mining Holdings plc * Sentinel Resource Holdings plc * Copperstone Mining Holdings plc * Golden Eagle Mining, Inc. * Western Diversified Mining Resources, Inc. * Ambassador Gold, Inc.
To download additional information on each of the Company\\\'s Projects, please click on the link below :-
1. "Mockingbird" Gold Project, owned by Golden Sierra Limited, a subsidiary company of Sentinel Resource Holdings plc, a 49% shareholding held by Great West Gold, Inc. and 41% shareholding held directly by Great West Gold, Inc. shareholders through a Stock Dividend.
2. "Bouse" Gold Project owned by Western Gold Limited, a subsidiary company of Bouse Mining Holdings pl, a 49% shareholding held by Great West Gold, Inc. and 41% shareholding held directly by Great West Gold, Inc. shareholders through a Stock Dividend.
3. "Ambassador" Gold Project owned by Ambassador Gold Limited, a subsidiary company of Ambassador Gold Holdings plc, a 49% shareholding held by Great West Gold, Inc. and 41% shareholding held directly by Great West Gold, Inc. shareholders through a Stock Dividend.
4. "Southern Copperstone" Gold Project owned by Copperstone Mining Limited, a subsidiary company of Copperstone Mining Holdings plc, a 49% shareholding held by Great West Gold, Inc. and 41% shareholding held directly by Great West Gold, Inc. shareholders through a Stock Dividend.
5. "Golden Eagle" Gold Project owned by Golden Eagle Limited, a subsidiary company of Golden Eagle Mining Holdings plc, a 49% shareholding held by Great West Gold, Inc. and 41% shareholding held directly by Great West Gold, Inc. shareholders through a Stock Dividend.
6. "Yaba" Gold Project owned by Monstro Verde Limited, a subsidiary company of Great West Gold, Inc.
7. "Treasure King" Gold Project owned by Treasure King Gold Mining Limited, a subsidiary company of Great West Gold, Inc.
8. "Copper Mountain" Copper Project owned by Copper Mountain Mining Limited, a subsidiary company of Great West Gold, Inc.
der hauptgrund, warum gwgo so down ist, ist das sie letztes jahr von otcbb in die pink sheets gestuft wurde.
damit wurde das vertrauen der sharholders erschüttert und vor allem wurde gwgo damit ein gefundes fressen für die mm bzw. naked short sellers (siehe mein letztes posting)
und genau das soll der neue ceo ändern.
gwgo ist zu den pink sheets gekommen, weil der alte ceo ist nicht hinbekommen hat die nötigen filings zu bringen. diese sollen der neue ceo nun nachholen.
wenn die filings kommen wird gwgo wieder an der otcbb gelistet. was das beteute habe ich ja schon heute morgen angedeutet. Zwinkern
ein guter vergleich zu gwgo ist die eben schon erwähnte paim. paim lief von 0,0001 auf über 0,005, also mehr als 5000% kurs gewinn.
bei gwgo sollte es, wenn die filings kommen ähnlich laufen. gehe sogar davon aus, das noch mehr drin sein könnte. da gwgo besser aufgestellt ist und investoren mit viel kapital dahinter stehen.
der neue ceo hat letzte woche folge mail raus gegeben. dieses ist der grund dafür, dass letzte woche wieder etwas mehr volumen rein gekommen ist.
in der mail stehen noch mehr erfreuliche punkt die wenn sie umgesetzt werden den kurs in die höhe treiben werden. für mich stellen die filings und der gang zurück an die otcbb den wichtigsten punkt dar. (siehe mein letztes posting)
hier die mail:
I have recently been appointed as President of Great West Gold, Inc., an appointment that was delayed until the end of December 2006, due to various internal problems and disagreements at Great West Gold, Inc., these being between the President and substantial Bondholders. These "internal disagreements" delayed my actual appointment as your Company\\\\'s President and I was not actually appointed on that date that I, and the Company\\\\'s professional advisors had assumed in light of the fact that the requisite resignations from the Company\\\\'s Board had not in fact, taken place; and this prohibited me from communicating with stockholders. Furthermore, I can assure you that I am now in full control of the day to day affairs of the Company, with the previous Management now having no association of whatsoever nature with the Company. It is my hope to provide some immediate relief to stockholders, which if possible, will allow me publish details of this transaction, very shortly.
I have, for the past two weeks, been familiarising myself with the Company, all outstanding issues affecting the Company\\\\'s credibility and more importantly, numerous stockholders concerns. I have now been in a position to read all of the stockholder communications with the Company and am now fully aware as to the immediate requirements and demands of our stockholders.
Please believe me that I fully understand and appreciate stockholder concerns and their absolute frustration at this point. I am in a position to assure stockholders that all outstanding dividend issues as well as appointment of Auditors are matters that we have in hand at this point. Stockholders may rest assured that the Company is not contemplating a Reverse Split of the Company\\\\'s Stock nor is the Company altering its plans to unlock stockholder value as a matter of some urgency. Please appreciate that I will announce all of our plans once finalized and that I will publicise these in great detail, very shortly. Having read all of stockholder communications, I really appreciate the anxiety of our stockholders, which I will demonstrate, is unfounded.
I will, very shortly, be issuing a Press Release detailing our resolution of each of the outstanding problems that are of enormous concern to both myself and to stockholders.
You may however rest assured, that I will be responding to each query submitted to the Company, within the next few weeks. You may appreciate that this is an enormous task given the sheer number of requests for information. I have ascertained that stockholder queries to the Company have been unanswered for a period of three months.
I am now in a position to assure you that each of every outstanding issue will be resolved shortly and that my immediate brief is to (a) resolve outstanding stock dividends (b) Appoint the new Auditors (c) bring filings up to date (d) improve stockholder communications (f) restore the Company to the OTC BB Market (g) update the Corporate web site and (h) proceed with the stated plans to unlock value for the stockholders.
I would ask that stockholders appreciate that I am addressing all issues as a matter of urgency and that a few weeks patience would be much appreciated. I am also fully aware that current stock price is unacceptable to both the stockholders and to the Bondholders of the Company, Kind Regards
Peter J Bezzano President Great West Gold, Inc.
fazit für mich:
total verlust möglich, aber aus den genannten gründer sehr unwahrscheinlich. chance auf 5000%-10000%.
dieses ist keine kauf oder verkauf empfehlung sondern lediglich meine einschätzung zu gwgo
mfg toth
http://www.wallstreet-online.de/dyn/community/...e=1&thread_page=3965 |