Research In Motion (RIM)

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09.04.06 08:44

1171 Postings, 7882 Tage ER2DE2Research In Motion (RIM)

07.04.2006 08:39

Blackberry gehen die Neukunden aus

Research In Motion (RIM) hat die Märkte mit seinem Ausblick auf das laufende Geschäftsjahr enttäuscht. Die erfolgsverwöhnte Aktie verlor am Donnerstagabend deutlich.

Die hochgesteckten Erwartungen der Experten hat RIM im letzten Quartal seines Geschäftsjahres (bis Ende März) zwar exakt erreicht. Der Nettogewinn je Aktie lag bei zehn US-Cents oder 18,4 Millionen Dollar. Im Jahr zuvor war noch ein Verlust von einem Cents je Anteilsschein (2,6 Millionen Dollar) entstanden. Vor Sonderposten betrug der Gewinn 65 Cents je Aktie. Der Umsatz legte sogar leicht über den Erwartungen auf 561,2 Millionen Dollar (plus 39 Prozent) zu.

Was die Aktie des Herstellers der Blackberry-Geräte am Donnerstagabend im nachbörslichen Handel aber deutlich unter Druck brachte, war die Aussicht auf das laufende ersten Quartal. Statt einem Gewinn vor Sonderposten von 76 Cents wie Analysten zuletzt erwartet hatten, rechnet RIM nur mit einer Stagnation bei 62 bis 67 Cents je Anteilsschein.

"Eine Reihe von Unsicherheiten" bei der Gewinnung von Neukunden schlägt offenbar auf die Geschäftsentwicklung durch. Eine Milliardenklage des Konkurrenten NTP hatte RIM in den vergangenen Monaten stark belastet und zu einem Rückgang bei Neukunden geführt. NTP hatte RIM die Verletzung von Patenten bei seinen Blackberry-Diensten vorgeworfen. Die handflächengroßen Geräte können Mails empfangen und bieten umfangreiche Datendienste ab. Erst vor wenigen Wochen hatten sich RIM und NTP außergerichtlich auf eine Zahlung von 612,5 Millionen Dollar an NTP geeinigt.

Im laufenden ersten Quartal rechnet RIM nun nur mit einem Neukunden-Zuwachs von 675.000 Nutzern. Analysten hatten bereits fest mit 700.000 bis 780.000 neuen Blackberry-Kunden gerechnet. Ein Analyst der Investmentbank Merrill Lynch zeigte sich verwundert von der erwarteten Neukunden-Zahl, denn das erste Geschäftsquartal eines jeden Jahres ist traditionell das stärkste für RIM.

Die Aktie gab am Donnerstagabend bis zu sechs Prozent ab. Der weltweite Erfolg des Blackberrys hat das Papier allerdings in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem der Highflyer im Technologie-Sektor gemacht. Die RIM-Aktie war vor drei Jahren noch für sieben Dollar zu haben. Derzeit ist das Papier knapp 85 Dollar wert.  

11.04.06 13:39

1171 Postings, 7882 Tage ER2DE2Put auf RIM

hab mit mal eine Standardpartie DB934B ins Depot gelegt KK 0,95

02.06.06 13:13

13451 Postings, 8788 Tage daxbunnykommt nun der Rebound?? o. T.

29.09.06 14:22

17100 Postings, 7032 Tage Peddy78Research In Motion übertrifft Erwartungen klar,Zug

leider abgefahren.
War Aktie im August noch für unter 50 € zu haben,
kann man aktuell von solchen Einstiegskursen nur noch träumen.
Wer hier früh dran war und Mut bewiesen hat ist jetzt der Gewinner.
Wer nicht wagt der nicht gewinnt.

Research In Motion übertrifft Erwartungen klar, starker Ausblick, Aktie mit Kurssprung  

12:10 29.09.06  

Waterloo ( AG) - Der kanadische BlackBerry-Hersteller Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) (ISIN CA7609751028/ WKN 909607) gab am Donnerstag nach US-Börsenschluss bekannt, dass er seinen Gewinn im zweiten Quartal gesteigert und die Erwartungen deutlich übertroffen hat. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch um vorläufige Zahlen, was mit möglichen Korrekturen bei der Verbuchung von Aktienoptionen zusammenhängt. Zudem wurde ein überraschend positiver Ausblick auf das dritte Quartal gegeben.

Der Nettogewinn belief sich demnach auf 140,8 Mio. Dollar bzw. 74 Cents pro Aktie, nach einem Überschuss von 111 Mio. Dollar bzw. 56 Cents pro Aktie im Vorjahr. Vor Aktienoptionskosten betrug der Gewinn 77 Cents pro Aktie. Der Umsatz kletterte um 34 Prozent auf 658,5 Mio. Dollar.

Analysten waren im Vorfeld von einem Verlust von 71 Cents pro Aktie und einem Umsatz von 648,4 Mio. Dollar ausgegangen. Für das laufende Quartal stellen sie ein EPS-Ergebnis von 78 Cents bei Erlösen von 699,1 Mio. Dollar in Aussicht, während der RIM selbst ein EPS-Ergebnis von 88 bis 95 Cents (bereinigt: 90 bis 97 Cents) bei Erlösen von 780 bis 820 Mio. Dollar erwartet.

Die Aktie von Research In Motion schloss gestern an der NASDAQ bei 86,06 Dollar (-0,16 Prozent), gewann nachbörslich jedoch 19 Prozent auf 102,55 Dollar. (29.09.2006/ac/n/a)


29.09.06 15:27

13451 Postings, 8788 Tage daxbunnyChart


30.09.06 09:07

13451 Postings, 8788 Tage daxbunnyich lag nicht schlecht am 2.6.06

erst Doppeöbottom und dann kräftig up - fliiiieeeeeg RIM, flieg  

22.12.06 09:24

17100 Postings, 7032 Tage Peddy78Selbst Ende Sept. war Kurs nicht abgefahren,war...

hier wieder mal zu vorsichtig,
aber jetzt wäre mir Einstieg definitiv zu heiß,
obwohl RIM ja am laufenden Band die Erwartungen übertrifft.
Aber die Börsianer gewöhnen sich schnell dran, und wenn die Erwartungen irgendwann mal nicht übertroffen werden,
kommt der große Knall.
Schade wegen der verpaßten Chance,
aber mir ist es zum Einstieg jetzt zu spät,
da ich Rückschlagpotenzial für jetzt zu groß halte.
Vielleicht mal wieder nach einer Korektur interessant.

Research in Motion übertrifft Erwartungen, Aktie legt nachbörslich zu  

22:47 21.12.06  

Waterloo, ON ( AG) - Der kanadische BlackBerry-Hersteller Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) (ISIN CA7609751028/ WKN 909607) gab am Donnerstag nach US-Börsenschluss bekannt, dass er seinen Gewinn im dritten Fiskalquartal deutlich gesteigert und die Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Das Unternehmen profitierte dabei von der starken Nachfrage nach seinen Produkten.

Der Nettogewinn machte einen Sprung um 49 Prozent auf 176,6 Mio. Dollar bzw. 93 Cents pro Aktie, nach einem Überschuss von 120,2 Mio. Dollar bzw. 63 Cents pro Aktie im Vorjahr. Vor Aktienoptionskosten betrug der Gewinn 95 Cents pro Aktie. Der Umsatz kletterte um 26 Prozent auf 835,1 Mio. Dollar.

Analysten waren im Vorfeld von einem Gewinn von 92 Cents pro Aktie und einem Umsatz von 808,2 Mio. Dollar ausgegangen. Für das laufende Quartal erwarten sie ein EPS von 96 Cents bei Erlösen von 815,7 Mio. Dollar.

Die Aktie von Research In Motion schloss heute an der NASDAQ bei 133,70 Dollar. Nachbörslich legt das Papier um 5,50 Prozent auf 141,5 Dollar zu. (21.12.2006/ac/n/a)


27.12.06 22:28

17100 Postings, 7032 Tage Peddy78Research In Motion kaufen

    ACAd   Research In Motion kaufen - EURO.  09:51  
    ACAd   Research In Motion "outperform" - .  22.12.06  
    ACAd   Research In Motion neues Kursziel -.  22.12.06  
    ACAd   Research In Motion "buy" - UBS  22.12.06  
    ACAd   Research In Motion neues Kursziel -.  22.12.06  
Analyst: Euro am Sonntag
Rating: kaufen  Kurs: n/A
KGV:   Kursziel: n/A
Update: n/A  WKN: 909607  
Research In Motion kaufen
27.12.2006 10:32:45
München ( AG) - Die Experten von "EURO am Sonntag" stufen die Research In Motion-Aktie (RIM) (ISIN CA7609751028/ WKN 909607) mit dem Rating "kaufen" ein.
Das Geschäft brumme bei Research In Motion. Der Produzent der vor allem bei Managern populären mobilen E-Mail-Geräte namens Blackberry habe im ablaufenden Quartal den Umsatz um knapp die Hälfte auf 835 Millionen Dollar gesteigert. Der Gewinn habe sich um 46 Prozent auf 176 Millionen verbessert. Gleichzeitig habe das Unternehmen aus Kanada 875.000 neue Kunden gemeldet. Somit habe der Blackberry-Hersteller in allen Kategorien die Erwartungen der Analysten spürbar übertroffen. RIM habe als Grund für die positive Entwicklung auf neue Modelle wie den momentan auch in Deutschland stark beworbenen Pearl verwiesen.

Die Experten von "EURO am Sonntag" empfehlen, die Research In Motion-Aktie zu kaufen. Zur Absicherung sollten Investoren einen Stopp bei 92,00 Euro platzieren. (Ausgabe 52) (27.12.2006/ac/a/a)

Analyse-Datum: 27.12.2006
Quelle: / AG



14.01.07 10:24

7304 Postings, 6887 Tage Mme.EugenieIst auch so ein Dauerbrenner @smex

und da gibt es noch dutzende Beispiele, die ich dir nennen könnte. Falsch war es nur, bei solchen Aktien raus zugehen.  

29.06.07 12:31

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksResearch in motion + + +

Research in Motion

Research In Motion soared $28.78 to $194.37 in Switzerland. The company announced a 3-for-1 stock split and said first- quarter profit rose 73 percent on demand for new BlackBerry e- mail phones, providing a boost to the company as it prepares to take on Apple Inc.'s iPhone.

Bank of America Corp. upgraded the stock to ``buy'' from ``neutral.''  

29.06.07 21:58

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksRIMM hat mem wieder den richtigen Riecher gehabt..

US NY Schluss (naja fast...) 199,87 +34,27 $ +20,72%%%%%%

bei einem Markt der auf iPhone wartet und sich erst'mal ins Hemd gemacht hat bevor er in's Wochenede geht

viel Glück
& Glücwunsch denen die dabei waren!  

30.06.07 16:14

6409 Postings, 6687 Tage OhioResearch in Motion

kaufen ... denn diese aktie ist heiß
schaut euch den umsatz in den USA an
6 Miliarden .. und das bei dem Preis  

30.06.07 16:17

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage mal so reingestellt


After Hours: 201.30 +1.31 (0.66%)  -  Jun 29, 07:59PM ET  

02.07.07 16:04

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage so dazugestellt: derzeit + 6%%%

RT NY price 210.91 = + 10.98 + 5.41%  Tendenz +++

02.07.07 22:51

7304 Postings, 6887 Tage Mme.EugenieRimm erzielte beste Ergebnisse

__________________________________________________ "Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"


06.08.07 18:17

5573 Postings, 7184 Tage gindantswas meint ihr? bringen die DIe konkurenz

zum iphone? oder doch lieber puten??  

15.08.07 20:30

693 Postings, 6468 Tage calvinkleinwas ist denn hier los?

Letzter   Vortag   Umsatz   Veränderung
205,58 $ 68,67 $ 1.057M   +199,38%  

15.08.07 21:00

1314 Postings, 8175 Tage antilope1Hier mehr Infos, aber auch mehr Verwirrung...

15.08.07 21:06

1314 Postings, 8175 Tage antilope1Einen hab ich noch:

15.08.07 21:08

1314 Postings, 8175 Tage antilope1Scheint ein Split zu sein.

30.08.07 20:20

79561 Postings, 9121 Tage KickyÜbernahmegerücht

Research in Motion´s shares rose more than 3 percent on Thursday on renewed market speculation that Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile , Research) could be interested in buying the BlackBerry maker.

"Microsoft has been mentioned as a possible buyer," said Frederic Ruffy, an analyst at options education firm Optionetics in California.

"According to speculation, the software giant might be interested in RIM in response to Google's (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile , Research) recent announcement that it is interested in making its own mobile phone operating system, which would compete with Windows Mobile," he added.RIM shares were up 3.35 percent at $84.59 in midday trading after posting a new high of $85. Some option traders appeared to be betting that the stock's strength could continue.

"I've seen the rumors on RIM and there has been interest in the front-month calls, which allow investors to buy RIM shares at $80 all the way to $93.375 a piece," said Rebecca Engmann Darst, an equity options analyst at Interactive Brokes Group in Connecticut.

"It is RIM's standard policy to not comment on rumors or speculation," a RIM spokeswoman said in an e-mail.

Microsoft was not immediately available for comment.  

19.09.07 20:36

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksRIMM ++

Research in Motion continues to defy valuation critics

    Symbol§ Last Chg
      AAPL     Trade    141.38     +0.46          §
       MOT     Trade     17.31     +0.08          §
       NOK     Trade     36.45     +0.51          §
      PALM     Trade     15.67     -0.03          §
      RIMM     Trade     91.54 +1.19

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Some Wall Street analysts were already worried about the valuation of Research in Motion Ltd. shares in late June when the stock jumped above the $200 mark for the first time ever.

Those gains -- coming before a three-for-one split took effect last month -- came after the maker of the popular line of BlackBerry smart phones posted a 73% jump in earnings for the first fiscal quarter thanks to booming demand both from the corporate market as well as consumers lured by the company's new Pearl and Curve models. See full story.

Shares of Research in Motion (RIMM) have gained more than 35% since then -- putting the stock within range of $100 -- or $300 on a pre-split basis.

For the year-to-date, RIM has outpaced even the hyper-growth of Apple Inc. (AAPL), which saw its shares surge since the company introduced its own smart phone -- the iPhone -- in January.

RIM shares have more than doubled since the first of the year, while Apple is up about 67% for that same period.

The stock crossed the $90 mark for the first time this week and traded as high as $93.24 Wednesday morning, setting a fresh all-time high. Before the opening bell, the company announced that its new BlackBerry 8820, its first Wi-Fi-enabled device, will be available through AT&T Wireless beginning Thursday.

At their current level, RIM's shares are trading above most of the price targets set by analysts covering the device maker. Current targets range from a low of $55 to a high of $120, with the median set at $88, according to data from Thomson Financial.

"While we remain optimistic about the outlook for RIM, we're lowering our rating from Outperform to Peer Perform on valuation as we see balanced risk/reward, with the stock is trading above our [2008] year-end fair value of $81," Andrew Neff of Bear Stearns wrote in a report to clients on Sept. 4, when the stock was trading around $85 a share.

But despite the Bear Stearns downgrade, RIM maintains strong support on Wall Street. About two-thirds of the analysts covering the stock still rate the shares as a buy.

Peter Misek of Canaccord Adams cited "very positive" results from his recent wireless handset survey as he boosted his price target on the stock last week to $120 from $91.67. He admitted, however, that RIM was trading at a premium to its rivals.

"We believe this premium is warranted, given the company's dominance in a lucrative enterprise market and its growth prospects," he wrote in a Sept. 12 report.

Three other analysts also raised their price targets on RIM's shares last week to above the $100 mark.

Based on its projected earnings for the next four quarters, RIM shares are now trading at price-to-earnings ratio of about 41.7. That's well above the average P/E for the wireless equipment sector, according to Thomson data.

The BlackBerry maker is commanding a premium to Apple, which trades around 35 times estimated earnings, as well as mobile phone giant Nokia (NOK), which trades around 18 times earnings.

Ironically, RIM's valuation is on par with its more troubled peers. The stock carries an equivalent P/E to rival smart phone maker Palm (PALM). Motorola Inc. (MOT), which has seen its handset business rack up losses this year thanks to falling prices for its flagship RAZR line, trades at more than 48 times estimated earnings.

"With the company firing on all cylinders, we believe that RIM shares deserve a peak valuation multiple for their strong operational performance," wrote Nick Agostino of Research Capital in a Sept. 13 note, in which he raised his price target on RIM from $78 to $10  

26.09.07 06:38

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksRIMM Citigroup BUY

Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM CN): Citigroup Inc. initiated coverage of the maker of the BlackBerry e-mail phones with a ``buy'' rating in a note to investors today. RIM rose $2.80 to C$97.31.  

01.10.07 08:32

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksRIMM

BlackBerry May Defy Short-Sellers Again After Reaching Record

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The last time investors bet on a decline in Research In Motion Ltd., maker of the BlackBerry e- mail phone, the stock tripled in a year.

Now the shares are near a record and two-thirds of 37 analysts say it's still a mistake.

``You never short a stock that has strong fundamentals,'' said Joseph Parnes, president of Technomart Investment Advisors in Baltimore, who sold short shares of mortgage lender American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. in March, more than four months before it went bankrupt. He owns Research In Motion and says it will keep rising. ``This stock has a lot to go.''

Analysts raised their price targets after sales surged 76 percent in the first quarter. Boosters include Mike Abramsky at RBC Capital Markets in Toronto, who says consumer demand for advanced phones will help Research In Motion, based in Waterloo, Ontario, more than triple its annual shipments to 22.8 million in fiscal 2009.

The stock fell $1.31 to $98.55 in Nasdaq Stock Market trading on Sept. 28 after five record closes in a row. Abramsky and Chris Umiastowski at TD Newcrest in Toronto last month lifted their target prices to $110.

The shares have soared since Research In Motion paid $612.5 million in March 2006 to resolve a patent dispute that threatened to halt BlackBerry's U.S. service. The company has since beaten subscriber-growth and revenue targets.

To keep rising, Research In Motion has to continue beating its subscriber forecasts, said Louis Navellier, whose $5 billion Navellier & Associates in Reno, Nevada, owns the stock.

``As long as they keep surprising, we'll be fine,'' Navellier said in an interview. ``We're going to ride it for a while.''

IPhone Challenge

That won't be so easy now that Apple Inc. has entered the market for advanced phones. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs stepped up competition last month by slashing prices on the iPhone. Palm Inc. starts selling the $99 Centro this month.

``The risk is that there could be a pause in the saturation rate for smartphones,'' said Tony Carbone, a technology analyst at RCM Capital Management in San Francisco, which manages $100 billion including Research In Motion. ``One could argue that they only appeal to a limited demographic.''

At current prices, the shares trade at 78 times earnings of the past 12 months, versus 31 a year ago and 43 for Apple, based in Cupertino, California.

``This is a momentum name,'' said Brad Williams, a technology analyst at MTB Investment Advisors in Baltimore, which has $13 billion under management and has avoided Research In Motion. ``The penalty for a misstep could be quite high.''

Short Interest

Abramsky estimates the number of consumers using e-mail phones may jump eightfold in four years to 300 million worldwide. Umiastowski expects Research In Motion's annual phone sales to reach 48 million in 2011 from 6.4 million in 2007, while the company adds 27.9 million retail subscribers.

The company, with $3.04 billion in revenue, sports a market value of $55.1 billion, more than Schaumburg, Illinois-based Motorola Inc., the largest U.S. handset maker with $42.9 billion in 2006 sales.

Short sellers, who borrow and sell shares in a wager the price will fall, have pared bets against the stock. Short interest fell 41 percent to 27.2 million shares in September from 45.9 million in October 2006. As a percentage of trading volume, short interest peaked in August 2006.

This year, short sellers have been forced to replace their borrowed stock at a higher cost, pushing up the price, said Parnes.

New Subscribers

In June, Research In Motion forecast as many as 1.38 million new users in its second quarter. The company needs to show 1.4 million when it reports results Oct. 4 and sequential growth of more than 10 percent over several periods to justify its value, said Carbone, who has added to RCM's stake.

Some analysts' sales estimates are too ambitious, said Richard Windsor at Nomura International in London. The BlackBerry will struggle to attract consumers because its e-mail software is aimed at business users and its music, video and Web features are inferior to iPhone's, he said.

The Pearl, the first BlackBerry targeted to consumers, sold 1 million units in its first year, Windsor estimates. It took the iPhone 74 days.

``The BlackBerry does not cut the grade when it comes to consumer appeal,'' said Windsor, one of two analysts with a ``sell'' rating on the stock. He says it is worth $50 and expectations ``look to us to be out of kilter.''

Economic Slowdown

Co-CEO James Balsillie declined to be interviewed, spokeswoman Courtney Flaherty said.

BlackBerry sales could also be hurt by a slowing economy, according to Bear Stearns Cos. analyst Andrew Neff in New York. As much as 80 percent of sales depend on business users, including 30 percent to 40 percent in the financial industry, Neff said in a Sept. 4 report downgrading the stock to ``peer perform.'' He estimates the shares will be worth $81 at the end of 2008.

Improving BlackBerry's consumer features would require more research spending, said Nick Nilarp, a debt analyst at Fitch Ratings in New York. Research In Motion spent $235 million developing products last year, versus $5.5 billion for Espoo, Finland-based Nokia Oyj, the biggest handset maker.

``It will be more difficult for RIM to go after the consumer market than it is for its rivals to go after the enterprise market,'' Nilarp said.  

01.10.07 15:25

5570 Postings, 6621 Tage skunk.worksRIM + CDMA

RIM Introduces First CDMA-enabled BlackBerry Pearl

The small, smart and stylish BlackBerry Pearl 8130 smartphone features powerful communications, rich multimedia, built-in GPS and support for high-speed EV-DO networks

Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ: RIMM)(TSX: RIM) today introduced the BlackBerry® Pearl(TM) 8130, the first BlackBerry Pearl smartphone to run on CDMA networks. The new model stays true to the highly acclaimed style and compact design of the BlackBerry Pearl and comes packed with new features including communications enhancements, a striking new software interface, rich multimedia capabilities, built-in GPS and support for high-speed EV-DO networks.

"With its unique blend of functionality and design, the BlackBerry Pearl smartphone has been turning heads and winning praise from business users and consumers alike," said Mike Lazaridis, President and Co-CEO at Research In Motion. "The new BlackBerry Pearl 8130 builds on all the great features and aesthetic design that people love about the BlackBerry Pearl and offers an exceptional new choice for CDMA customers that are looking to upgrade their mobile phone."

The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 includes all of the features that have made BlackBerry® smartphones popular among mobile users, including unrivaled email and messaging (SMS, IM, MMS(i)), web browsing, organizer and more. The new smartphone also expands on its communications and multimedia features and presents the entire offering with a striking new software interface.


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 features a sleek, compact design measuring just 4.2" x 1.97" x .55" and weighing only 3.38 oz. It provides an intuitive user experience through its trackball navigation system and RIM's popular SureType(TM) keyboard system. SureType - which allows a narrower handset design while maintaining easy phone dialing and message typing - has been enhanced to allow word completion, easier editing misspelled words and a built-in spell checker.


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 features an updated visual interface and integrates a new font rendering technology that displays characters beautifully, with enhanced legibility at even the smallest point sizes. The new technology is evident throughout the visual interface, complementing the new look of the BlackBerry® email client, calendar, address book, task list, memo pad and web browser, while also enhancing other applications.

The BlackBerry® Browser is further improved with a new "Page View" option that displays a full web page on the screen along with a magnifying glass that allows the user to quickly and accurately point and zoom in on a specific area of the web page. Users can also press and hold the trackball to toggle between the "Column View" (which presents the web page in a continuous column for easy reading and scrolling on the go) and the "Page View." The new BlackBerry Browser also provides quicker access to Bookmarks and History, and supports the 3GPP RTSP Streaming protocol via EV-DO, so users can view streaming video from sites like


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 comes with a 2 megapixel camera with 5x digital zoom and enhanced flash. The new camera also supports video capture in two resolutions: 240x180 or 176x144 for sharing via MMS.

The media player now allows users to create and edit playlists right on the handset. Alternatively, users can manage their media files from their PC with the Roxio® Media Manager for BlackBerry®, which is included with the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager software. The Roxio software was developed with Sonic® and is based on the award-winning Roxio Easy Media Creator® 9, making it easy for users to search for media files on their computer, view and organize them, create MP3 music files from CDs, add audio tags, album art, create playlists and convert files for optimal playback.

Roxio Photosuite® 9 LE is also included - this comprehensive tool makes it easy to edit pictures and create photo albums. Pictures can also be cropped, rotated and straightened, redeye can be removed, and brightness, contrast and saturation levels can all be changed.

The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 supports the Bluetooth® stereo audio profile (A2DP/AVRCP), and comes with a 3.5 mm stereo headset jack so users can plug in their preferred headphones or speakers. The handset also provides the convenience of an externally accessible microSD/SDHC memory card slot for additional storage of music, videos and pictures.


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 includes built-in GPS to provide out-of-the-box support for location-based applications and services(i). BlackBerry® Maps, which can conveniently guide users to their destination, now includes a local search capability that allows users to find local businesses, such as banks, hotels and restaurants, within a short driving distance. The local search feature in BlackBerry Maps was developed with support from Google(TM).


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 offers many convenient phone features including Speaker Independent Voice Recognition (SIVR) for Voice Activated Dialing (VAD), Bluetooth® 2.0 support for hands-free use with headsets, car kits and Bluetooth peripherals, dedicated 'send', 'end', and 'mute' keys, smart dialing, speed dialing, conference calling, call forwarding, a low-distortion speakerphone for hands-free conversations and support for polyphonic, mp3 and MIDI ring tones.

The smartphone also includes new features that enhance phone audio quality including enhanced background noise, wind and echo cancellation for better performance in loud environments like airports, restaurants or busy downtown streets. An 'enhance call audio' feature also allows the user to boost the phone audio's bass or treble while on a call.


The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 also comes with a variety of accessories, including a stereo headset, travel charger, carrying pouch and USB cable. Additional accessories for BlackBerry handsets, including premium leather holsters and totes, an automotive charger, and Bluetooth headsets are available through retail outlets or online at

The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 is supported on BlackBerry® Internet Service, giving users access to up to 10 supported business or personal email accounts (including most popular ISP email accounts), as well as BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, enabling advanced security and IT administration within IBM® Lotus® Domino®, Microsoft® Exchange and Novell® GroupWise® environments.

The BlackBerry Pearl 8130 will be available in two colors - silver and amethyst - from CDMA carriers in North America beginning in November 2007.

About Research In Motion (RIM)

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry® wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (NASDAQ: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights, and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. RIM has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. RIM assumes no liability or makes any representation, warranty or guarantee in relation to third-party products or services.

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