Hoffentlich wird was aus der versprochenen Unterstützung, aber Homex hat noch weitere Trümpfe auf der Hand:In Mexico werden interne Schulden vor dem Insolvenzgericht als normale Schulden behandelt(durch einen Schlupfloch im Gesetz) , dass ist auch der Grund wieso die Bonds so billig sind.
"Fitch Downgrades Homex's Ratings to 'RD' ... Homex reports combining financial information as of Dec. 31, 2012, which raised concerns about the creation of large intercompany loans/transactions by the company during 2012. Fitch has not been able to ascertain the exact details of the intercompany loans/transactions between Homex, its guarantor subsidiaries, and its non-guarantor subsidiaries. These loans/transactions have the potential to hurt recoveries of external creditors in the event they are treated pari passu by a Mexican bankruptcy court, as this gives Homex's existing shareholders a significant say in a potential debt restructuring. ..."