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27.08.10 13:15

1987 Postings, 6594 Tage DasMünzPeak RESOURCES REE&Gold

27.09.10 22:48

1987 Postings, 6594 Tage DasMünz!! Ngualla Rare Earth Project

Ngualla Rare Earth Project
– Reverse Circulation drill results
Significant Rare Earth, Niobium (Nb2O5), Tantalum (Ta2O5) and Phosphate (P2O5) intercepts have been
returned from Peak Resources four hole reconnaissance Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling programme
within the hard rock core zone of the Ngualla Carbonatite that is over 2.5 km long. Results include:
NRC 1 intercepted 40m @ 3.25% Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) (TREO), higher +5% TREO zones
and mineralisation to End of Hole (EOH).
NRC 2 intercepted 20m @ 3.7% TREO ending in mineralisation of 4m @ 5.18% TREO (EOH).
NRC 3 intercepted 30m @ 0.38% Nb2O5 and 150ppm Ta2O5 with hole ending in 0.34% Nb2O5 and 165ppm Ta2O5,
additionally with 26m @ 14.7% P2O5.
NRC 4 intercepted 24m @ 0.39% Nb2O5 and 128ppm Ta2O5 with hole ending in 0.46% Nb2O5 and 151ppm Ta2O5.
Company considers these results to be highly
encouraging due to the wide spacing and
reconnaissance nature of these holes and the broad
down hole intervals of mineralisation intersected.
After the recent air core drilling campaign on the
alluvial zones the four shallow reconnaissance RC
holes were drilled within the central core of the Ngualla
Carbonatite. The central core comprises hard rock
units with approximate surface expression of 2.5 km by
700 metres. The holes were not optimally sited and the
drill rig had only limited RC drill capability thus limiting
the depth penetration.
Interpretation of the air core results and Landsat
studies (satellite), lead the Company to fast track
analysis for these four holes to assist in planning for further drilling proposed for mid-late October of this year.
The results have significantly exceeded expectations, with all holes intercepting broad zones of mineralisation.
(Note intercepts are quoted as down-hole intervals).
A second zone grid north of NRC 1 and 2 contains extensive Niobium, Tantalum with associated Phosphate with
additional anomalism in some of the Heavy Rare Earths, Europium (Eu2O5), Gadolinium (Gd2O5), Yttrium and lesser
but, potentially significant Lanthanum (La2O5) and Cerium (Ce2O5).
A full table of results is attached.
The central hard rock core will be the target of the Company’s second drill programme at Ngualla which is scheduled
to commence in approximately 3 to 4 weeks time (late October). In the interim, additional results from alluvial zone
drilling and geophysical work will be announced as they come to hand and are assessed.
Alastair Hunter

04.10.10 08:57

103 Postings, 8275 Tage Baby bornGanz ein heißer Tip im Bereich "Seltene Erden" !

04.02.11 07:26

103 Postings, 8275 Tage Baby bornHeute in Australien über 40 % Plus !

Derzeit bei 0,76 AUD gehandelt.....  

04.02.11 11:46

1987 Postings, 6594 Tage DasMünz64 metres at 5.48% rare earth oxide from the surfa

Peak Resources (ASX: PEK) has identified some very encouraging rare earth oxides from reverse circulation drilling at the Ngualla project in Tanzania.

The drilling highlights are:

- 64 metres at 5.48% rare earth oxide from the surface; and
- 34 metres at 7.30% rare earth oxide from the surface.

Importantly, all 13 drill holes intersected are above 1% rare earth oxide.

Peak said the geological setting of the mineralisation is similar to Lynas Corporation's (ASX: LYC) Mt Weld project in Western Australia.

The comparison is drawn from the rare earth oxide, phosphate and tantalum – niobium enrichment located in a deeply developed regolith profile above a large carbonatite.

The wide zones of rare earth oxide identified in these latest results are in addition to extensive alluvial rare earth oxides identified in 2010 by an aircore drilling program.

There is the potential for more rare earth results within weeks, as assay results from a further five reverse circulation and three diamond holes are still pending.

More drilling is currently being planned at Ngualla, which is forecast to commence in April after the wet season.  

18.11.11 10:42

103 Postings, 8275 Tage Baby bornNEU - Gute Nachricht !!

From PEK dd. 18. Nov. 2011:
Funds (3.2 AUD) will be utilised to complete the acquisition of Zari Exploration Ltd. providing PEK 100 % interest (= ownership) in the Ngualla Rare Earth project.  

18.11.11 12:28

103 Postings, 8275 Tage Baby bornCorrection: 3.2 mio AUD

23.11.11 05:20

1622 Postings, 5371 Tage heller-goisernNews vom23/11

Peak-Ressourcen Bohren liefert höchste Seltene Erden-Typen noch in Ngualla
Mittwoch, 23. November, 2011 von Jeff Coote
Mit Ergebnissen darunter ein 4-Meter-Zone mit einem Gehalt 10,7% Seltene Erden Oxide (REO) aus 32 Metern, sagte Peak-Executive Chairman Alastair Hunter Proactive Investors heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen ab, um von potenziellen Investoren Eckpfeiler in der Ngualla Projekt in Tansania angefahren werden.

Peak Resources '( ASX: PEK ) neuesten Untersuchungsergebnisse von seinem Jungfernflug Ressource-Bohrprogramm auf dem Ngualla Seltene Erden Projekt in Süd-Tansania gehören ein 4-Meter-Zone mit einem Gehalt 10,7% Seltene Erden Oxide (REO) aus 32 Metern. Die Ergebnisse repräsentieren einige der höchsten Grad Kreuzungen erhalten, um das Projekt, wo Bohrungen gut voran und geplante Fertigstellung ist für etwa fünf Tage, mit 11 Löchern für schätzungsweise 1040 m restlichen Tag.

Peak-Executive Chairman Alastair Hunter sagte Proactive Investors heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen ab, um von potenziellen Eckpfeiler Investoren angesprochen werden und dass er glaubt, Peak ist ein "etwas Besonderes" in der Ngualla Project. Höhepunkte aus sieben neuen Bohrlöchern im südlichen Seltene Erden-Zone gehören: - 120 Meter bei 4,06% REO von der Oberfläche, darunter 36 Meter mit 7,40% aus 22 Metern, und . - 120 Meter bei 3,54% REO von der Oberfläche, darunter 46 Meter mit 6,17% von der Oberfläche Die Ergebnisse untermauern, dass Ngualla einer der größten und bessere Note neuen Seltene Erden Entdeckungen der letzten Jahre und ein Mädchen JORC Seltenen Erden Ressourcen werden von den Beratern Hellman und Schofield am Ende des ersten Quartals des Jahres 2012 werden sowohl für die Süd-Rare Earth und dem Südwesten Auen abgeschlossen. Spitzenleistung würde getragen werden durch die Ergebnisse wie das Unternehmen am 21. November angekündigt, dass sie A $ 3.200.000 durch die Platzierung von 11.300.000 Aktien zu erhöhen auf $ 0,28 pro Aktie auf den Erwerb von Zari Exploration Ltd Fonds, dem Unternehmen eine 100% ige Beteiligung an der Ngualla Rare Earth Project.

Ein insgesamt 243 Löcher für 18.212 Metern haben nun in der südlichen Rare Earth, die South West Alluvial-und Nord-Niob-Tantal-Zonen abgeschlossen. Das Unternehmen eingestellt ist, weiter zu erforschen das enorme Potenzial des Projekts, wo die vielversprechende flachen, breiten selten Erden-Oxid Kreuzungen wurden ausgegraben. Peak erwartet zwei weitere Sätze von Ergebnissen vor Weihnachten. Vererzung auf Ngualla ist sehr ähnlich, die Lynas Corporation (ASX: LYC) . Mt Weld in Westaustralien, dass Seltene Erden Bereicherung in den tief verwitterten Regolith-Profil eines großen Karbonatitkomplex Das Projekt hat das Potenzial, große, oberflächennahe Lagerstätten von Niob-Tantal-und Phosphat-Host. Peak ist derzeit Betreiber und Manager verdient 80% Eigenkapital in das Projekt, indem Joint Venture Partner Zari bis zum Abschluss einer bankfähigen Machbarkeitsstudie. südlichen Seltene Erden-Zone Die neuen großen Kreuzungen zeigen die Konsistenz der Seltenen Erden-Mineralisierung in der südlichen Seltene Erden-Zone. Das Unternehmen erklärte, die +5% REO-Mineralisierung erstreckt sich über 660 Meter in Nord-Süd-Richtung und 740 m in Ost-West am südlichsten Bohrungen durchqueren abgeschlossen dem neuesten Stand und bleibt offen für die nördlich und südlich. Mineralisation bisher zu einer maximalen vertikalen Tiefe von 155 Meter und die Ergebnisse wurden bisher getesteten deuten auf eine große Tonnagen-Potenzial bei Ngualla, sowohl in der angereicherten verwitterte Zone und die zugrunde liegenden frischen Gestein Karbonatit. South West Alluvial Zone Die jüngsten Ergebnisse bestätigen die Seltenen Erden-Mineralisierung wieder von der 2010 Aufklärungs-Programm und auch identifizieren versprechende Gehalte an Niob-Tantal-und Phosphat in einigen Bereichen. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen zwei Horizonte der Bereicherung in dieser Metalle - ein nahe der Oberfläche innerhalb transportiert Kiese und eine zweite Zone innerhalb verwitterter Fels in der Tiefe, mit vielen Löchern endet in Mineralisierung. Das Unternehmen plant, eine umfassende Bewertung der Niob-Tantal-und Phosphat-Potenzial dieses Bereichs abgeschlossen, wenn die Untersuchungsergebnisse von den restlichen 40 Bohrlöcher aus dem Süden West-Alluvial Zone empfangen werden. Spitzenleistung erwartet einen stetigen Strom von Assay-Ergebnisse bis Ende Januar 2012 von den 37 Reverse-Circulation-und Diamantbohrungen in der südlichen Seltene Erden-Zone weiter, 40 aircore Löcher in der South West Alluvial Zone und alle 26 reverse -Bohrungen hervorragende in der nördlichen Niob -. Tantal-Phosphat Zone Aufbereitung und metallurgischen Tests sind im Gange über eine Reihe von seltenen Erden mineralisiert bulk Kernproben aus dem südlichen Seltene Erden-Zone auf Amdel Laboratories in Perth. Auch die Arbeiten begonnen auf einem Bulk-Bohrkerns von Phosphat-, Niob-und Tantal-Mineralisierung aus der nördlichen Zone.  

04.02.12 22:26

1987 Postings, 6594 Tage DasMünzPreliminary metallurgical test work

Preliminary metallurgical test work - Ngualla Rare Earth
Exploration Update | Drilling Report
• Non – optimised initial acid leach test work on a composite sample of weathered mineralisation
leaches 88% of rare earths.
• Further leach test work has been prioritised to evaluate the possibility of a relatively simple processing
route to produce a high grade rare earth concentrate for this higher grade, near surface portion of
the Ngualla rare earth mineralisation.
• Simple wet table characterisation of primary fresh rock rare earth mineralisation produces positive
beneficiation results in preliminary sighter tests.
Ngualla in southern Tanzania is one of the largest and better grade new rare earth discoveries of recent years.
The Company is on track to complete the maiden JORC compliant rare earth resource estimate for the Southern
Rare Earth and South West Alluvial Zones before the end of the March 2012 quarter.
Rare earth mineralisation within the Southern Rare Earth Zone at Ngualla occurs from surface in the following main hosts:
1. iron rich gravel colluvium and ferricrete. Typical grade 1 to 4 % REO*
2. highly weathered carbonatite, rare earth enriched, iron and barite rich, the original carbonate minerals are completely
leached – typically 2.5 to 7% REO
3. fresh, primary carbonatite rock, iron poor, carbonate rich – 1.5 to 2.5% REO
*REO = Total Rare Earth Oxide
Mineralogical studies have shown that bastnasite and synchysite are the main rare earth minerals and occur within a barite –
iron oxide hydroxide lithology in the weathered zone and a carbonate rich lithology with barite in fresh carbonatite. Alumina is
negligible and there are no clay minerals. Uranium and thorium levels are very low at 17ppm and 37ppm average respectively
within +1% REO mineralisation in the Southern Rare Earth Zone. The rare earth carbonates are predominantly liberated, with
grain sizes between 10 and 120 microns.
Mineralisation in the South West Alluvial Zone (Figure 1) occurs from surface over a wide area within unconsolidated
(potentially ‘free-dig’) material at grades of 2 to 4% REO. Rare earth mineralisation in the Northern Niobium – Tantalum –
Phosphate Zone ranges in grade from 1 to 2.5% REO but is also accompanied by niobium mineralisation in the 0.25 to 1.5%
Nb2O5 range and phosphate at 15 to 25% within an iron rich magnetite – apatite rock.
These rock types have different chemical and physical
properties, leading to the potential for different opportunities
regarding beneficiation and concentrate production routes
for each.
Metallurgy, including beneficiation, is a key driver for
development time, capital and operating costs for rare
earth projects and the Company has implemented a
large test work program to address these issues. Peak’s
appointed metallurgical consultants Bateman Engineering
are overseeing a series of studies on bulk diamond core or
RC drill chip samples of each of the styles of mineralisation,
which were obtained from the recently completed drilling
program. Individual tests (Figure 2) include crushing,
grinding, screening, heavy liquid separation, wet table, magnetic separation, flotation and direct acid leach to determine the
optimal method to produce a rare earth concentrate (and / or niobium – tantalum or phosphate for the Northern Zone sample).
Initial positive results from some early baseline studies have already been received and are presented below.
Leach test work – weathered mineralisation
Preliminary acid leach test work on eight reverse circulation (RC) drill samples of weathered rare earth mineralisation from the
Southern Rare Earth Zone has produced some early encouragement with between 8 and 92% of rare earths leached.
Eight samples were tested, seven being individual two metre composite samples from single RC drill holes. The remaining
sample was a bulk composite of 25 x 2m composite samples from six RC holes. The tests used 11% sulphuric acid at
atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 900 centigrade for a total period of 22 hours.
Of the eight samples tested, one sample showed very low (8%) rare earth leach extraction. Two samples leached 30% and 46%
of the rare earths. The remaining five samples showed encouragingly high rare earth leach extractions of 65%, 87% 88%, 88%
and 92% (Table 1). Importantly, the more representative bulk composite sample showed an 88% rare earth leach extraction.
Acid consumption rates varied from 83 to 366kg/tonne (see Table 1).
These are first pass, basic sighter test results on a small number of samples. Test work has not yet been optimised to reduce
acid consumption and increase rare earth recovery, and further work will be completed with the aim of improving on these
initial results. Additional work is planned to determine the cause of the wide variation in rare earth leach extraction and acid
consumption, so that these may be improved and / or preferential parts of the deposit identified for potential processing by
acid leach.
Test work is also proceeding to determine what grade of rare earth concentrate may be achievable by the sequential precipitation
of the rare earth solution.
The Company considers these initial leach results to be encouraging and has prioritised further test work to evaluate the
possibility of a relatively simple processing route that will produce a high grade rare earth concentrate for this higher grade,
near surface portion of the Ngualla rare earth mineralisation.
Beneficiation of primary mineralisation
Initial beneficiation studies on a bulk diamond core sample of fresh rock rare earth mineralisation from the Southern Rare Earth
Zone returned encouraging upgrades of mineralisation from wet table test work. This initial basic baseline test work succeeded
in concentrating 84% of the head feed mineralisation, with a grade of 1.69% REO, 290% (almost 3 x’s) to 4.87% REO. The
concentrate is contained within just 34% of the mass of the original feed material (an alternative presentation of these initial
results is that 66% of the original mass is able to be discarded for the loss of just 16% of the mineralisation).
Although this single stage preliminary beneficiation characterisation work has not immediately produced a commercial grade
concentrate, it has demonstrated the potential for simple gravity separation to form an important component of a multi – part
processing stream for this important second style of rare earth mineralisation at Ngualla.
Similar to the leach test work, these are first pass, basic sighter test results on a single sample of primary, fresh rock
mineralisation. Test work has not yet been optimised for grain size or other factors and further work will be completed with
the aim of improving on these initial results. Further test work on these and other beneficiation techniques and combinations
thereof are required and are currently in progress to identify an optimal processing route that will produce a commercial grade
rare earth concentrate product from this fresh rock mineralisation.
The Company considers these initial beneficiation results to be encouraging and will continue to provide updates on results of
the various beneficiation and metallurgical test work programs as they come to hand.
Richard Beazley Managing Director
<< Back To Headlines  

03.12.12 15:44

1987 Postings, 6594 Tage DasMünzUS$ 400 million capex and US$1,571 million NPV

Scoping Study defines project economics of US$10.09/kg
opex, US$ 400 million capex and US$1,571 million NPV  

03.04.14 01:00

7783 Postings, 6132 Tage videomartPeak Resources delivers robust PFS for Ngualla...

...making it one of the largest and highest grade rare earth deposits in the world

Posted on March 31, 2014 by Asher Berube  

26.07.17 12:39

5805 Postings, 4852 Tage thairatPeaks in GB geplante Seperations Fabrik

scheint mir keine gute Idde:
Der britische EU-Austritt gefährdet einer Studie zufolge die weit verzweigten Lieferketten... „Die komplexen Lieferketten könnten durch den Brexit schlimmstenfalls gesprengt werden“, warnte der Wissenschaftler Berthold Busch in dem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Gutachten für das arbeitgebernahe Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (IW).  

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