Beobachtung könnte sich lohnen...

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neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:15
eröffnet am: 18.01.06 14:01 von: MacKrone Anzahl Beiträge: 172
neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:15 von: Franziskahqx. Leser gesamt: 35730
davon Heute: 26
bewertet mit 4 Sternen

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18.01.06 14:01

50 Postings, 6851 Tage MacKroneBeobachtung könnte sich lohnen...

Hier mal ein kleiner Wert, bei dem sich meiner Meinung nach die Beobachtung lohnt...

Sollte es wirklich so rosig um das Unternehmen stehen, wie es in den Berichten steht,
geht der bestimmt ab wie Schmidts Katze ;o)  
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146 Postings ausgeblendet.

28.10.10 11:19

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagihmmmm, das kann ich eigentlich...

...nicht so ganz nachvollziehen, die News sind imho  doch echt super, oder interpretiere ich da was falsch?

Umsatz in London bislang knapp 24 Mio. Stück und dabei 3% im Minus, war das nicht vor'n paar Tagen ähnlich, dass es nach den letzten Drilling Update-News erst nochmal nen kurzes Abtauschen gegeben hat, bevor MAX PET dann bis zum Ende des Börsentages um 100% gestiegen ist?  

28.10.10 11:34

645 Postings, 5208 Tage Bohne123na hoffentlich steigts

zum Abend nochmal kräftig !! 


28.10.10 14:27

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagihmmm, sieht wohl doch eher so aus....

...als würde ich mit meiner Einschätzung von heute morgen ganz schön kräftig daneben liegen, Börse iss irgendwie selbst nach soooo vielen Jahren noch unlogisch.

In London z.Zt. -6% bei 32,5 Mio. Stücken ... sind aber wohl doch "nur" Gewinnmitnahmen, denn so richtig runter geht es ja nicht, also muss es dann ja wohl (ha ha ha - logischerweise) spätestens in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen weiter bergauf gehen....zumindest wenn die Nachrichtenlage zu MAX PET sich nicht verschlechtern sollte....hugh, der Berufsoptimist hat gesprochen!!!  

29.10.10 13:55

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackDie Lage scheint...

sich zu beruhigen. Nach dem gestrigen "sell on good news" stabilisiert sich der Preis bei 20p. Es wurde kräftig abgefischt. Das übliche Spiel mit der Angst wurde in meinen Augen durch Kursmanipulation von MM´s und Daytradern veranstaltet.
Heute war ein Artikel in der Times an exponierter Stelle über Max Petroleum. Das könnte Interesse an der Aktie wecken.
Insgesamt beurteile ich die Lage für die nähere Zukunft durchaus optimistisch. Weitere Bohrungen stehen an. Ergebnisse der letzten Bohrungen kommen in Kürze, so dass wir vielleicht noch dieses Jahr 30p+ sehen.  

29.10.10 14:30

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackFür heute Nachmittag sieht´s gut aus

Mehr Käufe als Verkäufe und Preis bei 21p steigend.  

29.10.10 15:22

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagi@silverback

ja, ich denke unter 20 Pence geht erstmal gar nix mehr....

hast Du denn ne ungefähre Ahnung/Vorstellung, was die folgenden 3 gestern in der Mitteilung genannten Mengen:

- 8 metres of estimated net oil pay in the Jurassic formation between 331 and 339 metres in depth

- 6 metres of estimated net oil pay in the Triassic section  between 785 and 800 metres in depth

- 16 metres of net oil pay in the shallower Cretaceous section as part of a potentially significant 86 meter oil column ranging from 60 to 146 metres. in etwa zahlenmäßig in Barrel bedeuten können. oder kann man so etwas anhand der z.Zt. vorliegenden Informationen noch gar nicht einschätzen?  

30.10.10 11:51

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverback@moneymoagi

Die Zahlen sagen nur aus, dass Öl vorhanden ist. Erst die Tests (Qualität und Flussrate) geben Aufschluß über die zu erwartende Menge. Dabei spielen die Produktionskosten eine erhebliche Rolle, ob der Fund kommerziell ist.
Es gibt in der Nähe Funde, die mehr als die zehnfache Flussrate der gesammten Tagesproduktion von Max Petroleum haben.
Interessant hierbei ist, dass Max Petroleum bisher immer sehr konservative Meldungen herausgegeben hat. Es wurde erstmals von einen möglichen signifikannten Fund gesprochen.  

04.11.10 12:52

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackin UK 20% Plus

Bisher keine News, nur wilde Spekulationen in den UK Foren. Volumen hat stark angezogen.  

04.11.10 16:08

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagi@ silverback

hmm, was denn für Spekulationen?

oder könntest Du bitte mal die url's der UK-Foren hier reinstellen?

...weil beim letzten Mal, hatten die Spekulationen über Drilling-Updates ja auch voll ins Schwarze getroffen ... trotz dem sell on good news danach...  

04.11.10 18:14

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverback@moneymoagi

Es sind viele Daytrader und Zocker in der Aktie. Das sorgt für viel Phantasie und Spekulationen über anstehende RNS. Ergebnisse von ZMA-A15 Test sind immer noch nicht raus; möglich, dass zum neuesten Fund erste Zwischenergebnisse kommen und aufgrund der hohen Anzahl gehandelter Aktien sich z.B. Chevron einkauft. Wie gesagt, alles nur wilde Spekulationen. Viele hoffen, dass im Dezember 50p+ erreicht werden. Deshalb heute 10% Plus als SK. Das wird morgen so weitergehen.  

05.11.10 10:28

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagi@ silverback

Danke für die Infos ... ich hab auf ein Forum gefunden ... in welchen anderen informierst Du dich denn?

Die Hoffnung von 50p+ in 12/10 hab ich auch *gg*  

05.11.10 12:02

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackWie ich schrieb...

geht es heute weiter hoch. Gerade die 22p in UK erreicht. Noch mäßiger Handel. Wenn Volumen reinkommt, tippe ich auf SK 25p+.  

05.11.10 12:36

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackVolumen ist da...

und der Preis aktuell bei 23p.  

05.11.10 12:39

1783 Postings, 5309 Tage aktiengirlhoffen wir, daß es nicht nur gezocke ist

und der kurs dann hält  

26.11.10 02:21

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagihmmmmmm.....

die 20 pence halten trotzt der wochenlangen Funkstille bezüglich neuer Infos - bald müsste eigentlich wieder mal was an News kommen von MAX ... die gehandelten Stücke in London liegen auch fast immer zwischen 1 und 3 Mio Stücken ... entweder deckt sich da jemand Stückchenweise ein oder es sind viele Daytrader hier drin, die sich mit den Stellen nach dem Komma ihren Tagesverdienst nach Hause holen...  

29.11.10 13:32

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagiHier ein Company Update zu MXP von ...

...Renaissance Capital vom 16.11.2010:

neuer Zielkurs für MXP von Renaissance Capital liegt bei 35,3 Pence - und dies für das worst-case Szenario, in welchem künftige Bohrungen nix ergeben sollten ... wenn bei den künftigen Bohrungen auch wieder Öl- und/oder Gas gefunden werden sollte, dürfte das Ziel durchaus um einiges höher liegen...  

02.12.10 10:08

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagiNews von heute morgen:

Headline Drilling and Operational Update
Released 07:00 02-Dec-2010
Number 2228X07

RNS Number : 2228X
Max Petroleum PLC
02 December 2010

Max Petroleum Plc (the "Company")

Drilling and Operational Update

2 December 2010

Max Petroleum Plc, an oil and gas exploration and development company focused on Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce a drilling and operational update of its activities in the Blocks A&E Licence area.

Drilling Update

The Company has commenced drilling the SEKW-1 exploration well on the Sekir West prospect in Block A, the seventh of 13 post-salt exploration prospects scheduled to be drilled by the Company on Blocks A&E. The total depth of the well will be approximately 600 metres, targeting potential Jurassic and Triassic reservoirs. In Block E, the Sun Drilling ZJ40 drilling rig has arrived on location to drill the ASK-1 well on the Asanketken Prospect, but commencement of drilling activities has been delayed by the contractor until early January 2011 pending the arrival of certain additional equipment required to drill the well.  In addition, the Company has issued tenders for a drilling rig with a 7,500m depth capacity and for other long-lead items in preparation for evaluating a Type II pre-salt prospect in mid-2011.

Uytas Completion and Limited Production Test

The Company has received the requisite government approvals to begin completing and testing, on a limited basis, the UTS-1 well on the Uytas prospect in Block A. The Company is mobilising a workover rig to the field and expects to initiate completion operations on the well on approximately 7 December 2010. Regulatory approvals necessary to perform an extended production test of the well are expected in January 2011.

Zhana Makat Field Extension

The Company has tested the Triassic section in the ZMA-A15 well, producing 50° API crude oil at a rate of 75 barrels of oil and 35 barrels of water per day on pump through perforations from 1411 to 1415 metres measured depth. The production rate and water cut reflect partial depletion of the reservoir, due to the well's close proximity to Triassic production in the adjacent Makat Field. The successful production test represents a commercial extension of the Zhana Makat Field into the Triassic. The Company has identified two additional Triassic well locations to be drilled in early 2011 which are expected to produce at substantially higher rates. The ZMA-A15 well is currently suspended and will be returned to production after receipt of required government approvals, expected in January 2011.

Borkyldakty Field Infill Seismic Programme

The Company began acquisition of a 28 km2 high fold, 3D seismic survey over the Borkyldakty Field in November 2010.  It is expected to be completed by 31 December 2010, and processed and interpreted by February 2011. The 3D seismic survey will enhance the Company's ability to map the existing Triassic reservoirs in the Borkyldakty Field, identify additional appraisal and development well locations, and evaluate an adjacent structure to determine if it is a drillable prospect.

Michael B. Young, President, commented:

"We continue to make significant progress in evaluating our post-salt inventory and believe we are well positioned to execute on our pre-salt drilling programme during 2011."  

09.12.10 14:45

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagiBad news

Company Max Petroleum PLC
Headline Drilling Update
Released 12:35 09-Dec-2010
Number 6765X12

RNS Number : 6765X
Max Petroleum PLC
09 December 2010

Max Petroleum Plc

Drilling Update

9 December 2010

Max Petroleum Plc, an oil and gas exploration and development company focused on Kazakhstan, today announced that it has completed drilling the SEKW-1 exploration well on the Sekir West prospect on Block A. The well reached a total depth of 544 metres without encountering producible hydrocarbons and will be plugged and abandoned. The Sun ZJ-30 drilling rig will now move to drill the ALTW-1 exploration well on West Altykol prospect on Block E.

Max Petroleum Plc

Michael Young
President and Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44 (0)20 7355 9590

Peter Moss
Vice President
Corporate Development and Investor Relations

Merlin PR

Tom Randell / Anca Spiridon
Tel: +44 (0)7887 884 794
WH Ireland Ltd

Daniel Bate
Tel: +44 (0)161 832 2174

Richard Hook, Chief Operating Officer of Max Petroleum Plc, is the qualified person that has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement. Mr. Hook is a member of the Houston Geological Society and holds both Masters and Bachelors of Science degrees in geology.

....bei z.Zt. 11 Mio. gehandelten Stücken in London runter auf 17,50 Pence...

Glücklicherweise bin ich vor ein paar Tagen mit +/- 0 raus .... ich denke spätestens Anfang bis Mitte Januar 2011 wird's wieder bergauf gehen, wenn die News für die anderen Bohrungen anstehen...  

06.01.11 09:13

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbackKursfeuerwerk?

RNS Number : 9916Y

Max Petroleum PLC

06 January 2011

Max Petroleum Plc

(the "Company")

Operational Update

6 January 2011

Max Petroleum Plc, an oil and gas exploration and development company focused on Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce an operational update of its activities in the Blocks A&E Licence area.

Confirmation of Uytas Oil Discovery

Initial test results from the Cretaceous reservoir in the UTS-1 discovery well indicate a 55 metre oil column with 31 metres of net oil pay. Perforations at depths ranging from 120 to 128 metres and 155 to 158 metres produced 26 degree API gravity crude oil on pump at indicative rates of approximately 24 barrels of oil per day during a brief clean-up period. The duration of the test was limited due to government regulations and the well will be placed on a 90-day long term production test after all necessary government approvals are obtained in the next few weeks.

Based on a probable oil/water contact at 161 metres as indicated by revised petrophysical analysis and current mapping, the potential oil in place for the Cretaceous reservoir is estimated to be between 85 and 135 million barrels of oil. While other Cretaceous fields in the Pre-Caspian Basin from similar depths report recovery factors between 20% to 30% of original oil in place, long-term testing and pressure analysis of the discovery well, combined with confirmation drilling and a new seismic survey specifically focused on these shallow reservoirs will be needed to more accurately define recoverable oil reserves. Enhanced recovery techniques, such as water flooding, may also be needed to improve recovery from such shallow depths with low reservoir pressure.

Additional intervals in the Triassic and Jurassic are currently being tested. A full update will be made as soon as the testing is complete, which is expected in the next several weeks. The Company plans to drill three confirmation wells in the first quarter of 2011 and has tendered for a ZJ-20 shallow rig to drill the wells. The Company also intends to acquire a high-fold 3D seismic survey over the Uytas structure specifically designed to image the shallow reservoirs in the field as soon as practicable.

TPP Extension for the Zhana Makat Field

Government approval has been received to extend the trial production project ("TPP") for the Zhana Makat Field for six months to 1 July, 2011. The TPP extension allows the Company to drill two additional Triassic wells in the field, which the Company intends to drill in the first quarter of 2011. The Company has filed an application to convert Zhana Makat to full field development status, which will allow the Company to develop and produce the field for up to 25 years under the terms of the Blocks A&E Licence.


The ZJ-30 drilling rig is expected to spud the ALTW-1 exploration well on the West Altykol prospect and the ZJ-40 rig is expected to spud the ASK-1 well on the Asanketken prospect before 1 February 2011, after additional drilling equipment required to drill the wells is received on location. West Altykol is a Triassic prospect with a 4-way closure and Asanketken is a high potential, salt flank Triassic prospect.


Max Petroleum Michael Young Tel: +44 (0)20 7355 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +44 (0)20 7355      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Plc President and Chief Financial 9590
Peter Moss
Vice President
Corporate Development and
Investor Relations
Merlin PR Tom Randell / Anca Spiridon Tel: +44 (0)207 726 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +44 (0)207 726      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
WH Ireland Ltd Daniel Bate Tel: +44 (0)161 832 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +44 (0)161 832      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Macquarie Capital Paul Connolly / Ben Oakley Tel: +44 (0)203 037 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +44 (0)203 037      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Advisers 2000

Richard Hook, Chief Operating Officer of Max Petroleum, is the qualified person that has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement. Mr. Hook is a By alwaysresearch  

06.01.11 09:18

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverback85-130 millionen Barrel

Und das ist nur die obere "oil column". In Uk dürfte das für Euphorie sorgen.  

23.01.11 23:47

1236 Postings, 9221 Tage moneymoagigibt es denn in den UK-Foren ...

... irgendwelche neuen Infos oder Gerüchte, wann es mit MAX PET weitergeht oder wann wieder News kommen?  

31.01.11 08:53

208 Postings, 5205 Tage silverbacksignificant post salt oil discovery

RNS Number : 3182A
Max Petroleum PLC
31 January 2011

Max Petroleum Plc

(the "Company")

Operational Update

31 January 2011

Max Petroleum Plc, an oil and gas exploration and development company focused on Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce an operational update of its activities on the Blocks A&E Licence area.

The Company has completed initial testing of the UTS-1 well in the Uytas Field, successfully producing 27 degree API oil at an indicative rate of approximately 40 barrels per day from perforations in a Jurassic reservoir from depths of 373 to 377 metres during a brief clean-up period.  The duration of the test was limited due to government regulations and the well will be placed on a 90-day production test after all necessary government approvals are obtained in the next few weeks. Current mapping indicates that the UTS-1 well is approximately 20 metres below the crest of the structural closure creating the reasonable possibility that additional Jurassic reservoirs will be productive elsewhere in the field.  The Jurassic reservoirs in the well are of excellent quality, with porosity averaging 29%. A section in the Triassic Formation was also tested and found to be non-productive.

As previously announced, initial test results from the Cretaceous reservoir in the UTS-1 discovery well indicated a 55 metre oil column with 31 metres of net oil pay.  Perforations at depths ranging from 120 to 128 metres and 155 to 158 metres produced 26 degree API gravity crude oil on pump at indicative rates of approximately 24 barrels of oil per day during a brief clean-up period. Based on a probable oil/water contact at 161 metres as indicated by revised petrophysical analysis and current mapping, the potential oil in place for the Cretaceous reservoir is estimated between 85 and 135 million barrels of oil.

The Company plans to drill three confirmation wells at Uytas over the next several months and has tendered for a shallow rig to drill the wells. These additional wells will give a clearer picture of potential reserves in both the Cretaceous and Jurassic formations. The Company also intends to acquire a high-fold 3D seismic survey over the Uytas structure specifically designed to image the shallow reservoirs in the field as soon as practicable.

The Company has also commenced drilling the ALTW-1 exploration well on the West Altykol prospect in Block E, the eighth of 15 post-salt exploration prospects scheduled to be drilled by the Company on Blocks A&E. The total depth of the well will be approximately 1,800 metres, targeting potential reservoirs in the Triassic.

Robert B Holland III, Executive Co-Chairmen said:

"We are pleased with the results of the Jurassic test and anticipate even better results when we drill further updip on the structure. We believe this test, combined with the large volume of oil in place in the Cretaceous, confirms Uytas as a significant post-salt discovery."


Max Petroleum Plc

Michael Young

President and Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44 (0)20 7355 9590

Peter Moss

Vice President

Corporate Development and Investor Relations


Merlin PR

Tom Randell / Anca Spiridon
Tel: +44 (0) 7887 884 794

WH Ireland Ltd

Daniel Bate
Tel: +44 (0)161 832 2174

Macquarie Capital Advisers
Paul Connolly / Ben Oakley
Tel: +44 (0)203 037 2000

Richard Hook, Chief Operating Officer of Max Petroleum, is the qualified person that has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement. Mr. Hook is a member of the Houston Geological Society and holds both Masters and Bachelors of Science degrees in geology.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


26.08.11 09:36

1783 Postings, 5309 Tage aktiengirlist hier noch jemand? sollte es da

nicht eigentlich im august zu neuen bohrungen kommen? weiß jemand was?  

10.02.15 08:47

11 Postings, 5157 Tage Zacke69...Licht aus

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