Conspiracy wird steigen wie eine Rakete!!

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eröffnet am: 14.12.06 00:07 von: arnonoe Anzahl Beiträge: 82
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14.12.06 00:07

68 Postings, 6655 Tage arnonoeConspiracy wird steigen wie eine Rakete!!


!!!!!!!!!! UNSER MUSTERDEPOT-SPECIAL 2006 !!!!!!!!!!

Conspiracy Entertainment Corp.
Die Kursrakete im Wachstumsmarkt Videospiele

Die Conspiracy Entertainment Corp. hat die Zeichen der Zeit sehr früh erkannt und ihre Geschäftstätigkeit auf Interaktives Entertainment umgestellt. Diese zwei Schlagworte die im heutigen Handy- und Internetzeitalter immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen, werden dem Unternehmen in Zukunft noch prächtige Wachstumsraten und Ihnen als Aktionären noch hohe Kursgewinne bringen.

Die Conspiracy Entertainment Corp entwickelt Spiele und Anwendungen für die allseits bekannten Spielkonsolen. Dabei vor allem, die nicht nur bei Jugendlichen, sondern mittlerweile unter allen Altersschichten beliebten, wie z.B. den Nintendo Game Cube, die Sony Playstation oder die Xbox von Microsoft. Es profitieren nicht nur die Hersteller der Konsolen von der wachsenden Beliebtheit, sondern auch die Spiele- und Content-Entwickler. Eines dieser jungen, wilden Unternehmen ist die im folgenden näher vorgestellte Conspiracy Entertainment Corp. (WKN: 911967/ ISIN: US21032P1021), die sich in einem attraktiven Nischenmarkt ausgezeichnet positioniert hat und deshalb nach unserer Einschätzung auf lange Sicht über glänzende Wachstumsperspektiven verfügen wird.


Der 1997 gegründeten und in Santa Monica ansässigen Conspiracy Entertainment Corp. ist es zuletzt mehr und mehr gelungen, ihre Marktposition als Entwickler und Vermarkter von interaktiven Inhalten auszubauen. Dazu zählt in erster Linie die Neuentwicklung von Spielen für die gängigsten Konsolen wie die oben genannte Playstation 2, Game Cube oder die Microsoft Xbox. Zudem erwirbt das Unternehmen Lizenzen für marktreife oder kurz vor dem Entwicklungsende stehende Produkte, um diese anschließend zu vermarkten. Profitieren kann das Unternehmen nach unserer Einschätzung dabei von der umfassenden Produktpalette, sowie der hohen Qualität der Computerspiele, die in der Vergangenheit des Öfteren prämiert wurden. Um sich einer möglichst großen Käuferschicht zu öffnen, versucht das Unternehmen mit der Entwicklung neuer Inhalte, eine möglichst große Anzahl von verschiedensten Genres abzudecken.

Daneben stellt sich die Conspiracy Entertainment noch auf ein zweites Standbein. Es entwickelt Mobile-Content, wie Wallpaper, Kurzfilme und Spiele für Handys und dies ist ein absoluter Wachstumsmarkt in den kommenden Jahren. Bekannt wurde dieser Bereich durch die teilweise nervenden Klingeltöne, aber es wird in der Zukunft immer interessanter das Handy auch multimedial und so auch für Spiele etc. einzusetzen und benutzen zu können. Genau dort setzt die Conspiracy Entertainment Corp ihre Strategie an. Die Käuferschicht ist Willens und auch bereit, für Entertainment auf ihrem Handy viel Geld auszugeben. Dies kann man den aktuellsten Studien über diesen Markt entnehmen.


Durch den kontinuierlichen Wachstumskurs der vergangenen Jahre ist es Conspiracy Entertainment gelungen, eine ausgezeichnete Wettbewerbsposition im Markt für Offline-Konsolen-Spiele zu erringen. Der Markt ist weiter stark am wachsen. Die Konkurrenz ist zwar groß, dies wird und kann das Unternehmen aber durch den konsequenten Eintritt in den Handybereich kompensieren.

In den letzten Jahren ist die Gesellschaft fast in Vergessenheit geraten, da es durch den brutalen Abverkauf, der 51 %-igen Beteiligung, der inzwischen insolventen SWING! Entertainment AG be der Conspiracy Entertainement Corp über die Börse, zu heftigen Kursverlusten kam. Dies führte dazu, dass sich kein Finanzinvestor für diesen so entstandenen Pennystock interessierte. Vor 2,5 Jahren notierten die Aktien, der Gesellschaft noch bei 2 USD. Wir sehen das anders und die jüngsten Nachrichten geben uns Recht.

Am 25. November gab das Unternehmen bekannt, dass sich das 12 Monats EBITDA wieder im positiven Bereich befindet und dies das höchste seit 2 Jahren ist. Dies wird unserer Einschätzung nach, der Anfang einer einmaligen Wachstumsstory bedeuten.
Jede turn-a-round Story beginnt so und wir sehen hier bei den Aktien der Conspiracy Entertainment Corp. (WKN: 911967/ ISIN: US21032P1021) genau diese Konstellation, die zu unglaublichen Kursgewinnen führen kann. Die Bewertung der Conspiracy Entertainment Corp ist auf diesem Niveau ein Witz. Unser Fair-Value dieser Gesellschaft liegt vorerst bei 0,1 € und das sind 1000 % für Sie.
Hört sich unglaublich an, ist aber so. Gerade im Pennystockbereich stößt man des Öfteren auf solche Raketen, da sich die Fondsmanager und Institutionellen Anleger erst um solche Aktien kümmern, wenn sie zwischen 4-5 USD stehen. Nutzen sie die Chance, die wir Ihnen aufzeigen und bauen Sie eine erste Position in diesem Wert bis 0,05 € auf. Damit haben Sie immer noch vorerst die Chance auf 100 % innerhalb weniger Wochen. Wir rechnen in der nächsten Zeit mit weiteren positiven Nachrichten und denken, dass die Aktien der Conspiracy Entertainment Corp. die Jahresendrakete 2006 und der Highflyer des Jahres 2007 werden. Wir nehmen die Aktien der Conspiracy Entertainment Corp in unser Musterdepot auf und setzen ein Kauflimit bis 0,05 €. Ein Stopploss setzen wir bei dieser Aktie vorerst nicht, da wir an die Story glauben und uns sicher sind, im nächsten Jahr wesentlich höher zu stehen. Setzen Sie aber nur einen kleinen Teil ihres Geldes ein, da es sich hier um eine turn-a-round Story handelt und deswegen immer mit Risiken verbunden sein kann.

Conspiracy Entertainment Corp.

ISIN: US21032P1021
WKN: 911967
Börse Berlin: CER
aktueller Kurs 0,005 €
Kursziel in 3-6 Monaten 0,1 € => 1000%!!

Viel Spaß beim Traden
Ihr tradersreport-team

Zeitpunkt: 14.12.06 02:29
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Regelverstoß


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56 Postings ausgeblendet.

28.04.07 18:52

502 Postings, 7015 Tage MkäferIn USA 0,038

und bei uns 0,019!?  

01.05.07 10:11

502 Postings, 7015 Tage MkäferDas wird aber


Conspiracy Entertainment's Highly Anticipated 'Pocket Pool' Video Game Hits U.S. Retail Stores

Last Update: 8:30 AM ET Apr 30, 2007

LOS ANGELES, April 30, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Conspiracy Entertainment Holdings Inc. ("Conspiracy") (CPYE : conspiracy entmt hldgs inc com
News , chart , profile , more
Last: 0.05+0.01+18.42%

12:24am 05/01/2007

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Create alertInsider
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CPYE0.05, +0.01, +18.4%) , a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, announced today that pursuant to a distribution agreement with Eidos announced on March 7, 2007, the Company's highly-anticipated billiards simulation video game Pocket Pool is now available for sale throughout North American retail stores. Eidos Interactive Ltd., one of the world's leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, commenced distribution of Pocket Pool on April 18, 2007.

Sirus Ahmadi, president of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "The release of Pocket Pool represents our first distribution project with Eidos, and we couldn't be more pleased with the results. Our new video game reached our target audience in North America on-schedule, and was expertly timed for placement in retail stores during U.S. school vacation week."
"We are starting to capture sales domestically, and expect to establish retail distribution in highly-targeted growth markets overseas in the near future," said Keith Tanaka, chief financial officer of Conspiracy Entertainment.
Advanced AI and real world physics make Pocket Pool the most realistic simulator on the market. The game features 13 scintillating pool games including 9 ball, 8 ball Rotation, Black Jack and Snooker. A player's success in the pool halls will be rewarded by un-lockable videos and pixel-perfect image galleries of "Dream Models" taken by the web's premier glamour photographer J. Stephen Hicks.

28.09.07 13:06

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm...kursbewegung..

...bei conspirace ist bei 0,021 neuer boden gebildet, kurs bis auf 0,026 gestiegen - 23 %, bei 90000 umsatz, das müste genug sein um die 0,03 €  zu erreichen....  

30.09.07 16:27

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm...kursbewegung.. gut gelaufen am freitag, 0,032€  = ca. 52 % +, auch an der nasdaq / otc mit + 18 % dann schönes w.e. an die trader und traderinen.....  

01.10.07 11:12

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm...weiter positive..


01.10.07 13:59

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbmweitere Postings .....

..wären sicher recht interessant zu momentanen situation bei conspirace  

01.10.07 21:14

502 Postings, 7015 Tage Mkäferich warte noch bis

es die 3$ Marke erreicht, dann werde ich vieleicht verkaufen.

02.10.07 09:59

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm...korrektur...

...war abzusehen, macd u. rsi im extrem überkauften bereich, nachdem gestern der höchstkurs -- 0,043 vom dez 06 durchbrochen wurde und auch in der firmenausweitung änderungen sind, dürfte das papier zum traden weiterhin viel potetial haben....  

02.10.07 17:35

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbmgeld - brief frankfurt 0,025 / 0,035 bei 50000 stk......  

03.10.07 15:56

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm...wenig interesse...

..über diesen wert / boardaustausch......anscheinend....aber vieleicht sind die conspiracer auch auf dem münchner oktoberfest...noch schönen feiertag zusammen  

15.10.07 17:29

374 Postings, 6726 Tage bnbm..15 %..

nach oben, umsatz 99.000, in dem board ist wohl keiner mehr mit auch ziemlich heises papier....  

07.11.07 13:32

520 Postings, 8024 Tage petkiich warte bis 3$ ...

01.04.08 12:01

520 Postings, 8024 Tage petkiSuper Zahlen:

We anticipate to report over $5 million in revenues (unaudited) for the three months ended December 31, 2007. This represents a year-over-year increase in sales of 2824% compared to $171,000 reported in the fourth quarter of 2006. Fourth quarter 2007 revenues grew 194% compared to $1.7 million reported in the third quarter of 2007. For the year ended December 31, 2007, we expect to report over $7.5 million in revenues (unaudited), compared to $803,493 (audited) for the year ended December 31, 2006.
We have closed 2007 with great optimism and believe 2008 will be one of our strongest years of revenue growth in our decade-long history. We have 10 to 20 additional games on all major platforms scheduled for release this year, and are well positioned to build shareholder value in 2008 and beyond.
You may visit or for future updates. As always, thank you for your continued interest and support in Conspiracy Entertainment.  

01.04.08 12:08

21680 Postings, 7260 Tage pfeifenlümmelAlle Achtung, petki!

16.04.08 16:12

520 Postings, 8024 Tage petkiUnd noch eine

Bestätigung das man die Aktie, auf alle Fälle, ins Depot nehmen sollte.  

16.04.08 16:14

520 Postings, 8024 Tage petkiups..., hier der Beitrag:

LOS ANGELES, April 16, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Conspiracy
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Create alertInsider, a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, announced today its audited revenues for the year ended December 31, 2007. Revenues increased ten-fold to $8,791,131 for the year 2007 compared to total revenues of $803,493 for the year 2006. For the fourth quarter of 2007, Conspiracy reported revenues of $6,271,801, representing an increase of $6.1 million from revenues of $171,000 reported in the fourth quarter of 2006 and 269% higher than $1,700,00 reported for the third quarter of 2007. Detailed financial results are available on the Company's Form 10-KSB filed at:

15.07.08 17:51

5662 Postings, 6230 Tage _bbb_News

Conspiracy Entertainment Partners With phenomedia to Release 'Chicken Hunter' for the Nintendo Wii(TM)
Date : 07/15/2008 @ 11:43AM
Source : PR Newswire
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Conspiracy Entertainment Partners With phenomedia to Release 'Chicken Hunter' for the Nintendo Wii(TM)

LOS ANGELES, July 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Conspiracy Entertainment (OTC:CPYE) (BULLETIN BOARD: CPYE) , a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, announced today that it has entered into an agreement with phenomedia publishing gmbh, one of Europe's leading developers of casual interactive entertainment software, to distribute the character-driven Jump'n Run game "Chicken Hunter" for the Nintendo Wii(TM) platform.

(Logo: )

Marco Huesges, Executive Vice President of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "phenomedia is internationally renowned for successfully converting well-known movie and music licenses. 'Chicken Hunter' has a huge following in Europe, and we are excited to represent the franchise to North American audiences. 'Chicken Hunter' has enjoyed strong market acceptance on the Nintendo DS platform, and now is ready for play on the Wii. The game on the Wii provides enhanced functionality, including use of the revolutionary motion-sensitive remote controller as well as the unique Nunchuk, for realistic, action-packed entertainment."

Keith Tanaka, CFO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "We're excited to bring another title to market for the Nintendo Wii. We are continuing to release titles that appeal to a broad audience and on multiple platforms to create steady sales growth quarter-over-quarter in 2008."

Helge Borgarts, phenomedia publishing gmbh's CEO, is very satisfied with the new game, having said, "For Moorhuhn's first appearance on the Nintendo Wii, we are glad to announce major improvements regarding gameplay and the general look and feel of the game compared to earlier Chicken Hunter games. This a fresh concept for a famous casual icon combined with one of the best casual platforms on the console market -- it is bound to have a significant impact."

About Chicken Hunter (Wii)

Chicken Hunter for the Nintendo Wii is a 3D Jump'n Run played from a 3rd person perspective. The main character carries two tools: A wooden mallet that can be used to hammer down enemies on the ground and a pumpkin gun that rapidly fires pumpkin seeds at airborne attackers. In the Jump'n Run levels in which the character runs, jumps, hammers and shoots alternate with levels in which the chicken rides piggyback on other characters of the Chicken Hunter universe. The gameplay of the ride sequences will differ significantly from the Jump'n Run sequences ensuring a great variety of different challenges throughout the whole game.


-- 3D Jump'n Run featuring the character from 'Chicken Hunter' with 4 different game modes

-- Singleplayer Campaign Mode including classical Jump'n Run sequences as well as piggyback rides on a frog, a turtle and a ram

-- 2-player split screen multiplayer races

About phenomedia

phenomedia is a leading developer of casual interactive entertainment software based in Bochum, Germany. phenomedia focuses on producing high quality and fun-oriented games for everyone, with strong, congenial characters such as the famous Chicken Hunter (aka Moorhuhn) and Sven Bomwollen. phenomedia develops and markets for PC on- and offline, GBA, GBC, NDS, PS1, PS2 and mobile entertainment devices of all kinds. It also individually designs advertising games for product marketing and image building. For more information, visit

About Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation is a developer, publisher and marketer of entertainment software in North America and Western Europe. The Company develops and licenses properties from several sources, including global entertainment and media companies and publishes software for DVD media, wireless devices, personal computers and video game consoles, including those manufactured by Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation. Conspiracy Entertainment was founded in 1997 and is based in Santa Monica, CA.

Safe Harbor Statement: The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain of the statements contained herein, which are not historical facts, are forward- looking statements with respect to events, the occurrence of which involved risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements may be impacted, either positively or negatively, by various factors. Information concerning potential factors that could affect the company is detailed from time to time in the company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

At Conspiracy, contact:

Rick McCaffrey, Investors Relations, 781-444-6100 x625, ,

DATASOURCE: Conspiracy Entertainment

CONTACT: Rick McCaffrey, Investors Relations of Conspiracy

Entertainment, +1-781-444-6100, ext. 625,

Web site:  

30.07.08 15:14

5662 Postings, 6230 Tage _bbb_news

Conspiracy Entertainment to Release 'Summer Athletics' for the PlayStation(R)2 Computer Entertainment System this August
Date : 07/30/2008 @ 8:30AM
Source : PR Newswire
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Conspiracy Entertainment to Release 'Summer Athletics' for the PlayStation(R)2 Computer Entertainment System this August

LOS ANGELES, July 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation (OTC:CPYE) (BULLETIN BOARD: CPYE) , a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, is pleased to announce that "Summer Athletics" for the PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system will be released to retail stores in August 2008. Prepare your inner athlete for the ultimate summer challenge as Conspiracy Entertainment's "Summer Athletics" for the PlayStation(R)2 system goes for gold. The suggested retail price of $14.99 USD will make "Summer Athletics" the perfect game for families and casual gamers.

(Logo: )

Sirus Ahmadi, CEO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "We are very excited to start rolling 'Summer Athletics' across multiple platforms, including the PlayStation(R)2 system, to North American retailers. We have timed the game's release to ride the wave of excitement surrounding the world summer games in Beijing."

Keith Tanaka, CFO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "We believe 'Summer Athletics' will be another successful title for Conspiracy. Priced affordably with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from a PlayStation(R)2 system game, 'Summer Athletics' is a terrific way to entertain the whole family without breaking the bank. We anticipate this third quarter release will help us continue on a path a strong sales growth for the remainder of 2008."

For more information about "Summer Athletics," please visit A digital press kit is available at .

Developed by 49Games, "Summer Athletics" will bring more than 25 action-packed sports right into your home. "Summer Athletics" is a fresh and fun take on more than 25 sports such as sprinting, archery, javelin, hammer throw and swimming -- all presented in a friendly manner sure to please all types of players. Featuring controls custom-tailored to each platform, the game will be accessible to all types of gamers. A character editor, career mode, 3D animations and realistic environments round out the game's offerings, ensuring fun for the whole family and sports fans alike.

About Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation is a developer, publisher and marketer of entertainment software in North America and Western Europe. The Company develops and licenses properties from several sources, including global entertainment and media companies and publishes software for DVD media, wireless devices, personal computers and video game consoles, including those manufactured by Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation. Conspiracy Entertainment was founded in 1997 and is based in Santa Monica, CA.

"PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment.

CONTACT For media inquiries: Ted Brockwood Calico Media Communications ph. 503.342.8067 Skype & gtalk: tbrockwood | aim: calicomedia

For Investor Relations: Rick McCaffrey, OTC Financial Network, 781-444-6100 x625 ,

DATASOURCE: Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

CONTACT: Ted Brockwood of Calico Media Communications, +1-503-342-8067,

, Skype & gtalk: tbrockwood | aim: calicomedia; or

Investor Relations, Rick McCaffrey of OTC Financial Network, +1-781-444-6100,

Ext. 625, , both for Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

Web site:  

30.07.08 15:15

5662 Postings, 6230 Tage _bbb_news

Conspiracy Entertainment Goes for Gold with August Release of 'Summer Athletics' for the Nintendo Wii(TM)
Date : 07/28/2008 @ 8:30AM
Source : PR Newswire
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Conspiracy Entertainment Goes for Gold with August Release of 'Summer Athletics' for the Nintendo Wii(TM)

LOS ANGELES, July 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation (OTC:CPYE) (BULLETIN BOARD: CPYE) , a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, is pleased to announce that "Summer Athletics" for the Nintendo Wii(TM) is set to sprint into stores in early August 2008. Prepare your inner athlete for the ultimate summer challenge as Conspiracy Entertainment's "Summer Athletics" goes for gold. The suggested retail price of $29.99 USD will make "Summer Athletics" the perfect game for families and casual gamers.

(Logo: )

Sirus Ahmadi, CEO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "We are very excited to start rolling 'Summer Athletics' onto store shelves across North America next month. We have timed the game's release to ride the wave of excitement surrounding the world summer games in Beijing. Through our strategic, global partnerships, we are pleased to bring yet another fresh and fun take on sports entertainment that creates a user-controlled thrill ride using the best of the Wii's controls."

Keith Tanaka, CFO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "Summer Athletics was created by the innovators behind one of Conspiracy's top-selling games, 'Winter Sports.' We look forward to bringing 'Summer Athletics' to the same markets that made Winter Sports such a success for us."

Summer Athletics features 25 sports such as sprinting, archery, javelin, hammer throw and swimming. A custom character editor, lifelike graphics and realistic animations will immerse players in the game's diverse and challenging events. For more information about "Summer Athletics, please visit A digital press kit is available at .

Developed by 49Games, "Summer Athletics" will bring more than 25 action-packed sports right into your home. Featuring controls custom-tailored to each platform, the game will be accessible to all types of gamers. A character editor, career mode, 3D animations and realistic environments round out the game's offerings, ensuring fun for the whole family and sports fans alike.

About Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation is a developer, publisher and marketer of entertainment software in North America and Western Europe. The Company develops and licenses properties from several sources, including global entertainment and media companies and publishes software for DVD media, wireless devices, personal computers and video game consoles, including those manufactured by Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation. Conspiracy Entertainment was founded in 1997 and is based in Santa Monica, CA.

Wii IS A TRADEMARK OF NINTENDO CO. Ltd. All other brands and trademarks mentioned in this release are the property of their respective owners.

Safe Harbor Statement: The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain of the statements contained herein, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements with respect to events, the occurrence of which involved risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements may be impacted, either positively or negatively, by various factors. Information concerning potential factors that could affect the company is detailed from time to time in the company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

CONTACT For media inquiries: Ted Brockwood Calico Media Communications ph. 503.342.8067 Skype & gtalk: tbrockwood | aim: calicomedia

For Investor Relations: Rick McCaffrey, OTC Financial Network, 781-444-6100 x625 ,

DATASOURCE: Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

CONTACT: Ted Brockwood of Calico Media Communications,

+1-503-342-8067, , Skype & gtalk: tbrockwood | aim:

calicomedia; or Investor Relations, Rick McCaffrey of OTC Financial Network,

+1-781-444-6100, Ext. 625, , both for Conspiracy Entertainment


Web site:  

31.07.08 14:43

5662 Postings, 6230 Tage _bbb_News!

SBK08 Superbike World Championship Videogame Reaches USA
Date : 07/31/2008 @ 8:30AM
Source : PR Newswire
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SBK08 Superbike World Championship Videogame Reaches USA

LOS ANGELES, July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation (OTC:CPYE) (BULLETIN BOARD: CPYE) , a developer, publisher and marketer of interactive entertainment software in North America and Western Europe, announced today that it has entered into a publishing agreement with Black Bean, headquartered in Varese, Italy, to bring the videogame SBK(R)08 Superbike World Championship to North America. SBK(R)08 is scheduled for release this fall across several major gaming platforms. Additional versions of the game are planned to follow in the spring of 2009.


The Hannspree FIM Superbike World Championship, organized and promoted by FGSport since the 1980s in all its technical, organizational and promotional aspects, today represents one of the three "global products" of world motor sport and a heritage of undisputed value for motorbike fans. The race season attracts over 1 million attendees and 2 billion TV contacts through coverage on 95 television stations in 173 countries.

As well as featuring the official teams, riders and tracks of the current WSBK Championship, SBK08 has multiple difficulty settings and tuning options that will appeal to superbike fans and gamers alike.

The fast-paced, action packed arcade mode allows casual gamers and racing fans to jump straight in and challenge the WSBK official teams and riders in a range of weather conditions and on some of the most famous tracks around the world including Phillip Island (Australia), Monza (Italy), Silverstone (UK) and for the first time in the series Miller Motorsports Park (Salt Lake City, USA).

For the bike enthusiast, SBK08 offers unparalleled realism in the modelling and the handling of the bikes including detailed tuning and set-up options for every aspect of the bike (including suspension, gears, tires and braking). These will need to be optimized as the player progresses through each race weekend and as the conditions change from race to race throughout the championship.

David Pain, General Manager of Black Bean commented, "We're really excited to be bringing SBK08 to the US market with Conspiracy Entertainment at a time when the race series is becoming more widely known in North America. It is a truly great game for bike fans and for racing gamers in general looking for a new challenge."

Marco Husges, Executive Vice President of Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation, added, "It is good to be working with Black Bean and we are confident that we can build this franchise successfully in North America to mirror what has already been achieved in Europe."

As World Superbike came to the US in 2008, some riders even used pre-release code to practice the Miller track. Regis Laconi of the Kawasaki PSG-1 team commented, "I don't know the circuit so I'm waiting to be there and get as much information as possible ... I played with the SBK Xbox 360 videogame from Black Bean and it helped. Now I can say I know where the bends are."

Keith Tanaka, CFO of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "Conspiracy is very pleased to bring new business to the Company from overseas. Our partnership with Black Bean provides us the opportunity to take a wildly successful international release and establish a US market from the very beginning. As we roll-out multiple versions of the game on today's top-selling platforms, we anticipate SBK08 to be a strong revenue generator for us beginning in the third quarter of 2008 and well into 2009."

For more details, visit

About Lago/Black Bean

Lago S.r.l. is a world class publisher of entertainment software. Under its Black Bean label, the company publishes a range of high quality videogames across all major formats. Lago is headquartered in Varese (Milan) and is part of the acclaimed Leader Group, which has over 20 years of experience in the entertainment software sector. For more information, go to Lago, Black Bean and their respective logos are property and trademarks of Lago S.r.l.

About FGSport

FG Sport organizes and runs the Superbike World Championship since 1987. SBK was watched by more than 2 billion contacts worldwide last year, with 95 televisions that gave live coverage in 173 different countries, 3,400 hours of live coverage with a media value of $770 million, more than 1,000,000 attendees during races, and over 5 million contacts on its official website

About Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation is a developer, publisher and marketer of entertainment software in North America and Western Europe. The Company develops and licenses properties from several sources, including global entertainment and media companies, and publishes software for DVD media, wireless devices, personal computers and video game consoles, including those manufactured by Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation. Conspiracy Entertainment was founded in 1997 and is based in Santa Monica, CA. For more information, visit

Press Contacts For Conspiracy Entertainment Media: Calico Media Ted Brockwood 503-342-8067

Investor Relations: Rick McCaffrey 781-444-6100 x625

Black Bean Alberto Belli International PR +39 335 7181610

DATASOURCE: Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

CONTACT: Press, Ted Brockwood of Calico Media, +1-503-342-8067,

, Investor Relations, Rick McCaffrey, +1-781-444-6100,

Ext. 625, ; both for Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation;

Alberto Belli of International PR for Black Bean, +39 335 7181610,

Web site:  

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