Biophan-die neue Microsoft?!

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10.01.05 13:13

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73die woche kann richtig gut laufen

Pressekommuniqué Quelle:; Technologien Biophan, Inc.. gibt Profilbericht über die Technologien Biophan heraus, die ARMIS geplanten Erwerb Montag Januar 10, 6:01 morgens UND DALLAS, Jan. 10 besprechen, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- herausgab ein Update zu unserem Profilreport über Biophan Technologies, Inc. (OTC BB:BIPH.OB - Nachrichten). Der Profilreport wird von Jeff Bishop, älterer Investitionanalytiker für geschrieben. Der Report umreißt den strategischen Nutzen zu Biophan vom vor kurzem verkündeten geplanten Erwerb von GmbH AMRIS, einen führenden Entwickler der neuen MRI-Technologien. Stents sind ein sehr großer und lukrativer Markt weltweit. Biophan z.Z. arbeitet in diesem Bereich und hat eine beschichtende Lösung des nanomagnetic Dünnfilmpartikels spezifisch für stents entwickelt. Die AMRIS-Lösung verwendet eine Maschendrahtverpackung, die dieses Produkt zum Markt viel schneller holen kann, weil es vorhandenen stent Designs hinzugefügt wird. Sie erfordert nicht eine teure Neukonstruktion vom vorhandenen stent. Biophan nimmt sich eine strategische Entscheidung des Betretens des EUS auf, indem er AMRIS, einen führenden Entwickler der sicheren Technologie MRI und Lösungen erwirbt. Dies Erwerb werden holen zu Biophan nicht nur zusätzlich Patent halten durch d deutsch Firma, aber auch sehr erfahren und vorstehend Personal welch werden weiter helfen sein business Unternehmensziel. Dieser freie Report kann in seiner Ganzheit angesehen werden, indem man besucht:  

10.01.05 13:43

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spalterweil es sich so schön liest Issues a New Profile Report on Biophan Technologies

Company Snapshot
Biophan Technology is an emerging pioneer in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) compatible biomedical devices and implants. The company has accumulated an impressive portfolio patents through internal development and strategic acquisitions. To date, the firm has 25 issued and 8 allowed patents and over 70 pending patents to its credit. The company is focused on positioning itself as a world-class leader in the area of MRI safe technology and solutions. The use of MRI is increasing and it has become the premiere non-invasive imaging method due to the following advantages:

Excellent soft tissue contrast
No ionizing radiation and reduction in toxic contrast agents.
Images unobstructed by the bone.
Multi plane images can be obtained without repositioning the patient.
Biophan’s technology focuses on solving the two main issues associated with the MRI procedure:

MRI tends to create heat and induced voltage in the biomedical devices and implants which are potentially dangerous to sensitive, life-saving biomedical implants such as pacemakers, defibrillators, and neuron-stimulators.
Biomedical devices and implants tend to disrupt and interfere with the quality of the MRI images.
Biophan signs LOI to acquire German MRI technology firm
Biophan recently announced the signing a letter-of-intent (LOI) to acquire German-based, AMRIS GmbH, a leading developer of new MRI technologies. This acquisition will add at least four significant benefits to Biophan:

Merger will expand Biophan’s business footprint into Europe which is a major producer of MRI technology and research.
AMRIS acquisition will create distinct synergies in marketing, research, and business development.
AMRIS specializes in MRI-compatible stent and vascular technologies which will compliment Biophan’s existing portfolio of products and patents for biomedical implants.
Management of AMRIS has an exceptional track record of product development and will provide Biophan valuable assistance in taking the company’s current products and patents to market.
Of these, the additions of the alternative stent and vascular MRI technologies are perhaps the most important. Stents are a very large and lucrative market worldwide. Biophan is currently working in this area and has developed a thin-film nanomagnetic particle coating solution specifically for stents. The AMRIS solution uses a wire mesh wrapping which can bring this product to market much faster because it is added to existing stent designs. It does not require a costly redesign of the existing stent. This coated solution is what manufacturers prefer, but the wire mesh solution can get the product to market much faster. AMRIS’ development and product line will help Biophan realize its goal of offering an MRI-compatible alternative for virtually every important biomedical implant and device.

This acquisition will give Biophan dominance in the only known
solutions to stent diagnostic visibility under MRI.

Biophan’s business strategy centers primarily on the growing acceptance of the MRI as an effective diagnostic tool. Biophan has developed solutions which will make biomedical implants and devices safely compatible with MRIs. In order to take its products from development to the market, the company plans to introduce commercial products via strategic joint ventures and licensing agreements with major companies that have marketing and development expertise.

In line with this strategy, Biophan acknowledges a growing business opportunity in Europe and plans to expand its current business by acquiring AMRIS.

AMRIS is a leading German based developer of MRI-safe biomedical devices and imaging technology solutions. The company currently has fifteen issued and pending patents covering imaging of devices such as stents and other vascular implants. Upon completion of the merger, Biophan will receive exclusive license to these patents. AMRIS will also provide Biophan with a team of world-renowned management and research personnel in the field of MRI technology who have been awarded millions of dollars of grants by several government agencies to develop MRI compatible technology. AMRIS fits into the strategic plan of Biophan of forging joint ventures in key markets. The European Union is one of the largest markets for biomedical devices and implants in the world.

The technology developed by AMRIS works on the principle of tuned IC circuit. In this technology, the implanted device is converted to an active device by integrating with a tuned IC circuit. This causes the device to tune with the resonance frequency of MRI. This technology can work with virtually any device implanted in human body.

Industry Overview
The market for MRI-safe implants in the US is estimated to be approximately $5 billion and that for MRI-safe equipment and devices to be $8 billion. The market for nanobio products is expected to have rapid growth in the future. The market for nanotech-based biomedical products is expected to reach $35 billion by 2006, according to the US National Science Foundation. The US and the European Union are the two largest markets for the medical devices in the world. The following chart shows the global distribution of diagnostic imaging sessions. These sessions include all imaging technologies including x-ray and MRI. The demand for MRI-safe products is primarily dependent on the need for safe imaging. On the chart below, it should be noted that the EU market actually surpasses that of the US. This market will provide an excellent growth opportunity for Biophan to expand into.

Global Distribution of Diagnostic Imaging Sessions

Europe 34%
US 31%
Japan 12%
All Others 23%

The European Union has traditionally been the largest market for US exporters of biomedical devices and implants due to four primary reasons:

High per-capita incomes
Accommodating regulatory process, in relation to the US
Aging populations
Steady political and economic environment
The EU is one of the largest markets for global medical devices market with a 23% share of the global market. It maintains a uniquely open and transparent regulatory policy for medical devices based on international standards. The regulatory policy stipulates that a product can be sold anywhere within the EU Countries if it meets the health and safety requirements of EU medical device directive number 93/42/EEC which consolidates the regulatory requirements of the EU member countries under one system.

International Regulatory Environments
The medical device industry is a highly regulated industry, and many national markets have their own regulatory norms. This multiplicity of regulatory norms can have serious implications on industry performance, especially for the cross-border technology effort that Biophan is now pursuing through this merger. However, the Global Harmonization Task Force is expected to reduce this problem faced by the industry. The Global Harmonization Task Force is a voluntary organization of regulators and the regulated industry from the United States, the European Union, Canada, Japan, and Australia that works on identifying feasible areas for harmonization of medical device regulation. Ideally, a developer like Biophan would like to its see products approved once by one national regulator and the accepted everywhere by all important foreign regulators. This creation of this taskforce will help the current merger to become successful in the marketplace.

Biophan is undertaking a strategic decision of entering the EU by acquiring AMRIS, a leading developer of MRI safe technology and solutions. This acquisition will bring to Biophan not only additional patents held by the German company, but also very experienced and prominent personnel which will further help its business objectives. Furthermore, the EU is an important and promising market for Biophan outside of the US. This acquisition will be an important step towards realizing its goal of becoming a leader in MRI safe products across two of the largest markets. This acquisition, in addition to the recent company releases regarding patent acquisitions, provides strong evidence of the commitment and the ability of Biophan’s management to increase shareholder value.

10.01.05 16:43

58960 Postings, 8050 Tage Kalli2003.

Biophan etabliert sich
10.01.2005 - Top-Aktientipps von – jede Woche kostenlos per Mail: hier klicken!!!

Erneut deutlich nach oben geht es am Montag mit der Aktie von Biophan, die sich am späten Mittag bei Kursen um 1,07 Euro bewegt und damit oberhalb der Ein-Euro-Marke stabilisiert hat. Bereits am Freitag war die Aktie deutlich gestiegen. Im Bereich um 1,10 Euro stellt sich allerdings massiver Widerstand dem Anstieg entgegen. Hintergrund des Anstiegs ist die geplante Akquisition der deutschen AMRIS. Das Unternehmen aus Castrop-Rauxel entwickelt MRI-sichere und bildkompatible Technologielösungen sowie Biomedizingeräte. Bis zum 31. Januar wollen die Parteien zu einer abschließenden Vereinbarung kommen.

So long (oder doch besser short?) happy and smile  Kalli  


11.01.05 17:18

221 Postings, 7660 Tage Aktionär240schrecklich

wird wohl nie die 2€ schaffen.  

11.01.05 20:26

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spalterNews

Biophan to Demonstrate New Ceramic Motors for Medical Device Applications at Major Industry Conference
Biophan to Demonstrate New Ceramic Motors for Medical Device Applications at Major Industry Conference

BW5785 JAN 11,2005 10:35 PACIFIC 13:35 EASTERN

( BW)(NY-BIOPHAN-TECHNOLOGIES)(BIPH) Biophan to Demonstrate NewCeramic Motors for Medical Device Applications at Major IndustryConference

Business Editors/Health Editors
MD&M West 2005

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 11, 2005--

Advanced Technology Enables High-Precision Implantable Drug Delivery Systems and Other Uses

Biophan Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: BIPH), a developer ofnext-generation biomedical technology, will demonstrate itsproprietary ceramic motors for use in a wide range of medical and lifescience devices at the Medical Design and Manufacturing West (MD&MWest) conference, January 10-12, at the Anaheim Convention Center inAnaheim, California. The announcement was made by Michael Weiner, CEOof Biophan. Biophan is the exclusive worldwide distributor for medicalapplications of the SQUIGGLE(TM) ceramic motor, produced by New ScaleTechnologies.
The MD&M West conference, organized by Canon Communications, LLC,is one of the world´s largest meetings for medical device designersand manufacturers. It is being attended by thousands of key designers,decision-makers, and medical device industry executives from theUnited States, Europe, and Asia.
Biophan is showcasing innovative solutions based on itspatent-pending direct linear drive motor constructed of advancedceramic materials. The motor´s unique, high-precision design involvesonly four parts--compared with hundreds for previously availableproducts--that affords exceptionally high levels of dependability andperformance. The SQUIGGLE motor offers a new positioning solution andcan be easily scaled to fit a variety of sizes and advanced biomedicaldevices, including implantable drug delivery devices such as insulinpumps and implantable drug pumps, as well as precision dosage meteringand microfluidic devices.
"The piezoelectric ceramic technology we have perfected allows theSQUIGGLE motor to be manufactured in a wide range of sizes andconfigurations, especially at very small sizes and low power,"explained David Henderson, President of New Scale Technologies andinventor of this motor. "Our technology provides substantialadvantages over other available biomedical motors. These advantages,such as safety and compatibility with Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), have the potential to significantly improve the optionsavailable to the health care and bioscience industries."
Additional technical features of the SQUIGGLE ultrasonic motorincludes nanometer precision, zero magnetic fields, no ferromagneticmaterials, ultra-low outgassing, negligible heating, quiet movement,and consistent operation over a wide temperature range. The SQUIGGLEmotors have been demonstrated from room temperature to 100 degreesKelvin--or some 173 degrees below the freezing point of water. NASA´sGoddard Space Flight Center is evaluating the ceramic motor technologyfor use at 4 degrees Kelvin--nearly absolute zero--for spaceapplications.
Biophan will also highlight other advanced technologies at theMD&M West conference, including technologies for enablinginterventional surgical devices or implants to be made MRI-safe andcompatible. These technologies are being developed to enable a newgeneration of MRI-guided surgical procedures. The Company will alsofeature its recently announced patented anti-antenna technology forimproving the safety of medical implants under MRI.
"We´re very excited about highlighting our ceramic motor designsas well as our other recent achievements in development of medicaldevice solutions," said Mr. Weiner. "Biophan is at the forefront ofresearch and development of the next generation of biomedical devices,and our proprietary technologies advance the capabilities of devicesacross a wide spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures."
Biophan will be working with the medical device engineeringcommunity to use the Company´s innovative ceramic motor and its MRIsafety and imageability technologies to enable a range of newhealth-care and life-enhancing products.

About Biophan Technologies

Biophan develops and markets cutting-edge technologies designed tomake biomedical devices safe and compatible with the magneticresonance imaging (MRI) environment. The Company develops enablingtechnologies for implanted medical systems such as pacemakers, andinterventional surgical devices such as catheters and guidewires, aswell as stents and other implants that can be safely and effectivelyimaged under MRI. The technology is also being used to create MRIcontrast agents, and has expanded to include other applications, suchas drug delivery and power systems derived from body heat. FourBiophan technologies include advances in nanotechnology and thin filmcoatings. Committed to growth through innovation and developmentalleadership, Biophan and its licensors now hold a total of 104 U.S.patents, licenses, or applications. This total includes 25 issued U.S.patents, 11 recently-allowed applications that will issue as patentsin the near future, and 68 pending applications at various stages ofexamination at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patents coverareas including nanotechnology (nanomagnetic particle coatings), radiofrequency filters, polymer composites, thermoelectric materials forbatteries generating power from body heat, and photonics. Biophan hasjoint development arrangements with Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) andNASA´s Ames Center for Nanotechnology. Biophan´s goal is to make allbiomedical devices capable of safely and successfully working withMRI, and delivering other technologies which will improve quality oflife. For more information, please visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this press release may constituteforward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materiallyfrom such statements expressed or implied herein as a result of avariety of factors including, but not limited to: the development ofBiophan´s MRI technologies; the approval of Biophan´s patentapplications; the successful implementation of Biophan´s research anddevelopment programs; the acceptance by the market of Biophan´sproducts; competition; and the timing of projects and trends in futureoperating performance, as well as other factors expressed from time totime in Biophan´s periodic filings with the Securities and ExchangeCommission (the "SEC"). As a result, this press release should be readin conjunction with Biophan´s periodic filings with the SEC. Theforward-looking statements contained herein are made only as of thedate of this press release, and Biophan undertakes no obligation topublicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequentevents or circumstances.

--30--MW/ny* CONTACT: Biophan Technologies, Inc. Carolyn Hotchkiss, 585-214-2407 or (Press Interviews) Jennifer Gould, 212-843-8037 KEYWORD: CALIFORNIA NEW YORK TRACK INDUSTRY KEYWORD: LEGAL/LAW PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICAL DEVICES MEDICALBIOTECHNOLOGY TRADESHOW PRODUCT SOURCE: Biophan Technologies, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005


11.01.05 20:36

549 Postings, 8143 Tage Taodonnaja

sehts mal so ... es gibt schlechtere Aktien !;)))  

11.01.05 23:14

487 Postings, 7609 Tage harrys39war das der angekündigte Deal?

da wartet man Monatelang auf die Nachricht, daß man eine Partnerschaft mit einem Großen eingeht die endlich mal Geld in die Kassen spült, dann kommt so was kleines das kein Geld bringt sondern erst mal kostet. Diese Partnerschaft ist sicher nicht schlecht und passt zu Biph, aber wenn nicht irgendwann mal Geld reinkommt, dann ist es eben auch irgendwann mal vorbei.
Also ich habe jetzt mal die hälfte verkauft und meine jämmerlichen 6% seit 3/4 Jahr mitgenommen.  

11.01.05 23:16

487 Postings, 7609 Tage harrys39ach, noch was

wie das jetzt mit dem Börsenwechsel, ist der so noch möglich?  

13.01.05 07:50

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spalterNews von BSX

10.01.2005 18:46:
Boston Scientific: Für 2005 vorsichtiger

Der Medizintechniker Boston Scientific (Nachrichten) geht davon aus, im vierten Quartal einen Umsatz von rund 1,6 Milliarden Dollar erzielt zu haben. Dies entspricht gegenüber dem Vorjahr einem Umsatzplus von 70 Prozent oder währungsbereinigt 67 Prozent. Dabei habe sich der Absatz der Stents (Gefäßstützen) auf 730 Millionen Dollar verdreifacht.
Wie CEO Jim Tobin allerdings erklärte, könnten sich die Umsätze für 2005 weniger stark als bisher erwartet entwickeln. Dies liege unter anderem am Zulassungsverfahren für das Stent-System in Japan, wo Verzögerungen zu erwarten seien. Auch müsse man branchenweit mit verschärftem Konkurrenzdruck und Preissenkungen rechnen.

kein schlechter Markt für Stents !  

13.01.05 11:04

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73das ist besonders gut

Auch müsse man branchenweit mit verschärftem Konkurrenzdruck und Preissenkungen rechnen.
wer die Konkurenz sein wird ,ist wohl allen klar.

13.01.05 13:20

549 Postings, 8143 Tage Taodonaida

Was hälst den von den beiden .... Nummer eins The 9 US88337K1043 Onlinespiele .....Asien.... seid neuestem an der Börse Lahmt aber noch etwas .... am Markt 2t plaziert hinter shanda interactive... ich hoffe auf ein wenig steigendes Volumen dann werd ich für meinen Dad mal ein paar einkaufen... Nummer 2 naklar Biophan aber auf mindestens 1 Jahressicht da ich bezweifle das die vorm Sommer noch in irgendnerweise die 1,30 oder ähnliche sphären erreichen dafür müsste erstmal ne vernünftige message rüberkommen und nicht sone altersvorsorgen Zusammenarbeit wie einige treads höher zu lesen. und als drittes NEWMARKET TECHNOLOGY
US6516271011 ebenso unterbewertet wie Chinadotcom.... aber wie man auch da sieht eher spekulativ da Geld nunmal nicht alles ist ... allerdings haben die wohl ausbaufähiges Potenzial. und hmmm ne das lass ich lieben sonst werd ich noch enterbet ...da gehts momentan ja nur runter aber ich werd mein Depot noch etwas verbilligen tiefer können die rein rechnerisch ja igentlich kaum fallen !! so denn

14.01.05 16:00

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spalterNews vom 13.01.05

Lukrativer Patente-Verkauf in die USA

Dr. Michael Friebe hat die Entwicklung der neuen Stents mitfinanziert und gefördert.

Das wird Kardiologen und am Herzen erkrankte Patienten freuen: Die Amris GmbH auf Erin (sowie in Gelsenkirchen) hat so genannte Stents entwickelt, die in einem Kernspintomografen zu sehen sind. Für die US-Firma Biophan ein Grund, mit 2,6 Mio. Dollar bei Amris einzusteigen.

Bisher zählte Amris zwei Gesellschafter: Prof. Dr. Andreas Melzner von der Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen sowie die Firma " Tomovation" , eine Beteiligungsholding von Dr. Michael Friebe. Der Wissenschaftler und Geschäftsmann gründete 1994 im Erin-Park " Neuromed" und ist inzwischen an zahlreichen internationalen Firmen der Medizintechnologie maßgeblich beteiligt.

Mit " Amris" erwirbt Biophan aus Rochester (New York) die Exklusivlizenzen für 15 Amris-Patente, die die Bildgebung von Stents und anderen Implantaten betreffen. Im Kernspintomografen werden diese Produkte dank neuer Edelmetalllegierungen sichtbar gemacht. In Zukunft könnten sie den mit Risiken behafteten Einsatz von Kathetern, Kontrastmitteln und Röntgenstrahlen ersetzen.

Der Bedarf für diese Produkte sei gigantisch, so Dr. Michael Friebe: " Für Koronar-Stents gibt es einen Markt von 4 Milliarden Dollar."

Diesen zu erschließen, übersteigt jedoch bei weitem die Möglichkeiten der Amris GmbH. Deshalb wurde ein finanzstarker und kompetenter Partner gesucht und mit Biophan auch gefunden.

Im Gegenzug zum Verkauf der Patente erhält Amris, das künftig Biophan Europe heißt, nun die Möglichkeit, weitere Prototypen zu entwickeln. " Mein Ziel ist ein Kernspin-Kompetenzzentrum. Jährlich wird ein halbe Million Euro an Fördergeldern nach Castrop-Rauxel und Gelsenkirchen fließen" , so Dr. Michael Friebe, der bis zu sechs Ingenieure und Physiker einstellen möchte.

Am 31. Januar soll die Abschlussvereinbarung mit Biophan unterzeichnet werden.

13.01.2005 Von Rüdiger Hagenbucher


15.01.05 00:09

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73aus dem 10Q

We have reached a BASIC understanding with Boston Scientific on
the CONTENT of a PROPOSED term sheet for an equity investment and a license that

Das sagt doch alles,es ist doch entgegen aller Spekulationen so,dass Biophan mit Bsx was gemeinsam macht.Die Amri-Geschichte ist leider aus den SBI-Tranchen (2 Tranchen) gezahlt worden,was aber nicht tragisch ist.
Wichtig ist,dass der Deal mit BSX klar wir und damit der Börsenwechsel finanziert werden soll,was auch gelingen sollte.Es wird,auf Grund dieser doch guten Meldung an den kommenden tagen endlich wieder ein Schub geben.Montag ist zwar in USA noch die Börse dicht aber in D sollte schon was davon zu spüren sein.

So allen ein schönes WE und viel Erfolg mit unserer Biophan  

15.01.05 00:22

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73aus rb

On Monday, we will get a first look on mkt reaction on the European Bourses.

na dann wollen wir mal schauen

17.01.05 09:51

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spaltervom 14.01.05

Biophan Recaps 2004 Achievements; Company´s Biomedical Intellectual Property Portfolio Crosses 100-Patent Threshold, Key Strategic Acquisitions Established
Biophan Recaps 2004 Achievements; Company`s Biomedical Intellectual Property Portfolio Crosses 100-Patent Threshold, Key Strategic Acquisitions Established

BW5488 JAN 14,2005 13:02 PACIFIC 16:02 EASTERN

( BW)(NY-BIOPHAN-TECHNOLOGIES)(BIPH) Biophan Recaps 2004 Achievements;Company´s Biomedical Intellectual Property Portfolio Crosses100-Patent Threshold, Key Strategic Acquisitions Established

Business Editors/Biotech Writers

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 14, 2005--BiophanTechnologies, Inc. (OTC BB: BIPH), a developer of next-generationbiomedical technology, has provided its 2004 year-end recap, a reviewof the Company´s important business and strategic milestones.
During 2004, Biophan continued to make significant progress in itsmission to develop new solutions in a range of medical and biosciencetechnologies. In November, the Company announced new additions to itsintellectual property portfolio that pushed it across the 100-patentmark, representing expansion of more than 100% for the year. Biophanand its licensors now hold a total of 104 U.S. patents orapplications--an important accumulation of intellectual property inseveral biomedical fields, including nanotechnology, advancedimplantable medical devices, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)device-compatibility, and MRI-safe implantable motors and long-lastingbiothermal batteries.
"The Company began 2004 already holding a leadership position inthe development of solutions to improve the safety and imagecompatibility of medical devices in the MRI environment," said Mr.Weiner. "During 2004, Biophan has taken great strides in extending ourleadership in several critical markets within the health care andbioscience arenas, particularly with respect to several emergingimprovements in MRI imaging, drug-elution and internal drug-deliverysystems, and other next-generation procedures. Our acquisition anddevelopment strategy, along with our growing list of strategicpartners and increased human resources in the persons of severalleading industry research scientists and inventors, further positionBiophan as one of the industry´s important contributors to theworldwide healthcare and bioscience marketplaces, affecting marketswhich are expected to total billions of dollars."


27.01.05 15:10

1010 Postings, 7702 Tage spalternächste Konferenz

Biophan to Exhibit at European Scientific Conference on MRI Technology; Company to Meet with International Customers and Prospective Partners
Biophan to Exhibit at European Scientific Conference on MRI Technology; Company to Meet with International Customers and Prospective Partners

BW5344 JAN 27,2005 3:06 PACIFIC 06:06 EASTERN

( BW)(NY-BIOPHAN-TECHNOLOGIES)(BIPH) Biophan to Exhibit at EuropeanScientific Conference on MRI Technology; Company to Meet withInternational Customers and Prospective Partners

Business Editors/Biotech Writers

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 27, 2005--BiophanTechnologies, Inc. (OTCBB:BIPH), a developer of next-generationbiomedical technology, will exhibit its MRI-safe and image-compatibletechnologies at the MR 2005 scientific conference on magneticresonance imaging (MRI) this week in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.The company will join other international corporate and scientificleaders for the annual symposia on MRI-related subjects.
Among those companies contributing to the conference is AMRISGmbH, a leading German-based developer of MRI-safe andimage-compatible technology solutions and biomedical devices. Biophanrecently entered into a letter of intent to acquire a 51% ownershipinterest in AMRIS. Upon completion of the acquisition, AMRIS will berenamed Biophan-Europe and is attending the conference under thatname.
"AMRIS scientists in Germany are conducting important work in MRItechnology, and are making unique innovations in both diagnostic usesof MRI, as well as in the exciting field of interventional MRI-guidedmedicine," said Michael Weiner, Biophan CEO. "The MR 2005 conferenceis an event focusing on the future of MRI in medicine, and as suchaffords Biophan an important platform to share our vision andcapabilities for the future of MRI imaging. It is particularlyexciting to be at this conference in Germany where a great deal ofinnovation in MRI use is taking place."
The acquisition will bring Biophan substantial intellectualproperty and human resources in advanced MRI image compatibility andsafety, as well as widespread international business contacts. Whileat the conference, Biophan has meetings scheduled with customers andprospective customers and partners interested in Biophan´s technologysuite.
"Our relationship with Biophan-Europe has already begun to provideimportant new marketing opportunities in Europe," said Mr. Weiner."There are major manufacturers of MRI machines and biomedical devicesbased here, and very important research in MRI-guided interventionalmedicine is currently being conducted. Through its patents andlicenses, Biophan has positioned itself to take a leadership role inthis emerging field of MRI-guided medicine."
At the conference, Biophan-Europe will display images of itsinnovative MRI-visible stent, which uses a resonant circuit created bytiny microwires built into the stent to allow blockages to be imagedon MRI. The company has also developed a vena cava filter with similarcapabilities; the technology can save lives by assuring that thefilter is not removed when there is a thrombus present--a potentiallyfatal problem facing users of such cardiovascular devices.
More information about AMRIS and Biophan-Europe and itsproprietary technologies can be found at
The MR 2005 conference is organized by Kongressverein furRadiologische Diagnostik e.V. and EUROKONGRESS GmbH GbR.

About Biophan Technologies

Biophan develops and markets cutting-edge technologies designed tomake biomedical devices safe and compatible with the magneticresonance imaging (MRI) environment. The Company develops enablingtechnologies for implanted medical systems such as pacemakers andinterventional surgical devices such as catheters, guidewires, stents,and other implants to allow them to be safely and effectively imagedunder MRI. The technology is also being used to create MRI contrastagents, and has expanded to include other applications, such as drugdelivery and power systems derived from body heat. Four Biophantechnologies include advances in nanotechnology and thin filmcoatings. Committed to growth through innovation and developmentalleadership, Biophan and its licensors now hold a total of 104 U.S.patents, licenses, or applications. This total includes 30 issued U.S.patents, 6 recently-allowed applications that will issue as patents inthe near future, and 68 pending applications at various stages ofexamination at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patents coverareas including nanotechnology (nanomagnetic particle coatings), radiofrequency filters, polymer composites, thermoelectric materials forbatteries generating power from body heat, and photonics. Biophan hasjoint development arrangements with Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) andNASA´s Ames Center for Nanotechnology. Biophan´s goal is to make allbiomedical devices capable of safely and successfully working withMRI, and delivering other technologies which will improve quality oflife. For more information, please visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this press release may constituteforward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materiallyfrom such statements expressed or implied herein as a result of avariety of factors including, but not limited to: the development ofBiophan´s MRI technologies; the approval of Biophan´s patentapplications; the successful implementation of Biophan´s research anddevelopment programs; the acceptance by the market of Biophan´sproducts; competition and the timing of projects and trends in futureoperating performance, as well as other factors expressed from time totime in Biophan´s periodic filings with the Securities and ExchangeCommission (the "SEC"). As a result, this press release should be readin conjunction with Biophan´s periodic filings with the SEC. Theforward-looking statements contained herein are made only as of thedate of this press release, and Biophan undertakes no obligation topublicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequentevents or circumstances.

--30--JM/ny* CONTACT: Biophan Technologies, Inc. Carolyn Hotchkiss, 585-214-2407 or Press Interviews Jennifer Gould, 212-843-8037 KEYWORD: NEW YORK GERMANY INTERNATIONAL EUROPE INDUSTRY KEYWORD: MEDICAL PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY TRADESHOWPRODUCT SOURCE: Biophan Technologies, Inc.Copyright Business Wire 2005

(c) 2005 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.

Autor: © Business Wire , 12:06 27.01.05

29.01.05 14:45

444 Postings, 7669 Tage gue100NEWS!

28 Januar 2005 10:01 PM Zeitzone Berlin

Biophan Announces Issuance of Two New Patents in MRI Compatibility, Expands Lead in Intellectual Property


ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 28, 2005--
New Patents Strengthen Company's Competitive Advantage in Several Multi-Billion-Dollar Healthcare Markets

Biophan Technologies, Inc. (OTC BB: BIPH), a developer of next-generation biomedical technology, has announced the issuance of two new patents by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that extend the Company's competitive edge in the marketplace for the rapidly emerging field of MRI safety and image compatibility for medical instruments and implanted devices. Michael Weiner, CEO of Biophan, made the announcement.

These newly-issued patents build on the base Biophan has already established with the development of proprietary solutions that make medical devices safe and compatible with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment. Currently, millions of patients with implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers, cannot be safely or effectively imaged with MRI technology, and those with stents have to undergo invasive diagnostic procedures due to image problems with MRI and X-ray that have previously limited the ability to see the inside of a stent.

" The new patents will help ensure Biophan's leadership position and competitive advantages in improving over $12 billion of medical devices which ship every year with limitations in working with MRI," said Mr. Weiner. " Biophan has already gained important patent and technological command of the three fundamental approaches to MRI compatibility: anti-antenna designs, which is the subject of a recently issued U.S. patent; nanomagnetic particle thin-film coatings, in which today's issued patent adds to our already broad coverage and specifically teaches how to shield conductors such as pacemaker leads and guidewires; and photonics, where we've developed extensive fiber-optic solutions and patent coverage useful in addressing problems of MRI imaging and safety."

One of the newly-issued patents, issued to Biophan technology partner, Nanoset LLC, provides fundamental patent protection for a range of very important nano-particulate thin-film coating characteristics that enable them to provide the electro-magnetic shielding to make medical devices safe and image compatible under MRI environments.

The second newly-issued patent relates to the creation of medical leads or wires that are based upon fiber-optic components. Applications include the use of leads for implantable devices and for interventional medical procedures. They also cover the use of external leads used to receive and relay information through the MRI environment, such as surface-mounted ECG electrode data. The patents describe methods that make such systems safe and image compatible, with virtually zero interference with MRI images.

Mr. Weiner added: " While Biophan previously discontinued work on a photonic pacemaker lead when our other development efforts solved the problems in a much simpler and more cost-effective manner, we believe that a range of future implantable and surgical medical devices will use photonic solutions, and we are pleased to have a large and growing patent portfolio covering this emerging capability."

The newly issued patents have also furthered Biophan's progress toward finalizing agreements with product development and manufacturing partners in the healthcare industry. " The issuance of these Biophan patents and others, such as the anti-antenna patent, and nanoparticle coatings, has been very helpful in moving negotiations into the final contract phase," said Mr. Weiner. " There is a certain degree of uncertainty with patents that are pending and a strong degree of strength when patents actually issue with strong claims. Clearly, in the areas of making devices safe and visible under MRI, we have covered the waterfront. Similarly, when it comes to making stents visible under MRI, we clearly have both the demonstrated capability and the intellectual property coverage."

The devices covered by Biophan's intellectual property portfolio cover not only today's products, but also key components of future medical devices. Such next-generation products include diagnostic implants, such as smart stents and other implantable devices where the device and electrical circuitry are both safe and visible with MRI, and are also capable of communicating telemetry to physicians without interference.

" We are pleased to now be making progress with multiple companies on both exclusive and non-exclusive arrangements across a wide arena of biomedical devices that have the potential to make a significant improvement in the ability of physicians to care for their patients," said Mr. Weiner. " This was our founding mission, and we are pleased to be demonstrating this continued progress."

About Biophan Technologies

Biophan develops and markets cutting-edge technologies designed to make biomedical devices safe and compatible with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment. The Company develops enabling technologies for implanted medical systems such as pacemakers and interventional surgical devices such as catheters, guidewires, stents, and other implants to allow them to be safely and effectively imaged under MRI. The technology is also being used to create MRI contrast agents, and has expanded to include other applications, such as drug delivery and power systems derived from body heat. Four Biophan technologies include advances in nanotechnology and thin-film coatings. Committed to growth through innovation and developmental leadership, Biophan and its licensors now hold a total of 104 U.S. patents, licenses, or applications. This total includes 28 issued U.S. patents, 8 recently-allowed applications that will issue as patents in the near future, and 68 pending applications at various stages of examination at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patents cover areas including nanotechnology (nanomagnetic particle coatings), radio frequency filters, polymer composites, thermoelectric materials for batteries generating power from body heat, and photonics. Biophan has joint development arrangements with Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) and NASA's Ames Center for Nanotechnology. Biophan's goal is to make all biomedical devices capable of safely and successfully working with MRI, and delivering other technologies which will improve quality of life. For more information, please visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from such statements expressed or implied herein as a result of a variety of factors including, but not limited to: the development of Biophan's MRI technologies; the approval of Biophan's patent applications; the successful implementation of Biophan's research and development programs; the acceptance by the market of Biophan's products; competition and the timing of projects and trends in future operating performance, as well as other factors expressed from time to time in Biophan's periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the " SEC" ). As a result, this press release should be read in conjunction with Biophan's periodic filings with the SEC. The forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as of the date of this press release, and Biophan undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

30.01.05 13:38

6685 Postings, 8021 Tage geldschneiderBiophan übernimmt AMRIS

Biophan übernimmt AMRIS
Biophan Technologies hat eine Absichtserklärung zur Übernahme von AMRIS aus Castrop-Rauxel, eines deutschen Entwicklers von MRI-sicheren und bildkompatiblen Technologielösungen und Biomedizingeräten, abgegeben.
Auszug oder im Newsletter Nanotech-Alert 


Wo ist eigentlich die heimatbörse? USA? OTC?

Und das Kürzel? Danke




30.01.05 13:51

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73@geldschneider

Du wirst alles im Thread hier und vor allem auf wallstreet-online finden.Auch dass Biophan Amris"offiziell" noch nicht übernommen hat und dann einen 51%igen Anteil an Amris hat.


in FFM: BTN  

30.01.05 22:13

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73treffen

Freunde aus dem Wo-Forum haben sich mit M.Weiner und Friebe von Amris getroffen.Der Herr weiner,so die User,hat einen sehr festen und überlegten Eindruck gemacht.
Auffällig war,dass Weiner ein sehr breites Netz an Patente aufbaut.Daher wird es schwer für andere Firmen,dieses Netz zu durchdringen.weiners Netz wird so attraktiv für die Instis,dass er sich die Firmen aussuchen kann.
Alles ist nur eine Frage der zeit,kürzester Zeit.

Übrigens,das treffen wurde von den W.O. Usern,speziell Bachalor und dehoim,organisiert und Mr Weiner hat sofort zugesagt,wie auch der Herr Friebe von Amris.Von W.O. wird hier sehr fest an einer Verbindung zwischen Aktionären,die nicht unerheblich in Deutschland sind und boston/Amris gearbeitet.

Auch darf alles on Board diskutiert werden und ich werde gern hier auf Ariva infos bringen die in W.o. diskutiert werden.

morgen dürfen wir jedenfalls ein plus erwarten  

30.01.05 22:16

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73tricky w.o.

Und es ist halt auch so.....Biophan stellt ja selbst Nichts her............Die künftigen Einnahmen von Biophan sind Lizenzgebühren die Firmen an sie zahlen....daher ist es außerordentlich wichtig, dass der Boss der Firma sich damit auskennt......und Mike kann das.......und wenn die Verträge erstmal abgeschlossen sind, dann gibt es fast nur Einnahmen und fast keine Ausgaben.............wobei ich persönlich glaube, dass Biophan immer Geld für neue Patentanmeldungen brauchen wird.........denn dieser Mann gibt nicht auf wenn er neue Möglichkeiten sieht

war auch bei dem Weiner-Date dabei  

30.01.05 22:39

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73weiterhin

soll Biophan schon zwei Verträge abgelehnt haben,da die Marge zu schlecht war.  

31.01.05 13:56

6685 Postings, 8021 Tage geldschneider@aida danke o. T.

31.01.05 14:15

1539 Postings, 8166 Tage aida73von steve de Ville

mein fazit von gestern ...

insgesamt wenig neues
allerdings war ich doch ziemlich erstaunt über weiner und co wie locker die so drauf sind ...
aber nicht unprofessionel ..
weiner ist in meinen augen ein visionär mit einer erstaunlich guten strategie und fähigen leuten drumrum ...
das geschäftsmodell ... wenn es so funktioniert ... und davon bin ich eigentlich überzeugt ist hocheffektiv und verspricht 100 % umsatz = 80 % gewinn
kein wunder das er patente sammelt
er muss nur vorrausschauent arbeiten und das tut er ...
siehe nanotubes ... diese nachricht hat zwar nichts direkt  mit biph zu tun aber sie wurde allgemein falsch interpretiert .... hier ging es nicht um 500 t der tonerde sondern 500 t reine nanotubes ....
auch wurde mir bestätigt das die übernahme von amris nicht aus dem grund geschah das amris ein direkter konkurent war ... sondern die produkte / Patente von amris die von biph ergänzen ....
ein deal ... ob nun vor dem 28.2. oder danach .. befördert den kurs in eine andere dimension und wenn man davon ausgehen kann das dem gewinn entsprechende dividenten ausgezahlt würden ...  selbst wenn nur 50 % davon ausgezahlt würden ...
es gibt ein cashflow von ca. 500 k dollar im monat sprich ca. 6-7 millionen im jahr ... daraus kann man die effektivität rauslesen ....
alles im allen empfinde ich eine große seriösität und kompetenz bei mw ....

wir werden alle noch unseren spass mit der firma haben ...
aber man muss auch damit rechnen das es etwas länger dauert als geplant ...... mir persönlich dann aber egal wenn er 1 % mehr rausholen kann ....

01.02.05 19:19

306 Postings, 7722 Tage manager01Jo Super!!!!

wieder 5 punte runter! sehhhhr schön!  

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